Venezuela opposition banned from running in 2018 election - Page 9 - Politics | PoFo

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She whips out the CIA documents released. They were out to assassinate Chavez. There is the proof.

The USA government also was funding to the tune of millions of USA taxpayer money funneled in to the Opposition. Even though they were not the majority voters. They interfered with free elections. Why....for the control and the petrol. Plain and simple.

Am I going to cry when they find out Russia interfered in the USA election? No. It is called karma. It is a great thing.
Sivad wrote:What a dishonest piece of shit. Progressives should stop discrediting themselves by acting as apologists for gulagist pigs like Maduro. Fuck Abbey Martin.

May I suggest you stop defending privileged assholes who don't give a fig or a damn for any poor people struggling to live while they run around ignoring injustice for generations til it explodes and then get upset they can't have it their way anymore. Don't apologize @Sivad for those who have absolutely no sense of social responsibility and whom just want to go back to corruption in favor of their own interests and let the 80% be hungry and in deep crisis....because who cares about the peasants. Ignorants. Inferiors. Blacks. Brown people. Fuck them. It is all about me.

No it is not. Send your butt to the gulag for favoring rich assholes with no sense of social conscience. Lol. I am just using your style Sivad. :D

You want to see what happens with people who go and out the plots to control Venezuelan oil and why they had to stop Chavez

All your points are basically moot with this one video. Challenge the information @Sivad

See the whole video and then say that the oil capitalists in the USA are going to respect social democracy results. They assassinated the investigator that Golinger requested to go and dig on the coup issue.

They play by the rules don't they Sivad?

I kind of like that 'ignorant' peasant that said, "The United States don't have the clean hands." Hmmm....he is speaking English in his nation. He studied a bit. But he is a peasant. You can stop a super ignorant trailer trash white guy in the street in the USA and he is going to pull out his Spanish to say "Los Estados Unidos no tiene las manos limpias." Yes, the Latin American lower class are dumb....whatever. I don't think so! :)

The issue now is about how much the rich elite and the outside Capitalists are willing to pressure Venezuela into civil war to take back the power. They got some heavy blood on their hands if they do.

I won't believe for a moment that they are into democracy. No they are not. They are into fake claims of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and we need to go in there and assassinate. And ensure our oil INDEPENDENCE.

What the USA gov't should do is stop interfering in internal elections of other nations, and toppling people they don't like, and installing stupid puppet regimes that no one likes, and then stealing resources that are polluting the planet anyway. They should be switching to electric cars, and non fossil fuels, and renewable energy and don't be a bunch of gigantic hypocrites preaching fake love of democracy in their cartoonish ways and in their underwear.

THE END. :lol:
too bad that Venezuela have and had dumb leaders since the early 2000s

any smart leader would side with the US. he and his countrymen would all benefit from it
US could care less if the country is socialist or not as long as its maintaining their interests

the consequences of Venezuela being hostile to the US and its interests are now right before your eyes
Sivad wrote:If you were intellectually honest you would have done your own skeptical analysis of that propaganda. You don't really know if it's true or not, it's just convenient so you run with it.

First, you need to explain what propaganda you're talking about. "Waaah propaganda!" isn't an argument.

The guy who made the video is an activist I know and trust.
skinster wrote:First, you need to explain what propaganda you're talking about. "Waaah propaganda!" isn't an argument.

The "leftist" claims Maduro has majority support when he absolutely does not, he's got 30% at best. As evidenced by the abysmal turnout in the last election, the crazy ban on the opposition, extreme gerrymandering, and just a general evasion of democracy at every turn.

There's no mention of any of that in the "leftist" "debunking".

The "leftist" claims that the food shortages are mostly due to the hoarding and smuggling of corporate oligarchs. While I don't dispute that that is occurring, that's not the primary cause. The main cause of the food shortage is government price controls. The government is setting the price of food so low that it incentives anyone and everyone with the means to do it to smuggle food from Venezuela across the border into Columbia and sell it at a 400-500% mark up. It wouldn't be nearly as big a problem if government mismanagement of the overall economy hadn't brought most of the population to such desperate circumstances to begin with.

