Blast in Beirut, Lebanon - Page 8 - Politics | PoFo

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QatzelOk wrote:What do you expect with the mafia that's currently in power in so many countries - linked by their great faith in Abrahamic mafia organizations, and their hatred of "others."

Yes, but what if "that person" has always made sure that JohnRawls had a decent job, a circle of friends, and an indentity that made him feel all warm and superior?

How is JohnRawls supposed to post anything other than ass-kissing?

QatzelOk wrote:
What do you expect with the mafia that's currently in power in so many countries - linked by their great faith in Abrahamic mafia organizations, and their hatred of "others."

(Yeah, I need to *copyright* that term.) (grin)
A Scud missile would explode spontaneously if the fuel tanks were pierced.

Hypergolic mixtures...

It employs a storable propellant combination of red fuming nitric acid (containing 18-22% N204) and kerosene. In addition a starting fuel, "Tonka", is used (50% ksilidin and 50% tri-ethylamine).

Triethylamine - N(CH2CH3)3 - was found during the early 1940s to be hypergolic in combination with nitric acid.

Depends on the type, if it was the Iranian made versions, then yes, they'll explode instantly.

The smoke and resulting cloud is the same from Scud missiles explosions, especially the Iranian versions.
You can check videos from Syria or Yemen to see them, they're the same.

In the fire, we see small explosions with white sparks, whatever those were, they're the ones who lit everything up.
The smoke pillar coming out prior to the explosion was the Ammonium nitrates evaporating due to the heat.
So whatever those white sparks were, they detonated the missiles, which in turn detonated the Ammonium nitrates.
That's my guess anyways.

anasawad wrote:@skinster
The people just arrested over the case, Badri Daher, Rafeq Mer'i, hassan Qraitem, along with 16 others, almost all are appointed by Hezbollah or its allies.
Hezbollah controls the security in the port and has its own security.
The gate is even named by Hezbollah, The Fatima gate.

It's so much of a given that Hezbollah controls that section of the port that whenever the media discusses it they just skip over this part because everyone knows that's under Hezbollah's control.

If you have any evidence for your claims please share, otherwise your opinion isn't going to be very interesting considering it's clear you hate Hezbollah and support Israel.

And regarding the material, it's their material. They've been using it before, they threatened to use it, and multiple intellegince agencies flagged that specific location and hangers regarding it.
Whether it's an attack or an accident, they're the ones who put it there and hold full responsibility.

Please share some of those multiple agencies that attribute this responsibility on Hezbollah.

That "great" sentiment is only because you choose to ignore everyone in Lebanon and focus on those handfuls of Hezbollah and Baath propagandists and what they're saying.

You're not everyone in Lebanon and you present no evidence despite claiming Hezbollah is responsible even though if they were responsible via negligence we'd know by now, and if they were responsible otherwise it'd be absurd since this serves the opposite of their interests. I can do what you do and blame Israel even though there's more validity in my opinion given Israel's history and ongoing interest in destroying Lebanon. Mossad's tag-lines like "through deception make war" and "it's never an accident" makes one think, huh. :?:

Regardless of the cause, Hezbollah holds full responsibility as they're the ones who put it there.

Hezbollah denied any responsibility to those materials kept at the port. Nasrallah said it would be absurd to put a target right on the port for the Israelis considering they bomb Lebanon a bunch anyway and have bombed ports before not that long ago as I'm sure you know.

Everyone is sick and tired of hearing about Palestine, it's an excuse.
And if you actually did follow on this issue, you'd know most parties and factions want them out.

I see much support for Palestine in Lebanon so I don't know why you want to downplay the solidarity there. But then, you're someone who thinks allying with Israel is a good idea while it's boot is firmly on the Palestinian neck, so of you course you're sick of hearing about Palestine or care about anything in Lebanon besides amassing more wealth for yourself.

A handful of Hezbollah thugs going around raising Hezbollah and SSNP flags doesn't count as protests.

Not really sure if you get to decide what a protest is. Looks like a protest to me.

Rich wrote:I'm an anti fascist. I support Indian independence. I support the Indian Hindu (and Sikh and Buddhist) struggle against Muslim and Han expansionist imperialism.

Do you support Modi?

wat0n wrote:Are we talking about racism here?

You're a Zionist and cop-killer apologist, stop pretending to care about racism. :lol:
By wat0n
skinster wrote:You're a Zionist and cop-killer apologist, stop pretending to care about racism. :lol:

Are you projecting your own racism here? Another of the racists'modus operandi, mind you.

After all, you have no issues with actual racist regimes like the Syrian Ba'athism's discrimination and oppression against Kurds.

After all, you have no issues with cops killing Black people if the cops work for the Cuban government.

After all, you have no issues with repression of political opponents when carried out by China along with the aforementioned Syrian and Cuban dictatorships.

