Antifa again demonstrates its undemocratic nature - Page 8 - Politics | PoFo

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foxdemon wrote:You keep repeating the claim that the people at the conference are racist. Do you have any evidence for this?

Yes, the list if attendees, and the things these attendees have said.

What rights do non-whites have that will be taken away?

Again, how do we benefit by listening to racists?

They are communists. Communism is responsible for 100 million deaths in the 20th century. So it would be logical to assume Antifa is a dangerous organisation.

Capitalism has killed more.

Should we assume all people who are capitalist are terrorists?


BigSteve wrote:So, again, we agree that you have no evidence to suggest that's what occurred in this instance.

Got it.

But, just for kicks, what do you think he might've done to instigate a physical attack against him?


Considering his history of instigating these confrontations for his own purposes, it is reasonable to assume this happened again.

He would be.

But the attacks I see are coming from antifa pussies... ... ncy_effect

If all they were doing was yelling at me? No, I wouldn't hit them. I wouldn't do that because I would be then in the wrong.

If they started shoving me as they did it, however, the shoving would be the start of a physical altercation and, yes, I'd certainly defend myself, with violence if need be, and I would be perfectly justified in doing so.

So you would do the “cowardly” thing and let someone verbally abuse you.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Yes, the list if attendees, and the things these attendees have said.

And may we see that list?

Again, how do we benefit by listening to racists?

That's not an answer to his question...


Considering his history of instigating these confrontations for his own purposes, it is reasonable to assume this happened again.

So, you agree that there is no evidence to support that he's attacked anyone.

Your opinion that it's likely he would do it again is baseless and irrelevant. There's no evidence to show that he's assaulted anyone, therefore any assault against him is unprovoked...

So you would do the “cowardly” thing and let someone verbally abuse you.


Unlike you, I'm not turned into a sniveling mess when someone calls me names.

What would you suggest I do? Yell back? That would be stupid and a waste of time. Should I hit them? Well, if I do that after they've only yelled at me I would be in the wrong and would be subject to arrest. That would be pretty stupid, and that's why I would wait for them to take the first swing.

Their words are meaningless...
Pants-of-dog wrote:Yes, the list if attendees, and the things these attendees have said.

What things have these attendees said that is racist?

Again, how do we benefit by listening to racists?

You didn’t answer my question. What rights do POC have that the attendees propose to take away?

Capitalism has killed more.

Should we assume all people who are capitalist are terrorists?

What evidence do you have to support that claim?


The thing is, the conference is about opposing racism, violence and authoritarianism. This presents a threat to the far left’s control of their narrative about racism. They don’t like competition. So antifa isn’t motivated by opposing racists but rather, they are motivated by shutting down an ideological alternative.

I should point out that the white supremacists are neo-nazis and eco fascists. Both groups are socialists, just like antifa. And just like the squad in the Democrats. It seems to me that it is socialists, both far right and far left, that are driving racism in America.

The conference attendees are all liberals of one sort or another. They are opposed to the far right. But they are also opposed to the far left. So, really, antifa and the far right feed off each other by using the politics of race to advance their socialist agendas. Antifa is therefore, racist.
BigSteve wrote:And may we see that list?

I assume so. Just look up “minds racism conference” on google.

That's not an answer to his question...

That is true.

So, you agree that there is no evidence to support that he's attacked anyone.

Your opinion that it's likely he would do it again is baseless and irrelevant. There's no evidence to show that he's assaulted anyone, therefore any assault against him is unprovoked...


Considering his history of instigating these confrontations for his own purposes, it is reasonable to assume this happened again.

Unlike you, I'm not turned into a sniveling mess when someone calls me names.

What would you suggest I do? Yell back? That would be stupid and a waste of time. Should I hit them? Well, if I do that after they've only yelled at me I would be in the wrong and would be subject to arrest. That would be pretty stupid, and that's why I would wait for them to take the first swing.

Their words are meaningless...

I will keep this in mind.


foxdemon wrote:What things have these attendees said that is racist?

Which one(s)?

You didn’t answer my question. What rights do POC have that the attendees propose to take away?

