Netanyahu: Iran had Nukes + If i'm elected, Jordan Valley is "officially" ours...... - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Ter wrote::lol:
You are either very delusional or you are trolling us.
I do find it very funny.
Thanks for the chuckle !
(after you take over the world, you might need a good Minister of Finance and I am ready to serve under you)

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

And no Ministers of Finance please. I'm not an authoritarian.
Palmyrene wrote:And no Ministers of Finance please. I'm not an authoritarian.

I think we got off on the wrong foot.
I represent the High Council of Zionist Leaders of The World and if you do not accept ourAuthority guidance we cannot let you take over the world.
There you have it, in plain language.
I hope you will come to your senses.
I'm extremely concerned about the position of West Bank Muslims. Its becoming very overcrowded.

Surely the humanitarian thing to do would be to encourage at least some of them to leave Israel-Palestine altogether to relieve population pressures.
Rich wrote:I'm extremely concerned about the position of West Bank Muslims. Its becoming very overcrowded.

Surely the humanitarian thing to do would be to encourage at least some of them to leave Israel-Palestine altogether to relieve population pressures.

Actually the humanitarian thing would be to turn Israel into a proper multicultural country with full legal rights for all people instead of "Thine Medieval Jewish (Only) State".... And then let them move back there if they wish.

But they can't have that because then it would go back to being predominantly Islamic just like South Africa went back to being majority blacks.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:I dont know if he really means what he says it but Jordan valley is critical for Israels security especially when there are signs that the current Jordanian king is probably their last king

This has probably been on the agenda for quite some time. Of course he means it. I'm not doubting the words of a criminal when it comes to taking things that doesn't really belong to him.
Code Rood wrote:This has probably been on the agenda for quite some time. Of course he means it. I'm not doubting the words of a criminal when it comes to taking things that doesn't really belong to him.

Im going to celebrate with a bottle of wine when Gantz(who is at least slightly better) ends his career, unless Netanyahu is corrupt enough to still hang around.

I'm hopeful for a landslide.

Then BIBI can finally join his friends Bush and Blair in the dumpster of the WMD Iraq War political history. It'll be long overdue.
colliric wrote:I'll be honest with you, I think Gantz will win this time. If Netanyahu is resorting to this level of Vote buying and scaremongering, I think he knows he's out.

I dont think that Gantz will win there is a possibility for a unity government where gantz and bibi will be together probably each doing 2 years
most likely netanyahu will win again but there is a possibility for a third round

according to latest polls Gantz currently have 53 seat (including other leftist parties) he can form a coalition if the Arabs will join him but thats unlikely
Netanyahu has 58 seats with orthodox and right wing parties thats not enough but we dont know whats going to be on election day last 3 elections the polls were wrong and likud turned out to have at least 3-4 more seats each time
Palmyrene wrote:I like how you're dogwhistling that Israel should invade Jordan.

And a majority of the Jordanian population loves the king. Their entire nationalism revolves around the monarchy.

lol I didnt said anything about Jordan
Jordan valley is not in Jordan its in the west bank. but Jordan future is unclear Israel need to be prepared for the day when the king will be no more and possibly there will be some unfriendly regime we dont know whos gonna take control there after the king and Israel cannot take any risk.
@Ter @Palmyrene
Queen Rania is despised among the people of Jordan. If you looked her up in Jordanian sites and newspapers, there is a corruption case after another, literally just endless stream of them from her and her family. She took over everything.
Literally, Queen Rania and her family Al-Yaseen, endless stream of corruption accusations and charges.

Jordan is currently held under control by the secret police.
Again, if you follow Jordanian local news (on the internet), you'll constantly hear of the people that simply disappeared, be they regular people, officials, officers, opposition leaders, etc.
Dissent gets you killed in Jordan. Noting that it is officially, by law, a crime to even say anything bad about the royal family.

The entire royal guards and intelligence in Jordan is made of a couple of tribes ( 1 of them Palestinian, not Jordanian) along with tons of Chichen and Circassians. Primarily because Jordanians won't serve.

And the king is viewed as a wimp who can't stand up to his wife.

Perhaps it is best to listen to what Jordanians say when it comes to what the Jordanian people think, rather than listening to what western newspapers think they think.

The Jordanian monarchy's days are numbered, and the revolution against them will be far more violent than Syria or Iraq ever were.

