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Donna wrote:In other words, the neoliberal looting of the commons.

QFT. That sums up the concern the American gov't has demonstrated in the Caribbean Basin. Where have we heard this bullshit before Donna?

I got an old book from 1960. it is called "Listen Yankee"by C. Wright Mills.

It is about why Cuba became what it became....

Yes, the Yankees got nervous in 1960 and within a few years pumped a lot of money into the statehood party. Can't have a colony that wants an independent political life. Because it makes us to look bad, the Yankees in 1968 the Partido Nuevo Progresista was born. A total misnomer the New Progressive Party. Nothing Progressive about it Donna. The head of the party was a man named Luis A. Ferre. He was the son of Cuban immigrants and French background people of the local bourgeoisie and owned cement factories in Puerto Rico. A very lucrative field to prevent your house from blowing away in the storm.

Anyway his daughter Rosario Ferre a famous writer on the island, became pro independence. She witnessed a lot of conversations about statehood and figured out it was a scam long ago.

In the end? The Yankees still are not interested in democracy for Latin America. They only want coups, death, torture and restriction of rights.

No one is fooled by their thoughts of 'bringing free and fair elections'. BJ is being political. Say some PC thing when he himself doesn't believe it....but he is incredibly smart and knows the force of propaganda....

He should have studied that phrase, "You can fool some of the people some of the time--but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

It is very true. People get sick of the neoliberal lies and manipulations.

late wrote:David Cay Johnston's biography of Trump argues that the allegation was real, and the retraction was not.

Trump was in a lot of pain at the time, and lashing out is his style.

Donald Trump's Ex-Wife Ivana Disavows Old 'Rape' Allegation ... d=32732204
Tainari88 wrote:QFT. That sums up the concern the American gov't has demonstrated in the Caribbean Basin. Where have we heard this bullshit before Donna?

I got an old book from 1960. it is called "Listen Yankee"by C. Wright Mills.

It is about why Cuba became what it became....

Yes, the Yankees got nervous in 1960 and within a few years pumped a lot of money into the statehood party. Can't have a colony that wants an independent political life. Because it makes us to look bad, the Yankees in 1968 the Partido Nuevo Progresista was born. A total misnomer the New Progressive Party. Nothing Progressive about it Donna. The head of the party was a man named Luis A. Ferre. He was the son of Cuban immigrants and French background people of the local bourgeoisie and owned cement factories in Puerto Rico. A very lucrative field to prevent your house from blowing away in the storm.

Anyway his daughter Rosario Ferre a famous writer on the island, became pro independence. She witnessed a lot of conversations about statehood and figured out it was a scam long ago.

In the end? The Yankees still are not interested in democracy for Latin America. They only want coups, death, torture and restriction of rights.

No one is fooled by their thoughts of 'bringing free and fair elections'. BJ is being political. Say some PC thing when he himself doesn't believe it....but he is incredibly smart and knows the force of propaganda....

He should have studied that phrase, "You can fool some of the people some of the time--but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

It is very true. People get sick of the neoliberal lies and manipulations.


I am one that is not fooled by Cuban socialist or communist propaganda. God did not make me a near genius for nothing.
Praise the Lord.
Hindsite wrote:I am not that interested to pay $!.00 to read it.
It is ironic that, as capitalist supporters, we seem rather reluctant to go along with it when it comes against our interests (e.g. having to pay for some content we might like).

But maybe that's the beauty of capitalism: They have the freedom to charge and we have the freedom not to read them.
annatar1914 wrote:
His first wife and mother of his oldest children said that Trump kept Hitler's speeches and books by the bedside on or in a nightstand. I've got all kind of books from all kinds of people, but I have to admit if true at least back then, it's a bit curious.
If a quote is right it does not matter who said it. The problem arisen from the above claim might be that Trump seemed not keeping a book of Mao quotes for comparison.
Patrickov wrote:If a quote is right it does not matter who said it. The problem arisen from the above claim might be that Trump seemed not keeping a book of Mao quotes for comparison.

That seems like an odd non-sequiter to me. Not everything is about your Middle Kingdom whether you are a real patriot or real Anti-China either way. But what do I know?
Patrickov wrote:It is ironic that, as capitalist supporters, we seem rather reluctant to go along with it when it comes against our interests (e.g. having to pay for some content we might like).

