Reintroducing My Socialist Self - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.

I joined a couple of years ago but stopped participating (nothing to do with the board). I was leaning toward Market Socialism but am less so now except as a period of transition. I consider myself Orthodox Marxist in terms of understanding capitalism and having a historical materialist view of politics and society.

I still identify as Libertarian Socialist. I'm a big fan of Richard Wolff's Democracy at Work project and his idea for transitioning to socialism, because of the way I view changes in economic systems. It's not that I'm not a communist, and in fact I can see communism on the horizon, and have a lot in common with Left Communists except that I would critique their notion of how the economic change will take place as utopian idealism. Change in the economic system will occur before any "revolution" takes place, in my opinion, as was the case when the transition to capitalism happened. Nor do I think that collective ownership and/or a moneyless, free-access economy are necessary conditions of socialism. I would call that communism.

I've been a socialist for over 20 years now, and my memory being what it is, I'm starting a little project to study up on Marx and others in the Marxist tradition. My main interest is economics and I view the political system as superstructure. Other economists and people who influence(d) me include Michael Roberts, Andrew Kliman, Sam Williams, Gar Alperovitz, David Schweickart, Noam Chomsky, Istvan Meszaros, Herbert Marcuse, and others. I would like to watch/read some Eric Olin Wright because I've been told that my views have some similarity to his.

Ironically, I'm not a proletarian but am now in the coordinator class, so those who want can call me a bloodthirsty "running dog" of Capital, LOL.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to having somewhere to discuss and debate that's not reddit!
Welcome to pofo, the only political forum on the internet.

I hope you have a good time. :)

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