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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.
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By Noumenon
I'm new here, this seems like a good forum. Most of the forums on the net are cheap-looking trash, but this seems professional. I'm also a member of www.wardebate.com, also a good forum, but I'm sick of debating the war in Iraq. I've pretty much said all I can say about that, so I want to debate about stuff like the death penalty, affirmative action, and other issues. Some of you might not like my posts though, since I'm a hardcore conservative :D Anyone else here thats far to the right?
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By Adrien
Anyone else here thats far to the right?

No, we are everywhere! :D

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By Noumenon
Hmm I guess there must be a lot of communists here huh? Oh well, I guess I'll just have to give some opposition to your views.
By Proctor
Theres a few far right people. But they tend to lean towards personal attacks (you know who you are), so kind of waver in credibility. I hope you wont turn out like that.

And while there are a lot of communists here, there are probably more excommunists, myself included.
By sokath
Yeah, we're currently working on diversifying our membership base. Either way, you're more than welcome here. And we're glad to have you Isildur. :D


By ahab
I find myself agreeing with far right many times, but still figuring out where I am.

Good to see you touching some of the subjects that I haven't been able to gather my thoughts on.

Glad yer here!
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By Boondock Saint
Welcome ...

I am a bigoted fool who usually just acts like a troll ... I rather enjoy >: people as opposed to posting useful info ...


Welcome ...

I am right on some issues and wrong never. :D
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By Demosthenes
Hey Procter I only personally attack the obviously offensive so... nyah nyah nyah! Put that in your pipe aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnd smoke it! :D

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