Bernie Sanders wins Nevada Caucus--Will he win Super Tuesday? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Tainari88 wrote:
They got the liberal sellout problems psychologically speaking Rancid. They need to realize the far Left is about what Killer Mike did in that ad for Bernie. UNITE all the people under the goal of confronting the oligarchs. Period. Make those elitist arrogant pieces of shit quake in their boots and fear the backlash of the huge amount of people they have been living off of like vultures for DECADES. The time is NOW!

:eek: :eek:

I need to offshore some of my money...

BE right back.
Tainari88 wrote:They got the liberal sellout problems psychologically speaking Rancid. They need to realize the far Left is about what Killer Mike did in that ad for Bernie. UNITE all the people under the goal of confronting the oligarchs. Period. Make those elitist arrogant pieces of shit quake in their boots and fear the backlash of the huge amount of people they have been living off of like vultures for DECADES. The time is NOW!

And thats a problem for Bernie. Don't take it as if i am against Bernie. Trump loosing is a net positive in my book, but Bernie can't beat Trump. There are multitude of reasons for this. To go through some of them:

1) The groups that voted who helped "Killary", will not help Bernie. Some of those groups are pro-business.(Not just oligarch but people also) They are severely against Trump but in a race of Trump vs Bernie, they don't have much of a choice. They will side with Trump.

Then comes the military crowd. Now, they don't like Trump with all of the attacks on FBI, CIA, etc. They also do not like some of his policies. They might not hate Trump as much as the business community but there is a lot of dislike between them and Trump. Once again, Bernie is not somebody they can vote at all. A person who holds similar policies as Corbyn is by definition a traitor to these group of people. Support of Palestine, weak foreighn policy, semi-i-don't care policy on Assad etc

There are more fringe groups that are harder to identify like single women, who once again, do not see a reason for healthcare or why they should pay for somebody elses college etc. They dislike Trump but Bernie is not a choice for them because of what he stands for and who he is.

Basically a lot of the groups who absolutely hate Trump have no choice but to support Trump.

2) Personal qualities. This is more complicated and might be better compared to "Killary". Still it depends on how you look at it. Killary liked to pretend she is serious person with no bullshit kind of policy with tons of year of experience. That didn't help her much. Bernie is old, Trump is old. The reason why Bernie might be better than Killary here is because of his "non-establishment" label. I will give it to him here. But more or less they are even here. Trump is a crazy old demagogue while Bernie is a crazy old socialist. That is how it will be explained.

3) Trump is very intrusive in to Bernie demographic/voters while Bernie is repulsive to Trump haters. I am not sure who will the Unions support. Bernie has been with them for ages but they love Trump also. All the trade deals and economic war with China, they love it. Same goes for other "economically empowerished" groups. Angry millenials who can't pay rent, people who can't find a job etc. The only groups that are safe for Bernie without Trump intrusion are progressive social policy people. I even people who are for doing something about student loans might have some warm feelings for Trump.

4) Historic precedent. There was an election recently under similar conditions in the UK. It is not exactly the same but we can glimpse at the situation a bit. Bernie is not as incompetent as Corbyn nor is the landscape disunited. But the same issues will happen, classical supporters will abandon the left because Trump has same concerns just different solutions. People are more like to believe a liberal than a socialist. It is easy to blame the left for being foreign, too edgy and unpatriotic. All the "left" mobilization from the left is kinda pointless if their base is undermined. All that they gain by having higher mobilisation rate is offset by the fact that some of their core vote hesitates and votes Trump because he is not so bad in their eyes. Basically Trump is a 2nd choice for the left so he has a lot of sympathy in the left circles.

Some of the more glaring problems that i can think of.
Beren wrote:They can't stop Bernie at the convention because they and the party are obviously finished then. The first and last thing that can stop Sanders is Trump.

That's why I say people like Nancy Pelosi, Chris Matthews, etc. will be crying in the voting booths as they pull the lever for Trump.

Rich wrote:Warren attempted to steal the Bernie lane from Bernie, by laughably trying to portray him as a women hater.

She did the same thing to Bloomberg, who just took it. Tucker Carlson had a guest on who said words to the effect of, "Mike Bloomberg is the only candidate to spend $400M of his own money only to be scalped by a fake Indian." I never realized he called anybody a "fat broad" or a "horse-faced lesbian"--the latter one had me laughing and thinking maybe I should give Bloomberg a chance. However, Bernie would do so much more to disillusion the establishment.

