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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Hindsite wrote:I don't. I stand up for my religion like Jesus did to the Pharisees, that you remind me of.
:lol: You're not Jesus-like in any way. You aren't even a good Christian, if I go by what you say. I don't ascribe to Christian you do, and I don't carry on about it all the time, either.

You talk religion, but you don't understand the message, and it shows in your posts, where you denigrate the poor, on a regular basis.

Hindsite wrote: I don't call poor people lazy unless they are lazy.
You are never providing evidence that poor people are lazy. You always make a stupid assumption that people don't wan to work because they are lazy. Prove it, stop talking about it, as if you know something that you do not.

Evidence that your opinion is FALSE:

Poverty Is All About Personal Stress, Not Laziness
Economists are accumulating evidence that instead of being indolent layabouts, poor people are harried and frantic, which results in subpar decisions. ... t-laziness
Hindsite wrote:Do you also disagree with Jesus for calling the Pharisees hypocrites, thieves, serpents, or children of Satan the devil? I guess you do, since you stated you doubt the existence of God.
I do not doubt the existence of God, but I have doubts in how He carries out justice.

Unlike in the United States, the "left-wing crazies" are those actually in power and pose a serious threat here. If there is justice I expect a lot of people being smitten, but it didn't happen. Therefore, I do not share the devotion you show.

Still, Praise the Lord.
Godstud wrote::lol: You're not Jesus-like in any way. You aren't even a good Christian, if I go by what you say. I don't ascribe to Christian you do, and I don't carry on about it all the time, either.

You talk religion, but you don't understand the message, and it shows in your posts, where you denigrate the poor, on a regular basis.

As an admitted atheist, your credibility on Christianity is lacking.

Godstud wrote:You are never providing evidence that poor people are lazy. You always make a stupid assumption that people don't wan to work because they are lazy. Prove it, stop talking about it, as if you know something that you do not.

Evidence that your opinion is FALSE:

Poverty Is All About Personal Stress, Not Laziness
Economists are accumulating evidence that instead of being indolent layabouts, poor people are harried and frantic, which results in subpar decisions. ... t-laziness

Scripture clearly shows the danger of an idle and lazy mindset, an understanding essential to overcoming and preventing their grip.

A lazy and idle mindset…lazy

Lacks purpose. (Proverbs 12:27) An idle person completes activity without purpose, kind of like a hunter shooting an animal and leaving the carcass to rot.

Brings destruction. (Proverbs 18:9) An idle person pulls others down.

Shows ignorance. (Proverbs 26:16) The right way is not the lazy and foolish way. Some people in ignorance are controlled by their lazy habits.

Results in poverty. (Proverbs 10:4)

Results in lack. (Proverbs 24:33-34)

Makes one a slave. (Proverbs 12:24) Someone with a lazy and idle mindset has fewer options. Choices regarding work become limited when laziness exists, and opportunity for advancement sees significant limits within an idle mindset.

Breeds dissatisfaction. (Proverbs 13:4)

Allows selfishness to determine actions. (Proverbs 21:25-26)

Leads to neglect. (Proverbs 24:30-31) Outward signs of laziness always show themselves, and they often do so through a lack of concern and an inattention to responsibilities.

Breeds gossip and meddling. (1 Timothy 5:13; 2 Thessalonians 3:11) Gossips meddle and meddlers gossip, and they usually do so to avoid focusing on issues such as laziness and idleness present in their own lives.
Hydroxy Chloroquine is a fifty year old medicine that has been used as a malaria prophylaxis for decades and it is estimated that hundreds of millions of doses have been taken. Including me when in Africa.

Yet, there is NOT ONE registered death known from taking this medicine.
(except the idiot who took an aquarium cleaner that contains this medicine among others and who did not dose at all, idiots will be idiots, Darwin at work)

As for the listing of side effects. Most meds have side effects, the question is how often do these occur, are they reversible and how serious are they. It needs to be weighed against the advantages, like saving lives for instance. Another example is diclofenac sodium (voltaren), which is an anti inflammatory and pain killer. The list of possible side effects is very long and contains dangerous side effects. Yet when needed, when in serious pain, it is being prescribed and taken, also by me. And it is very effective. Fellow sufferers from gout will agree with me.

