China’s Global Lockdown Propaganda Campaign - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Lol at the gish-gallop post by Sivad, who whenever called up on any of his propaganda-list of accusations - against a state his government's State Dept has been hating for the last few years - completely ignores. You should really apply for a job at the U.S. State Dept Sivad, you're nearly always on the same page as them when it comes to foreign policy. All just a coincidence, I'm sure. :excited:

Sivad wrote: when you're talking about an open society like the US where we have free speech and a free press

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Your president is in the process of torturing and prosecuting a journalist for publishing, something you've repeatedly ignored whenever I've brought it up to you, so spare me your nonsense-dogshit about living in an "open society" with a "free press" that's owned by about 3-5 corporations today. This guy. :lol:

The delusions are clearly quite strong with the born-again-for-American-presidents.
AFAIK wrote:The OP is a shitpost. I particularly enjoyed this line;

"China expelled journalists in March and its infection data is manifestly forged; U.S. intelligence has confirmed China’s data is intentionally misrepresented."

If the US says it is so then it must be true. Just like Iraq's WMDs.

Next time find an article with an argument or even evidence to back up it's claims. All the author did was clutch at straws.

If you click on the link you'll see the article has literally dozens of links to official sources and news articles confirming everything in the article. Just the brief paragraph you quoted has five links, so all you did was clutch at wrongness.

AFAIK is captain wrong clutching at retarded wrongness. AFAIK is like the wrongest guy in all of internet land, it's truly uncanny how anyone could get everything so completely wrong ass wrong every single time. And it's not even hard shit, he gets simple easy to check shit absolutely wrong. You'd think he'd be right by accident occasionally but no, he always gets it wrong. It's freaky how consistently wrong he's been about everything that has ever come up, he's like a master of the mystical shaolin art of wrongfu or something.
skinster wrote:
Your president is in the process of torturing and prosecuting a journalist for publishing, something you've repeatedly ignored whenever I've brought it up to you, so spare me your nonsense-dogshit about living in an "open society" with a "free press" that's owned by about 3-5 corporations today.

The US definitely has its issues but it's still not only the freest society in the world, it's the freest scociety in the history of the world. And compared to China, the US is a freaking shining city on a hill.

You want to talk about torturing and prosecuting journalists, The US is doing it to one journalist, China does it to anyone who even looks like they're even thinking about maybe one day committing an act of journalism. To take one case, as troubling as it may be, and use that to try to claim there's no press freedom in the US is just fucking retarded. Press freedom and freedom of speech is not an all or nothing proposition, some societies like the US have a great deal of freedom and others like China have very little. On a scale of 1 -10, 10 being total freedom and 1 being total gulag, the US is at least an 8 and China is a 1. There's no comparison and anyone trying to draw a false equivalency between the two is just some kind of Chicom hasbara five dime shillbot.

Right now in the US millions of people have Telesur broadcast into their homes:

Through this alliance with MHZ networks, teleSUR reaches a market size of 2.3 million homes or 4.9 million viewers based in DC. teleSUR is available to the Washington, DC region via digital broadcast channel 30.10, Comcast/Xfinity channel 280, Cox cable channel 479, and RCN cable channel 34.

China doesn't even allow its denizens uncensored internet access let alone mass communication platforms for critics and diissidents.

Yes the corporate media is total shit, it's just a propaganda organ for the imperial establishment, but the corporate media is not the entirety of the US press and even in the corporate media there's far more diversity of opinion and latitude to express dissent and make criticism than what's allowed on the Chicom controlled media.

I don't feel like looking it up but I bet at least 10 million people in the US get unfiltered, uncensored Chicom state media through their cable and satalite tv providers, how many people in China do you think the Chicom regimes allows to see unfiltered, uncensored US media? Outside of maybe like high ranking party members and official censors, that number is probably right around zero.

So lol at you @skinster for even needing someone to explain this basic shit to you and lol at you in advance for not having the rudimentary reasoning skills to comprehend it even after it's been explained because we all know you're gonna be coming back directly with some extra stupid shit demonstrating that you just don't comprendo one word of any of this. :lol: :knife:
Sivad wrote:The US definitely has its issues but it's still not only the freest society in the world, it's the freest scociety in the history of the world.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

As I said, the delusions are strongest for the born-again patriots, who talk about a fake press freedom as if it's real and are OK with the ongoing torture of a journalist because CHYYYYNA!

I mean, 3-5 corporations run your mainstream news and tech companies in Silicon Valley are in alliance with the U.S. government to censor journalists and alt media sites on the internet, something that's been getting worse as time is going on. But please, tell me more about that press freedom that's the freest in the world, you loon. :lol:

Sivad wrote:for anyone doubting this, I'm sure that over the next few days I could post a bunch Wuhan home videos of people falling out all dramatically in the streets, people getting hauled off all dramatically by the authorities, people getting welded into their apartment blocks all dramatically. I'm sure you've all seen the dramatic videos of the dramatic drama that was going on in Wuhan. You can help me post them to this thread, it's not like there's a shortage of them...

If those videos from China weren't fake, they certainly weren't confirmed to have been because of the coronawhatever.

I like how on one hand, China is notorious for heavy-handed censorship but scary videos showing the police allegedly doing terrible things to their own citizens were somehow allowed to be flooded all over a Chinese-owned social media app.

We literally shut down entire sectors of the Western world and put 10s of millions of people out of work because of some scary videos posted on TikToc :lol:
skinster wrote::lol: :lol: :lol:

As I said, the delusions are strongest for the born-again patriots, who talk about a fake press freedom as if it's real and are OK with the ongoing torture of a journalist because CHYYYYNA!

I mean, 3-5 corporations run your mainstream news and tech companies in Silicon Valley are in alliance with the U.S. government to censor journalists and alt media sites on the internet, something that's been getting worse as time is going on. But please, tell me more about that press freedom that's the freest in the world, you loon. :lol:

And skinster's not even on crack here, this is normal skinster mode. :lol:

This is skinster

See skinster cogitate.

Cogitate, skinster, cogitate!

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