I.D.F soldier sentenced to 18 months for killing wounded Palestinian. - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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JohnRawls wrote:The Palestinian assailant was a terrorist. Attacking people with a knife in the middle of the City is not freedom fighting, it is terrorism. White washing is the reason that some arguments can't be taken seriously. Terrorist and Freedom fighter are subjective terms of course but this is clearly terrorism. (No matter how you try to describe it)


Also if you consider him a freedom fighter then you support genocide of Israeli civilians? Your comment sure makes you sound like that.

Proportionality is important. It's the Zionists who are committing genocide.

@anarchist23 , the Pals usually attack by knife, axe, car, mob lynch or shooting spree. Usually they are not effective, this should not vindicate the aggressors, when it will come close to you and your beloved kids, you will understand.

The graph is interesting and it shows how serious is the Pal propaganda. In 1973 war, when two Arab armies attacked Israel in surprise and took it off guard facing near holocaust, Israel suffered 2,500 deads, while the Syrian and Egyptian armies, more than 50,000. In your logic they are victims too. No, they simply not efficient in using arms.

There was a time when Brits resisted Arab propaganda. How many German died compared to British?
In 1973 war,

The graph is for deaths this century not deaths that happened over forty years ago. lol

Elor Azarya, the Israeli army medic who shot dead injured Palestinian Abd al-Fattah Yusri al-Sharif last year in the occupied West Bank, was sentenced Tuesday to 18 months in prison, one year of probation and a demotion.

If not pardoned first, he may walk free after serving just a year in prison.

The light sentence was imposed even though judges found beyond any doubt that Azarya had acted in revenge.

“We are not surprised, from the onset we knew this was a show trial that will not do us justice,” al-Sharif’s family told media. “Even though the soldier was caught on video and it is clear that this is a cold-blooded execution, he was convicted only of manslaughter, not murder, and the prosecution asked for only a light sentence of three years.”

“The sentence he received is less than a Palestinian child gets for throwing stones,” the family added.

Azarya was indicted for manslaughter after he was caught on video shooting the head of the wounded and incapacitated al-Sharif lying in the street, killing him, on 24 March 2016.

Al-Sharif was shot dead along with Ramzi Aziz al-Qasrawi, both 21 years old. Israel alleges that they stabbed a soldier near the Tel Rumeida settlement in Hebron.

The killing of al-Qasrawi was not caught on video.

Israeli hero
Significant segments of Israeli society – egged on by right-wing politicians including education minister Naftali Bennett and defense minister Avigdor Lieberman – objected to any trial at all for Azarya and have celebrated him as a hero.

The trial court found “beyond all reasonable doubt” that Azarya had acted out of revenge rather than in self-defense.

But after obtaining a conviction, prosecutors asked for only three to five years imprisonment.

At the time of the verdict, Human Rights Watch said that senior Israeli officials have been “encouraging Israeli soldiers and police to kill Palestinians they suspect of attacking Israelis even when they are no longer a threat.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quickly announced after the January conviction that Azarya should be pardoned.

He is accurately reading public sentiment, with Israelis reportedly supporting clemency by more than three to one.

Netanyahu, who is under investigation for corruption, is also trying to keep up with Bennett, a rival for the post of prime minister, who has repeatedly insisted Azarya be pardoned.

The light sentence would appear to be another instance of the systematic impunity Israel affords its personnel who kill or injure Palestinians.

Last year, the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem announced it would no longer refer complaints of violence against Palestinians to Israel’s military justice system.

“We will no longer aid a system that whitewashes investigations and serves as a fig leaf for the occupation,” Hagai El-Ad, the group’s director, explained.

Samir Zaqout of the Gaza-based Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights told Al Jazeera he was not surprised by the outcome.

“Palestinians don’t expect any kind of justice from the Israeli legal system,” Zaqout said. “The lives of Palestinians are judged as worthless.”

Bill Fletcher, Jr., former president of TransAfrica Forum and a Palestine solidarity activist who was involved in the anti-apartheid movement, told The Electronic Intifada, “The sentencing of Elor Azarya reminds us that the value of Palestinian life is not the same as the value of Jewish citizens of Israel.”

“An 18-month sentence is nothing more than a slap on the hand,” Fletcher added. “It will do nothing to discourage further terrorist acts against Palestinians.”

Rebecca Vilkomerson, executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace, similarly called the sentence a “slap on the wrist.” She told The Electronic Intifada that this is “another example of the way in which the Israeli justice system is based on completely different standards depending on whether the victim and perpetrator are Jewish or Palestinian” – a reality she labeled “apartheid.”

