Australia Votes to legalize Gay Marriage - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Pants-of-dog wrote:My mom is a practicing Roman Catholic. She supports equal rights for same sex couples, and also supports a woman’s right to control her own body.

Your Mother's opinion(which is obviously of a personal nature) is not the official opinion of the church(which the faithful are of cause meant to follow) which is found in the Catechism(as well as the Bible obviously, but the Catechism is used as a compendium of canon law)....

Bolded lines for emphasis.

CCC wrote:2322 From its conception, the child has the right to life. Direct abortion, that is, abortion willed as an end or as a means, is a "criminal" practice (GS 27 § 3), gravely contrary to the moral law. The Church imposes the canonical penalty of excommunication for this crime against human life.

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
mikema63 wrote:Freedom for women and gays sounds too much like an assault on the innocent downtrodden minority of straight white men. :*(

I wonder whether how much white @colliric really is.

colliric.jpg (28.81 KiB) Viewed 699 times

I also wonder if he or his family has Argentinian heritage, hence his orthodox Catholicism.
colliric wrote:Your Mother's opinion(which is obviously of a personal nature) is not the official opinion of the church(which the faithful are of cause meant to follow) which is found in the Catechism(as well as the Bible obviously, but the Catechism is used as a compendium of canon law)....

Bolded lines for emphasis.

My mother is also a free thinker.

I like how you ignored the link to Catholic Australians who support gay marriage. Apparently, the majority do.
colliric wrote:I am indeed Roman Catholic in belief.... No need for further explanation as to my political reasons. I argue my political reasons all the time. This shit never helps the poor, n

Really you just believe whatever the pope believes. You unable of thinking for yourself and condemn anyone who does follow the part line. How is these not just a totalitarism. Why does the jumped up bishop of Rome have any particular credibility?

Never seen you show any concern for the poor. You consistently support right wing policies which are very harmful for the poor.
pugsville wrote:Really you just believe whatever the pope believes. You unable of thinking for yourself and condemn anyone who does follow the part line. How is these not just a totalitarism. Why does the jumped up bishop of Rome have any particular credibility?

I do think for myself. Thinking for yourself can include thinking "You know what, The Pope is pretty much morally right most of the time". Since when does thinking for yourself involve having to 100% not agree with an individual that you know shares your already held beliefs. I don't agree with everything the Popes have done or stated, especially that morbid time one earlier Pope dug up another and put his corpse on "Trial". But "most of the time" he is morally right. He was even right to trash talk the idea of "building Walls" last year, even though I happen to think that particular border wall is needed.

I didn't condemn that other users Mum, individuals have levels to which they personally accept "The Church's official position". I'm sure there is something I feel doubtful about in there somewhere.

Never seen you show any concern for the poor. You consistently support right wing policies which are very harmful for the poor.

Number 1 thing that helps the poor.... Giving them Jobs, money and a future. Not taking jobs away because "Climate Change is (more) important (than your wellbeing and happiness)". Economic policies which create jobs create a future for those lucky enough to be employed.

I do not believe in the Abolishment of welfare and in privatised healthcare. Frankly I just think Obamacare was a fucken terrible half-hearted disaster. Universal Healthcare is not right for your Country as it will never be passed without shocking damaging compromises. Bernie at least had the guts to push a full system if he had of gotten in. Yes I just said Barack Obama was a gutless turd.
colliric wrote:Lol you think I'm Argentinian from that shit too up close picture...

I thought you may have been Argentinian because of your signature and Catholicism, from your picture I only concluded you're not that much white actually.
colliric wrote:I do think for myself. Thinking for yourself can include thinking "You know what, The Pope is pretty much morally right most of the time". Since when does thinking for yourself involve having to 100% not agree with an individual that you know shares your already held beliefs. I don't agree with everything the Popes have done or stated, especially that morbid time one earlier Pope dug up another and put his corpse on "Trial". But "most of the time" he is morally right. He was even right to trash talk the idea of "building Walls" last year, even though I happen to think that particular border wall is needed.

I didn't condemn that other users Mum, individuals have levels to which they personally accept "The Church's official position". I'm sure there is something I feel doubtful about in there somewhere.

What catholicism without the pope.

colliric wrote:Number 1 thing that helps the poor.... Giving them Jobs, money and a future. Not taking jobs away because "Climate Change is (more) important (than your wellbeing and happiness)". Economic policies which create jobs create a future for those lucky enough to be employed.

Jobs. kick the problem down the road. Almost every government in the western world has been following to lesser or greater extent the jobs and growth mantra. That belief full employment is going to magically appear and solve everything, is naive refusal to face facts. The jobs being created are increasingly casual and precarious. The entire thing is a refusal to actual tackle the problems of poverty and inequality in a meaning full way, relay on the nirvana that some how increasing the pie will magically solve things. It wont. Climate Change could be tackled for relatively modest cost. All life on Earth depends on the Environment, actually looking after it should be pretty high on the priorities.

colliric wrote:I Universal Healthcare is not right for your Country as it will never be passed without shocking damaging compromises. Bernie at least had the guts to push a full system if he had of gotten in. Yes I just said Barack Obama was a gutless turd.

I'm a fellow australian. I'd agree Obama did not really do much. Talked a good game but actual achievements pretty thin of the ground.
foxdemon wrote:Survey analysis:

So it seems it is professional, PC white women versus migrant conservatives. Such much for PC white people being tolerant of other culture’s beliefs.

Are we supposed to tolerate all beliefs from other cultures?

Is that what you think people should do?

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