The second biggest cause of the food shortages is the military. The regime gave control of the food supply over to the military to keep the military from staging a coup, and the military is running a racket of artificial scarcity and extortionary pricing. It's also forcing suppliers to pay bribes and kickbacks to get their supply into the country.

The third biggest problem is the government corruption. The government is directly buying most of the food imports and it's paying grossly inflated prices. It's paying double or triple what food costs on the open market, and that's because government ministers are getting huge kickbacks deposited into numbered Swiss accounts from the foreign suppliers.

There's no mention of any of that in the "leftist" "debunking".

I could go on but it's not really necessary, the bullshit in that "debunking" is glaring to anyone who's been closely following the disaster that is Venezuela.
You should maybe rethink using state propaganda outlets like Telesur as your primary source of information. Why not get on reddit and talk to actual Venezuelans who are living it and are immersed in the real politics, the history, and culture of the country? That's what I do. I get perspectives from all over the political spectrum and they recommend better sources of information than fucking telesur. Telesur is a joke when it comes to Venezuelan politics.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:too bad that Venezuela have and had dumb leaders since the early 2000s

any smart leader would side with the US. he and his countrymen would all benefit from it
US could care less if the country is socialist or not as long as its maintaining their interests

the consequences of Venezuela being hostile to the US and its interests are now right before your eyes

Absolutely. Some other Communist regimes know much better. China, Vietnam, Cuba, and now North Korea. Not saying that they won't try to make a subversion or something like that, but subversion is at least smarter than confrontation.
Sivad wrote:The "leftist" claims Maduro has majority support when he absolutely does not, he's got 30% at best. As evidenced by the abysmal turnout in the last election, the crazy ban on the opposition, extreme gerrymandering, and just a general evasion of democracy at every turn.

What point in the video did Mike Prysner say that?

There was no ban on opposition parties, they chose to boycott the election because they knew they were going to lose. For some weird reason you think they have/had popular support in Venezuela. Were that the case, they wouldn't boycott the election.

Also, you are yet to prove anything. All you do is complain, and oddly sit on the same side as the US state dept when it comes to countries like Venezuela and Cuba. It's funny. :D
skinster wrote:There was no ban on opposition parties

There was a ban on opposition candidates and an effective ban on smaller opposition parties that lacked the resources to meet the prohibitive ballot access requirements.

Also, you are yet to prove anything.

Nothing I'm saying is controversial for anyone who's familiar with the issue. It's not my fault if years of teleSUR have left you profoundly misinformed and ignorant. Get off the state propaganda and go find some reliable sources of information.

All you do is complain

I criticize all power, I don't give power a pass just because it calls itself "the people's power".

and oddly sit on the same side as the US state dept when it comes to countries like Venezuela and Cuba. It's funny. :D

Let's just get this straight, you're the shill for government, I'm the honest critic. I criticize all abusive power structures(including US imperialism), while you only criticize US imperialism and act as an apologist(shill) for every gulagist regime on the planet. Your dishonesty and hypocrisy is plainly evident to anyone paying attention. You're the slimy propagandist in this thread, not me.
Pointing out that Venezuela is a banana republic run by a gang of buffoons does not necessitate, or even imply, support for US government-led regime change - any more than opposing Israel's blockade of Gaza requires you to be a card-carrying member of Hamas.

So apart from being an obvious play out of the Chavista propaganda book, the "you're on the same side as the US state department!" line makes no sense at all.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:too bad that Venezuela have and had dumb leaders since the early 2000s

I.e., socialists who thought they knew better than the market.
any smart leader would side with the US. he and his countrymen would all benefit from it

Like the people of Chile benefited from Pinochet siding with the USA? Like the people of Cuba benefited from Batista siding with the USA? The people of El Salvador? Etc.?
US could care less if the country is socialist or not as long as its maintaining their interests

A country can't be just and maintain US interests, let alone socialist.
the consequences of Venezuela being hostile to the US and its interests are now right before your eyes

It's more the consequence of socialism. China is hostile to the US and its interests, but it only got out of poverty and stagnation when it abandoned socialism.
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