Highlighting the double standard, journalist Ben White contrasted Azarya’s light sentence with the case of Ahmad Yasser Baraghithi, a Palestinian youth sentenced last year to eight years in prison on accusations of throwing stones and injuring an Israeli police officer in occupied East Jerusalem.

anarchist23 wrote:Image

That is indeed correct but in this context is stupid. Nelson Mandela did not describe people killing civilians with a knife with this quote. You are simply trying to warp his statement.
The Palestinians haven't got a navy, airforce or standing army, possibly if they did they would not use knives against the occupying Israeli troops. What we are dealing with is asymmetric warfare in the occupied West Bank.


Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu urged on Thursday for pardoning the Israeli Jewish soldier Elor Azaria who murdered motionless Palestinian civilian in West Bank.

This remark came just two days after Israeli murderer was sentenced to 18 months in prison over shooting dead the disarmed and wounded Palestinian civilian Abdul-Fattah al-Sharif last year.

Al-Sharif was murdered in the West Bank city of Al-Khalil and the Israeli occupation, as usual, claimed that he planned to stab an Israeli soldier.

Last month, Netanyahu called for a pardon after the murderer was convicted of manslaughter in the case, joining other politicians who have urged that the soldier be granted clemency.

The crime of the murderer was exposed after a couple of days as a film for the shooting and killing of the motionless Palestinian civilian went viral on the internet.

In the film, the wounded Palestinian civilians was lying on the ground and he clearly appeared unarmed. The film surprised the Israeli officials and the Israeli media, who had claimed he was a terrorist before the film was aired.

Netanyahu urged the pardon in order not to deter the other Israeli soldiers when they decide to murder Palestinian civilians.

“Soldiers in dangerous situations could be deterred; therefore, there must be understanding and progress toward a pardon,” he said.

- See more at: http://www.daysofpalestine.com/news/isr ... 7b3tm.dpuf[/quote]

I understand that. But it does not mean you can simply go in to a middle of a crowded city and stab people at random AND expect not to be called a terrorist. I do not understand why are you protecting a person who went to kill other people at random. I also do not understand why people are defending a soldier who basically "finished off" a disarmed terrorist. Since when is assymetrical war okay? Most people do not really realise what they are advocating here... Asymmetrical warfare is usually the most bloodiest of all modern versions of war. Also this logic of yours can be turned around the same way. Then Israel can also be justified to fight an Assymetrical war against the Palestenians by napalming whole of Gaza and the West bank.... Do you even realise that?
layman wrote:Stabbing soldiers is a legitimate form of resistance.

Still, a23 seems to be a pacifist on every issue apart for Israel. Even civilians bring legitimate targets because conscription.

Again, it's fascinating the intensity of the hatred Israel attracts. Far more than South Africa while we are on the subject.

Its simply jealousy and the fact that the Muslims know that they are bunch of hopeless baboons that can never have a proper functioning society because they have medieval mentality.

400 millions of Arabs cant handle a small country with a population of 8 million

Arabs are useless idiots
Last edited by Zionist Nationalist on 24 Feb 2017 01:13, edited 1 time in total.
noir wrote:What is important in the story is how it's used by the Islamophiles. The soldier killed "a wounded Pal". Not an "attacker" or a terrorist, as he would be called if it would be happen in France or Britain. The family of the terrorist is "disappointed" by the verdict, while in a proper world they should have been kicked out to Syria, where they are belong.

The whole not killing of wounded enemies is an idiotic concept, practiced wisely only when it is strategic to do so. In this case it was not.
He's influenced by jihadi propaganda, but there are other Arabs

http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comme ... otal-chaos

“There is a huge campaign to terrorize the Palestinians,” Mudar Zahran says. “As long as the Palestinians fight with the Israelis, no one will turn around and look at what the Arabs are doing to one another.” He believes the Palestinian cause is a necessity for Arab regimes, the cornerstone of their propaganda.

He says Arabs have wasted seven decades of their existence waiting for Israel’s demise. “Since 1948, we Arabs have been taught that all we need to do is get rid of the Jewish state and everything will go well.” Saddam Hussein, when he was Iraq’s president, adopted the Palestinian flag and flew it alongside his own flag. “We Arabs have put 70 years of our existence on hold while awaiting the glorious day when we defeat Israel and feed the Jews to the fish.” But that day still hasn’t come. Zahran quotes a fellow Jordanian oppositionist, Emad Tarifi, who remarked, “It seems the fish are not betting on us feeding them Jews.”