But maybe that's the beauty of capitalism: They have the freedom to charge and we have the freedom not to read them.

Yes, that is the beauty of free market capitalism. We don't give up our freedom as with socialism and communism.
Praise the Lord.

This sums it up. Warren sure did get aggressive with Bloomberg. I am afraid Bloomberg is getting his butt kicked by La Liz....

Buttigieg got an issue with.....a lot of stuff....

Biden says he is going to éarn the people's votes....while having serious issues.

Bernie has the momentum....
Finfinder wrote:As I always appreciate your well thought out replies. I have personal understanding that you can't convince Cubans they all blindly approve of Peurto Ricans. You can't convince me that all Latinos blindly respect each other because they share the same language. I understand well from my Cuban girlfriend there is a great rift between Cubans and Puerto Ricans and Mexicans so I know different then these blind identity political arguments. There is a class society in Cuba just like any other country. I honestly feel bad for what happened in PR I'm very confused about the massive corruption that prevents forward progress in PR. Its not lost that PR is an Island with limited natural resources and the ability to produce revenue to support the large population. Not to mention it's located in the in the middle of hurricane alley prone to these natural disaster. I support PR's Independence and I support Puero Ricans wishing to have opportunity here in the US that unfortunately they cannot get with the limitations of living on that island. (Please don't make this personal I was at the benefit concert for PR in Miami.)

Cubans especially those that have immigrated here from the oppression of Castro's tyranny are hugely sensitive to these stupid comments about support for Castro and communist regimes. Look up the comments by Ozzie Gian baseball manager of the Miami Marlins (from Venezuela) and his comments about Castro. Major protests in Miami and he ended up getting suspended by the team for 5 games. Later he stated those were the worst comments of his life time. ... astro.html

Finfinder, the amount of things you don't know about the Spanish speaking political world and the amount of reality that people live in very poor nations and the stark poverty one witnesses here in Mexico on a daily basis makes one wonder how any person in their right mind thinks the solution to poverty? Is electing a racist, bigoted piece of shit billionaire is the only way to go for working class representation.

I don't have time Fin to go over all the stuff you said about not having natural resources and how Puerto Rico can't make it on its own? It is ridiculous. There are tiny nations with less material and human resources than Puerto Rico is and they are making it on their own for a very very long time.

Corruption? The USA has corruption in its government Fin yes or no? Clinton, Reagan, Bush, etc. They all had corrupt lobbyists and pay offs by wealthy donors. Grover Norquist said that the Republican Party BRAND was no new taxes and basically tax cuts for the rich or being fired. No government. Drown it in the bathtub he said. Why are programs like Social Security, Veteran's benefits necessary? Who uses those services? Super rich people? Mostly not. Why are they necessary? I question everything. I look into the reasons behind these policies. It is always some lame excuse for not doing what needs to be done. It is crazy. The amount of effort the tiny elite expend to deny rights, and wealth to the largest body of wealth the world has ever known. The working people of the world. Why do they INSIST on denying people rights? Why? Explain that to me?

The Latin Americans are a class divided society. The rich in Latin America live incredibly well. The poor don't. But there is no evidence at all in our nations that a poor person somehow thinks that some billionaire rich buffoon who is a racist against Latinos and somehow the man who is going to turn it all around Fin. That shit is just too much to understand for people like us Latin Americans who have lived poverty in our families, our nations and in our histories. We have strong class identities. It says? We are poor people, peasant people or just plain urban folk without MONEY. The billionaires and millionaires in Mexico, Latin America, etc. are NOT THE POORS BUDDIES and so on....the USA? Got a bunch of confused foolish voters thinking Trump is going to get rid of the elite in DC. Only totally confused and frustrated people do that.

