Trump pulls U.S. out of Iranian nuclear deal. Is a war with Iran inevitable? - Page 10 - Politics | PoFo

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Politiks wrote:We can have this discussion in Spanish, French, Portuguese or Italian if my English doesn't satisfies your needs.

To paraphrase the great rugby commentator Brian Moore: it doesn't matter that you can also speak Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian. That just means you're wrong in five languages rather than one. ;)
Ter wrote:I remember Sadam's spokesperson saying "everything is under control" even when American troops were entering Bagdad.

That was Comical Ali.

He is very infamous for his unrealistic comments during the second Iraq war, thus earning his nickname. And no, the behavior of a single person doesnt necessarily reflect upon the behavior of a whole people.

For example, not all US americans are like Ted Bundy.

And Bagdad lies in Iraq, not Iran. So what does that have to do with Iran ? Those are very different countries.

noir wrote:Extremly capable and smart. For centuries, they are known in the region as the best traders of the world. That's why the Sunni Arabs were furious about Obama and his henchmen. How can they let the Iranians to fool them? How can they trust on anything the Iranian say or sign? You can see today how they refuse to respond to Israel attacks, it's very smart and calculated policy. They also didn't breach the deal, they didn't need to, all they need is to take a pause and renew their efforts on solid legal foundations that the deal itself gave them. They can outplay every one.

Oh ? So the deal must be wrong just because its a deal with the iranians, despite the fact you cannot support this claim with even a hint of any actual evidence ?

And the iranians are super calculating when they dont try to counterattack a nuclear power ? I think most people are kind of sensible enough to try alternatives to directly attacking a nuclear power first. Israel could eraticate all of Irans cities, and with somebody like Netanyahu at the top, well, do I need to really explain that any further ?

And what would have been really "capable and smart" of the iranians would have been to get nuclear weapons, knowing that sooner or later an idiot will rule USA and/or Israel. Possibly both. I rather think the iranians have been much too naive and hopeful and peaceful in this respect.

P.s.: Sorry accidentally linked german instead of english Wikipedia
Negotiator wrote:And Baghdad lies in Iraq, not Iran

I did not mistake them, you try to be the funniest in the class.

Negotiator wrote: So what does that have to do with Iran ?

I was observing that those who lost on the battlefield often afterwards claim to have won.
Hence the comparison with comical Ali.

On topic... you seem to sympathise with the Iranians, I wonder why.
How are Trump's supporters feeling about this news? @Igor @colloric

Politiks wrote:Well, then we should discredit most of your comments....and Noams

Then try. Quote what I said that you think is incorrect, or what Chomsky said in that article. So far all you've shown is that you're good at ad homs and nothing else. I am yet to be convinced by you.

Politiks wrote:They were closing a deal with Syria regarding the Golan Heights when the war started.

What deal?

Ter wrote:The question is : does @skinster really believe those propaganda tweets ? I hope not, I think higher of her.

Alternative media is a thing, sorry zionist media doesn't get to dictate the narrative fully anymore.
Netanyahu Begins Calling For Israeli Return To Ancient Homeland Of Iran
JERUSALEM—Declaring that it was long past time for his people to live once again on their ancestral soil, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly began calling Thursday for the Israeli return to their ancient homeland of Iran. “The land of Iran has long been part of our heritage, and we implore the international community to work with us to ensure its return to the independent Jewish state,” said Netanyahu, adding that Israel was willing to use military force if necessary to reoccupy all 636,400 square miles of present-day Iran that were historically included in the promised land bestowed upon the Jewish people by biblical mandate. “The so-called Islamic cities of Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, and dozens of others were founded on what were once ancient Jewish kingdoms, not to mention how many of our most sacred sites Iran currently occupies, including the Imam Reza Holy Shrine, the Jamkaran Mosque, and the Zoroastrian Fire Temple of Chak-Chak. In fact, Iran is home to the highest concentration of Judaic ancient holy sites anywhere in the world outside of Mecca, Lumbini, and Vatican City. We demand that the Jewish people be permitted to return to ruling our ancestral Persian homelands.” At press time, Netanyahu had approved plans to begin construction on a large Israeli settlement in downtown Tehran. ... 1825925581

Yeah, what happened in Kazeroon was horrible, no denying that. But if you think that legitimatizes Israel's actions in Gaza then you're remarkably wrong. The only thing to gain from the comparison is the fact that Israel did something as barbaric as what the Republic did to Iranians and managed to kill up to 49 people instead of just 3. Though Iran's actions are hypocritical given that they just did the same thing as Israel shortly after the Gaza massacre.

That's not the reason for the protests. Iran is wanting change to come from it's own government, it isn't dependent on the West to get what it needs unlike Israel. Furthermore, calling Palestinians "jihadists" because they protested their treatment in Gaza is making the term meaningless. Based on that definition, I can call Israelis jihadists as well for murdering 49 people and deliberately attempting to shoot children as well as Palestinians carrying injured friends away from the bloodshed. Iranian patriots are aware that they can't trust the West for jack.
Oxymandias wrote:calling Palestinians "jihadists" because they protested their treatment in Gaza is making the term meaningless. Based on that definition, I can call Israelis jihadists as well for murdering 49 people and deliberately attempting to shoot children as well as Palestinians carrying injured friends away from the bloodshed.

? No, Jihad is supposed to be reactionary. Calling Israelis "Jihadists" is completely absurd. There are plenty of valid things they should be called … until they start kneeling towards Mecca and praying 5 or 6 times a day, that ain't one of em.


Palestinians are feeding the wrong wolf.


I am using noir's definition of jihad which seems to be "any form of inconvenience towards someone" so under his definition, Palestinians would be jihadists given that they are of inconvenience to Israel given that they are protesting. I countered by stating that it is Israel which is committing the greatest inconvenience. Islam isn't necessary to be a jihadist. Jihad in Arabic means struggle. Furthermore, you don't call people who partake in jihad "jihadists" as it is like calling someone a "struggleist", you don't call them anything really.

Israelis took the right wolf from Palestinians and gave it to some one else. Then they claimed that it was theirs to begin with.
Oxymandias wrote:I am using noir's definition of jihad which seems to be "any form of inconvenience towards someone" so under his definition, Palestinians would be jihadists given that they are of inconvenience to Israel given that they are protesting.

Noir hasn't redefined anything … Palestinian protestors are practicing Jihad, as defined by the prophet. They proudly acknowledge this.

Your suggestion perverts Islam and dishonors Muslim dead. Even the Israelis don't do that.

In Kazeroon - "In one video, some said that the United States was not Iran's real enemy as claimed by Iranian leaders."

"Our enemy is right here. They're wrong to say it's America," they chanted."

I told you this was coming.

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