Instead, Arabs have allowed dictators to impoverish and terrorize the people, in the name of the anti-Zionist struggle. “While Israel made 10 new breakthroughs in cancer and cardiac treatments in the last two years alone, we Arabs developed new execution methods,” like death by drowning in a cage, as ISIL demonstrated.

If the enemies of Israel had succeeded in destroying it, Zahran says, Iran would now have nuclear weapons. Instead, Iran learned from Iraq’s experience in 1981, when Israel’s bombers reduced Iraq’s Osirak reactor to rubble.

Zahran argues that if Israel were to disappear now, Iran could extend its influence into Jordan, Kuwait and Bahrain the next day, since it would not have to fear an inevitable Israeli response. With Israel gone, ISIL would also reach Jordan. ISIL “does not dare enter Jordan for one reason only — its fear that Israeli jets would catch up with it 15 minutes later.”

Zahran believes that Israel is becoming stronger every day through democracy and innovation, while Arab countries are getting weaker through dictatorship and chaos. Speaking as a Jordanian, he says, “We can hate Israel as much as we like, but we must realize that without it, we too would be gone.” It’s briskly refreshing to come across someone who sees the harsh truth, knows it’s dangerous, but nevertheless speaks it aloud.

Israel is still threatened by Iran, but she starts to get admiration from other corners of the Islamic world.

https://www.memri.org/reports/egyptian- ... evelopment

February y 16, 2017Special Dispatch No.6787
Egyptian Writers: Israel Surpasses Arabs In Innovation And Scientific Development