Tainari88 wrote:I would love to see a Bernie Sanders/Tulsi Gabbard or Bernie Sanders/Jill Stein ticket.

That would be great. I'm an independent, so I can't vote Republican in the primary. So I think I'll vote for Sanders just to screw things up for the Democrats even more.

Taianri88 wrote: The reality is that Wall Street needs to get scared deeply. They have been coasting for decades without any kind of regulations or control and allowed the billionaires and the corruption.

We agree on that much. That's why I'm pulling for Bernie in the primaries. I like listening to Tim Pool on this, because he's basically a centrist Democrat who understand exactly why Trump won, and why the Democrats are failing so miserably.

Tainari88 wrote:The courts are an issue. Stacked with conservative assholes they won't regulate the Wall Street crowd.

Congress has plenary authority to regulate commerce. The courts cannot stop that. The courts have only curtailed campaign finance regulations. It's too bad Howard Schultz didn't run. He understand working class people so much better than Bloomberg.

Tainari88 wrote:Or at least as far left as can be done and make sure the mayors and governorships of the majority of the states are Left candidates that win.

You're getting your hopes up.

Tainari88 wrote:Make sure there is fear within the Democratic party. Fear of not paying attention to the will of the majority and especially the young people who want a left answer to all that stupid Far Right racism, elitism, anti immigrant hysteria, and hatred of minorities.

That is the will of the majority. However, it's pointless to argue that they hate minorities. They just hate their wages being driven down and/or their jobs being shipped overseas. It's Wall Street that's sowing the seeds of "Trump is a racist," because he's not on their side with respect to illegal immigration. The Democratic establishment isn't going to react well to Bernie either, because they have been flirting with socialism for so long. What they didn't anticipate was that all the immigrants would vote socialist. They were just supposed to fall in line and do as they were told. It's not happening. So their illegal alien campaign has them seeing the end of their own reign, when they thought it would deliver them electoral victory in perpetuity.

Tainari88 wrote:The demographic shift in the USA where millions of young Latino youth register to vote every year? Is going to change the style of American politics.

It already has. AOC has a dozen challengers in her primary. The establishment is doing anything it can to survive now, and that means they will be trying to kill of the squad politically speaking.

Tainari88 wrote: The Republican party sucks badly for Latin people.

Not for lawfully resident or US citizens. Their wages are going up faster than the top 1% for the first time in a long time. Trump said he would do that for Latinos and he has delivered.

Tainari88 wrote:The Latin American people in general are lower class people in the USA.

That's why you should see the embrace of illegal immigration by Democrats for what it is: raw exploitation.

Tainari88 wrote:Puerto Ricans are the second largest Latin American group in the USA. After Mexicans.

What's that tell you about illegal immigration? It's designed to make you less relevant. It's designed to make blacks less relevant. It's divide and conquer pure and simple.

Tainari88 wrote:Victory is ours!

Not in 2020 is my guess.

Tainari88 wrote: Make those elitist arrogant pieces of shit quake in their boots and fear the backlash of the huge amount of people they have been living off of like vultures for DECADES.

That's the victory in 2020 if we can get Bernie the nomination--a complete shutout for the establishment. They've never seen it before. In 68, they had Nixon. In '80 they had Carter. In '84, they had Mondale. Every election since has been establishmentarian until Trump. If Bernie wins, they will have to vote for Trump. The humiliation will be complete.

John Rawls wrote:1) The groups that voted who helped "Killary", will not help Bernie. Some of those groups are pro-business.(Not just oligarch but people also) They are severely against Trump but in a race of Trump vs Bernie, they don't have much of a choice. They will side with Trump.


John Rawls wrote:They might not hate Trump as much as the business community but there is a lot of dislike between them and Trump.

A lot of the business community LOVES Trump. Trump is more a Reaganite. He's helpful to smaller business. By contrast, the Republicans since Bush I have been more fascist in favoring large corporations and squeezing small ones, which is the backbone of employment in America. Trump's tax cuts also helped big businesses mightily.

John Rawls wrote:There are more fringe groups that are harder to identify like single women, who once again, do not see a reason for healthcare or why they should pay for somebody elses college etc. They dislike Trump but Bernie is not a choice for them because of what he stands for and who he is.

Basically a lot of the groups who absolutely hate Trump have no choice but to support Trump.

Other than college kids living with mommy and daddy, the left is actually very small in the US.

