Quickie Intro to Wolfism - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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By Wolfman
A quickie intro to Wolfism for anyone who is interested. If you find yourself interested in this, let me know. I may even give you a membership card. :D

* Spending - three categories of spending - National Defense (Military, police, EMS, natural disaster response), Health and Education, Other Social (welfare, unemployment, so on), and infrastructure (roads, water lines, so on)
* Tax policy - National Defense based on flat income tax, Health and Education will be mostly based on forced savings Other Social will be highly restructured and the income of a for-profit company owned by government (see below), infrastructure based on user fees
* Fiscal policy - Interesting. Tax income should be 5% above spending, with a 10% ‘cushion’ remaining. All excess income going to medical research. Deficit spending during recession, focusing on the building of infrastructure and superstructure.
* Monetary policy - Fiat. No, not like it exists. Value set at a constant rate (requiring a literal act of Congress to change), with the amount of actual money in circulation being set based off the number of people.
* Regulatory - all repealed. A commission set up to determine what regulations would be needed, focusing on banking, food safety, building safety, and workplace safety.
* Industrial policy - Government sets up needed industries, runs till a 10% profit off start up cost, and hands company over to workers (I’m still an Autogestionist)
* Trade policy - Set up favorable trade conditions with some countries, and impose high tariffs on all others. Impose a high tax on outsourced goods.
* Healthcare - Make a commission to determine which country has the most cost effective healthcare system, and copy that, with what ever additions are found to be of value. My estimation of what this will be at bottom
* Social security - raise the number of quarters needed to retire (effectively raising the age of retirement). Preferably by enough to raise the age of retirement by 6 years (grandfather people in). This would reduce the amount of deficit run by Social Security, and (if raised regularly) would eventually run into a balance
* Min wage - The rate I don’t know, but it is needed, and should raise with inflation (yes, it should also fall with deflation)
* Welfare - Max time on Welfare benefits. Time extended if the person or a dependent goes to school (degree, certificate, et al allowed)
* Education - Too much to talk about on one page. However, as far as college goes, a tuition assistance system should be set up to pay 100% of tuition for any A’s, 75% for any B’s, 50% for any C’s, and 25% for any D’s. You pay for any F’s you get.
* Drugs - Legalize Pot (at 21). Impose stiff punishments for illegal selling and smoking.
* Prostitution - Nevada has an interesting system. More research required.
* Gambling - Keep it a State issue, but put a high tax on casino profits, and put a max profit margin of 10%
* Abortion - I’m undecided, but generally opposed.
* Marriage and family - Gay marriage for everyone!
* Civil rights - Some good laws, some bad. Anti-Discrimination Laws remain, but the rest need to go away. Affirmative Action being one of them.
* Guns policy - No, you don’t need a fuckin sniper rifle. Impose a limit on rifles based on rate of fire and range. Along with limits on magazine capacity.
* Immigration and naturalization - I’ll get back to you
* International relations - UN is a good idea, but poorly implemented. Semi-Isolationist policy (we should have relations with other countries, but should stay out of other countries affairs)
* Military Policy - Small, elite, active duty force, with a reserve force of well trained troops. Military should be primarily defensive, and additionally function for helping in response to natural and man made disasters.
* Take Ockham’s Chain Saw to redundant and/or none-functional governmental agencies.
* Reestablish a merit based system of hiring government employees.
* Geustimation of what the health care system would look like: Very Singaporean. Forced saving system, with mandatory organ donation upon death (except with medical or religious reasons). Mandatory will and living will. Require hostiles and insurance companies to publish there costs and expenses, set up or buy enough hospitals to be roughly equal to half the number of such facilities. Pay staff a competitive rate, but charge at cost. Mandatory yearly check ups. Have a website set up that has all relevant stats and costs (including by the state and district). Create an intranet that has all medical records on it.
* Restructured Welfare State: Unemployment: given, but the amount of time it is given is only 1/3 of the amount of time spent at last work place. Housing subsidy: given, but recipient must find cheaper housing. I can’t think of anything else that I haven’t already covered.
* Restructured Education System: Government payment of Primary and Secondary Education is attached to the student, and will go where ever the student goes (including private and yes, religious schools), however, the school is required to provide the same material as a public school (so, if you teach intelligent design, you have to teach evolution). All schools are open enrollment, and any public school which fails to draw a certain number of students (based on local population) will be closed. School districts are erased, and new ones based off Congressional District drawn (with the school district changing as the Congressional District changes).
* Farm subsidies: remain, but, pay farmers to grow Miscanthus for conversion to Ethanol (25% of US farm land is fallow, doing this could make us almost energy independent).
* Changes to the Governmental Structure: Create a Semi-Presidential System, with one dealing with internal affairs, the other only external affairs, and prevent one party from controlling both posts. Get rid of Senate.
* Implement this: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=109528, and this: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=111685