In recent articles, several Egyptian columnists lamented the fact that Arabs in general, and Egypt in particular, lag behind in terms of scientific development, in contrast to Israel's scientific achievements and its high global ranking in entrepreneurship and inventions. One of the columnists wrote that, had the Arabs made any technological advances, they would have most likely refused to share them with the world, so as to avoid cooperating with "infidels" and "enemies." The columnists called upon Arabs to emulate Western countries instead of viewing them as infidel, and to take advantage of their resources to establish advanced academic institutions such as Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science and the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), instead of more and more prayer houses.
The following are excerpts from the articles:
Had We Invented Everything The West Has Invented, We Would Have Kept It From Them Because They Are Infidels
Al-Masri Al-Yawm columnist Osama Gharib wrote: "Arab contributions to modernity ended over 1,000 years ago. Throughout these past centuries, we have been exploiting the discoveries and inventions of others. They think, work, and invent, while we sit around idly. This begs the question: What would we have done if we had been the innovative ones who invented the phone, car, train, plane, refrigerator, washing machine, heating stove, radio, television, cellular phone, computer, rifle, bomb, missile, and cannon[?] We would most likely have kept them to ourselves and not allowed others to benefit from them via barter or export. This, on the grounds that the others are infidels, and it is [therefore] improper to befriend them or share with them the essence of our philosophy and enable them to enjoy what we enjoy or use what we use so as to save them time and make things easier for them. We call the West 'the Crusader West' to signify that it is an enemy that must be confronted, rather than collaborated with. Do I exaggerate when I say that we would have denied the West of our inventions and kept them only to ourselves, even if exporting them would have helped us operate our factories, hire employees, and bring money into our coffers[?] In my opinion, this is not an exaggeration, since [we Muslims] would have issued fatwas banning trade, [saying that] even if there is a lot of money in it we do not need it. [We would have argued] that bilateral relations with these people [in the West] anger Allah and His Prophet, that there is no blessing in money that comes from trade with them, and that we could lose out if our livelihoods depended on collaborating with the infidels.
"However, coming down from the heights of imagination and returning to reality, we find that it is the West invented everything that benefits people, while we are merely spectators cheering the match... Perhaps we should realize that the inventors were more generous and humane than us by sharing all they invented with us and not keeping it all to themselves. I know that some rude person might point out that they did not give us their products out of humanism, but out of business considerations, so we could be a market [for their products,] yielding them profit and opportunities for employment, gain, and self-realization. This is an undeniable fact, but there is another aspect to it. Had they seen us as we see them – meaning as infidels with whom one should not have mutual relations – they would not have sold us [anything] or made any profits off of us. However, their view, profit-driven as it may be, is more open and humane, recognizing the other's humanity and importance and understanding that it is vital to give the other some measure of progress, so that the world is not divided into a civilized camp and a barbarian camp. Some other rude person might claim that the West shares its inventions with us but does not reveal its secrets, in order to keep us from competing with it and outclassing it. However, this ignores the fact that knowledge is accessible to those who make efforts, and that no one volunteers to hold himself back and help his competitors. Ultimately, I know that the words of the sheikhs will prevail, and people [among us] will continue to believe that Allah placed foreigners at our service so as to spare us the evil and the headaches of [needing to] think."[1]
Israel Is At The Pinnacle Of Scientific Research In The World While Arabs Lag Behind
Metwali Salem, another columnist for Al-Masri Al-Yawm, wrote: "In countries that value knowledge, invention is viewed as one of the linchpins and pinnacles of investment, while in Egypt the level of interest in it, on the part of the government and the public, is minimal. It is a mark of shame [for us] that Israel is considered the second country in the world in terms of inventions... Furthermore, scientific research is high on its list of priorities, perhaps even its top priority, while we still espouse the mentality of failure and extremism, and our interest in science is confined to coffee house pontificating and living room chatter...
"Sadly, we are a nation that has gone from first place in the world [in terms of science and advancement] to last place, and everyone is feasting on the sickly and deformed body [of our peoples]... Meanwhile, Israel sits atop the throne of science, which we have ignored to the point that [our] university graduates and those with Masters and Doctorate degrees are a tiny minority searching for a livelihood – because the only thing their knowledge has gained them is diplomas that are listed on their resumes [but] bring them no benefit."[2]
Similarly, Al-Ahram columnist Ibrahim Al-Naggar wrote: "Israel defeated the Arabs in the science contest by seducing European and American scientists to come live there, while in Arab countries the brain drain continues and they fail to bring back [their academics] and benefit from them. The Arab League warned of the danger this poses to the security, political, and economic future of Arab countries after Israel took the 24th place among developed countries, the second place after the U.S. in scientific research and capability, and the fourth place after Japan, the U.S., and Finland in adopting technological developments."[3]
Israel Knows How To Exploit Its Resources, While Egyptians Have Not Exploited Theirs
Dr. Bahgat Korany, an expert on international relations and political economics, director of the American University in Cairo (AUC) forum, wrote in Al-Ahram: "Although there are many scientific schools [of thought] on development, everyone agrees on one thing: failure does not [stem] from a lack of natural resources. Japan is poor in resources, while Congo and Nigeria are rich in them. Development is about how you exploit existing resources and manage them – and that is why the human resource is of paramount importance, especially educated and talented people, whether in or out of their country. This is because, in the age of globalization and rapidly developing technologies, with the availability of teleconferencing [technologies] like Skype and similar [programs], the borders between countries have become irrelevant. Therefore, our scientists abroad are a fundamental part of [our human] resources, as has become clear from the experience of many.
"Thus, for example, Chaim Weizmann, the first president of Israel, was a chemist in Britain and contributed to the development of the weapons industry [there], and in return, convinced the British government to issue the Balfour Declaration, which is the basis for modern day Israel. Israel's development since then, and the victories this small nation gained over its neighbors, despite their greater population and resources, can only be explained by the way Israel exploits its external human resources – the so-called Israeli lobby in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and even Latin America...
"Even though Egypt has similar valuable [human] resources, too much time has been spent in [unsuccessful] efforts to exploit them... While many efforts were made [in this domain], for instance by [former Egyptian] ambassador [to the Arab League] Tahseen Bashir or [Mubarak advisor] Osama El-Baz, but no state-level plan has ever been carried out."[4]
We Need Institutions Such As The Technion And Weizmann Institute, Not More Prayer Houses
After President Al-Sisi declared that Egypt's new administrative capital[5] will include the country's largest mosque and church, Al-Watan columnist Khaled Montaser called to establish a research institute or large factory, and not just prayer houses. He wrote: "When will the world respect us and consider our opinion? It will respect us and take us into consideration not just because of the amount of weapons in our [weapons] depos, but due to our ability to manufacture those weapons [on our own] and invent new ones. Not because of the number of our mosque minarets or crosses atop church domes, but due to our inventions, scientific research, and certificates of participation in foreign academic courses... Instead of importing four out of every five loaves of bread consumed by Egyptians, the [Egyptian] researcher should diligently [explore] how to increase flour production in our mills... He should invest efforts in dealing with diseases and harmful plagues, and invent tools of engineering...
"Our rival and neighbor Israel, which was supposed to use religion for its needs and [exploit it] to justify its establishment and theft of Palestine, never announced or spoke of building the world's largest synagogue; instead, it takes pride not in its synagogues but in its institutions – the Weizmann Institute and the Technion. These are the two largest scientific research institutes in the Middle East and among the most important in the world... Mr. President, we need an Arab Technion [to be established] next to the biggest mosque and church."[6]

Zionist Nationalist wrote:Its simply jealousy and the fact that the Muslims know that they are bunch of hopeless baboons that can never have a proper functioning society because they have medieval mentality.

