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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.
By Comrade Serb
AT last I founded a place where I can feel OK (on this forum).
I am RUssian, my name is Sergej, but I live in Latvia - in 1986(when I was born) Riga was a thiving Soviet city and noone could think than 5 years later Russians would be discriminated I will immigrate to Mother RUssia when I'll be 18 .
My political beliefs are such - I love Soviet Union an Russia because it is my Fatherland. But it doesn't mean that I like socialism- I like more monarchy or war communism (Stalin's time). You will probably woukd like to know why "Serb" is my nickname? Well, because I support this glorious people in 1999y. Kosovo war.From that moment I understood all truth of usa and I really hate this country because they dictate their will all over the world. I love Slavs because I am Slav - one form my mottos is "Slavs from all countries unite!"
I study in school (in Latvia there are 12 grades). I like history and programming - I already wrote some games - of course the are not perfect, but...
Well, I have opinion about everything, so if you are interested you can e-mail me
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By Yeddi
Nice to have you comrade. Unfortunately your signature image is rather large. At the PoFo all sig images must be 400pix wide and 100pix high (the size of my sig)

anyway i say again, welcome :cheers:
By CasX
SIG POLICE! :muha1:

Well, because I support this glorious people in 1999y. Kosovo war.

As in Milosevic??
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By Mr. Smith
I absolutely love that sig though :)
By Comrade Serb
Well, it's the first forum where forumers welcome me so friendly ... thank you comrades !
About signature - ok no problem - I'll change it as soon as I'll get my hands on Photoshop :) I didn't know about sig police - tell me more about it plz . and one question - are there any tags in BBCode like width and heigth ? So that I can just type them for my sig.
Many ask what does this signature means : on the left it is written on top: "In capitalistic countries" in the left bottom : "The road of talant " (meaning it is hard for talants to find work in the west) on the right top :"in socialistic country" in the bottom : "The road to talants" (meaning every talant will be supported in USSR) .
About Miloshevich - yes, I supported him but only in this war - I know that he did as much bad for Yugo as Elcin for Russia, but CONCRETELLY IN THIS WAR I supported him.
By sokath
Welcome to politicsforum Sergej! Good to have you! :)

As far as I know there are no tags is bbcode which allow you adjust size... sadly...

As for your support of Milosevic, what is it based on? Why do you support a man who condoned the killing of thousands (some my even say ethnic cleansing) of ethnic-Albanians?

By Comrade Serb
About Miloshevich - I already said that I supported him ONLY IN WAR AGAINST YANKEE !!! Well, about albans - they are T E R R O R I S T S !! They killed thousands of Serbs , and filmed it and then send to Reuters ,CNN and BBC saying that Serbs did it ! Talking about :"good alban rebels" as stupied as about "good chechen rebels and evil Russians".
By CasX
No one said Albanians didn't commit atrocities as well.

This does not take away from the fact that Milosevic undertook ethnic cleansing, which he will be found guilty of at the Hague. Crimes against humanity are just that, henous attacks on mankind.

How anyone can support those who committed acts such as the Serbs did in the Kosovo war is beyond me.
By Generalissimo Talonius
Well, the Albanians were CLEARLY enemies of the Yugoslavian people, so I think his "crime" is justifiable : he had a duty to defend his country from all threats, so he did. It's just like Chechneya and the Russians : the Chechen people are the enemies of the Russians, and should be treated like so. Leaders of Nations must look out for their nations, and THEIR NATIONS ALONE. It doesn't matter if it was good for humanity : it was good for the Yugoslavian people, and that is that ( Stalin did this with the enemies of the USSR, and almost everyone of his killings was justifiable too.) Enemies of ANY State must be elimanated at all costs.
By CasX
NO. Leaders who attempt to destroy all real or percieved enemies end up destroying themselves and their nation.

Crimes against humanity are NEVER justified.

eg/ Was Hitler right to cause the holocaust because Jews were enemies of his Nazi government? NO!
By Generalissimo Talonius
If they seriously threatened the German Reich, then yes, it was justifiable, but wheter it was justifiable will probably never be known. Making a Nation powerful is the SOLE purpose of great leaders, and all leaders must work for the good of their own nations, not others. That is why I despise the UN. Nations should struggle to be the greatest instead of submitting themselves to others !
By CasX
BloodyTalons wrote:If they seriously threatened the German Reich, then yes, it was justifiable

:eek: That's....sickening :O

Has anyone ever told you you're extremely fascist?
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By Yeddi
If that was true... that every nation has the right to kill anyone like that then there would be no one left in the world... Everyone would be dead... you really have some sadistic violent views of government I'll have to agree with CasX... :eek:
By Generalissimo Talonius
If it is for the good of the Nation/Empire etc. , than anything is justifiable. It is the victor who decided what is right and wrong. Nobody else.
By CasX
BloodyTalons wrote:If it is for the good of the Nation/Empire etc. , than anything is justifiable. It is the victor who decided what is right and wrong. Nobody else.

:roll: I really can't believe you would support the holocaust. Does this break the forum rules or what? Probably not, but it's still sickening.

For the good of my nation you will be relocated to the Arctic. I hear it's pretty chilly there this time of year. I win. I'm right. :O
By Generalissimo Talonius
I win. I'm right

A bit presumptuous, considering you have contributed anything more than " Oh, that's lame ". And I think deportation would have been preferable to the Holocaust, but I think if the Jews were enemies, it was justifiable, and ONLY IF THEY WERE ENEMIES OF THE GERMAN REICH AND HIS PEOPLE, not for any other reason . Otherwise, it was a damn shame, because Jews are really intelligent, creative people and one of the greater civilizations on this world.
By sokath
BloodyTalons wrote:Otherwise, it was a damn shame, because Jews are really intelligent, creative people and one of the greater civilizations on this world.

Careful, Judaism is just a religion, it doesn't make the people who subscribe to it any different than us.

But what you're arguing here is ultra-sovereignty: Ever nation should have unlimited right to do whatever it wants within its own borders, and that's reasonably legitimate, it's all in the treaty of Westphalia and stuff (granted that's over 300 years old, but...), however, you're verging into very dangerous territory by even hinting at the fact that the holocaust might have been legitimised by anything. Ethnic cleansing is NOT beneficial to a country, or in any way acceptable under any circumstances. Namely because, even if some albanians (for example) are terrorists, you shouldn't be purging ALL of them, because not all of them are guilty. Maybe if every single albanian was packing an AK47 and taking potshots at your people THEN it MIGHT have been legitimate, but they weren't, so the killing of thousands of ethnic albanians (in this case in particular) is completely unjustifiable.

This is all too, without me even bringing up the concept of self-determination for peoples. Yikes! However, in a perfect world none of this would be a problem, because the nation-state wouldn't exist. But hey, who am I to complain?


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