Also, note:
The overwhelming majority of Jordanians are in poverty. The economy crashed and never recovered.
If you walked in the capital Amman, there are more closed shops and businesses and abandoned buildings than opened ones during rush hour.
And it only takes a few minutes of chat with people in Jordan to realize that level of anger among the population.

@Ter That fierce loyalty was for king Hussein, King Abdullah, on the other hand, is seen as corrupt and bought off ruler who sold the country and bankrupted it.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:lol I didnt said anything about Jordan
Jordan valley is not in Jordan its in the west bank. but Jordan future is unclear Israel need to be prepared for the day when the king will be no more and possibly there will be some unfriendly regime we dont know whos gonna take control there after the king and Israel cannot take any risk.

So you're still saying that Israel should invade Jordan. Fancying it up with pretty words won't change that fact.
anasawad wrote:@Ter @Palmyrene
Queen Rania is despised among the people of Jordan. If you looked her up in Jordanian sites and newspapers, there is a corruption case after another, literally just endless stream of them from her and her family. She took over everything.
Literally, Queen Rania and her family Al-Yaseen, endless stream of corruption accusations and charges.

Jordan is currently held under control by the secret police.
Again, if you follow Jordanian local news (on the internet), you'll constantly hear of the people that simply disappeared, be they regular people, officials, officers, opposition leaders, etc.
Dissent gets you killed in Jordan. Noting that it is officially, by law, a crime to even say anything bad about the royal family.

The entire royal guards and intelligence in Jordan is made of a couple of tribes ( 1 of them Palestinian, not Jordanian) along with tons of Chichen and Circassians. Primarily because Jordanians won't serve.

And the king is viewed as a wimp who can't stand up to his wife.

Perhaps it is best to listen to what Jordanians say when it comes to what the Jordanian people think, rather than listening to what western newspapers think they think.

The Jordanian monarchy's days are numbered, and the revolution against them will be far more violent than Syria or Iraq ever were.

Also, note:
The overwhelming majority of Jordanians are in poverty. The economy crashed and never recovered.
If you walked in the capital Amman, there are more closed shops and businesses and abandoned buildings than opened ones during rush hour.
And it only takes a few minutes of chat with people in Jordan to realize that level of anger among the population.

Does this mean I can overthrow the king? Oooo that's nice. Maybe I could start anarchism in Jordan first (Syria may be too unstable to start something there).
Rich wrote:I'm extremely concerned about the position of West Bank Palestinians. Its becoming very overcrowded.

Surely the humanitarian thing to do would be to encourage at least some of them to leave Israel-Palestine altogether to relieve population pressures.

You should also get rid of most Israelis because they're waayy too overcrowded as well.

Jordan is tribal.
The most likely scenarios are the king being replaced by prince Hamzeh in an internal coup, or a violent revolution seeing the northern tribes and clans taking over by force.

Every country is tribal in some way but that doesn't mean that ideological revolution isn't powerful. Tribes aren't that influential compared to the rest of the population.
They are.
Most Jordanians are tribal.
The Palestinians in Jordan wont be allowed to take power.

ِAn Arabic source, but nonetheless, useful; From Al-Jazeera quick report.

تعتبر العشائر الأردنية المكون الرئيس للمجتمع الأردني حتى قبل تأسيس إمارة شرقي الأردن عام 1921 ثم قيام المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية عام 1946، وهي مكونة من العشائر والقبائل العربية التي سكنت شرقي الأردن أو ارتحلت إليه في القرون الماضية، وما يميز العشائر الأردنية أن لها امتدادات في الجزيرة العربية وفلسطين وسوريا والعراق.

وما كان للدولة الأردنية الوليدة أن تقوم لولا دعم زعماء القبائل للأسرة الهاشمية التي تحالفت مع الشريف الحسين بن علي في الثورة العربية الكبرى على الدولة العثمانية التي انهارت في عشرينيات القرن الماضي.

ويوجد في الأردن العديد من العشائر والقبائل من أهمها عشائر بني حسن التي تقطن محافظات الزرقاء والمفرق وجرش وسط وشمالي شرقي الأردن، وعشائر بني صخر التي يمتد نفوذها من جنوب العاصمة عمان حتى حدود محافظتي مأدبا والكرك جنوبا ومحافظة المفرق شمالا والحدود السعودية شرقا.