This will likely change a lot, since I’m only starting to work through some of this (up until recently I’ve been working on researching an Autogestive Economy).
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By Tainari88
Wolfman I think you would make a fine thriller novel writer. Like Robert Ludlum or John Grisham. That is your true calling. ;)
By Wolfman
I'm not much of an writer, and I have no idea where that comment came from.
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By Tainari88
That comment comes from how creative you get with some of your scenarios and solutions. Just with trying to change the current system of fiat dollars is enough to get the government mafiosos to pour concrete over your dead body in Chicago. Think about it.

I am starting to really, really like you Wolfman. And don't discard the possibility of writing in the future. You have talent for it for sure. 8)
By Wolfman
I am starting to really, really like you Wolfman.

I'm touched, and in a relationship.
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By Dave
Wolfman wrote:* Immigration and naturalization - I’ll get back to you

This is THE most important issue of our times, and you haven't even though about it? Really? :hmm:
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By Tainari88
I hope she treats you well. Lol. I like creative people. Even though they are naive as all hell.

The fact that he is letting the immigration thing percolate through his mind is a good sign. :D
By Wolfman
Dave, I haven't started any research into the area, and currently have no real oppion, other then giving illegal immigrants the same legal rights as legal citizens.
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By Dave
Okay, then you should be deported.
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By Tainari88
oopps! Wolfman declared war on Dave with that last statement. Uh oh....que pasa? He is thinking illegals are human beings. He broke the cardinal rule....He is gonna get a little dispute going in his thread POFO.... :eek:
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By Dave
I should certainly hope that Wolfie thinks illegal aliens are human beings. It would take some very unusual biology to explain any other position to say the least. ;)

I'm not particularly interested in his "Wolfism" since it is confused and unserious (or is already policy, such as maximum time on welfare benefits), but I suppose I can run through it line by line.
By Wolfman
I'm not particularly interested in his "Wolfism" since it is confused and unserious

How so?

or is already policy, such as maximum time on welfare benefits

The difference is that the current welfare cap (as I understand it) is that it's a flat amount of time. You work 1 month, and you have welfar for 8 months. I'm basing welfare benefits off how long you worked, which would basicly reward an unemployeed person for having good work habits.
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By Dave
ran through it line by line

Wolfman wrote:* Spending - three categories of spending - National Defense (Military, police, EMS, natural disaster response), Health and Education, Other Social (welfare, unemployment, so on), and infrastructure (roads, water lines, so on)

That's four categories, and ignores categories like foreign policy. What is the purpose of this classification scheme? Does it have any legal ramifications the way the current category of mandatory spending does?

Wolfman wrote:* Tax policy - National Defense based on flat income tax, Health and Education will be mostly based on forced savings Other Social will be highly restructured and the income of a for-profit company owned by government (see below), infrastructure based on user fees

How much revenue are you looking to raise? Are you at all interested in progressivity in the tax code? Any other sources of tax revenue? What about state and local governments--how do they raise revenue?

Wolfman wrote:* Fiscal policy - Interesting. Tax income should be 5% above spending, with a 10% ‘cushion’ remaining. All excess income going to medical research. Deficit spending during recession, focusing on the building of infrastructure and superstructure.

5% of expenditures, or 5% of GDP? What do you mean a 10% "cushion"? Why are excess funds automatically directed into medical research? And what sort of medical research? Eugenics perhaps? :D

Wolfman wrote:* Monetary policy - Fiat. No, not like it exists. Value set at a constant rate (requiring a literal act of Congress to change), with the amount of actual money in circulation being set based off the number of people.

What do you mean by value? And how will you introduce money into circulation? Will the Federal Reserve System still act as a lender of last resort?

Wolfman wrote:* Regulatory - all repealed. A commission set up to determine what regulations would be needed, focusing on banking, food safety, building safety, and workplace safety.

Did you get this idea from me? :)

Wolfman wrote:* Industrial policy - Government sets up needed industries, runs till a 10% profit off start up cost, and hands company over to workers (I’m still an Autogestionist)

What are "needed industries"?

