Ah Ha - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.
By CasX
Hi. I'm a student from New Zealand. I used to post at 'SE' but then for some reason it didn't respond to my modem or something :eh: This forum looks good anyhow.
By Proctor
Hey, where have I heard the name CasX before? Maybe from some dumbass who can't spell his own name on the Playstation? :lol:

Good to have you along.
By CasX
"some dumbass who can't spell his own name on the Playstation?"

What are you suggesting? :eh:
By Proctor
That 'u r dum'.
Anyway, why do you have Alliance in your sig? Since when do you support them? When forced to, I support Labour, and the rest of the time a no party system :D Although I must say both Prebble and even English have raised some interesting points lately. And that other dude in National who noone likes.
By CasX
You're going to have to be more specific, there are a lot of people in National who no-one likes.

Alliance is way cool.
By Proctor
I honestly can't remember. The guy who wanted to abolish the dole. But why do you like Alliance?
By CasX
Alliance is the best party. Full employment, more jobs covered by Unions, anti-US stance etc etc. Working class party. Ruley.
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By Evan Roberts
The allience is a soft reformist party. Probably most comparable to the green party here in britain. It's a shame though they plan to rebuild the economy using partially private sector investment. (policy principle 2).

Anyway as a reformist party they could never stay in power.

Any decent marxist parties in newzealand?
By Proctor
None at all.

Did you read the Alliance Manifesto? I was actually quite impressed.
By CasX
The biggest thing I think they want to change first up is the Employment Act of 1991 or something like that. It meant people had individual contracts to sort out with their employer and gave unions a kick in the guts.

Alliance is a good party. Did you see what Chris Trotter said about them and the welfare state in the 'What's Left?' thing from the Listener Proctor? That was a cool article.
By CasX
Here's the Alliance main points from the Manifesto: (+ Kiwi Bank)

- Free tertiary education and no student debts. (so anyone can go to uni)
- Free doctor visits, better conditions for nurses
- Family benefit $15 / week per child.
- Goal of virtually full employment
- Higher minimum wage, more annual leave
- Greater superannuation
- Fair trade not free trade
- Treaty claims sorted within 10 years with better Counsel

The only reason they didn't get in last election I reckon is because workers thought Labour was pretty much going to do the above. Hopefully next time they get a decent number of MP's.

This part of the Manifesto is classic:

Oh well. It's proof of the selfish gene. You don't care about other people or the environment. You're greedy, you care about number one and stuff the rest. Your options are to vote ACT of National.

By Proctor
I agree with all of those things, except for the family benefit. I just don't think it is neccessary, and quite frankly it costs too damn much.

Also, I'm not too sure about their superannuation scheme, it seems a little unclear, and I don't think a higher minimum wage will solve the problem. It's kind of neccessary, due to inflation (although there hasn't been much, and National is using this as another example of Labour's ineptitude. Damn Bill English...), but it doesn't target the source. The alternative, something along the lines of Fox's Theory; limiting how much the highest paid worker can earn more than the lowest paid worker.

As for the solving the Treaty in 10 years, that is hardly an original idea. Both NZ First and ACT, two parties you hate, have supported that for years now, and National have recently joined the club as well. I'm not sure about the Greens, so I think the only party opposed are Labour!

And completely off topic, but who is your avatar?
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By Fidel Nico
Oi! Its James Connolly, got it?

Very, very famous Irish Socialist, and Republican. Shot by British Government a chair due to his injuries, after the 1916 Irish Easter Rising. Ultimately his death, and the British Government blaming it on Sinn Fein (Who it wasn't, but the secret IRB) casued the ditching of Home Rule and the growth of the Republican movement, under Sinn Fein. Ultimately Pearce's idea of blood sacrifice (leader of the IRB and Easter Rising) came true, when in 1949 when Ireland became a full independent Republic (free state from 1921/3*-1949 - Irish Civil War between 1921 and 1923).

Sorry got carried away...
By Proctor
Yeah, we did him in History. I just didn't recognise him.

I really don't understand why he got involved in the Easter Rising, he always said that he wasn't interested in the nationalist side of things, he just wanted social change. Getting him and his men shot at didn't help much.
By CasX
Well if it was successful then the Irish Republic would have been set up along socialist lines I would imagine.
By Proctor
Just so you know, CasX hasn't died, but his internet has. He'll probably be back when thats fixed.
By ahab
I was wondering and was begining to miss him :*( Thanks for the info.
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By Yeddi
so you mean i can remove my memorial? *burns photo, blows out candle, throws out flowers*
By ahab
You could've always given that memorial to me. I'm going to be getting around to making a shrine for him sometime soon. :D

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