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skinster wrote:That's a bit of a dumb quote since we're in the Venezuela thread. :lol:

But are you disputing the article? Was that what you were trying to do? Going to need more than a quote from a genocidal fascist pig. Maybe try reading the article and then you can get back to me with your incessant weeping about how Venezuela hasn't been regime-changed yet.

It has been 74 pages of basically me and you talking with some others popping in from time to time. It will be pretty hard for me to accept that the left in Venezuela are not a authoritarian and dictatorial pigs, the same way that it will be pretty hard for you to accept that the right are actually fighting for people not starving as funnily as it sounds.

I mean, not all left people in Venezuela are bad and I understand their ideas and intentions. The problem is that it is the left inside Venezuela who is literally killing thousands and starving the people and not the other way around. You will obviously say that it is not the Venezuelan governments fault and is caused by outsides. We have been through this numerous times.
skinster wrote:^ Guy who supports sanctions and regime-change is pretending to care about human rights again, how funny. :lol:

If the government of a country supresses its people and starves them to death, what else are other countries supposed to do? Keep their mouth shut about it? Not do anything?
The U.S. is after Venezuela's oil, attempted to regime-change the country, attempted to assassinate the leader a few times, kidnapped the previous leader, and is currently starving it via sanctions imposed a few years ago. I've already posted evidence of the sanctions targeting the Venezuelan government's CLAP programme, a programme which feeds Venezuelans. Stop pretending you care about Venezuelans, you can't if you cheerlead for sanctions and regime-change.

You can't lie your way out of this, although you will keep trying because that's all you have. And I will continue experiencing fremdschamen on your behalf.
skinster wrote:The U.S. is after Venezuela's oil, attempted to regime-change the country, attempted to assassinate the leader a few times and is currently starving it via sanctions imposed a few years ago. I've already posted evidence of the sanctions targeting the Venezuelan government's CLAP programme, a programme which feeds Venezuelans.

You can't lie your way out of this, although you will keep trying because that's all you have. And I will continue experiencing fremdschamen on your behalf.

Countless of people have brought this up: The starvation and economic situation in Venezuela started long before there were ANY sanctions at all. So blaming starvation of Venezuelan people on US sanctions targetting 1 or 2 people is just insane.

You know what. What would convince you that Maduro and his ilk are responsible for this? I am not asking this as a joke of some sort. What evidence do I need to provide?
JohnRawls wrote:If the government of a country supresses its people and starves them to death, what else are other countries supposed to do? Keep their mouth shut about it? Not do anything?

On the last pages, you quoted Winston Churchill.

Now, you're mentionning the Irish famines?

When are the British going to finally do something about their shitty governance of drunk buffoons and unbelievable racism and cruelty?

JohnRawls' likely response: "Never. We've got Othering technology."
skinster wrote:You have never shared any evidence for your lies.

Go read the 74 pages again or something. I did present plenty from the fact that the starvation started before the sanctions were even implemented, to the decreasiong output of Venezuelan economy because of Maduros and Chavez policies to direct violations of democracy and human rights. There were plenty of examples and confirmed sources. You just label all them lies as a fanatic that you are.
skinster, I think it's interesting how the elite, who were allowed to continue living in Venezuela, are constantly sabotaging their own nation's infrastructure because they're pissed off about no longer being in charge.

Does this say something about our own elites in rich countries when we start talking about socializing and nationalizing their cash cows? Will they react with sabotage as well? Are we living through some of their sabotage operations already?

Perhaps this is another reason why "rich people media" (commercial media) is doing so much to mask the real problems in Venezuela. Because the owners of our media are the same kind of people who are sabotaging the lives of their countrymen.

Perhaps the elite of Venezuela don't consider themselves "countrymen" with most of the people who live there? What about our elites? :eh:

QatzelOk wrote:Does this say something about our own elites in rich countries when we start talking about socializing and nationalizing their cash cows? Will they react with sabotage as well? Are we living through some of their sabotage operations already?

Definitely. It happened with Corbyn here. And Sanders in the U.S.

Perhaps this is another reason why "rich people media" (commercial media) is doing so much to mask the real problems in Venezuela

Rich people media's job is to serve the interests of the rich people. The same media is massive in Venezuela, and still, the majority support the PSUV.

Perhaps the elite of Venezuela don't consider themselves "countrymen" with most of the people who live there?

Of course they don't. They have the same mentality as their same class in Bolivia. They don't want to share their nation's resources with everyone, they want to take it all and hoard it.
US Cuts Venezuela’s Diesel Lifeline with Sanctions Clampdown
The move is expected to have a “devastating” impact on agriculture, water treatment and electricity generation.

US Special Envoy for Venezuela Elliott Abrams has announced a clampdown on Venezuela’s oil-for-diesel swap deals, tightening the blockade against the country.

"We are trying to stop the export of crude by the Maduro regime in Venezuela, and one of the ways to stop it is to prevent people from swapping various products for it," Abrams told reporters on Thursday. "We have been in touch with those who are engaged in such transactions and have found that they are willing to comply with US sanctions,” he continued.

