Watching Pornography is NOT unhealthy - Someone debate me - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Hong Wu wrote:To watch porn is to literally wire your brain to be a cuck.
What are you basing this on... personal experience? :lol:

Political Interest wrote:Porns will turn a persion into a pervert. I am sorry, this is what happens.
:roll: That is an unsupported personal opinion that has no basis in fact, or reality. I could say the same about religion and it would make jsut as much sense.

Political Interest wrote:A woman will not find porn watching attractive.
Some do. Some do not.

Political Interest wrote:But pornists can stop it now, it's never too late.
Do you mean people who are addicted? I had a friend who was. He changed so that he wasn't any longer. he recognized his behavior and changed it, so you are categorically wrong.
Godstud wrote:That is an unsupported personal opinion that has no basis in fact, or reality. I could say the same about religion and it would make jsut as much sense.

Porn is weird, you know very well that it is. Since when did it become socially acceptable?

This is very different situation to finding someone attractive and falling in love with them, porns are completely detached from romance.

Porn is not love.

Godstud wrote:Do you mean people who are addicted? I had a friend who was. He changed so that he wasn't any longer. he recognized his behavior and changed it, so you are categorically wrong.

Well it is easy to become addicted to these type of materials.
Political Interest wrote:Watching people having sex is odd behaviour.

Porn is not just people having sex, it's people acting out perverse fantasies. It's a spectacle of debauchery and degradation. Porn is definitely not healthy, it's psychologically and spiritually destructive.
Sivad wrote:Porn is not just people having sex, it's people acting out perverse fantasies. It's a spectacle of debauchery and degradation. Porn is definitely not healthy, it's psychologically and spiritually destructive.

Very true.

Love is never perverted, and it is completely detached from sex. Sex without love is entirely possible and that is exactly what porn is.

Yes a lot of strange perversions. All very odd and weird.
Political interest wrote:Porn is weird, you know very well that it is. Since when did it become socially acceptable?
Ever heard of a little thing called, "The Internet"?

Political interest wrote:Porn is not love.
Right. Porn is about sex. It's that simple. If you mistake sex for love, you already have problems.

Political interest wrote:Yes a lot of strange perversions. All very odd and weird.
Sex is odd and weird, if you want to get right down to brass tacks. :lol:

Political interest wrote:Well it is easy to become addicted to these type of materials.
It's no easier to get addicted to porn, than anything else. It's no different from a gambling addiction. Some people get addicted, and others do not.

Sivad wrote:Porn is not just people having sex, it's people acting out perverse fantasies.
Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. You can watch things as mundane as two married people having sex Missionary style. What's so perverse about that? :eh:
Porn is just another substitute for the real thing, whatever turns one on I guess.

I think that there is something not quite right between men - women when it comes to the point that each can only fantasize about each other, as opposed to reaching out to each other physically.

I put it down to gender politics, as well as religious or left-wing proselytising nonsense purporting to be either about 'morality' or 'equality'.

The above has a lot to answer for in society,it has created a society , not based on values, but on notions of correctness,enforced on normal people that do not ascribe to them, by either the media thought-police, or worse, by politicians bringing in their version's of 'law', designed to to bring about their idea's of what society should be like.

To which I say, both man & nature will auto-correct such nonsense.

If you ever think that politicians respect what people fought for in two world wars, you would be wrong, very wrong, they only care that the fight was won so that they can continue with their crusade to control each & every one of us.

Porn goes against the grain of political control, but, as individuals, it does control them, like any 'idea', 'notion', 'drug', or other 'stimulant', if you do not control it, it will control you.

I can never understand what motivates people(men)to take drugs like Viagra,as a normal male, virtually any woman could turn me on with the flick of a finger.
if males have 'problems' that are physical, get it sorted, otherwise, go to a shrink, because, they are qualified to brainwash the dysfunctional back to normality, even if it takes a little bit of porn to do so. :hmm: :O :lol: :lol:
Current research say's porn is bad for your brain. Especially a young developing brain. It creates a really distorted expectation of real sex. Further, it can ruin existing relationships by reducing the sex drive of people in the relationship. Regular sex in a relationship helps he overall health of the relationship.