You did not answer my question. Since I asked you first, and you insist that people answer the questions they are asked, I will wait until you answer my question:

For the third time, how do we benefit by listening to racists?

What evidence do you have to support that claim?

You argued that antifa are terrorists because they are associated with an ideology that has killed thousands.

By this logic of yours, all capitalists are terrorists. This even includes people who are pacifists.

Do you agree that it is illogical to assume that someone is a terrorist just because they have an ideology that is historically associated with megadeaths?

The thing is, the conference is about opposing racism, violence and authoritarianism. This presents a threat to the far left’s control of their narrative about racism. They don’t like competition. So antifa isn’t motivated by opposing racists but rather, they are motivated by shutting down an ideological alternative.

Please name one speaker at this conference who has openly opposed racism consistently.

If that is not the case, this is not an anti-racism conference.

I should point out that the white supremacists are neo-nazis and eco fascists. Both groups are socialists, just like antifa. And just like the squad in the Democrats. It seems to me that it is socialists, both far right and far left, that are driving racism in America.

None of this seems to be true.

The conference attendees are all liberals of one sort or another. They are opposed to the far right. But they are also opposed to the far left. So, really, antifa and the far right feed off each other by using the politics of race to advance their socialist agendas. Antifa is therefore, racist.

Again, all of this seems entirely disconnected from reality.

Several attendees are part of the far right, for example.
Even if any of the event speakers maybe once said something that someone considered to be offensive, or had the wrong political views based on modern times, there is no reason for any of them to be deprived to speak in public by freaks.

They shouldn't even be required to defend themselves or prove that they adhere to the current views of the people who oppose them.

A firm "piss off, how about that?" is the only response that is required.
maz wrote:Even if any of the event speakers maybe once said something that someone considered to be offensive

Here's Carl Benjamin, AKA Sargon of Akkad, who along with Tim Pool are probably the most famous of the attendees.

He also threatened to rape an MP during his failed run as a UKIP member.

Truly, these are fine minds who deserve our respect, and definitely not right wing grifters who professionally play the victim whenever possible. Why would these poor grifters lie?

A firm "piss off, how about that?" is the only response that is required.

Wow. Maz, a white nationalist, is oddly invested in downplaying racism. Shocking.
Last edited by SpecialOlympian on 24 Aug 2019 04:24, edited 1 time in total.
SpecialOlympian wrote:So it's good when society shuns them and they face repercussions for being irredeemable shitheads :)

It's illegal to strike someone over the head with a bike lock. It's not illegal to be a irredeemable shithead, or even a racist irredeemable shithead.
Whatever happened in Charlottesville, the obvious takeaway should have been, "hey, just let these snowflakes stand in the park and defend a statue, and then they will just leave afterwords."

There was no reason to set a bunch of violent leftists armed with makeshift weapons on them and violently oppose their first amendment rights.

And the obvious response to your hilarious video is, who gives a shit! BTW thanks for posting that hilarious video because I had not seen that before :lol:

For you and St. Heyer, I am having a beer and playing a song for you and her on a small violin.
They weren't there to defend a statue. They were there to hold a large nazi rally. Groups who actually cared about the statues stayed away because, obviously, marching with violent nazis proudly bearing swastikas is a bad look for their cause.

They also coordinated through Discord to plan out their violence, including ways to smuggle in weapons and targeting synagogues in the area for harassment and defacement.

And because you love nazis, and want to kiss and cuddle them and tell them how warm and fuzzy they make you feel inside, your extremely normal brain turns the murderous nazis into victims of SJWs (who are, in the nazi mindset, paradoxically both incredible threats and also effeminate, weak degenerates).

We get it Maz. You love nazis and their nazi beliefs, and you share those beliefs.
Did Carl just use a slur for comedic effect on random podcasts or did he call for genocide of protected classes like you and skinster do towards the people whose skin color that you despise?

By the way, you got anymore hilarious Carl videos? Post up cause that shit is lols :excited:
Pants-of-dog wrote:I assume so. Just look up “minds racism conference” on google.

So, you ac knowledge that you have nothing to support your ridiculous claim...

That is true.

Why are you afraid to answer his question?