Oil-for-diesel swap deals, in which Caracas exchanges imported diesel for crude oil, were exempted from Washington’s 2019 oil embargo against Venezuela and have been increasingly used to avoid the plethora of financial sanctions which limit Venezuela’s access to global payment and banking systems. The tightening of the embargo has, however, been expected in the run up to the US presidential election, with many of the sanction exemption permits due to expire in October and November.

Caracas has become increasingly reliant on fuel imports as it struggles to recuperate domestic refining capacity. According to state-run PDVSA, Venezuela imported 1.6 million barrels of diesel in swap deals from Italy’s Eni, Spain’s Repsol and India’s Reliance in the first eight months of the year, with another 260,000 barrels estimated in September.

These companies have been granted special permits to continue their Venezuela operations in recent months, with Venezuelan diesel consumers remaining largely unaffected by the extensive fuel shortages sweeping the country. Nevertheless, in recent months Washington threatened the multinational corporations into ceasing their Venezuela dealings.

While Caracas is yet to comment on the new measures, many international diesel providers have recently lobbied the Trump administration to renew the special authorisations. Likewise, a group of NGOs, including several linked to Venezuela’s opposition, petitioned the White House in September to abandon its plans to end the swap deal exemption, arguing that it would cause “devastating consequences for the population.”

“Diesel is the principal fuel for electrical generation and heavy load transport of basic goods, including food, medicine and humanitarian supplies. To cut off the supply of diesel in the country would worsen the already precarious conditions for millions of Venezuelans (…) Without diesel, there may be a paralysation of heavy load transport which would affect the indispensable survival supplies for millions of Venezuelan families,” the NGOs petition read. The group also pointed to Venezuela’s reliance on diesel for water pumping and treatment plants as well as agricultural machinery and irrigation systems.

One of the NGO’s, the centre-right Washington Office for Latin America (WOLA) think tank, which has previously backed US unilateral coercive measures, also published a report last Thursday damning the US sanctions regime, which apart from the 2019 oil embargo includes a wide-reaching general embargo, a range of financial measures and secondary sanctions against foreign firms trading with Caracas. According to WOLA, the sanctions regime has not achieved the short-time regime change it sought, and has increasingly affected the Venezuelan population.

The report, authored by Venezuelan economist Luis Oliveros, states that the sanctions have “directly contributed to [the country’s] deep decline, and to the further deterioration of the quality of life of Venezuelans.” It also concludes that “U.S. sanctions have caused the Venezuelan state to lose between $17 billion to $31 billion in revenue,” as well as that “the value of average monthly public imports dropped by 46 percent (to $500 million) in 2019 and another 50 percent (to $250 million) in 2020.”

Finally, the report claimed that financial sanctions have seen “human rights groups, humanitarian organizations, and private companies have their bank accounts closed, and seen legitimate transactions denied or frozen for long periods of time.”

Seized oil sold for US $40 million
In addition to the crackdown on oil-for-diesel swap deals, Abrams also informed that the 1.12 million barrels of Venezuela-bound fuel which were seized in international waters by the US in August have been sold on Thursday.

According to the special envoy, the four cargoes of Iranian fuel fetched more than US $40 million in a special auction, with the funds due to be deposited into a US government fund allegedly for “victims of state sponsored terrorism.” No further details were offered.

Washington breached new ground in its blockade against Venezuela by confiscating four fuel cargoes in open sea in the Caribbean under a Department of Justice court order.

At the time, the Maduro government blasted US actions as an act of “piracy,” claiming the seizure to be just the latest in a number of international measures to deny Caracas access to its foreign based assets and purchased goods, such as the US $1.8 billion of gold held in the Bank of England and Venezuela’s US-based CITGO oil subsidiary, which was valued at US $7 billion at the time of its seizure.

While many of these assets remain frozen, US authorities have placed some of them under the control of Venezuelan opposition sectors, including US $342 million transferred from a Venezuelan Central Bank account in Citibank to a US Federal Reserve account in April.

In addition to previous claims from opposition leader Juan Guaido promising to use US-based financing sources to fund local loyalists, recent revelations in Venezuela have also connected his hard-right Popular Will party (VP) to misappropriation of funds from the CITGO seizure.

Last Monday, journalist and VP leading member Roland Carreño was arrested and accused of funding terrorism. He was reportedly detained in possession of paperwork showing US $8,500 payments from CITGO’s Simon Bolivar Foundation to the country’s four largest opposition parties every semester, as well as wider operations Carreño managed with a budget of US $34,000. The VP operative denied the charges.

The Simon Bolivar Foundation was used to fund several philanthropic activities, including medical treatment abroad for Venezuelan children suffering from leukemia. US financial sanctions and the seizure of CITGO put a halt to these programs.
A skinster tweet wrote:Upon vacating the Venezuelan embassy in Bolivia, Juan Guaido's team took the fridge, the beds, and all the artwork.

How cunning of them.

Being from a shark culture just like them, I can only admire that blood smell in the water every time I see Juan's pearly teeth.

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