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By SpiderMonkey
To what extent should the state intervene in childrens upbringing while they are at school?

Should overweight children be put on special school meals, denied sweets in school and made to take remedial PE?
SpiderMonkey wrote:To what extent should the state intervene in childrens upbringing while they are at school?

As much as possible

SpiderMonkey wrote:Should overweight children be put on special school meals, denied sweets in school and made to take remedial PE?

Yes, however I think it would be also good to punish those that under-weight too, by using doctors to check for people that are over-weight and under-weight and to to feed them in accordance to their weight. And under-weight and over-weight children should be seperated from each other and from adequate-weight children in order to prevent fights, bullying, and teasing.
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:Yes, however I think it would be also good to punish those that under-weight too, by using doctors to check for people that are over-weight and under-weight and to to feed them in accordance to their weight. And under-weight and over-weight children should be seperated from each other and from adequate-weight children in order to prevent fights, bullying, and teasing.

That's a ridiculous thing to do. Segregation naturally breeds ignorance and an 'us and them' syndrome. What I think is needed is more information about the healthy foods to eat, provision of only healthy foods in schoold, and tougher bullying policies. Maybe with these schemes made mandatory and put in place everywhere things will begin to change.
himmelb(L)au wrote:
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:Yes, however I think it would be also good to punish those that under-weight too, by using doctors to check for people that are over-weight and under-weight and to to feed them in accordance to their weight. And under-weight and over-weight children should be seperated from each other and from adequate-weight children in order to prevent fights, bullying, and teasing.

That's a ridiculous thing to do. Segregation naturally breeds ignorance and an 'us and them' syndrome. What I think is needed is more information about the healthy foods to eat, provision of only healthy foods in schoold, and tougher bullying policies. Maybe with these schemes made mandatory and put in place everywhere things will begin to change.

So you think seperating criminals from law-abiding citizens is also "segregation" that "naturally breeds ignorance"? I think only stubborn under-weight people and stubborn over-weight people would have an emotional reaction to the idea of taking action against the over-weight and under-weight people rather than those that sell unhealthy food, it all comes down to the person. A society that relies on children to be healthy by forcing them to only eat certain foods is lacking in discipline and logic.
By Kamil
If these overweight kids felt the need to do something about their eating disorder, they'd take action themselves. We don't need imposed regulations which deny overweight children certain types of food, that's cruel.

Child: May I please buy some candy?
Lunchlady: No, you're too fat!

It's silly to be putting kids on a diet. Let them live as they wish.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Kam wrote:If these overweight kids felt the need to do something about their eating disorder, they'd take action themselves. We don't need imposed regulations which deny overweight children certain types of food, that's cruel.

Child: May I please buy some candy?
Lunchlady: No, you're too fat!

It's silly to be putting kids on a diet. Let them live as they wish.

Then you logically think that narcotic users should be allowed to live as they wish and depressed people should be allowed to live as they wish?

Narcotic users and Depressed people like "fat people" (over-weight people) and "skinny people" (under-weight people) hurt themselves and their family, community, and society and their stupidity gets passed into their genes and thus their children have the same tendencies and this goes on and on, and this can not be and should not be tolerated or else it will "spell" disaster for humanity, and if the latter does occur then the only solution would be to take drastic measures such as exterminating them, sterilizing them, or quarantining them. Its also a burden on the society to have to tolerate the weakness of under-weight people and to tolerate the greed of over-weight people, finally since we now live in an almost 100% democratic world and or democracy-inclinated world, we can discuss these things using freedom of speech and using intellect, logic, reason, and scientific knowledge rather than using emotion, superstition, impulse, and belief.
By Kamil
What bizarre inditions. Just to clarify, I don't believe that anyone should have the power to regulate what one does to themself whether it's intaking narcotics or eating too much. On a side note, having a fetish with food does not equate to the severity of using drugs.
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:So you think seperating criminals from law-abiding citizens is also "segregation" that "naturally breeds ignorance"? I think only stubborn under-weight people and stubborn over-weight people would have an emotional reaction to the idea of taking action against the over-weight and under-weight people rather than those that sell unhealthy food, it all comes down to the person. A society that relies on children to be healthy by forcing them to only eat certain foods is lacking in discipline and logic.

Obesity isn't breaking the law. Enough said. Make decent comparisons in the future.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Kam wrote:What bizarre inditions. Just to clarify, I don't believe that anyone should have the power to regulate what one does to themself whether it's intaking narcotics or eating too much. On a side note, having a fetish with food does not equate to the severity of using drugs.

Using drugs is just as equal if not more severe than the severity of over-eating and under-eating. Such as over-eating and under-eating are both the leading causes of death in the world today, not narcotics. Over-eating is an epidemic in the industrial ("developed") nations of "the west". Under-eating is an epidemic in the non-industrial ("developing") nations of "the east".
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By Goranhammer
Aren't liberals supposed to be for keeping the state OUT of people's personal lives? How ironic...