I'd imagine a bit of porn here and there might be ok, but it can be difficult to regulate your own porn consumption.
Nonsense wrote:I can never understand what motivates people(men)to take drugs like Viagra,as a normal male, virtually any woman could turn me on with the flick of a finger.
if males have 'problems' that are physical, get it sorted, otherwise, go to a shrink, because, they are qualified to brainwash the dysfunctional back to normality, even if it takes a little bit of porn to do so.
As you get into your mid to late 60s, a lot of men have problems and it has nothing to do with mental problems. It's age. The human male produces a lot less testosterone, when they get older, and so might not maintain an erection long enough. Do some research on it, and you won't come off as being so... silly.

The mind is willing, but often the flesh is not, as they say. I know a few older guys who use Viagra, because they need it to make their sex-life fulfilling. There's nothing wrong with that.

Also, some men have blood pressure issues, and other health problems that can cause these problems. What's wrong with taking some medication to alleviate the problem?

@Rancid Do you have a source for this claim that porn reduces sex drive? I don't buy it.
Godstud wrote:@Rancid Do you have a source for this claim that porn reduces sex drive? I don't buy it.

I don't recall the exact place I read this. I recall reading an article summarizing the study. I also recall there also being a point about the reason you are watching porn. If it's to blow off a little steam, it's usually cool. If it's to try and fill some sort of underlying frustration about your life. It can be destructive.

There's also studies that talk about how it rewires your brain and shit.

What is clear and indisputable is that it does have an affect on a person's overall psyche. The younger you are, the stronger that effect it.

Ultimately, porn isn't all that different than drugs. It can certainly destroy a person's life. It's not completely harmless.
SSDR wrote:The only pornography that I think is acceptable is femdom, jerk off instructions, virtual sex (fake sex, when the actress(es) pretend to have sex with the camera, you thinking that it's you), and educational sex.

Porn videos that have dominant men, hyper masculine men, and too many excessive tattoos should be banned because it influences viewers to be more socially competitive, which is a symbol of a capitalist culture.

Pussy exploitation. Haha. I love it!
@Rancid Everything in moderation is a pretty good credo to go by. A lot of things, if you overdo it, are destructive.

Yes, porn can be destructive if you think that real relationships are like pornos.
Rancid wrote:Current research say's porn is bad for your brain. Especially a young developing brain. It creates a really distorted expectation of real sex.

It never did this for me. Sex is what I make of it. Only a cuck would allow his mind to be molded and changed by watching porn. I can't imagine having a mind so weak and malleable. Glad I'm not that guy.

As I say I might be an exception to the rule. I can accept that porn can be unhealthy for many guys but I just really want people to know how that's just complete bullshit when it comes to me.
Agent Steel wrote:I can accept that porn can be unhealthy for many guys but I just really want people to know how that's just complete bullshit when it comes to me.

I know alcoholism is a problem for some, but not me. :lol:

Seriously though. Only you know in your heart of hearts if your porn use is ok, or a problem. Frankly, I don't care about your porn use.
Godstud wrote:As you get into your mid to late 60s, a lot of men have problems and it has nothing to do with mental problems. It's age. The human male produces a lot less testosterone, when they get older, and so might not maintain an erection long enough. Do some research on it, and you won't come off as being so... silly.

The mind is willing, but often the flesh is not, as they say. I know a few older guys who use Viagra, because they need it to make their sex-life fulfilling. There's nothing wrong with that.

Also, some men have blood pressure issues, and other health problems that can cause these problems. What's wrong with taking some medication to alleviate the problem?

@Rancid Do you have a source for this claim that porn reduces sex drive? I don't buy it.


Obviously I cannot speak for others, but as a very elderly male,that surpassed the age of 60 decades back, who has lived a clean life,I cannot say that time has affected either desire or performance. :rockon:

I would agree that some men do experience issues arising(no pun intended)from becoming older, for which raised blood pressure is just one, along with hormonal changes, dietry & lifestyle's being others.