Wolfman wrote:* Trade policy - Set up favorable trade conditions with some countries, and impose high tariffs on all others. Impose a high tax on outsourced goods.

What defines whether a country is a favored trade partner or one to be protected from?

Wolfman wrote:* Healthcare - Make a commission to determine which country has the most cost effective healthcare system, and copy that, with what ever additions are found to be of value. My estimation of what this will be at bottom

And what of demographic and political factors which may result in their healthcare not being appropriate for our country?

Wolfman wrote:* Social security - raise the number of quarters needed to retire (effectively raising the age of retirement). Preferably by enough to raise the age of retirement by 6 years (grandfather people in). This would reduce the amount of deficit run by Social Security, and (if raised regularly) would eventually run into a balance

This only delays the day of reckoning, unless you continue raising the age to the point where the dependency ratio falls dramatically.

Wolfman wrote:* Min wage - The rate I don’t know, but it is needed, and should raise with inflation (yes, it should also fall with deflation)

Do you accept a certain level of permanent structural unemployment of unskilled workers as a result?

Wolfman wrote:* Welfare - Max time on Welfare benefits. Time extended if the person or a dependent goes to school (degree, certificate, et al allowed)

The system basically already works this way although SSI, section 8, and some other programs do allow for indefinite mooching. TANF and WIC however are fairly stingy (varies by state) and have maximum time limits.

Wolfman wrote:* Education - Too much to talk about on one page. However, as far as college goes, a tuition assistance system should be set up to pay 100% of tuition for any A’s, 75% for any B’s, 50% for any C’s, and 25% for any D’s. You pay for any F’s you get.

What about grade inflation? Won't universities have an incentive to inflate grades even more to get more students? What about differentiation between skill and work input needed? Getting an A in a course dealing with fractal geometry is a lot harder than one that deals with "womyn's studies".

Wolfman wrote:* Drugs - Legalize Pot (at 21). Impose stiff punishments for illegal selling and smoking.

What would define illegal selling and smoking? Just underaged smokers? Will driving while high be considered DUI still? What is your standpoint on other drugs?

Wolfman wrote:* Prostitution - Nevada has an interesting system. More research required.

Yes, "research"... ;)

Wolfman wrote:* Gambling - Keep it a State issue, but put a high tax on casino profits, and put a max profit margin of 10%

Have you considered how compulsive gambling destroys many lives and families?

Wolfman wrote:* Abortion - I’m undecided, but generally opposed.
* Marriage and family - Gay marriage for everyone!

So...you haven't thought this through.

Wolfman wrote:* Civil rights - Some good laws, some bad. Anti-Discrimination Laws remain, but the rest need to go away. Affirmative Action being one of them.

Will disparate impact still be considered discrimination?

Wolfman wrote:* Guns policy - No, you don’t need a fuckin sniper rifle. Impose a limit on rifles based on rate of fire and range. Along with limits on magazine capacity.

Most hunting rifles already double as sniper rifles, and in fact the M40 is based on the civilian Remington 700. Good luck going to war with America's hunters. As for rate of fire, owning an automatic weapon already requires a Class C license. What sort of range requirements? Better not interfere with my ability to pick off mulies at 800 yards.

Wolfman wrote:* International relations - UN is a good idea, but poorly implemented. Semi-Isolationist policy (we should have relations with other countries, but should stay out of other countries affairs)

Why is the UN a good idea and how is its implementation poor?

Wolfman wrote:* Military Policy - Small, elite, active duty force, with a reserve force of well trained troops. Military should be primarily defensive, and additionally function for helping in response to natural and man made disasters.

What about procurement, basing, R&D, operations & maintenance, personnel policy, etc...

Wolfman wrote:* Take Ockham’s Chain Saw to redundant and/or none-functional governmental agencies.

Such as?

Wolfman wrote:* Reestablish a merit based system of hiring government employees.

Better hope disparate impact is abolished as a course for anti-discrimination lawsuits then.

Wolfman wrote:* Restructured Welfare State: Unemployment: given, but the amount of time it is given is only 1/3 of the amount of time spent at last work place. Housing subsidy: given, but recipient must find cheaper housing. I can’t think of anything else that I haven’t already covered.

Currently unemployment runs six months in most places, as for housing most public or section 8 housing is already cheap because of the criminal, obnoxious scum who all too often live in such housing.

