Health precautions and the dictatorship of the powerful - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Sivad wrote:Yeah, like the pompous dildos that go around appealing to their own authority and fear mongering with dubious anecdotes that even if true wouldn't mean shit.


"Hi. My name is Anne and I'm a regular cyclist.

Last year, I had a nasty collision when a cement mixer cut me off while turning right. I flew off my bike, and hit the ground very violently. I got up with a few scratches, but my bike helmet was shattered on the ground next to my head. If I hadn't been wearing that helmet...."
- Bike helmet disaster anecdote #49,328

If people didn't write these fake personal anecdotes, who would ever believe that bike helmets were anything except a sign of how dangerous cars have made our environments? Of how strongly car companies want to remove bikes from "their" roads. Of how much propaganda is part of our "common sense?"

Likewise, the "Covid Fear" case was built on limiting access to information and dubious "first person" propaganda like the fake bike-helmet-saved-my-life stories that pro-car people post with scary regularity. The biggest boosters of Covid fear porn were also the greatest boosters of Bike helmet fear porn.

And the they have also played the role of "white shoes after labor day fear porn" in other generations.

This kind of "social conversation" is only useful to powerful corporations and dictators. Since when did so many ordinary, bland normals convert to promoting the dictatorship of the powerful? (commercial media made them do it)
Guys, here's my updated "cranial injury caused by cycling" statistics for today.


Looking at these numbers, anyone who is against mandatory bike helmet laws is "stupid and hates life."
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By QatzelOk
wiki wrote:Biopower

Biopower (or biopouvoir in French) is a term coined by French scholar, philosopher, historian, and social theorist Michel Foucault. It relates to the practice of modern nation states and their regulation of their subjects through "an explosion of numerous and diverse techniques for achieving the subjugations of bodies and the control of populations".

According to Michel Foucault, the controlling elites of various countries is ALWAYS inventing new reasons to control their populations. This is done with verious laws and state institutions (like mental hospitals and police forces), and these state-control tactics are always *marketed* to their populations as *for everyone's good.*

The ability to harnass disasters as a means of controlling other people - is also used by slave traders who use their own guns to threaten unarmed populations with instant death. If the slave trader doesn't want to be blamed for the ensuing violence, he can always hire a mercenary to do the shootin', and then offer the fleeing slaves *shelter* on his big, comfortable boat that ... just happens to be heading for the Caribbean where there are a lot of jobs.

We just happen to have experienced a major market crash recently, so any offer of "help" has to be seen in the light of the increasing desparation of our slave master elites.

And it was also debunked.

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