HCQ is also at present used for treatment of arthritis and lupus and maybe some other diseases.

There is good news from India and Costa Rica from first line health workers who are using HCQ.

The "large study" in the UK is worthless because they do not start administering the HCQ in the very early stages of the disease, which is an absolute requirement with any anti-viral medicine
(like Zovirax for shingles for instance. If you can't take it in the first one or two days then forget it).

It is sad to note that the discussion about HCQ has become politicised.
The Washington Post in particular has been writing the last few days that people risk their lives when taking it.
Sad, very sad. It is based on nothing except TDS. Bezos does not like Trump, but that should not influence the facts about HCQ.

I do not even believe in the conspiracy theory that the use of HCQ is discouraged for monetary reasons because the other meds like remdesivir being prescribed cost like a thousand times more.

And by the way, remdesivir has been proven to shorten the hospital stay of COVID-19 patients by a few days but has so far not proven to lower the death rate at all. It is curious.

Now, for all people who think HCQ is dangerous and should not be used, be my guest and don't take it. Prove Trump wrong by all means lol, I don't care about that at all.

I have it in my home pharmacy and will not hesitate to use it or recommend it in case anyone from my family, or I, or anyone who asks me for help, needs it. Because from what I have read, it is probably quite effective, whatever the politicised media and politicised "medical authorities" say about it.
Ter wrote:The "large study" in the UK is worthless because they do not start administering the HCQ in the very early stages of the disease, which is an absolute requirement with any anti-viral medicine
(like Zovirax for shingles for instance. If you can't take it in the first one or two days then forget it).

Worthless for us, no doubt they'll all still be paid whether their research is useful or not. As the old saying goes, "There no business like Corona business."
Ter wrote:Hydroxy Chloroquine is a fifty year old medicine that has been used as a malaria prophylaxis for decades and it is estimated that hundreds of millions of doses have been taken. Including me when in Africa.

Yet, there is NOT ONE registered death known from taking this medicine.
(except the idiot who took an aquarium cleaner that contains this medicine among others and who did not dose at all, idiots will be idiots, Darwin at work)

You apparently did not read the article I posted indicating the guy is not an idiot and his wife is being investigated for his murder.
For me, I would rather take Hydroxychloroquine and zinc for 14 days, instead of being a new vaccine guinea pig.

Interesting. You are taking over Sivad's trolling.

But if you fear the vaccine you should not take it. I am sure Trump won't take it. Or Pence. No. They are smart like you. They won't take it. They will take an unproven anti-malarial drug instead.

I have taken a drug very similar to HCQ in the past. It is relatively harmless in most people we are told. Didn't get Malaria.
"Seriously ill Covid-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine were more likely to die or develop dangerous heart arrhythmias, according to a large observational study published Friday in the medical journal The Lancet.

Those treatments were linked with a higher risk of dying in the hospital

"However," he said, "we now know from our study that the chance that these medications improve outcomes in Covid-19 is quite low."

Additionally, the study found serious cardiac arrhythmias were more common among patients who received any of the four treatments."
Godstud wrote:Facts. The foe of fools.

OK, what are the facts:

Seriously ill Covid-19 patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine were more likely to die or develop dangerous irregular heart rhythms, according to a large observational study published Friday in the medical journal The Lancet.

So they established that anti virals do not work once the patients are seriously ill.
I could have told them that earlier.
This is politicised "science". Worthless.

There is a multinational research going on about the prophylactic benefits of HCQ.

A trial is under way to see whether the anti-malarial drug could prevent Covid-19. More than 40,000 healthcare workers from Europe, Africa, Asia and South America who are in contact with patients with the disease will be given the drug as part of the trial.