Wolfman wrote:* Restructured Education System: Government payment of Primary and Secondary Education is attached to the student, and will go where ever the student goes (including private and yes, religious schools), however, the school is required to provide the same material as a public school (so, if you teach intelligent design, you have to teach evolution). All schools are open enrollment, and any public school which fails to draw a certain number of students (based on local population) will be closed. School districts are erased, and new ones based off Congressional District drawn (with the school district changing as the Congressional District changes).

Define same material. Does this mean all schools are functionally identical? Why should school districts be based on Congressional districts?

Wolfman wrote:* Farm subsidies: remain, but, pay farmers to grow Miscanthus for conversion to Ethanol (25% of US farm land is fallow, doing this could make us almost energy independent).

So you want to continue paying farmers to destroy crops then? The EROEI of "grassanol" is also very dubious to say the least.

Wolfman wrote:* Changes to the Governmental Structure: Create a Semi-Presidential System, with one dealing with internal affairs, the other only external affairs, and prevent one party from controlling both posts. Get rid of Senate.


Wolfman wrote:* Implement this: http://www.politicsforum.org/forum/view ... 6&t=109528, and this: http://www.politicsforum.org/forum/view ... 8&t=111685

I'm very happy to see you oppose democracy. :D
By Wolfman
That's four categories, and ignores categories like foreign policy.

It was orginally National Defense, Infrastructure, and Social, then I split Social into Health and Education and Other Social. I have also not started any research into foreign policy, so I'm not touching it at the moment. The only purpose behind the classification system is to make it easier to explain the system of funds collection. Notice that each catagory has it's own?

How much revenue are you looking to raise?

5% more then spending. However, the Ockhams Chainsaw would reduce the demand on national income (rough geuss would be about half current spending)

Are you at all interested in progressivity in the tax code?

No. I don't see the point behind taxing one group higher then any other, and I don't see how it makes economic sense.

Any other sources of tax revenue? What about state and local governments--how do they raise revenue?

State and Local can come up with there own means. As to other sources, I'd like to avoid it. Keeping things simple makes it easier for everyone.

What do you mean a 10% "cushion"?

Lets say that someone was made President who was using Wolfism. If they had an expenditure of X, then the 'cushion' would be 10% of X, with revenue being X+5%X. The excess money (the 10% of X) is used because I'm Keynesian. Excess spending to get out of depression. Having a tax cushion allows this to happen, while preventing going into debt as much as possible. However, once the depression has passed, return to spending less then needed to pay off a possible debt, along with rebuilding that cushion.

Why are excess funds automatically directed into medical research?

Medical research is a high capital investment kind of thing, and with more capital flowing in, it will reduce time needed to complete research (you can afford more researchers, so on). The kind of research is in the prevention and/or treatment of ilnesses that kill the most amount of Americans, or cost America the most amount of money (with the specific being choosen by lobbying a Congressional Committee)

And how will you introduce money into circulation?

Government Loans. This is something else I'm new to. Basicly, replacing the Feds ablity to deflate/inflate the value of money with a set amount value that cann't change except by a Congressional Act.

Did you get this idea from me?

I thought you were against all regulations?

What are "needed industries"?

Would be determined by the times. At present (and in conjunction with ethanol below), setting up ethanol refineries.

What defines whether a country is a favored trade partner or one to be protected from?

If the country has something we need, they get a favorable treaty. If there products would compete with out own, they get less then favorable treaty. Basicly a more pragmatic version of Mercantilism.

And what of demographic and political factors which may result in their healthcare not being appropriate for our country?

Thus, having a commission of people with degrees in economics and medical administration. Basicly, have these guys find whats probably the best, and adopt it as much as is possible.

unless you continue raising the age to the point where the dependency ratio falls dramatically.

Yes. I even said 'and if raised regularly'. When orginally put into place, retirement probably gave you 2-3 years off before death. The retirement age has risen since then, but it goes up in bursts, and not often enough to be truelly functional.

Do you accept a certain level of permanent structural unemployment of unskilled workers as a result?

Yes. An unemployment of about 3% is an acceptable rate. And I don't think there has ever been a perfect employment anyways.

The system basically already works this way although SSI, section 8, and some other programs do allow for indefinite mooching.

My understanding is that the current rate is a set value. If you work 1 month, you get 8 months of Welfare. Thats not what I described.

What about grade inflation? Won't universities have an incentive to inflate grades even more to get more students? What about differentiation between skill and work input needed? Getting an A in a course dealing with fractal geometry is a lot harder than one that deals with "womyn's studies".

It's not a perfect system, and one very likely to change over time.

What would define illegal selling and smoking? Just underaged smokers? Will driving while high be considered DUI still? What is your standpoint on other drugs?