وتعتبر عشائر الحويطات من القبائل البدوية المعروفة في جنوبي الأردن ويمتد نفوذها في المناطق الجنوبية المحاذية لمحافظة معان ووادي رم إلى العقبة أقصى جنوب المملكة، كما تنتشر قبيلة الحجايا وقبائل بدوية أخرى في المناطق بين محافظتي الكرك والطفيلة، إضافة لعشائر بدوية عديدة تعيش في المناطق الصحراوية البدوية في الجنوب.

وفي جنوب المملكة تقطن عشائر المجالية والطراونة والبرارشة والمعايطة والمواجدة وغيرها من عشائر الكرك التاريخية والعديد من العشائر المسيحية في محافظة الكرك، كما تقطن عشائر الطفيلة البحرات والهليلات والعبيديين والوهيبات والحميدات والقطيفات والكلالدة والسعوديين والثوابية والعطاعطة والشوابكة محافظة الطفيلة.

وفي معان تعيش العشائر المعانية التي كانت أول من استقبل الشريف الحسين بن علي قادما من الحجاز، وأصل العشائر في معان من الحجاز والشام، ومن أبرزها عشائر الكراشين والتحاتا والحصان والقرامسة والمحاميد والخورة وغيرها.

وفي العقبة أقصى جنوب الأردن يعيش خليط من العشائر الأردنية كون المدينة جاذبة للسكان خاصة من الجنوب كونها الميناء الوحيد للأردن على البحر الأحمر، كما اختلطت عشائر قادمة من فلسطين من قطاع غزة وبئر السبع بالعشائر الأردنية هناك حتى من قبل نكبة فلسطين عام 1948.

وفي وسط المملكة حتى الغرب على الحدود مع فلسطين توجد التجمعات الكبرى لعشائر العدوان والعبابيد وعشائر السلط والدعجة والبلقاوية والعجارمة وعشائر مسيحية وغيرها تعيش بالعاصمة عمان ومدن السلط وناعور ومأدبا ومناطق الأغوار الوسطى، وهذه المناطق هي القلب الحيوي للدولة الأردنية، وفي جنوب العاصمة عمان توجد عشائر بدو الوسط وسحاب.

وفي الوسط والشرق تعيش العشائر الشركسية والشيشانية التي يعود تاريخها إلى ما قبل تأسيس الدولة الأردنية حيث قدمت من القوقاز وسكنت مناطق في غرب العاصمة عمان والزرقاء.

كما توجد عشائر بني حميدة في مناطق ذيبان بمحافظة مأدبا جنوبا حتى الكرك والطفيلة، وفي شمال الأردن تقطن في المدن والقرى الريفية والأغوار عشائر القضاة والمومنية والصمادية والفريحات والعشائر المسيحية لاسيما الربضية وغيرها في جبل عجلون، إضافة لعشائر أخرى في قرى المحافظة.

أما محافظة جرش فتضم لفيفا من العشائر منها العتوم والرواشدة والزيادنة وغيرها، وفي إربد توجد عشائر الزعبية والعبيدات والتلول، إضافة لعشائر بني عبيد والكفارات والسرو والرمثا وبني تميم وبني كنانة وعشائر الأغوار الشمالية والوسطية والكورة.

وتعتبر السردية والسرحان من أهم القبائل البدوية التي تقطن المناطق الشمالية الشرقية الممتدة من محافظة المفرق حتى الحدود السورية، ويوجد في الأردن بعض القبائل الدرزية تعيش أساسا بمدينة الأزرق شرق المملكة قرب الحدود مع العراق.

وكانت القبائل البدوية في الشمال والجنوب والوسط تخضع لقانون تنظم البدو وللقضاء العشائري ولمحكمة العشائر التي تأسست عام 1929 وصدر قرار بإلغائها عام 1976.

ورغم أن الدولة الأردنية تمتاز بالحداثة ويعتبر سكانها من الأعلى تعليما في المنطقة العربية فإن العشائر وأبناءها لا زالوا يحتفظون بعاداتهم العربية الأصيلة، كما أن الناس لا زالوا يحتكمون للقضاء العشائري في حل نزاعاتهم الاجتماعية، ولا يعتبر هذا القضاء بديلا عن القضاء المدني إلا أنه ينظر له كمساعد للاستقرار في الدولة التي يخضع لقانونها الجميع. ... 9%8A%D8%A9

62% of Jordanians are tribal.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:if you dont know not all of Jordan valley is in Jordan. Israel will not invade Jordan it will annex the part of the valley that is in the west bank

You are doing that annoying habit of "wink wink nudge nudge the Jordan Monarchy will fall and we are at the ready, you never know" crap.


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