Is Israel's Annexing of the Golan Heights Similar to Russia's Annexing of Crimea? - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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The only way the US will merge with latin America is if the lstinos will take over the US
this will be the final nail in the coffin of the American empire Trump is trying to take measures against that nowdays

We dont know what will happen in the future the Arab world can possibly be in a worse position than today considering the weather changes and the incoming oil depletion
so they wont have the resources or the will to fight Israel
there can be many scenarios its possible that WW3 will break out and humanity will return to the stone age

we dont know but we hope for the best and we need to try and influence the future now and not giving up with that cowardly attitude that you present here
Zionist Nationalist wrote:The only way the US will merge with latin America is if the lstinos will take over the US

The Donald could be a Latin American dictator, while his whole life and family could be a Latin American soap opera. I'm sure there's great mutual understanding between Trump and Bolsonaro. The Republican party is like a Latin American right-wing party, whereas the Democrats slide to the left. Society is polarising and there's no centre, the middle class is shrinking while inequality is growing. Sounds like Latin America to me.
Dictatorship is not necessarily that bad
Democracy is one of the reasons for the wests downfall
Democracy is making the political system of a country dysfunctional while dictatorship takes individual freedom (depends on what kind of dictatorship)
But it present a stable government that isnt likely to be influenced by foreign powers
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Dictatorship is not necessarily that bad
Democracy is one of the reasons for the wests downfall
Democracy is making the political system of a country dysfunctional while dictatorship takes individual freedom (depends on what kind of dictatorship)
But it present a stable government that isnt likely to be influenced by foreign powers

Let you be a (right-wing) dictatorship (Fascism) then, although you proudly used to be the only democracy in the Middle East. Good luck with that.
I just realised that not long ago after seeing our recent election processes what a mess is that
in a dictatorship all of this mess wouldn't happen

I could easily live in a country like China as long as I have everything I need and I wouldnt care too much about freedom of speech or anything like that
Last edited by Zionist Nationalist on 08 Apr 2019 22:19, edited 1 time in total.
Rugoz wrote:Hoho, nope: ... story.html

Admit it, you're doomed.

didn't saw the article only the title as it says its "not available in most European countries" (Im not in Europe lol)
anyway yes the Muslim population is growing but not in as a percentage of the population

The orthodox Jews are outbreeding everybody they refuse to be educated
its good to keep the Jewish demographic high but everntually its a double edged sword and will come back to haunt us in the future ... -1.6131135
Zionist Nationalist wrote:didn't saw the article only the title as it says its "not available in most European countries" (Im not in Europe lol)
anyway yes the Muslim population is growing but not in as a percentage of the population

For some reason it works with the Kiwi browser on Android. It says the Muslim population grows fastest, not as fast as in the past but still.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:The orthodox Jews are outbreeding everybody they refuse to be educated
its good to keep the Jewish demographic high but everntually its a double edged sword and will come back to haunt us in the future ... -1.6131135

Your article says something else:

However, in a world of fewer babies, Israel stands out for its unusually high fertility rate – which was 3.1 in 2015 and has actually been rising in recent years. However, the conventional view that the high, rising rate is due to ultra-Orthodox and Israeli-Arab women is wrong.

In 2014, the fertility rate among Muslim and Haredi women was 6.9, but it has been dropping overall over the last two decades. For non-Haredi Jewish women, the rate is high compared with their sisters in Europe and North America. For women who define themselves as secular, it was 2.1; 2.6 for traditional women; 3 for traditional-religious women; and 4.2 for Orthodox women. In contrast to the rest of the developed world, the Israeli fertility rate is about the same as it was in the ’60s. And it has been rising in most groups in Israel in recent years.

That's as far as I'll got to back up my troll attempt.
Beren wrote:The Golan Heights is under Israeli control, but it's not Israeli land, pretending that it is just makes Israel a rogue state even if the old creep in suit signs anything Bibi puts before him in the White House.

Not all of it is under illegal Israeli occupation, the SAA have some of their land under their control there. And Israel is a rogue state, there's no looking about it. How anyone thinks otherwise in our lordless year of 2019, I do not know. :)
Beren wrote:The Golan Heights is under Israeli control, but it's not Israeli land, pretending that it is just makes Israel a rogue state even if the old creep in suit signs anything Bibi puts before him in the White House.

I am pretty sure that President Trump has declared the the Golan Heights is part of Israel.

Trump officially recognized Israel's annexation of the occupied Golan Heights.

President Donald Trump added a new notch to his belt of shock foreign policy moves Monday night, signing a proclamation officially recognizing Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights, which it captured from Syria in 1967 and has occupied ever since ... ights.html

Trump Signs Order Recognizing Golan Heights as Israeli Territory ... -1.7058996

U.S. formally recognizes Israel's sovereignty over Golan Heights

Trump signed an official proclamation declaring Golan Heights a territory of Israel.

Beren wrote:I'd rather bet you'll simply have to go when the West retreats or collapses.

Now you are just singing in the skinster choir of desperation.
When you say "You will have to go", how does this include the Israelis who were born in Israel ?

The borders in that area of the world were drawn pretty haphazardly by the former colonial powers. The Wiki narrates it extensively, from before Ottoman times till now.
The Golan has been under Syrian administration from 1946 till 1967, much less long that it has been under Israeli administration (1967 till today)
We could look at European borders, a lot of places have been included in other countries up until the 19th Century and even 20th Century. Germany into Poland, Poland into Russia, Hungary into Romania and Serbia, Germany into Belgium and France, and so on. So those are all "fait accompli" except of course when Israel does it :)

And just let me repeat that Israel offered the Golan back to Syria to get peace but was rebuffed. How unreasonable can you guys get ?
Ter wrote:And just let me repeat that Israel offered the Golan back to Syria to get peace but was rebuffed. How unreasonable can you guys get ?

Does this include a payment? If yes, agreeing that would mean legitimizing the occupation itself.
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