Back From Russia!!! - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

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By Krasniy Yastreb
I'm back people!!!

It was f***ing excellent. I saw all the important places of Moscow and Leningrad, including Lenin himself! (He looks very real). For those of you that live up that way, I stayed at the Izmailovo Hotel in Moscow and the Deson-Ladoga in Leningrad.

I found out why Russians look the way they do aswell, only because it happened to me after the second day. It's not a Slav racial thing, it's a combinaton of bad food, no sleep and far, far too much vodka!

I got several good photos of Red Square, the Spilt-blood cathedral and the cruiser Aurora. I was going to bring home several litres of vodka for you guys, but I remembered the customs checks. But when we finally arrived back in London, there were no customs men manning the desk!!! (D'oh!) :roll:

I'm really miserable now because I'm back in crappy old England...... :(
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By Adrien
Welcome back!!

I guess it must be something to see Lenin in real.. even if he isn't really talkative! :roll:

We're looking forward to seeing the photos!

When i think that i never left France except a few times to go to spain..
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By uglygoat
combinaton of bad food, no sleep and far, far too much vodka!

that's good stuff! :up:

sounds like me, but replace vodka with cheap beer and whisky. :)
By sokath
Welcome back Kras, glad to see you made it back safe and sound. Also glad you had a great time, but it's good to have you back. :D

By Krasniy Yastreb
Yeah, there was only one thing I really didn't like about Russia, and that was the Metro. OK so the Moscow one has chandeliers and stuff but every time I went on the trains they were either crowded or very crowded. Of course being a foreigner I stood out from the rest and got lots of sinister looks from little Russian old ladies. (Russian old ladies are VERY scary :eek: )

But apart from the metro, it was excellent. We all got completely plastered with vodka and beer every night, and one such night two policemen came up to the hotel room next to mine and yelled at two of my friends for throwing beer bottles out the window. I had to go in there and 'defuse' the situation with my badly spoken Russian. :muha1:

Oh, and we all had the hots for Anya, our guide in St.Petersburg. I think I spent more time looking at her in the Hermitage than the paintings...... :roll: *ahem*
By Stipe
Ooh...St. Petersburg is such an absolutely beautiful city. The only thing which is a little scary is the waterfront, by the Neva river where old men stand around desparately trying to get a tan :eh:
By the SovieT
It was f***ing excellent. I saw all the important places of Moscow and Leningrad, including Lenin himself! (He looks very real).

he IS real :D

*sigh* I wish I was in england...

hell i wish i was anywhere but here....

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