I don't think the schools should intervene. Being fat is a choice. It could be from depression, laziness, improper upbringing, etc...but nonetheless it is still a choice.

It may work in a socialist/communist nation, but will most likely never happen in America.
himmelb(L)au wrote:Obesity isn't breaking the law. Enough said. Make decent comparisons in the future.

Your so arrogant. Obesity might not be breaking the law, however I am encouraging for it to be and explaining why using facts and logic instead of opinions and superstion like you, like you say "make decent comparisons in the future" and "enough said" which are opinions and are proof of your arrogance and lack of current ability either temporary or otherwise to debate on this issue seriously.
By Kamil
Either way, people should not regulate what others decide to do to their bodies. I suppose that women should be denied the right to abort according to your thoughts. Am I right?
By Seán Himmelb(L)au
Kam wrote:Either way, people should not regulate what others decide to do to their bodies. I suppose that women should be denied the right to abort according to your thoughts. Am I right?

I think the government has a duty to ensure the general health of the country, but there is of course a fine line between this obstructing free will. Just like if a woman wants an abortion it should be her free choice and we should do all we can to help her , if a kid wants to lose weight which in 90% they probably will, they should be helped to.

Does that answer your question?
By smashthestate

You need to step down from your podium, buddy. People like you who want to have an institution (usually the state) control every aspect of people's lives (a.k.a. fascists) are what caused almost every human atrocity on earth, probably second only to conquest or greed.

You are no better than I, and a I no better than you. I own my body, and I own the fruit of my labor, just as you do. I will do what I please with both, and as long as I don't physically harm anyone else, you have no rightful authority to stop me from doing so.
By Kamil
I think the government has a duty to ensure the general health of the country, but there is of course a fine line between this obstructing free will. Just like if a woman wants an abortion it should be her free choice and we should do all we can to help her , if a kid wants to lose weight which in 90% they probably will, they should be helped to.

But who says that these kids want to lose their weight. It's one thing to enforce governmental or non-governmental assistance if kids want to accomplish such a feit, but it's a different matter regulating what all obese children in a specific district should do with their bodies.
By Seán Himmelb(L)au
Kam wrote:But who says that these kids want to lose their weight. It's one thing to enforce governmental or non-governmental assistance if kids want to accomplish such a feit, but it's a different matter regulating what all obese children in a specific district should do with their bodies.

No, I was referring to offering healthy food instead of the crap they serve, in England at least. It's just common decency to provide healthy stuff and not unhealthy.
By Kamil
Oh, well I would have no objection to that.
By Ásatrúar
SpiderMonkey wrote:To what extent should the state intervene in childrens upbringing while they are at school?

Should overweight children be put on special school meals, denied sweets in school and made to take remedial PE?

Manditory boot camps.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
himmelb(L)au wrote:
Kam wrote:But who says that these kids want to lose their weight. It's one thing to enforce governmental or non-governmental assistance if kids want to accomplish such a feit, but it's a different matter regulating what all obese children in a specific district should do with their bodies.

No, I was referring to offering healthy food instead of the crap they serve, in England at least. It's just common decency to provide healthy stuff and not unhealthy.

In America there is an obesity epidemic, around 40% of the population of America is obese (over-weight), it is disgusting, its like they are infected with the plague, there are so many television adds, movies, books, drinks, and etc for these psychotic people. For some reason they all have the same arrogant loud-mouth mentality. I am serious, through out my life I have observed as have all my peers that obese people are a threat to social tranquility. They feel so irrationally jealous of under-weight people for some reason, whom are also lacking mental control. I take the bus every day from my college to my home, and many times I see this humoungous fat guy on an electronic wheel-chair, his body is so large that it could be in the Guiness book of worl records, and his body takes up so much space and it takes many minutes for him to get out of the bus, which also requires assistance from the bus driver, this is a waste of tax-payer money, I think such people should not even be allowed to board a bus until they can control there mouth and become at least close to average-weight.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Kam wrote:If these overweight kids felt the need to do something about their eating disorder, they'd take action themselves. We don't need imposed regulations which deny overweight children certain types of food, that's cruel.

Child: May I please buy some candy?
Lunchlady: No, you're too fat!

It's silly to be putting kids on a diet. Let them live as they wish.

I think it trully goes to the root of the problem of all the junk foods and unhealthy crappy foods that are marketed so heavily to gen x kids. In Europe in countries such as, Spain the culture is totally different. Although most of the population there smokes the diet of each individual is much different than here. They eat mostly meats (not burgers :p), Cheeses and alot of seafood as the diet. They do have Mcdonalds but the food overall is much healthier in the foods they eat daily. In the USA many people eat a cheeseburger and fries as their lunch and on top of that smoke cigarettes....

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