African-American Asphyxiated by Police in Minneapolis - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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By Zionist Nationalist
Anyone wanna justify this?
do you think its ok for them to go burn and loot peoples property?
isnt that an indication that there is a huge problem with the Black culture and population
or is this the fault of white man again?

Zionist Nationalist wrote:Anyone wanna justify this?
do you think its ok for them to go burn and loot peoples property?
isnt that an indication that there is a huge problem with the Black culture and population
or is this the fault of white man again?

I find the second scene spectacular.

But seriously, maybe it's that some "spy" (employed by some corrupt entity) infiltrating the rally and immolating stuff? In Hong Kong there have been allegations of the accused group (police / pro-Beijing group) sending conspirators into the righteous protest group and do violent things to smear their name. I expect the same would happen even in the United States, especially the said city is relatively remote (in the eyes of other nations that is)
Donna wrote:

I don't think you understand what literally means, you use it a lot but I've never seen you use it correctly. 'Literally' doesn't mean the fake shit you just made up that never happened. I have never "ARGUED THAT EUROPEANS ARE RACIALLY SUPERIOR", I have never argued for the racial superiority of any group, I have never argued for racial superiority. This is just an insane lie with absolutely no basis in reality.
Donna wrote:Probably the dumbest post of 2020 so far.

Then refute it. Saying it's dumb isn't an argument. Only an idiot would believe a narrative without all the evidence.

Dumb is assuming cops just want to go around murdering people while suspects in cuffs are saintly figures who are victims just because they are black.

The cops should be charged with murder, they messed up big time. That doesn't mean the suspect didn't a play a part in this. Maybe he didn't. We don't know what happened before the man was laying on his stomach.

This is why we have trials, so that all of the evidence comes out. Not just a security cam video on the news that conveniently cuts off just as things start to get rough, or twitter activists making up narratives. The trial is how "hands up, don't shoot" was revealed to be a total lie that never happened and made up by witnesses in the case of the Michael Brown killing in Ferguson. The Ferguson protests were completely unjustified, and the cop was in the right to shoot Michael Brown.

Patrickov wrote:I find the second scene spectacular.

But seriously, maybe it's that some "spy" (employed by some corrupt entity) infiltrating the rally and immolating stuff? In Hong Kong there have been allegations of the accused group (police / pro-Beijing group) sending conspirators into the righteous protest group and do violent things to smear their name. I expect the same would happen even in the United States, especially the said city is relatively remote (in the eyes of other nations that is)

I dont think it was that hard to take that picture I wouldn't be surprised if they are posting this on their Instagram
The moment their protests turned violent they completely discredited themselves
I dont think there was any need for a spy or infiltrator they are stupid enough to sabotage their own case
Donna wrote:Basically it's like this, because whites make up the majority of the population we can statistically anticipate that they will be represented in prisons, crime stats, or violent encounters with police. But a white person in America just needs to make a few adjustments to their behavior to avoid being profiled by police. The same cannot be said about people whose skin colour is also being profiled as a behavior deficit (read: racial bias). If you're a young black male in America you have something like a 1/1000 chance of dying from police violence. Black men in America have to legitimately think overtime about their safety when it comes to police encounters. White people simply don't have to deal with numbers like that.

I agree with you. On the other hand, we also have to empathize with what the police deal with every day. They are more scared when they pull over a young black man than an old white lady. Is it because they hate black people, or young people, or men? No, it's because statistically young black males make up almost 50% of the murders and violent crime in the USA while making up less than 7% of the total population. If you're a cop, and day after day for years you see violent situations and the same demographic is disproportionately involved, it's very easy to develop prejudice.

That doesn't excuse it, but it does make people understand it. All cops need training every few years to unravel and control their biases. The US also clearly has a crisis of poor young black men involved in crime, and they need to helped, because just jailing them isn't doing it. Rather than spending gazillions on prison time and court proceedings and police, why not use the money to raise african-american families out of poverty, help improve their education etc.
Donna wrote:Basically it's like this, because whites make up the majority of the population we can statistically anticipate that they will be represented in prisons, crime stats, or violent encounters with police. But a white person in America just needs to make a few adjustments to their behavior to avoid being profiled by police. The same cannot be said about people whose skin colour is also being profiled as a behavior deficit (read: racial bias). If you're a young black male in America you have something like a 1/1000 chance of dying from police violence. Black men in America have to legitimately think overtime about their safety when it comes to police encounters. White people simply don't have to deal with numbers like that.