By wat0n
skinster wrote:Please just stop, you're embarrassing. :D

Indeed, your and @ingliz's racially motivated conspiracy theories are embarrassing. I'll stop embarrassing you, but only after either of you answers the obvious question: If this is a result of an Israeli airstrike, why were people filming the fires, and then the big explosion, close to the event (just a few blocks away) instead of taking cover like any normal person would?
You're not embarrassing me, I'm embarrassed for you. Please note the distinction.

It's a racially motivated conspiracy theory to suspect Israel of attacking Lebanon again. :lol:

This is from a few days before this explosion: an Israeli politician threatening to attack Lebanese infrastructure if Hezbollah attack the shitty IDF, immediately after Israelis killed a Hezbollah member in Syria.
skinster wrote:

In case it wasn't already glaringly obvious before, the US is trying to carry out a "color revolution" in Lebanon to remove Hezbollah from the government

Let's call it the 'Cedar Revolution'....


skinster wrote:
cop-killer apologist

('killer-cop apologist')


wat0n wrote:
After all, you have no issues with repression of political opponents when carried out by China along with the aforementioned Syrian and Cuban dictatorships.


Let's put it *this* way -- what *alternative* are the political opponents of China (presumably the Uighurs) really proposing, or are they just looking to jump into the embrace of the West?

Ditto for those of Syria and Cuba.
By wat0n
skinster wrote:You're not embarrassing me, I'm embarrassed for you. Please note the distinction.

It's a racially motivated conspiracy theory to suspect Israel of attacking Lebanon again. :lol:

This is from a few days before this explosion: an Israeli politician threatening to attack Lebanese infrastructure if Hezbollah attack the shitty IDF, immediately after Israelis killed a Hezbollah member in Syria.

You still haven't explained that obvious point. Would you take cover if planes bombed some structure 5 or 10 blocks away from wherever your are?

@ckaihatsu for all the oppressed by those regimes, I'm pretty sure they would rather live with a Western-friendly Government that leaves them alone. Why do you ask?
Well we all knew how Skinny was going to lean in this thread, but Ingliz hasn’t said anything slightly anti Semitic in this thread.

My first thought was “Israel. Israel done it!”. And then I walked myself back off of that ledge :)
wat0n wrote:You still haven't explained that obvious point. Would you take cover if planes bombed some structure 5 or 10 blocks away from wherever your are?

I'm not sure what this has anything to do with me laughing at you pretending to be concerned about racism, but it's also weird you think you should decide a legitimate response on how the Lebanese should act when a bomb goes off, especially considering bombs going off in Lebanon isn't exactly a new phenomenon. Please tone down your arrogance, it's also embarrassing.
By wat0n
@ness31 we are past that stage where all sorts of suspicions arise. We have more information, we have more footage and we also have the position of the Lebanese.

skinster wrote:I'm not sure what this has anything to do with me laughing at you pretending to be concerned about racism, but it's also weird you think you should decide a legitimate response on how the Lebanese should act when a bomb goes off, especially considering bombs going off in Lebanon isn't exactly a new phenomenon. Please tone down your arrogance, it's also embarrassing.

Sorry, but your arrogance ITT has been showing. And I'm pretty damn certain people with experience would if anything take cover more quickly if that were the case.
wat0n wrote:
@ckaihatsu for all the oppressed by those regimes, I'm pretty sure they would rather live with a Western-friendly Government that leaves them alone. Why do you ask?

I'll reiterate that there's *no good alternative*. What do you think, exactly, that the Western imperialist countries would do to places like China, Cuba, and Syria?

Maybe the same thing as what they did to *Libya* -- ?

The Libya conference and the new scramble for Africa

18 January 2020

A major international conference on Libya will convene in Berlin on Sunday. At the invitation of Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, heads of state and top officials of the leading imperialist powers in Europe and the US will come together to determine the fate of the resource-rich country and ultimately the entire continent. Also in attendance will be representatives of Russia, China and the most important regional powers, including Egypt, Algeria and Turkey, together with the leaders of the opposing factions in Libya’s civil war, Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj and Gen. Khalifa Haftar, and representatives of the African Union.

In both its form and venue, the meeting is reminiscent of the infamous Congo Conference, which was also held in Berlin from November 15, 1884 to February 26, 1885 at the invitation of German Chancellor Bismarck. Its outcome was the “General Act of the Berlin Conference,” adopted by representatives of the US, the Ottoman Empire, the European powers and Russia. This agreement accelerated the division of Africa into colonies and ultimately intensified the tensions between the imperialist powers, culminating in the mass slaughter of the First World War that began in August 1914.

Even before the Congo Conference, the scramble for Africa was already in full swing. France occupied Tunisia in 1881 and Guinea in 1884. In 1882, British troops invaded Egypt, which at that time was officially part of the Ottoman Empire. Italy subdued parts of Eritrea in 1870 and 1882. In April 1884, the German Reich annexed German Southwest Africa (today Namibia), moving into Togo and Cameroon in July of the same year.

