At least 2.8 million people each year die as a result of being overweight or obese. - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Clearly the premier Pandemic of our generation. And yes, it does spread from person to person. I'm yet to find a family where the obesity is limited to a single individual. And looking outward it spreads from family to family. Monkey see monkey do. Psychology is as infectious as any virus.

How do we save people from what is primarily American fast food? Should America pay indemnities to the rest of the planet for their horrific assault on our health? Clearly this pandemic originated there and was actively spread by politicians and private citizens alike.

These numbers are unacceptable. Before you say my body my choice next time you start waving that extra large double pepperoni slice in my face, know that the smell alone is going to affect me psychologically, inducing me to eat more. This is especially true of the weak and vulnerable, among them children. Won't you think of the children? Happy meal? More like heart damage, stroke, respiratory failure...

I know we mandate standards in school lunches, but this is laughably insufficient. We need some kind of fat pass. If you're fat you should not be allowed into fast food outlets, and should be limited in how much food you buy. Also state mandated gym memberships with minimum weekly attendance for all those above the recommended weight for their height and build.
As soon as the hype and criticism from Super-size Me(one of the greatest Documentaries of our generation, and also possibly the most completely totally utterly ignored one ever made) died down, McDonalds killed it's "healthy options" menu and went back to ye Olde "double and triple patties" or "oh what a great deal, an extra extra cheeseburger with your large Big Mac meal". Heck we had better portions here in Australia PRIOR to that documentary since they only offered the standard single patty burgers prior to their late-00s removal of the bain-marie system here.

Damn, I didn't mind the grilled Chicken wraps actually. Disappointed they're gone.

They'll kill their "vegan meat" offerings too as soon as the fad dies. Same goes for Hungry Jack's(They'll turf the fake meat as soon as the fad dies).

The Mchappy Meal kept its wrapped in plastic pre-cut apples and UHT milk or juice options though. Baby steps....

Funny thing is I think the company had more government scrutiny on them as a result of their kid based McHappyland marketing back in the 80s-90s. Now they can just claim their food is entirely marketed at adults choosing to eat that extra 'free' quarter-pounder from "our app deal".

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