Political Interest wrote:Porns are not good for a person, it will degrade mental health and lead to perversion.

Watching people having sex is odd behaviour.

Porns will turn a persion into a pervert. I am sorry, this is what happens.

A woman will not find porn watching attractive.

But pornists can stop it now, it's never too late.


I cannot see how a man or woman watching each other performing with each other can be classed as 'odd behaviour', deviant behaviour of any kind is odd, but normal sex is as natural a behaviour as any throughout the animal kingdom.

I would never class 'gay' inter-personal physical activity as either normal or natural, neither is it sex as it is understood in being a purposeful activity, also, because, no matter what others opinion's are on the matter, it is deviancy & nothing else. :flamer:

You have to separate the mechanics from the emotional when describing sex, love on the other hand, is a combination of love,affection,along with physical desire for which pleasure is the reward, with the primary purpose of pro-creation as the objective.

That 'gay' people cannot consume the physical act with any purposeful outcome, it cannot be described as purposeful, rather, as the Catholic Church would say, it is 'wasteful'.
The 'mental' problems associated with 'sex', is the degradation of it's normal aspects by politicians, who, in the U.K, have distorted the primary aims of the creation of the N.H.S, so that it serves the deviant interest of questionable lifestyles that are of no concern of the state, yet alone the taxpayer funded N.H.S.

Agent Steel wrote:It never did this for me. Sex is what I make of it. Only a cuck would allow his mind to be molded and changed by watching porn. I can't imagine having a mind so weak and malleable. Glad I'm not that guy.

As I say I might be an exception to the rule. I can accept that porn can be unhealthy for many guys but I just really want people to know how that's just complete bullshit when it comes to me.


Do you have hairs 'growing' on the palms of your hands? :evil:

Sometimes, I have to pay a vist to the dentist for a 'haircut', a result of partaking in too much pussy no doubt. :lol:

The best things in life are 'free', but, by heck, with hindsight, they cost me dearly, never a regret though.
Last edited by Nonsense on 16 Jun 2019 20:16, edited 1 time in total.
Agent Steel wrote:Ok.

I guess I just get kind of annoyed by all these righteous preachy people going around saying how porn is bad when it's never been that way for me. Thank you for accepting my word.

Why be annoyed? There will always be preachy types in the world. You can choose to pay attention to them or block them out. I tend to poke fun at those who annoy me so they seem less annoying. And if possible, I find a way to scare them away using stupidity or talking weird at them. If they know they cannot get anywhere with you, they will back off.
People tend to talk a lot of bollocks about porn.

There's certainly a debate to be had about the harm the porn industry does. But the "Your Brain on Porn" and "NoFap" crowd mostly just make shit up so they have a scapegoat for their sad, lonely lives.

Porn use does not by itself wreck your libido, or lower your testosterone levels, or whatever the current claim du jour is. Heavy porn use tends to be a symptom of things like anxiety, higher libido, sensation-seeking, etc, rather than the cause of every psychological problem afflicting the 21st century western male.

Hong Wu wrote:To watch porn is to literally wire your brain to be a cuck.

To spend your free time trying to fit in with the basement-dwelling memelords on alt-right twitter and 4chan is to literally wire your brain to be full of shit.

By the way, the alt-right's obsession - that is the only word for it - with "cuckold" imagery is still very funny, even after three years. I know someone who you might want to talk to about it:


Yeah, I don't think there's good evidence for "porn addiction" and I don't believe that more than a small number of people have a problem separating porn from reality.

On the other hand, I've also heard people argue that it could reduce sexual abuse by serving as a substitute/release, but that seems to be pure speculation as well and leads into murky moral territory.

I agree that the main negative, including unhealthy, consequences are to be found in the porn industry.
SSDR wrote:The only pornography that I think is acceptable is femdom, jerk off instructions, virtual sex (fake sex, when the actress(es) pretend to have sex with the camera, you thinking that it's you), and educational sex.

Porn videos that have dominant men, hyper masculine men, and too many excessive tattoos should be banned because it influences viewers to be more socially competitive, which is a symbol of a capitalist culture.

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