So how deadly is it? - Page 35 - Politics | PoFo

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By QatzelOk
The following is a conspiracy theory.
Please, do not take it seriously.


What if, in fact, it has recently become necessary and prudent to destroy global capitalism and economic affluence, and a fake pandemic with major economic destruction was judged (by private groups of rich men) to be the least toxic way to get there?

How deadly would that be?
Listen @QatzelOk The countries that did NOT do a lockdown, have suffered much the same as those that did, but without the needless deaths.

I guess all your talk about people being more important than money, Capitalism, etc. was all a big bunch of bullshit, @QatzelOk? You're really just another money-grubbing Capitalist who only cares about the profit margin. Pretending to be Muslim, gay... for what?

What a hypocrite! I am sure I can never take you even slightly serious from now on, as you've shown yourself to be all about money and your posts about caring for people have been bold-faced satire and lies. You sir, are a jacka$$ Capitalist. Money first!

You finally came clean, so you can hang with your right-wing racist brothers. Cheers.
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By QatzelOk
Godstud wrote:The countries that did NOT do a lockdown, have suffered much the same as those that did, but without the needless deaths.

This is what I think as well.

Good to see that you've come around and taken back control of your own opinions.

Countries like Sweden treated this like a serious flu bug, and asked citizens to help protect the vulnerable - seniors with medical conditions.

Sweden felt no need to destroy its economy by targetting small businesses. I guess Amazon and Bill Gates weren't able to bribe their leaders - with all those trillions of "truth" dollars.
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By Godstud
False, countries like Sweden had people closing down their own bars and restaurants, without the need for any government intervention, because they had something called social responsibility. That's where you actually care for the people around you. The attitudes there are very different from what you'd find in USA, for example.

:roll: No one targeted small businesses. What a convenient lie.

Here's a comparison, too.

Thailand. Closed down really fast. Government did set up restrictions for certain types of businesses(on advisement from medical professionals). Small businesses adapted with delivery services and take-away food. Few shops actually closed.

People listened to what they were told. There were no anti-mask protests.

Thailand reduced new Covid-19 cases to ZERO within the country. 3,404 cases, and 58 deaths out of a population of 70 million people(or roughly a 1/4 of the population of USA).

Thailand has had everything open since the beginning of July. The only thing still closed are borders. The only new cases being discovered are coming from visitors, during quarantines.

Thailand is expected to be one of the countries to recover from the pandemic, the fastest. Contact tracing, masks, and social distancing are now normalized.

Countries that ignored the warnings are suffering, for the most part, and picking a low density country with only 10 million people in it as an example, can be misleading.

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By QatzelOk
Godstud wrote:People listened to what they were told. There were no anti-mask protests.

Thank goodness for this docility, Godstud!

The bodies are really piling up in my hometown, and the hospitals are all full of people coughing up blood, on their last legs.

Virtually every family I know is burying a loved one as I speak, and the depression and sadness that all this death has created are potentially civilization-ending. Unless we let private corporations give us a needle.

Also, try to use more exclamation marks in your posts to make them more brain-deadening.
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By Godstud
QatzelOk wrote:Thank goodness for this docility, Godstud!
You mistake common sense and a sense of social responsibility, because you are trolling. I can see how idiots might mistake responsibility for docility, though.

Do you have an actual argument, or it just more of this sort of immature ranting?
Godstud wrote:...ommon sense and a sense of social responsibility,...

Remember how strongly common sense and a sense of social responsiblity lead media viewers to support the invasion of Iraq because "babies in incubators" and then again, a decade later, because "WMDs?"

If you are getting your common sense and social responsibility from commercial media, then you don't really have these things. You have a very developed "false consciousness" and that is very useful to corporations, and not to other people in your community.

Dogs often feel "a sense of responsibility" when their master appears in front of them throwing a stick. "I must chase the stick so that my master will give me treats."

But the "common sense" of chasing sticks is about the exercise that animal slaves (pets) require because they are imprisoned all day in a house or isolated dog house. And dogs are incredibly ignorant of their instinctive needs because they are so traumatized by isolation from other dogs and have been trained to be submissive.

Actual common sense comes from your own community, and not from a group of six billionaire media-owners.
QatzelOk wrote:The following is a conspiracy theory.
Please, do not take it seriously.


What if, in fact, it has recently become necessary and prudent to destroy global capitalism and economic affluence, and a fake pandemic with major economic destruction was judged (by private groups of rich men) to be the least toxic way to get there?

How deadly would that be?

Any near-term danger of a bubble in American and Chinese stock was probably averted by the amount of on-paper wealth that was destroyed in the crash and the subsequent delays in growth.
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By ingliz
Godstud wrote:social responsibility

Dr Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at New York’s Columbia University...

“We absolutely cannot tolerate or accept an emergency authorization for any Covid-19 vaccine without reliable safety and efficacy data from phase three clinical trials."

Writing on Twitter, she said it would be unethical to give the go-ahead before the trials had conclusively proved that both the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

It would place “huge numbers of people at risk for massive potential harm” and would deal “a catastrophic blow to public confidence in both vaccines and the regulatory mechanisms in place”, she wrote.

Note that not all public health professionals are as gung-ho as @Drlee when it comes to pumping untested experimental vaccines into people.
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By Rancid
QatzelOk wrote:Amazon

Lock downs have helped Amazon immensely. Everyone started shopping online more and more, as well as more services were going online to the cloud (Amazon Web Services has the largest cloud market share at the moment). Bezos is the first 200Billion Dollar man on the planet because of COVID.

Although lockdowns have been bad for the overall economy, it has helped a very fortunately few. Mostly people that are already wealthy. You could argue that Bezos and gates lobbied FOR lockdowns, so they could benefit.

ingliz wrote:Dr Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at New York’s Columbia University...

“We absolutely cannot tolerate or accept an emergency authorization for any Covid-19 vaccine without reliable safety and efficacy data from phase three clinical trials."

Writing on Twitter, she said it would be unethical to give the go-ahead before the trials had conclusively proved that both the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

It would place “huge numbers of people at risk for massive potential harm” and would deal “a catastrophic blow to public confidence in both vaccines and the regulatory mechanisms in place”, she wrote.

Note that not all public health professionals are as gung-ho as @Drlee when it comes to pumping untested experimental vaccines into people.

I agree, I don't think we should jump into a vaccine like that. We can let China and Russia do that first (as they are).

It's ok if China and Russia get to use the vaccine for propaganda (we're great, we beat America to the vaccine, etc. etc.). Those nations have no problem using their population as guinea pigs. I don't think we should be encouraging more civilized governments to sink to the same low level as those gutter governments (yea, I called their governments shit).
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