Official: Iraqi Soldiers Could Dress Up as U.S... - Politics | PoFo

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WASHINGTON — Iraq is acquiring military uniforms "identical down to the last detail" to those worn by American and British forces and plans to use them to shift blame for atrocities, a senior U.S. official said Thursday.

Jim Wilkinson, director of strategic communication at Central Command in Tampa, Fla., said Saddam Hussein had ordered procurement of the uniforms, but he would not say how this was known.

"Saddam intends to issue these uniforms to Fedayeen Saddam troops who would wear them when conducting reprisals against the Iraqi people so that they could pass the atrocities off as the work of the United States and the United Kingdom," Wilkinson said.

The Fedayeen Saddam is a paramilitary force of more than 15,000 founded by Saddam's son Odai in 1994, Wilkinson said. The unit's members are recruited from areas noted for loyalty to Saddam.

The Fedayeen Saddam carries out patrols and anti-smuggling duties and is separate from the regular Iraqi Army command, Wilkinson said. He said its members are paid a salary and, while not an elite fighting force, they deal with unrest during domestic emergencies and report directly to Saddam.

"Saddam Hussein is clearly getting ready to wage a campaign of fear and disinformation against those who seek to disarm him," Wilkinson said, referring to the U.S. and British forces who would spearhead an invasion.

Efforts to blame U.S. and British invading forces for atrocities committed by Iraqi troops is among the ploys Bush administration officials have predicted for weeks. Wilkinson's statement is the first public mention of a plan by Saddam to outfit his troops in fake uniforms.

This is among many acts of deception and desperation that Pentagon officials say they fear Saddam will carry out in an attempt to turn international opinion against the United States and Britain.

Other acts suggested by U.S. officials include setting Iraqi oil fields ablaze and using chemical or biological weapons against the Iraqi people.

Officials said Bush has not yet decided whether to go to war against Iraq, but there are a growing number of signs that the U.S. military is nearly ready to launch any attack he may order.

The Navy, for example, said the hospital ship USNS Comfort has moved from the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia to Bahrain. And the last of the ship's 800 additional medical staff members were flying there Thursday. The last time it was deployed to the Gulf was the 1991 Gulf War.

What to you all think of this?
By Georgi Zhukov
In some way, shape, or form, they'd still have to prove they are who they're dressed up as. Especially if they're a higher ranking officer or NCO or something.

Unless they had a whole battalion of them...then they could really pull something off. Kinda like the Germans infiltrating American and British lines during the Battle of the bulge...

Otto Skorzeny would either be proud or rolling over in his grave...
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By Adrien
It seems a little bit to easy to say...

Moreover, White House officials are not a very reliable source these days.. Hey wait a second, why did i say "these days"? :D

Anyway, very objectively, it is possible.
By Proctor
I wouldn't put it past Saddam. But on the other hand, I wouldn't put it past Bush to fake it.
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By KurtFF8
Proctor wrote:I wouldn't put it past Saddam. But on the other hand, I wouldn't put it past Bush to fake it.

but u have to admit, this is something that saddam would do if it isnt what hes doing (and i think this story is probley true)
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
I doubt it...usual propaganda BS...

If Saddam is buying such is to infiltrate US lines and casue confusion...

It would be a huge waste of resoures to go and create fake attrocities...especially when your life depands on it...when those soldiers can infiltrate US lines and casue havoc behind the lines.

But its probably BS...
By The_Communist_Threat
When i first heard about this, i honestly coulnd't believe it...what a bunch of bullshit!!!

but u have to admit, this is something that saddam would do if it isnt what hes doing (and i think this story is probley true)

I mean, look at what type of people actually buy this junk... :lol:

Bush is worse than saddamn....
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By KurtFF8
The_Communist_Threat wrote:I mean, look at what type of people actually buy this junk... :lol:

yeah saddam is a great guy!
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By Cienfuegos
the idea seems something out of a movi. . .they have to prove it. . its just another media scam to get americans and the world to be up americas ass when they bomb Iraq. . .ahahha the idea is just to silly. . cheers
By Papergut
Even if it's true... That Lamerican "propaganda" begins to piss me off... First they say Saddam buys American uniform to blame Americans in crimes, and then it turns out that these uniforms will be used to show Iraqi soldiers and guerillas their enemies' uniform. Lamerican press keeps silent for some time, than cries out: "That fucking moron Blix told us lies! He knows of Iraqi secret weapons of mass destruction and didn't say it!" The whole thing is that he didn't say it orally, but it was on the paper - there is one Iraqi plane that might be, under certain circumstances, used to spray chemicals. "A-ha! Blix thought Americans can't read but we are a great nation and could read what he wrote on the paper and thus, tried to hide from us!" What will be their next bullshit, that's what I'm trying to guess.

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