Nato wants bloodsheed again in Bosnia! - Politics | PoFo

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American commander Wilijam Vord of sfor forces in Bosnia pushes for a united army of all 3 nationalities together. The insanity of a united army is obvious. The 3 nationalities have hated and still hate each other monstrously, and forcing a united army is a evil gesture. He wants then the army of course to be commanded by the bosnian and herzegovina goverment, which is muslim. The best is if the bloodthirsty general and his people would leave Bosnia and Herzegovina alone.
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By KurtFF8
first off all i doubt that just because an american commander wants that, that this will happen.

2nd off, this doesnt make him an "Evil blood thirsty american commander!!!" (i know thats not exactly what u said but rar) why would we want to leave bosnia alone? that would just lead to another civil war there probably

4th... what is your source

and on a side note my uncle was just there for 6 months in charge of security at a camp there he got back like 5 months ago i guess... i know that has nothing to do with anything but its interesting lol
Some good points again.

Bosnia and whatnot has always been an interesting subject for me. Certainly I felt much stronger about the bombings of Kosovo and Yugoslavia than I did about Iraq recently, again due to the national and cultural thing but also ideological - we did have active communist leaders during the 1992, 1995, and 1998-1999 wars you know, such as Milosevic and Karazdic. I fully agree with your comments/recommendation that the Yanks leave the Balkan region alone. One twig break in that region and we get another small skirmish and subsequent bloodbath - although technically you cannot call killing two million people a "small skirmish".

Note that Russian President Putin has been exploiting the massacres of the 1990s, and in my opinion he is quite correct to do so, in order to increase anti-American, and to some extent anti-Muslim, feeling among his people, and throughout the Slavic world. NATO, who committed the felonies against what Putin's government propaganda calls "our Serbian brothers", are hence portrayed as an "evil empire" in their own right this way - and one on par with the Third Reich during the last world war. It is with this kind of attitude that Russia and her people will enter the Third World War with.
Last edited by Putinist on 04 May 2003 20:18, edited 1 time in total.
By lion
I havent posted before on this forum. Its insane to force the 3 hating nationalities to unite as one. They would all be under muslim goverment. How well Usa can handle conflicts is well known throughout the world. The onesided support of Israel, in possesion of nuclear weapons is one. The subjective and definetly not objective treatment of the conflict in Bosnia and in other parts of former Yugoslavia is another. The savage overthrowing and assasination of democratic choosen Alliende in the 70ties by Usa, and installing a monster military junta. The warcrimes commited by the Usa in Vietnam is several, and there is many other exempales.
By Stipe
Milosevic and...Karadzic? Communist leaders? I suggest you go back and study your "Bosnia and whatnot" a bit more closely so you realize just how ridiculous that sounds.
Last edited by Stipe on 17 Dec 2006 17:04, edited 1 time in total.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
we did have active communist leaders during the 1992, 1995, and 1998-1999 wars you know, such as Milosevic and Karazdic.

Ehh...yeah...Milosevich and Karazdic (sp) are communists??? LOL...not quite my friend...not quite.

and in my opinion he is quite correct to do so, in order to increase anti-American, and to some extent anti-Muslim, feeling among his people, and throughout the Slavic world.

Any is this a correct thing to do??? Creating stupid pointless nationalism which Putin can use to send Russian soldiers to massacre Chechens and others so that the Russian mafia can make more money???

I come from the balkans my friend...I am Albanian...and I cannot comprehend the stupid nationalism and hatered that goes on there. I cannot understand why someone hates someone else simply becaue they are muslim or chritisan. Becasue there is no other difference between Bosnians and Serbs...just religion.

In Albania we used to live all togather...christians, muslims...different nationalities. Even today when communism fell...there is no hatered...there is nothing between muslism and christians in Albania. And why is that??? Becasue of a CORRECT approach to religion and nationalism taken by Enver Hoxha. he eliminated religion...he eliminated relgion in Albania...and we are the only country in the region that doesn't have those stupid problems.

But look at our Albanian cousins in Kosovo...they are ignorant religious fanatics and nationalists...thats what we would be too if it weren't for communism.

The ONLY friend of the people of the Balkans...the ONLY way that they will be able to live togather in peace and harmony...will be through communism. Without it they will slaughter and kill each other to serve the interests of the big imperialists (US, Germany, Russia...)
By Stipe
Spetsnaz: The media tends to exaggerate the amount of day to day ethnic hatred there is.

The normal people are just like people everywhere else. Things could have turned out differently, but people like Milosevic and Karadzic specialized in making people feel threatened and afraid, and it's horrifying how far simple fear can go.
Last edited by Stipe on 17 Dec 2006 16:58, edited 1 time in total.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
Thast very true...there is a lot of friendship...becasue it is not the people on an individual level that hate and kill each other. I know this...I have Serbian and Bosnian friends

But the fact is that there is a LOT of hatered going on there...and this I am not getting from the media...I don't listen to what western media tells me about the region.
By Stipe
Not arguing that there isn't, but the impression I get from people a lot is that they think everyone hates each other exclusively. I've surprised a lot of people when I tell them I don't hate Serbs and have Serbian friends (hell, I've asked Serbian girls out) and I know I am not the exception to the rule.

Though a whole lot of people didn't know where Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia are. You'd be scared to find out just how many people I've met here think that Bosnia is in the middle east, but that's a bit off topic.
By lion
Stjepan, you didnt mention the ustasa monsters lead by the so called Dr. Tudjman in Croatia. He ordered tortures and slaughtering of serbs. He is not any better then Ante Pavelic, a ustasa monster from world war 2 who made one of the biggest concentration camps in the world Jasenovac for serbs. I am not serb (Swede), i do feel hatred towards persons like you. You blame everything on the serbs, spitt on them. But you are the savage. Remember croatian massacres of Krajina serbs in the midst 1990is. Most of you croatians make me sick, here in Sweden constantly you are telling everybody how you are innocent and blaming serbs for everything. The history is there for everyone to see how "peaceloving" you in fact are.
By Stipe
I'm so sorry I "make you sick" even though it seems you haven't even bothered to read a single word I've written. Let me tell you though, people like you nauseate me to a far greater extreme than you could ever feel. You are just another racist in a world filled to the brim with them. How about, before you condemn people for their nationality, you try to know them as people first, or is that too much to ask? If you had done the little which that requires, like actually reading any of my posts in this thread, you would realize how moronic your reply to me is and how little your characterization of "me" actually resembles what I think.
Last edited by Stipe on 17 Dec 2006 17:01, edited 2 times in total.
By Proctor
Well said Stjepan.

lion, if you keep posting shit like that, you won't last long. Racism is unacceptable. As you can see, not everyone there hates each other (take Spetsnaz and Stjepan as an example). Try thinking before you post.

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