For us? I got stopped in a parking lot while buying basics today, milk, eggs, bread, etc. at a store here...the parking lot attendant was an old man. Miguel. Retiree who gets tips helping shoppers put the groceries away in the cars...five pesos here and there and he goes home with five dollars about 100 pesos if he is lucky for helping lug groceries in the sun....he asked me about my Spanish. It doesn't sound Mexican Fin. He asked me where I was from.....I told him. He said, "What is going on in Puerto Rico? Why are you with the USA? That racist man insulting the people of Mexico and he is rich and an arrogant 'fresita' (a word used by Mexicans that is slang for a rich stuck up silver spoon in their mouth spoiled rotten asshole person)? I explained why we were with the USA. He said, "How come you can't vote if you stay in Puerto Rico? In your own community? But once you leave Puerto Rico and go for living in the USA your political rights are restored? That is like telling a Mexican to leave Mexico to be able to vote in Mexico. That is INSANE." Miguel the dude....he thinks it is crazy.

How does one explain the insanity of colonialism and all the crap it dictates?

No, the right and the left fight it out violently in Latin cultures. Spanish civil war. The Mexican Revolution, the Cuban Revolution, the wars of Independence in South America with Simon Bolivar. Etc. etc. The real FIGHT is between Right and Left about what is the solution to POWER. To lack of progress. To rights. To freedom.

BJ here doesn't believe in equality. I have explained how it has to do with rights. Not abilities and not talents and not variations in intelligence etc. It is about RIGHTS and innate value of all human rights and being a human with human needs. Socialism. To each according to their abilities and to each according to their needs.

The RIGHT in Latin America is snobby, oppressive, violent, and are oligarchs and classist and racist and everything else. Just like the RIGHT tends to be in the USA. In Europe, and in many places. It is about IDEOLOGY and political philosophy.

We go back to what is the essence of why the Right thinks the way they do and the Left doesn't think the way the RIGHT does.


That is it. Until those problems are resolved the Right and the Left in all HUMAN nations are gonna have fights to the bloody end of time.

I already went over what I think the Right is in the brain. Reptilian, Fear Based and Regressive.

I think I believe this world is in movement and changing and always evolving. Groups evolve Fin. Individuals don't. That is a fact of anthropology. A fact. Not opinion.

Staying stuck in fear and reptile reactions in politics won't fit an internationalist economic system change like modern capitalism is.

It won't.

That is it.

I will fight for the opposite of fear. That is where my politics are at.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 26 Feb 2020 06:00, edited 1 time in total.
Tainari88 wrote:Lol. You must really dislike liberals BJ. Especially corporate globalist liberals.

Generally, I do dislike them.

Tainari88 wrote:Why not register for the Republican party? I think I know why......?

I realized in 2006 that I wasn't really a Republican. I grew up in the Reagan era, and liked Reagan. I liked Gingrich too, but came to hate the Republicans in the mid 2000s. I will take the Devil's Advocate position a lot. I found myself explaining Bush to people who had "Bush Derangement Syndrome," and I disagreed with a lot of his policies--mostly his big business preference. However, I found things like "Airplane Mode" on phones to be simply intolerable. Their lie back then was that the phone would interfere with the plane's electronics--having worked in RF engineering, I know that's absolutely bullshit and I frankly do not want to be ruled by people who I think are complete morons or liars or both.

Tainari88 wrote:You are confident that the Left in the USA by removing the liberal element will fall and then the far right finally can right things and do a nationalist agenda?

I'm more focused on the immediate aspects of making it impossible for the liberals to govern.

Tainari88 wrote:The capitalist class killed the nationalists.

Nationalism is enjoying quite a resurgence. Even this Coronavirus outbreak illustrates why border controls are a good thing. Open borders would mean pandemics could spread easily.

Tainari88 wrote:The only response now is for the international socialists with the entire force of organized working class people in many nations....hundreds of nations.

The Law of Entropy by itself will see to it that the workers of the world will never unite. Socialism depends on universalism, and that is something I came to loath among both the liberals and the socialists.

Tainari88 wrote:with the American Civil War they wanted the plantation slave labor out to dominate and pay wage labor and not have to deal with keeping the slaves...the feudal system died.

Tell that to illegal alien farm workers in the US. :roll: The cotton gin--counterintuitively--increased the demand for slave labor and was fracturing the country's economic system. The country would naturally have split on a North/South divide if they didn't crush slavery. Read the inscription on the Lincoln Memorial. It is meant to be stirring and poignant, but it is also terse because a lot of the country did not have anything nice to say about Abraham Lincoln.

Tainari88 wrote:This is the next evolution BJ.

You are going to have to accept it.