Yes, sort of, and yes. Smoking illegally made and/or sold pot would also be illegal. I'm honestly against pot and tobacco, I'm only for legalization because they're so preventalt that making it illegal would be pretty much impossible. And, there ill health effects are minor compared to meth and so on.

Have you considered how compulsive gambling destroys many lives and families?

Yes, but it is also a signifcant source of revenue for states, and doesn't destroy the life of everyone who gambles. So, I'm happy to just leave it as a state issue.

So...you haven't thought this through.

I don't see why anyone cares about gay marriage. As for abortion, I have a hard time sifting through the political and other nonesense to find any real stats or information about abortion to have a real oppion either way.

Will disparate impact still be considered discrimination?

I hadn't even heard of that term until you brought it up. I'll get back to you, but probably not.

What sort of range requirements?

1,000 yards. Basicly, no military grade sniper rifles.

Why is the UN a good idea and how is its implementation poor?

The UN could be used resolve international conflict without going to war, be used to increase the rate of flow of technology, and help poor countries with material wealth. But, it's pretty much a nutless wonder.

What about procurement, basing, R&D, operations & maintenance, personnel policy, etc...

You're gonna need to be more specific

Such as?

My current Pet Project. I'll post it in North America when I'm done.

most public or section 8 housing is already cheap because of the criminal, obnoxious scum who all too often live in such housing.

There are ways to deal with that. ;)

Define same material. Does this mean all schools are functionally identical?

Not nessicarily. Basicly, a list of requirements would be handed out for each subject, and what subjects would be required. At the end of the year the students have to take a test prooving that they learned what the school said they would learn. If too many fail, the school no longer qualifies until they have a group of students pass that same test. The requirements would be kept small enough that the school could do what it wanted for the most part, have a short list of class requirements and material for each course.

Why should school districts be based on Congressional districts?

Nebraska has an open enrollment system, but there are districts which determine funding (primarily). This has caused problems because richer areas have managed to break off and form there own districts because they live in an area that used to be a seperate city, but hasn't been sepereate for almost 50 years. Two other cities are constantly fighting over a few neighborhoods. Basicly, having districts set by the Congressional District would solve this problem.

So you want to continue paying farmers to destroy crops then?

Not really.... Discussions about ethanol is for another time.


Because suggesting the complete destruction of the Constitution would make most people shit themselves. And, under the current system the President has far too much power, so the solution I see is to split the power of the executive. Senate serves no real function that couldn't be handled by Congress, and it's power gain has been small in comparison to the President.
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By TropicalK
A lot of good suggestions, some lacking in detail as to be expected. You've come a long way Wolf, consider anarcho-capitalism.

I'll do line by line comments.

* Tax policy - National Defense based on flat income tax, Health and Education will be mostly based on forced savings Other Social will be highly restructured and the income of a for-profit company owned by government (see below), infrastructure based on user fees

top-notch, and the correct way of thinking to boot. Match beneficiaries with taxes.
* Fiscal policy - Interesting. Tax income should be 5% above spending, with a 10% ‘cushion’ remaining. All excess income going to medical research. Deficit spending during recession, focusing on the building of infrastructure and superstructure.

At face value 5% seems like an awful lot. 5% of the US's $3trillion budget is $150billion a year. That is a huge amount to just be spending on medical research. If the money is spent this way it is no longer a savings for deficit spending, it is just another line in the budget. What will the money be saved in? lower debt, buy foreign assets, nothing(currency)?
* Monetary policy - Fiat. No, not like it exists. Value set at a constant rate (requiring a literal act of Congress to change), with the amount of actual money in circulation being set based off the number of people.

"Value set at a constant rate" implies a strict relationship with another good. Either that relationship is backed by reserves-commodity currency, or by government regulation-price floors and ceilings. Shortages and fundamental commodity level pricings make these government regulations unstable.
* Regulatory - all repealed. A commission set up to determine what regulations would be needed, focusing on banking, food safety, building safety, and workplace safety.

Pragmatic, might as well say "do what is best", and nobody will dissagree until you actually say what you think is best.
* Industrial policy - Government sets up needed industries, runs till a 10% profit off start up cost, and hands company over to workers (I’m still an Autogestionist)

You've already heard my position on this. I disagree.
* Trade policy - Set up favorable trade conditions with some countries, and impose high tariffs on all others. Impose a high tax on outsourced goods.