Considering his history of instigating these confrontations for his own purposes, it is reasonable to assume this happened again.

Does he have a history of instigating these confrontations by employing violence?

If not, it's stupid and ignorant to believe he's suddenly started doing it...
SpecialOlympian wrote:Hell yeah Maz, lean into the "YouTube comments troll" method. It worked so well for Carl's UKIP run, it should work for you too.

So here's the thing; I don't give a shit about UKIP! If the UK wants to or doesn't want to elect some random YouTube guy, I don't give a shit either way.

The UK is probably permanently fucked, and I don't plan on ever visiting the UK, at least London, until until it is unfucked.

Also, I don't understand why citizens of the UK and Canada have such strong opinions of American politics when it doesn't concern them. I certainly could care less about the politics of the UK, at least to the point where I am browbeating other forum members over what goes on there.

So maybe some of the other forum members care about Carl's racial slurs but I don't. To me he is an insignificant media personality. If you have any other off-color Carl videos though, please do post them because if anything, that guys is funny when he does that bit!
BigSteve wrote:So, you ac knowledge that you have nothing to support your ridiculous claim...

No, I am not wrong just because you did not do a Google search.

If this is an anti-racism conference, please mention which part of the agenda deals with fighting racism. Thanks.

Does he have a history of instigating these confrontations by employing violence?

If not, it's stupid and ignorant to believe he's suddenly started doing it...

Exactly. Which is why I assumed he instigated it another way.

And if we use someone’s past history as an indication of what they will do in the future, antifa is not going to kill anyone, just like Ngo is not going to ever be brave enough to actually fight anyone.
Pants-of-dog wrote:And if we use someone’s past history as an indication of what they will do in the future, antifa is not going to kill anyone, just like Ngo is not going to ever be brave enough to actually fight anyone.

From Antifa past history, I don't understand what is taking so long to declare them a domestic terror group. Do they actually have to kill someone first?
Pants-of-dog wrote:Which one(s)?

Still no evidence to support your claim. I can reasonably assume you don’t have any evidence.

You did not answer my question. Since I asked you first, and you insist that people answer the questions they are asked, I will wait until you answer my question:

For the third time, how do we benefit by listening to racists?

Your question is irrelevant to this thread since you haven’t established that the attendees at the conference are actually racist.

So what rights that POC have are the attendees proposing to take away?

You argued that antifa are terrorists because they are associated with an ideology that has killed thousands.

By this logic of yours, all capitalists are terrorists. This even includes people who are pacifists.

The genocidal nature of communism is well established by scholarship.

Please provide a link to mass killings instigated by capitalists.

Do you agree that it is illogical to assume that someone is a terrorist just because they have an ideology that is historically associated with megadeaths?

I disagree. And, before you point it out, yes, that does include rejecting white supremacy since it is a system of belief with genocidal outcomes.

Please name one speaker at this conference who has openly opposed racism consistently.

If that is not the case, this is not an anti-racism conference.

Tim Pool.

None of this seems to be true.

Again, all of this seems entirely disconnected from reality.

Why is it not true? Simply because it doesn’t fit your worldview? Please explain why you disagree that there is a connection between far left and far right socialism.

Several attendees are part of the far right, for example.

I am not familiar with all attendees. Please list which ones have links to the far right.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Exactly. Which is why I assumed he instigated it another way.

There's no evidence to suggest he would try to instigate anything another way, so your point fails miserably...

And if we use someone’s past history as an indication of what they will do in the future, antifa is not going to kill anyone, just like Ngo is not going to ever be brave enough to actually fight anyone.

You're assuming that antifa will never kill anyone based on their past behavior, yet you assume Ngo instigated things differently. Interesting. See, because if you allow for that, then there's no reason to dismiss the the very real possibility that antifa might kill someone simply because they may decide to make their point in a different manner.

And it's hard to fight back when you've got a mob attacking you. It was pretty clear that all he could do was try to deflect their unprovoked and unwarranted attacks.

You seem to believe that there's something glamorous about fighting. I'll go ahead and suggest that you've never been in a real fight. If you had been (and I laugh just imagining it), you'd know otherwise...
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