International capitalism cannot be sustained, because capitalism itself depends on nation-states, corporations, national currencies and courts to enforce contracts.

Tainari88 wrote:No, BJ, it is very different growing up speaking Spanish and being a part of a Latin American community where you see them as equal to you in everything.

When you say things like that I think of my upper class Mexican friends and laugh. It's as if you think all people in Latin American communities believe in equality, and they clearly don't.

Tainari88 wrote:The issue I have with you BJ, is that you don't believe in equality.

As a computer head, I came to the realization that the political left simply cannot deal with actual inequalities within nature itself. That is why I came to abandon egalitarianism outside of law. It modern computer languages, = is an assignment operator. Whereas, == is a comparison operator. In computer science "5" is not equal to 5, because one is a string and the other is an integer. In computer science, equality is a very precise meaning. Forensic evidence such as fingerprints and DNA are very reliable, and generally unique (identical twins excepted). Computer science also deals a lot with keys, GUIDs, serial numbers, etc. Uniqueness within a namespace if you will. You can't have uniqueness and equality. They are natural enemies. Only in an abstract sense can they be equal.

Tainari88 wrote:You won't accept a lot of concepts that have to do with class wars.

I'm more pragmatic about this sort of thing.

Tainari88 wrote:There is a lot you don't know about Puerto Rico BJ.

You stated you don't give a shit. So I won't elaborate.

There's a lot I don't know about a lot of things. If I say something like, "I know a lot about Puerto Ricans. I watched West Side Story as a kid," I'm only pulling your leg. I am also for Puerto Rican independence, if for no other reason then to render some of the Insular decisions moot. I also think multicultural states are easily fractured, whether that's Canada, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Soviet Union, and even the EU. In computer science, we also use the notion of "scope." When I say I don't give a shit, it's not about saying I don't think Puerto Ricans have any value. Far from it. It's just the same as I really don't spent a hell of a lot of time thinking about Suriname or French Guiana. That's better characterized as apathy, but you seem to assume a binary choice of sympathy or antipathy. Frankly, I don't think you spend a lot of time thinking about Suriname either.

Tainari88 wrote:The litmus test for Bernie is how many people who never have voted before are going to come out of Apathyville and make it happen? That is the reality.

The Cuban American community has a very different opinion of things because they fled communism. So I rather doubt that Bernie Sanders kind words for Fidel Castro are going to get him too far in Florida.

Tainari88 wrote:Relampaguito, callous not caring has no influence on the world. Remember that. ;)

History is full of assholes who had a lot of influence on the world.

Rich wrote:Wow, Joe Biden, he's totally demented. He makes all the other candidates look sensible and rational.

Yeah. Apparently, he said at a rally that he was running for the US Senate. It's kind of sad. He's just not all there, and the Democrats really need to have an intervention. He cannot win, and if he did win, he would be a candidate for the 25th Amendment since he never seems to know where he is.
annatar1914 wrote:That seems like an odd non-sequiter to me. Not everything is about your Middle Kingdom whether you are a real patriot or real Anti-China either way. But what do I know?

Well, I saw something related to Hitler, and the most prominent person whose ideology is allegedly Hitler's opposite, and having a book of quotes attributed to him, is Mao. What country Mao was from is irrelevant to my statement (the ideology and having a much-publicised book of quotes are more important), although it might be the reason that I had him in my mind first.
blackjack21 wrote:Generally, I do dislike them.

I realized in 2006 that I wasn't really a Republican. I grew up in the Reagan era, and liked Reagan. I liked Gingrich too, but came to hate the Republicans in the mid 2000s. I will take the Devil's Advocate position a lot. I found myself explaining Bush to people who had "Bush Derangement Syndrome," and I disagreed with a lot of his policies--mostly his big business preference. However, I found things like "Airplane Mode" on phones to be simply intolerable. Their lie back then was that the phone would interfere with the plane's electronics--having worked in RF engineering, I know that's absolutely bullshit and I frankly do not want to be ruled by people who I think are complete morons or liars or both.

I'm more focused on the immediate aspects of making it impossible for the liberals to govern.

Nationalism is enjoying quite a resurgence. Even this Coronavirus outbreak illustrates why border controls are a good thing. Open borders would mean pandemics could spread easily.