On a per capita basis black people have more encounters with the police. They also suffer from racial PTSD and once they are confronted by police they tend to resist. Once the PTSD kicks in and the amygdala fires up it is very hard to remain calm.

However, cops are incredibly brutal in America and the number of killings is astronomically high. They will even shoot moribund people on the ground if the move their hands. Just go to YOUTUBE and see the videos of white people getting shot. This never makes the news because the media wants racial news for ratings. The cop in question should be hanged by the balls, no doubt.

The truth is that racism has gone down quite a bit since the 1960s, however, the perception of racism is at an all time high. And this is worsened by the PTSD. Interestingly when American blacks move to Japan the PTSD improves markedly because they have no history with the local population.

Julian658 wrote:The truth is that racism has gone down quite a bit since the 1960s, however, the perception of racism is at an all time high. And this is worsened by the PTSD. Interestingly when American blacks move to Japan the PTSD improves markedly because they have no history with the local population.

Due to the symbiotic relationship between racism and inequality, I'm not sure how it has gone down since the 1960's.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The distinction between “cultural superiority” and “racial superiority” seems vague and subjective.

Race is not a biological thing, and is instead a social construct like culture is.

yeah whatever with your bullshit.

The irony is that if free people weren't locked in a retarded death struggle with predatory elitists and psychotic red fascists we could take in a lot more of these people and do a lot to aid them in their socio-cultural development. But since the forces of darkness are hell-bent on destroying all human freedom and prosperity and they're using underdeveloped people as canon fodder in their war on human flourishing it's impossible to provide underdeveloped peoples with the help that they need.
Unthinking Majority wrote:I agree with you. On the other hand, we also have to empathize with what the police deal with every day. They are more scared when they pull over a young black man than an old white lady. Is it because they hate black people, or young people, or men? No, it's because statistically young black males make up almost 50% of the murders and violent crime in the USA while making up less than 7% of the total population. If you're a cop, and day after day for years you see violent situations and the same demographic is disproportionately involved, it's very easy to develop prejudice.

This statement is contradictory. You're conceding that there is an element prejudice, but you refuse to describe it as hatred for black people? They are racists, my dude. Why should anyone try to understand them?

This sounds like bootlicker tier shit to be honest.

That doesn't excuse it, but it does make people understand it. All cops need training every few years to unravel and control their biases. The US also clearly has a crisis of poor young black men involved in crime, and they need to helped, because just jailing them isn't doing it. Rather than spending gazillions on prison time and court proceedings and police, why not use the money to raise african-american families out of poverty, help improve their education etc.

The US does not have a crisis of poor young black men involved in crime. This is nothing more than an attempt to criminalize young black men and elevate the interests of white America above everyone else's, which is basically the same as arguing that protecting property is more important than the issues facing the black community.

The US has a crisis of inequality and racism. Crime is merely a symptom.
Sivad wrote:...random swearing....

So you cannot refute the fact that cultural superiority and racial superiority are both vague and subjective and not clearly different.

The irony is that if free people weren't locked in a retarded death struggle with predatory elitists and psychotic red fascists we could take in a lot more of these people and do a lot to aid them in their socio-cultural development. But since the forces of darkness are hell-bent on destroying all human freedom and prosperity and they're using underdeveloped people as canon fodder in their war on human flourishing it's impossible to provide underdeveloped peoples with the help that they need.

Was George Floyd an immigrant, because of the colour of his skin?

Did he belong to a different culture?

Was he culturally inferior?
Sivad wrote:I don't think you understand what literally means, you use it a lot but I've never seen you use it correctly. 'Literally' doesn't mean the fake shit you just made up that never happened. I have never "ARGUED THAT EUROPEANS ARE RACIALLY SUPERIOR", I have never argued for the racial superiority of any group, I have never argued for racial superiority. This is just an insane lie with absolutely no basis in reality.

You argued that Europeans were culturally and genetically superior to Indigenous peoples. And you abandoned the thread when you were called out on it. I will continue to emphasize this fact because you still try to present yourself as a centrist when you're actually a wignat.
Donna wrote:Due to the symbiotic relationship between racism and inequality, I'm not sure how it has gone down since the 1960's.