So your goal is to make the US isolationist with little to no trade in either direction? In the past I would have been extremely against this, but there are a few merits.
* Social security - raise the number of quarters needed to retire (effectively raising the age of retirement). Preferably by enough to raise the age of retirement by 6 years (grandfather people in). This would reduce the amount of deficit run by Social Security, and (if raised regularly) would eventually run into a balance

fine, any privatization?
* Min wage - The rate I don’t know, but it is needed, and should raise with inflation (yes, it should also fall with deflation)

Why do you think a minimum wage is needed?
* Education - Too much to talk about on one page. However, as far as college goes, a tuition assistance system should be set up to pay 100% of tuition for any A’s, 75% for any B’s, 50% for any C’s, and 25% for any D’s. You pay for any F’s you get.

Mixed opinions, but this would really hurt black people.
* Gambling - Keep it a State issue, but put a high tax on casino profits, and put a max profit margin of 10%

Nonsensical, I don't think any casinos currently have a profit margin over 10%. Why would anyone care?
* Marriage and family - Gay marriage for everyone!
* Civil rights - Some good laws, some bad. Anti-Discrimination Laws remain, but the rest need to go away. Affirmative Action being one of them.
* Guns policy - No, you don’t need a fuckin sniper rifle. Impose a limit on rifles based on rate of fire and range. Along with limits on magazine capacity.
* Immigration and naturalization - I’ll get back to you
* International relations - UN is a good idea, but poorly implemented. Semi-Isolationist policy (we should have relations with other countries, but should stay out of other countries affairs)
* Military Policy - Small, elite, active duty force, with a reserve force of well trained troops. Military should be primarily defensive, and additionally function for helping in response to natural and man made disasters.
* Take Ockham’s Chain Saw to redundant and/or none-functional governmental agencies.
* Reestablish a merit based system of hiring government employees.

extreme lacking of detail. Make all marriages civil unions? Send Mexicans back, harvest their organs, rate of legal citizenship? Feelings on Iran, NKorea, Iraq, Israel, should have entered WW2? Which nonfunctional programs?
* Geustimation of what the health care system would look like: Very Singaporean....

Fine, but you didn't address the primary issues of healthcare, government restriction of the supply of doctors, lemons market for insurance, eating habits, and deathpanels. I’d prefer more death. Have any opinion on medical patents?
* Farm subsidies: remain, but, pay farmers to grow Miscanthus for conversion to Ethanol (25% of US farm land is fallow, doing this could make us almost energy independent).

Farm subsidies are one of the biggest wastes of taxpayer money. Ethanol is of dubious efficiency. Your just speaking for the benefit of Kansas, the rest of America knows how dumb farm subsidies are.
By Wolfman
consider anarcho-capitalism

Why would an Anti-Capitalist become an An-Cap? :eh:

5% of the US's $3trillion budget is $150billion a year. That is a huge amount to just be spending on medical research.

Good. Funding is a major problem from more then one medical condition. Having a huge amount of extra funding would reduce the time frame for the treatment of conditions.

So your goal is to make the US isolationist with little to no trade in either direction?

You misunderstand. We'd be isolated from countries that have products that would compete with out own, but encourage trade with countries that produce what we need.

fine, any privatization?

Wouldn't be needed.

but this would really hurt black people.

Hows that?

I don't think any casinos currently have a profit margin over 10%

Max is 15% atm
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By TropicalK
Why would an Anti-Capitalist become an An-Cap?

You haven't really shown why your anti-capitalist on this thread or any other that I can recall. Maybe I need a recap.

Good. Funding is a major problem from more then one medical condition. Having a huge amount of extra funding would reduce the time frame for the treatment of conditions.

Thats not really how the FDA process works. A lot of medical research works under fixed time constraints, have to test a pig for side-effects for two years, etc. There is diminishing marginal returns to concurrent research.

but this would really hurt black people.

Hows that?

Black people tend to get worse grades, so they would have to pay more. Also, this would incentivize lower-performing black people from going to college, thus creating a larger schism between races.
By Wolfman
Just because I'm an Anti-Capitalist doesn't mean I have to flout it every time I post.

Thats not really how the FDA process works.

I'm talking about research, not testing.

Black people tend to get worse grades, so they would have to pay more.

Thus encouraging them to get better grades.
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By TropicalK
Just because I'm an Anti-Capitalist doesn't mean I have to flout it every time I post.

I've never heard why you are anti-capitalist. Maybe you can give a short explanation in this thread.

I'm talking about research, not testing.

I'm no expert on this matter, but most research is the testing.

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