The Law of Entropy by itself will see to it that the workers of the world will never unite. Socialism depends on universalism, and that is something I came to loath among both the liberals and the socialists.

Tell that to illegal alien farm workers in the US. :roll: The cotton gin--counterintuitively--increased the demand for slave labor and was fracturing the country's economic system. The country would naturally have split on a North/South divide if they didn't crush slavery. Read the inscription on the Lincoln Memorial. It is meant to be stirring and poignant, but it is also terse because a lot of the country did not have anything nice to say about Abraham Lincoln.

International capitalism cannot be sustained, because capitalism itself depends on nation-states, corporations, national currencies and courts to enforce contracts.

When you say things like that I think of my upper class Mexican friends and laugh. It's as if you think all people in Latin American communities believe in equality, and they clearly don't.

As a computer head, I came to the realization that the political left simply cannot deal with actual inequalities within nature itself. That is why I came to abandon egalitarianism outside of law. It modern computer languages, = is an assignment operator. Whereas, == is a comparison operator. In computer science "5" is not equal to 5, because one is a string and the other is an integer. In computer science, equality is a very precise meaning. Forensic evidence such as fingerprints and DNA are very reliable, and generally unique (identical twins excepted). Computer science also deals a lot with keys, GUIDs, serial numbers, etc. Uniqueness within a namespace if you will. You can't have uniqueness and equality. They are natural enemies. Only in an abstract sense can they be equal.

I'm more pragmatic about this sort of thing.

There's a lot I don't know about a lot of things. If I say something like, "I know a lot about Puerto Ricans. I watched West Side Story as a kid," I'm only pulling your leg. I am also for Puerto Rican independence, if for no other reason then to render some of the Insular decisions moot. I also think multicultural states are easily fractured, whether that's Canada, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Soviet Union, and even the EU. In computer science, we also use the notion of "scope." When I say I don't give a shit, it's not about saying I don't think Puerto Ricans have any value. Far from it. It's just the same as I really don't spent a hell of a lot of time thinking about Suriname or French Guiana. That's better characterized as apathy, but you seem to assume a binary choice of sympathy or antipathy. Frankly, I don't think you spend a lot of time thinking about Suriname either.

The Cuban American community has a very different opinion of things because they fled communism. So I rather doubt that Bernie Sanders kind words for Fidel Castro are going to get him too far in Florida.

History is full of assholes who had a lot of influence on the world.

Yeah. Apparently, he said at a rally that he was running for the US Senate. It's kind of sad. He's just not all there, and the Democrats really need to have an intervention. He cannot win, and if he did win, he would be a candidate for the 25th Amendment since he never seems to know where he is.

I got to go to bed BJ. It is late. I got to get up early.

Again, assholes with negative influence is it lasting? I don't think so....

You are wrong my dear Blackjack. I do know a lot about Suriname and I think about tiny Nicaragua and their culture, history and etc. I think about Djibouti and every other TINY nation in the world. I have a philosophy....that if you get to know the most unimportant nations (or the nations the Empires say are worthless?) you wind up learning a lot.

So you are wrong BJ. When I was a young woman and I would spend a lot of time at the air conditioned building of Lazaro Library at the University of Puerto Rico systematically going through the histories of every nation I could think of.....from A-Z. Sometimes it would take me a very very long time. My husband who back then was my boyfriend. I wound up marrying my very first boyfriend in my life. He thought it was a great idea he I digress, he would wait for me to finish these abnormally long marathon reading sessions on the history of these tiny places like Suriname.


You are wrong about me in many ways.....

I am not surprised.

Que sabes tu de mi?

Nada BJ.

Reagan...was someone you admired? Ay, BJ. I never liked that man. Never thought him someone who's leadership was original, striking and profound....not my type of politician.

At all.

The Great Communicator.

Your average Latin American politician kicks ass with eloquence. They never make it out of basic political oratory in Latin America with boring speeches. I think it is something cultural. People famously get surprised on Castro's marathon 5 hour or longer speeches. Hee hee. If you hang around Cubans long enough....they all give five hour speeches if you let them.

Highly verbal people.


Good night. Buenas noches. Will be back tomorrow to answer you @blackjack21.

Are you looking forward to Denny's Senior Menu in a few years Relampaguito? :D
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