Nine years after the NATO bombing of Libya—which reduced much of the country’s infrastructure to rubble, left thousands of civilians dead and wounded and led to the lynch-mob murder of Colonel Gaddafi—the country is once again at the centre of imperialist intrigues. But now the stakes are even greater, with all of the belligerents of the previous war arrayed against each other, fighting for control of the booty.

As with the murder of Tehran’s Gen. Qassem Suleimani, in violation of international law, and US war preparations against Iran, workers and young people must understand that the Libya conference constitutes a warning. The profound crisis of the capitalist system is driving the great powers ever deeper into the abyss of imperialist war and barbarism. The preparation of new neocolonial wars of aggression in Africa and the Middle East, which pose the danger of a Third World War, can be prevented only through the mobilization of the international working class on the basis of a socialist and revolutionary program. ... s-j18.html


United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, on the situation in Libya, is a measure that was adopted on 17 March 2011. The Security Council resolution was proposed by France, Lebanon, and the United Kingdom.[1][2]

Ten Security Council members voted in the affirmative (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Gabon, Lebanon, Nigeria, Portugal, South Africa, and permanent members France, the United Kingdom, and the United States). Five (Brazil, Germany, and India, and permanent members China and Russia) abstained, with none opposed.[3]

The resolution formed the legal basis for military intervention in the Libyan Civil War, demanding "an immediate ceasefire" and authorizing the international community to establish a no-fly zone and to use all means necessary short of foreign occupation to protect civilians.[4]

American and British naval forces fired over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles,[26] while the French Air Force, British Royal Air Force, and Royal Canadian Air Force[27] undertook sorties across Libya and a naval blockade by Coalition forces.[28] French jets launched air strikes against Libyan Army tanks and vehicles.[29][30] The intervention did not employ foreign ground troops.[31] ... ution_1973
By wat0n
@skinster yes, another video in which they hadn't taken cover even though the Israeli attack would have taken place several minutes before the big explosion.

ckaihatsu wrote:I'll reiterate that there's *no good alternative*. What do you think, exactly, that the Western imperialist countries would do to places like China, Cuba, and Syria?

Maybe the same thing as what they did to *Libya* --

Or maybe they'd do what they did in South Korea, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and other former Soviet republics. That would depend a lot on whether they can actually establish a government, Libya is an example where this did not happen.

What's your argument here?
@skinster Again, as a true anti-semite, you are posting just propaganda. Where are the evidence? Does it way on your consciounce that you are partially responsible for this? People like you were storing the chemicals in that warehouse to fight Israel i suppose. When it actually caused severe pain to the people you "promised" to protect. Was all that a lie?
JohnRawls wrote:@skinster Again, as a true anti-semite, you are posting just propaganda. Where are the evidence? Does it way on your consciounce that you are partially responsible for this? People like you were storing the chemicals in that warehouse to fight Israel i suppose. When it actually caused severe pain to the people you "promised" to protect. Was all that a lie?

If that's what they do, they are simply being stupid by not using it ASAP, not essentially lying.
wat0n wrote:
Or maybe they'd do what they did in South Korea, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and other former Soviet republics. That would depend a lot on whether they can actually establish a government, Libya is an example where this did not happen.

What's your argument here?

My argument is that without real GDP growth the capitalist system will turn *inward*, resorting to environmentally damaging *resource stripping* as the main mode of profit-making, which is economically *low-level*, instead of the more desirable industrial production of consumer commodities for growing markets. Geopolitically this means the advanced capitalist countries revert back to *colonialism* -- more international competition and even new world wars for less bulk productivity, as mentioned in the WSWS article excerpt that noted the renewed imperialist carve-up of Africa, as in Libya.

Also there's a more-general economic trend at hand, over the past centuries of developing, and then decaying, capitalism -- that of the tendency for the rate of profit to *decline*:


The tendency of the rate of profit to fall (TRPF) is a hypothesis and crisis theory in economics and political economy, describing a phenomena of the rate of profit (often defined as profit made divided by the total amount of capital invested) to decrease over time. This hypothesis was most famously discussed by Karl Marx in chapter 13 of Capital, Volume III,[1] but economists as diverse as Adam Smith,[2] John Stuart Mill,[3] David Ricardo[4] and Stanley Jevons[5] referred explicitly to the TRPF as an empirical phenomenon that demanded further theoretical explanation, although they differed on the reasons why the TRPF should necessarily occur.[6]

Marx regarded the TRPF as proof that capitalist production could not be an everlasting form of production since in the end the profit principle itself would suffer a breakdown.[9] ... it_to_fall

[23] A Business Perspective on the Declining Rate of Profit

Spoiler: show


[1] History, Macro Micro -- Precision

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