400 millions of Arabs cant handle a small country with a population of 8 million

Arabs are useless idiots

You know, you could have stated your opinion in a better way which could have been just as scathing but not so infantile.
You aren't helping your cause, indeed you are hurting it..

Also, stop pretending such a small nation such as Israel doesn't wield untold influence over those 400 million Arabs.
layman wrote:Stabbing soldiers is a legitimate form of resistance.
Still, a23 seems to be a pacifist on every issue apart for Israel. Even civilians bring legitimate targets because conscription.

I believe that it's not right to initiate violence. Any defence should then be proportional and only after all other means have been tried.
The Zionist/Palestinian conflict is a cause célèbre.
noir wrote:Your first reasonable post.

Tit for tat is, in my opinion, is not morally right. Although I can understand why the oppressed Palestinians are violent, as all avenues have been tried and they are desperate. BDS is the way forward and this might put an end to this apartheid system.
In the meantime I will support the Palestinian cause.
JohnRawls wrote: That is indeed correct but in this context is stupid. Nelson Mandela did not describe people killing civilians with a knife with this quote. You are simply trying to warp his statement.

In this case it was an attack on an oppressor, a Zionist IDF soldier. Here is Nelsom Mandela in 1999 saying that violence against the Zionists is acceptable if all other avenues have been tried.

anarchist23 wrote: violence against the Zionists is acceptable if all other avenues have been tried.

Sure, but you can't blame the Israelis for defending themselves.
Proportionality is not an option. If the count was one for one, the Israelis would lose because there are 100 Muslims for every Jew. So a proportion 100:1 would be about equal. If you insist on proportionality.

This case will probably result in future terrorists put down immediately by multiple shots, including to the head, to avoid court cases.

Peaceful coexistence is to be preferred and would be possible as soon as the Arabs accept the existence of Israel.
Ter wrote:Sure, but you can't blame the Israelis for defending themselves.
Proportionality is not an option. If the count was one for one, the Israelis would lose because there are 100 Muslims for every Jew. So a proportion 100:1 would be about equal. If you insist on proportionality.

This case will probably result in future terrorists put down immediately by multiple shots, including to the head, to avoid court cases.

Peaceful coexistence is to be preferred and would be possible as soon as the Arabs accept the existence of Israel.

The Zionists are to blame for the Palestinians violent actions against the Zionists. The Zionists have pushed the Palestinians into a corner and the Palestinians have no alternative but to come out fighting.

The Zionists said they could do business and negotiate with the Palestinians when Arafat stepped down as leader.

The Palestinians in the West Bank have been compliant and this has got them nowhere.

The Zionists have nuclear weapons, the Arabs have none and so they are not a threat to Israeli existence.

The bottom line is that the Zionists want a Greater Israel and have no intention of allowing the state of Palestine.

February 23, 2017 at 4:04 pm
The Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, Gadi Eisenkot, believes that Hezbollah and Hamas are too weak to launch a military offensive against Israel.

Eisenkot downplayed the chances for a fresh war with either group in the near future saying they were both uninterested in a new conflict and, in the Lebanese group’s case, demoralised as well.

Speaking at a closed-door meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, Eisenkot said that despite having gained battlefield experience as a result of its military interventions in Syria on behalf of the regime of Bashar Al-Assad, Hezbollah has been left significantly weakened.

The Times of Israel reported Eisenkot telling the Defence Committee that “Hezbollah’s [military] operations in Syria have brought about a morale and financial crisis within its ranks.”

Eisenkot’s comments regarding Hezbollah’s intentions appear to be in response to a number of statements made by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah over the past week, which included a threat that the group will not abide by any “red lines” in a future war with Israel.

Nasrallah also threatened to strike the nuclear facility in the southern Israeli city of Dimona during a speech last week.

During yesterday’s Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee session, Eisenkot also addressed the threat posed by Hamas on Israel’s southern border, saying he does not believe it has any “willingness” to launch an offensive against Israel at the current time.

Hamas and Hezbollah have weathered numerous Israeli military assaults over the years. Israel’s past three assaults on Gaza in under a decade and its offensive in Lebanon in 2006 are amongst a list of failed attempts by Israel to destroy and dismantle the two organisations.
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