WHAT??? Racism continues to go down on a daily basis.

Racism has improved markedly. However, if a person has racial PTSD he or she will see racism everywhere and react in a very negative manner. Blacks were discriminated a whole lot more way back when, however, there was no media frenzy. Furthermore, the previous generations were more resilient and mentally tough.

What is worse is the perception and the increment in PTSD. Police brutality used to be a 1000 times worse in the old days. There is also massive frustration since the election of Obama. Everybody thought America was entering a new phase when Obama won. Then 8 years later nothing had changed, and to make matters worse Trump was elected. TALK ABOUT FRUSTRATION!
Pants-of-dog wrote:And your only “evidence” is the colour of his skin.

This is a good example of how racism hides as “cultural superiority”.

Please answer the questions.

It appears that you are right. although his arrest did not go smooth you can see him twist and drop down at one point(2:20-2:28) Nevertheless This officer is a sick psychopath had no justification to murder him like that

You keep ignoring direct questions posed to you.


More importantly:

    Mr. Floyd grew up in Houston and was a high school sports star.

    Mr. Floyd lived in St. Louis Park, a Minneapolis suburb. He was pronounced dead at 9:25 p.m. Monday at Hennepin County Medical Center, according to the medical examiner.
    He grew up in Houston, in a black neighborhood south of downtown known as the Third Ward, and was raised in a house with his siblings and two cousins, Shareeduh Tate and Tera Brown. Their mothers were sisters, Ms. Tate said.
    A reporter for a Houston television station posted a video clip on Twitter of Mr. Floyd scoring a touchdown at a high school football game nearly 30 years ago. He was a tight end for the Jack Yates High School team, and the clip shows Mr. Floyd leaping to catch a pass in the end zone during a 1992 game at Delmar Stadium in Houston.

    Mr. Floyd graduated from Yates High in 1993, the Houston school district confirmed on Wednesday.

    Cyril N. White, 45, said he knew Mr. Floyd when they were both star high school athletes playing basketball. Both received scholarships to play in college, with Mr. Floyd going to a community college in Florida, Mr. White said.

    After college, Mr. Floyd was one of the first players recruited by Mr. White when he set up a club team to play exhibition matches against college teams around Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana, and later in China, although by that time Mr. Floyd had left the team.
    Mr. Floyd, known as “Big Floyd” to his teammates, given his 6-foot-7-inch height and hefty build, played power forward. He never got into a fight or received so much as a technical foul, Mr. White recalled.
    “Gentle giant, gentle giant,” he said. “He was a natural comedian, a life-of-the-party type guy, real easy going.”
    The club team, To God Be The Glory Sports, was not a church group, but members prayed together, and Mr. Floyd participated, Mr. White said. Mr. Floyd left after two years, saying he needed to work to take care of his new daughter.
    Mr. White lamented how his friend had died. “They dehumanized him and treated him like a piece of garbage that was expendable. That is the worst.”
    He worked at a restaurant in Minneapolis and rented from the owner.

    Ms. Tate said her cousin moved to Minneapolis four or five years ago, and Ms. Brown said he talked about the city as a welcoming place.
    “He was happy there. He had made friends and had talked about training to become a truck driver,” said Ms. Brown, 48, an accounting manager. “He came home for his mother’s funeral two years ago, and he told me he had decided to stay.”

    Jovanni Thunstrom, the owner of Conga Latin Bistro in Minneapolis, said he employed Mr. Floyd as a bouncer at the restaurant, and was also his landlord.
    “No one had nothing bad to say about him,” Mr. Thunstrom said. “They all are shocked he’s dead. He never caused a fight or was rude to people.”
    Mr. Thunstrom said Mr. Floyd paid his rent last week and told him that he was looking for a new job because Conga Latin Bistro has been closed to on-site dining since March because of the coronavirus. “I lost a friend,” Mr. Thunstrom said.
    Mr. White, his former teammate, said that after Mr. Floyd moved to Minneapolis, they would talk on the phone a few times a year, catching up on each other’s news and talking about old friends.
    Their last contact was a couple months before the coronavirus outbreak, Mr. White said. “He was all smiles. He did not give any signs about any problems at all.” ... death.html

This man was not a backwards peasant. He was not a ghetto thug.
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