A political party that might not exist? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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Like many people do at some point in their life, I began to wonder what party I share views with. But with countless hours of research and unreliable internet polls, I come up empty handed. What political party does this most sound like to you?

-The general public needs a very strong leader that has most of the power, knows how to better his country and is precise in doing so.
-Any government form is fine as long as it complies with the above statement, from Democracy to Totalitarian.
-Pro Choice on abortion.
-Pro homosexual rights.
-An evident belief in gender roles and superior/inferior peoples.
-Pro non-habit forming drugs.
-The use and advancement of technology and science is very important, and should be the key focus of the human race, along with eventually doing away with borders and globalizing the currency system.
-A nation is strongest when religion is separate, if not completely absent from the government and its nation's citizens.
-The ultimate, most important goal in life is progressing the human race and advancing the world. Though this may come through drastic measures (such as eliminating some less powerful peoples), it should still be our primary goal. Understanding the universe around us and exploring it is key.

Sorry to do this, I know no one likes to hear someone spew out their views, but I'm curious to hear some other opinions!
Last edited by stanleycan8668 on 15 Dec 2012 23:03, edited 1 time in total.
Do you feel that you need to belong to a party? Can you not live without a party? I would suggest not joining or affiliating oneself with a party.
Goldberk wrote:I would have thought some psychological therapy would be more appropiate. ;)

Haha, I know I'm kind of everywhere, but when your dad was a radical republican your mom was a liberal hippie, you kind of get mixed views you know? :p

Soixante-Retard wrote:Do you feel that you need to belong to a party? Can you not live without a party? I would suggest not joining or affiliating oneself with a party.

Well, I of course can live without being in a party. But it'd be nice to, when in a political conversation, have a better response than "I have no party or title, I am effectively nothing."
stanleycan8668 wrote:But it'd be nice to, when in a political conversation, have a better response than "I have no party or title, I am effectively nothing."

Does a party define your essence or do your views? Would it cure your anxiety if you belonged to a party? I would rather argue from principles than party issues.

Is it uncomfortable, for you, to say "I have no home and I don't want one"?

Edit: I would say, given the few statements you have provided, that you lean neoconservative.
Does a party define your essence or do your views?

My views for sure, I don't want to associate myself with a party and assimilate into their views just because they're a party. But, if one did exist that met what I believe, I'd be glad to have something to belong to.

As for the American Third Party, thanks for showing me that. I like what I'm reading about them so far. I haven't seen much about if they believe in healthy secularism but we can't be too picky can we?

EDIT: Upon closer inspection, I see that, the American Third Party believes in thick religious integration and is also Anti-Semitic. Nooo! I'm no Nazi! :*(
I've come around to accepting that there isn't an official "Title" to my views. In fact I'm completely fine with labeling myself a "Progressive Secular Fascist", a title that doesn't quite exist but seems to fit the spot. I even went around to making a Facebook page with the same name for any other passersby who favor a strong, decisive government with its mind on technological progression.
Strong leadership and freedom can coexist. Strong leadership is not the same thing as oppression, no matter how often the two are found together, just as beer commercials are not the same thing as the Super Bowl, no matter how often they are found together.
Jay Ranger wrote:Strong leaders are for people who are scared of freedom.
Now that I've gotten over how incorrect this statement is, I can reply. strong leaders are people that know how to lead the country, steer it in the right direction, without taking away necessary freedoms. although I am assuming your definition of "freedom" is radically different than mine

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