Let's see how that turns out.

We are still waiting for a study that looks at the effects of HCQ if patients receive treatment right at the beginning of symptoms or diagnosis.

Anyway, I am not interested in the politics, I will look at objective science.
5 hours ago:

Antimalarial drug touted by President Trump is linked to increased risk of death in coronavirus patients, study says
An analysis of 96,000 patients shows those treated with hydroxychloroquine were also more likely to suffer irregular heart rhythms

A study of 96,000 hospitalized coronavirus patients on six continents found that those who received an antimalarial drug promoted by President Trump as a “game changer” in the fight against the virus had a significantly higher risk of death compared with those who did not.

People treated with hydroxychloroquine, or the closely related drug chloroquine, were also more likely to develop a type of irregular heart rhythm, or arrhythmia, that can lead to sudden cardiac death, it concluded.

The study, published Friday in the medical journal Lancet is the largest analysis to date of the risks and benefits of treating covid-19 patients with antimalarial drugs. Like earlier smaller studies, it delivered disappointing news to a world eager for promising treatments for the novel coronavirus as the global death toll grows to more than 300,000. While doctors have refined how they treat the disease, they have yet to discover a magic bullet against a pathogen for which humans have no known immunity. ... rus-study/

You are dismissing it because someone politicized it? The science is still there, @Ter.
Godstud wrote:Sorry, I don't watch Youtube videos.

- I have placed the YouTube exactly where it discusses the "study" you quoted, so one or two minutes of your time could be used I suppose? But I take it, you wish to continue the misconception that HCQ is very toxic...

- and you quoting, of all possible biased news source, the.... Washington Post LOL the most anti Trump biased piece of garbage these days. Sorry I don't trust or read that crap.

Anyway, believe what you want, my stand on HCQ is unchanged.
So now you're arguing Fake News because you don't like the science?

Please, Ter. I expect better from you. The Washington Post is one of the best papers in the USA.

if you have a doctor prescribing it, then good on you. If not, then I wish you luck. Self-medicating is something all medical professionals argue against.
Godstud wrote:So now you're arguing Fake News because you don't like the science?

Please, Ter. I expect better from you. The Washington Post is one of the best papers in the USA.

if you have a doctor prescribing it, then good on you. If not, then I wish you luck. Self-medicating is something all medical professionals argue against.

The Washington Post used to be a good paper.
Since it was purchased by Bezos, it has become a political tool against Trump. As is CNN, the NYT, and many other news media that have by doing so lost their credibility. I wonder by the way how they can regain trust after Trump is gone.

I believe in real science, not the political crap you seem to fall for, hook, line and sinker.
So be my guest and do not use HCQ.
I am quite confident that administered early on, it will remedy COVID-19 to a large extent.
Not to mention the prophylactic benefit already reported from several countries. But let's wait for those studies to be published.

Be safe out there, I will be out here.
Ter wrote:I believe in real science, not the political crap you seem to fall for, hook, line and sinker.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that.

The Washington Post still provides good news, and when the President of the USA says something stupid and science disputes that, then it's news.

Perhaps you can provide a source that show WHY the study is flawed, instead of doing your own politicizing? Please show HOW it's fake, and not with a video. :roll:
The Washington Post is a biased shit rag these days. I understand that you like to read the anti-Trump propaganda, it confirms your biases. Science however you will not find in there.

Peak Prosperity on the other hand, of which I posted a video, is not political at all.
But you would not know that because you refuse to listen to it. Sure, close your eyes and ears.
I do know that several members of PoFo do listen to the Peak Prosperity videos so at least some people benefit from it.

Come to think of it, it is good that some people think that HQC is toxic. That way the other people get a chance to buy it and use when needed. Here in Bangladesh it is generically manufactured, cost only cents, and it still ran out of stock because the news got out that it might benefit people infected with COVID-19. It is by the way available without prescription. I have enough boxes to help my family and friends if needed.
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