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Buzz62 wrote:you wanna see "stern"? Go howl your tweenkie ideas in any tavern in Lethbridge. They'll show you "stern". Hell do it in Coaldale, and my cousins will introduce you to "stern".

You SJW cowards figure you've found a way to silence those who want to protect our society, by projecting your own lack of spine, on those who have a spine. And "Gawd Stud"...no redneck jumps in a pick-up and rams it into a bunch of cops and pedestrians on a typical, or any Friday night. Red-necks prefer to FACE their foes, and trade punches with them. A strange cultural practice, I admit. But its a damn-sight better than cowering behind words and claiming some sort of moral high-ground.


You are making you family sounds like blubbering babies, not the other way around. You are the one talking fear, dear.
Buzz62 wrote:I'll let our immigration officials implement the new regulations.

Please give a rough draft of the new plan your 'immigration officials' will attempt to implement.


Vigilantism is illegal in Canada.

Last edited by ingliz on 12 Oct 2017 11:16, edited 1 time in total.
Godstud wrote:It's not a serious risk, no matter how much you spread fear. It's an insignificant risk.

It is practically impossible to prevent a lone gunman situation. Canada, as far as I know, does not police the Philippines, so that argument is nonsensical. Canadians ARE warned through travel advisories, however. If Canadians choose to ignore this, then that's on them.

I am sorry, but I am not buying this attempt at Islamaphobia. ISIS kills more Muslims than Christians.

It's not complacency but a simple lack of cowardice. Fear begets fear. I am very confident that you will never be able to say, "Told you so!". By all means, live in fear. It's waste of time, and thought, however.

:lol: You don't know me(I live in Thailand- 5+ years now). I don't buy into needless fear from people who are trying to intimidate. You, however, do appear to take the bait; hook, line, and sinker. Not mindlessly fearing people is not selfishness, incidentally.

:lol: Those are the biggest bullshit in polls I have seen in some time. Conservatives are not at 60% in AB! That's "made up". Separatists in AB have always been a complete JOKE. If you lived in AB you;'d know this,but I think you seem to have forgotten this, Buzz62.

Albertans aren't a cowardly lot, and your fear-mongering doesn't do you justice. Alberta and Canada has nothing to fear from the bogeyman if Islam, or whatever "threat of the week", you guys are peddling.

It isn't even a threat to the Thais, so why should I act like a coward and run around all Willy Nilly?

I am very sorry, but not buying into unreasoning fear is not selfishness, or blindness, but a part of being a reasonable, logical, human being.

So many cliche objections. “Unreasoning fear, Islamaphobia, blah blah”. Everyone else is fighting Islamic extremism. From Russia to India to China to SE Asian nations, sub Saharan Africa, etc. Are you just another Westerner who doesn’t care about the fate of the world as long as your OK? Stop being selfish. Dude, it is war. Get your men into the fight.
foxdemon wrote:So many cliche objections.
If you are going to use them, then I am, as well. It's simply unreasonable fear. The amount of people getting killed is insignificant. That's FACT.

USA suffers more deaths from criminals than any "terrorists" and this is the same in pretty much every country in the world. it's fear blown out of all proportion to the actual threat.
No,violent deaths are not nice. But sometimes they are not relevant to a specific discussion.

Godstud used to argue that Muslims were a probelm. He even discussed how Muslims are such a problem in Thailand.

Mind you, he would actually make an effort and supply links and quote the text. This led to an informed discussion. I like to believe that these informed discussions changed his mind, but you would have to ask him about that.
Pants-of-dog wrote:...It seems logical to assume that you wish people would attack refugees in their homes when you said "and then we'll come after all the refugees.
Lock ur doors..."

One of the disastrous effects of commercial propaganda is its way of defining the terms of discussion. It divides public-space attackers into "lone-wolf whites" and "crypto-Shariah Terror Jihadists." As if virtually all people from all backgrounds aren't experiencing the same trauma caused by neocolonialism and the increasing decadence of the world's increasingly murderous corporate elite.

Most of our "merciful us and our big hearts" refugees are fleeing places that have been rendered unlivable by our own nationals and the people for whose enrichment we dedicate our lives. We destroy and then we offer alienating refuge to the chosen few.

And all the while, we OD on opioids in dead towns while inviting in fresh settlers.

We're all in the same pre-extinction boat. Stop letting media-lies create artificial differences in the current desparation of the entire human race faced with its rusty old industrial masters and their vandalism of the planet and its creatures.
https://globalnews.ca/news/3779286/edmo ... t-muslims/

    On Sunday, Edmonton police and the RCMP revealed that the person suspected of injuring an Edmonton police officer and four pedestrians in a terrorist attack Saturday night is a Somali man, who arrived in Canada as a refugee.

    The revelation sparked a backlash on social media, with many people taking to Twitter to vent their ire at various targets, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen (who was born in Somalia) and Muslims in general.

    Those tweets didn’t sit well with Sgt. David Jones of the Edmonton Police Service’s community liaison department. He urged compassion for Muslims likely to be fearful and anxious about possible repercussions facing them and their communities.
Yes, Pants-of-dog. It took a while but I came to realize that Islam wasn't the big bogey-man that everyone makes it out to be. I also pissed off my brother in a huge way, as my thinking was counter, to his.

I came to realize that the reasons behind terrorism have nothing to do with Islam, but it is a convenient thing to blame, when things happen, as people in these regions generally have little besides religion, once the 'Superpowers' have fleeced their countries of the resources, and fucked their governments up.

So yes, I went from Islamaphobe(Rei Murasame's camp), to enlightened realist.

Please, call me SJW if it makes you feel better, since I'd rather be fighting for someone's rights, than against them(Nazi/racist). SJW is a compliment, compared to being called a Nazi(the other end of the spectrum).

Incidentally, Canada accepting refugees and immigrants in vast numbers(250,000 per year), started around 1990, so this is nothing new. Hatred, bigotry, racism towards those refugees is new, however(at least in how loud the shits are).

Your comments are entirely unCanadian, Buzz62, and you are peddling unreasoning fear. You want me, and others to buy into that same fear, and it's simply not happening.

A single terrorist attack every year or two, is not a threat to the very fabric of Canadian existence. You're trying to sell it, like it is.

Yes, I am aware of the problems in the south of Thailand, and the bomb that went off in Bangkok 2 years ago. Thais are "aware" of it. It doesn't change how they live their lives. They don't live in the fear that you propose we all should be living in.

By being fearful, you're giving terrorists what they want. Intimidation. That's part of the terrorism package. If you don't let them make you fearful, they fail. You get that, right?

Fear doesn't actually protect you. it does make you aware of something, but most fear tends to be unreasonable, in comparison to the threat.
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