John Rawls wrote:3) Trump is very intrusive in to Bernie demographic/voters while Bernie is repulsive to Trump haters. I am not sure who will the Unions support. Bernie has been with them for ages but they love Trump also. All the trade deals and economic war with China, they love it.

Trump has dealt with unionized labor forever. He brought a bunch of unions to the White House. I think even the Teamsters. Obama was friendly with government employee unions and SEIU, but he didn't invite the Teamsters.

John Rawls wrote:The only groups that are safe for Bernie without Trump intrusion are progressive social policy people.

My buddy the Democrat (knows the governor personally, hangs out with politicians) has basically indicated that Trump is going to win--meaning he's going to vote for Trump, but can't bear to say it to anyone.

Lumping the left as somebody who lives with mommy and daddy is a pretty big hyperbole. To be fair here, the problem is present with both left and right. It is just a general problem of millenials so to speak due to low wages and high rents. This is not an inherently x idelogy groups phenomenon. Basically its a meme that people use against the left and the right all the time that i dislike. Alt-right and Left from the millenial generation don't live like that because they have a choice or because they are lazy. You yourself understand this. So why you use that hyperbole?

As for Bernie loosing to Trump. I mean, Bernie will loose 80 to 20% in my opinion. He still has that 20% depending on what he does. And don't take it in a way that it is some kind of dice roll. It is not. 20% is just there if he manages to figure our some kind of super strategy or system to win which is very unlikely. It is pretty much as bad as Romney had it vs Obama. 2nd term Obama was really solid. 2nd term Trump also looks really solid.
JohnRawls wrote:And thats a problem for Bernie. Don't take it as if i am against Bernie. Trump loosing is a net positive in my book, but Bernie can't beat Trump. There are multitude of reasons for this. To go through some of them:

1) The groups that voted who helped "Killary", will not help Bernie. Some of those groups are pro-business.(Not just oligarch but people also) They are severely against Trump but in a race of Trump vs Bernie, they don't have much of a choice. They will side with Trump.

Then comes the military crowd. Now, they don't like Trump with all of the attacks on FBI, CIA, etc. They also do not like some of his policies. They might not hate Trump as much as the business community but there is a lot of dislike between them and Trump. Once again, Bernie is not somebody they can vote at all. A person who holds similar policies as Corbyn is by definition a traitor to these group of people. Support of Palestine, weak foreighn policy, semi-i-don't care policy on Assad etc

There are more fringe groups that are harder to identify like single women, who once again, do not see a reason for healthcare or why they should pay for somebody elses college etc. They dislike Trump but Bernie is not a choice for them because of what he stands for and who he is.

Basically a lot of the groups who absolutely hate Trump have no choice but to support Trump.

2) Personal qualities. This is more complicated and might be better compared to "Killary". Still it depends on how you look at it. Killary liked to pretend she is serious person with no bullshit kind of policy with tons of year of experience. That didn't help her much. Bernie is old, Trump is old. The reason why Bernie might be better than Killary here is because of his "non-establishment" label. I will give it to him here. But more or less they are even here. Trump is a crazy old demagogue while Bernie is a crazy old socialist. That is how it will be explained.

3) Trump is very intrusive in to Bernie demographic/voters while Bernie is repulsive to Trump haters. I am not sure who will the Unions support. Bernie has been with them for ages but they love Trump also. All the trade deals and economic war with China, they love it. Same goes for other "economically empowerished" groups. Angry millenials who can't pay rent, people who can't find a job etc. The only groups that are safe for Bernie without Trump intrusion are progressive social policy people. I even people who are for doing something about student loans might have some warm feelings for Trump.

4) Historic precedent. There was an election recently under similar conditions in the UK. It is not exactly the same but we can glimpse at the situation a bit. Bernie is not as incompetent as Corbyn nor is the landscape disunited. But the same issues will happen, classical supporters will abandon the left because Trump has same concerns just different solutions. People are more like to believe a liberal than a socialist. It is easy to blame the left for being foreign, too edgy and unpatriotic. All the "left" mobilization from the left is kinda pointless if their base is undermined. All that they gain by having higher mobilisation rate is offset by the fact that some of their core vote hesitates and votes Trump because he is not so bad in their eyes. Basically Trump is a 2nd choice for the left so he has a lot of sympathy in the left circles.

Some of the more glaring problems that i can think of.

You do have a lot of very valid points John. Bernie has a lot of veterans. He served on the Committee for Veteran's affairs and does extremely well with the military folk. Tulsi Gabbard does too. A Bernie/Gabbard ticket is a good sell for a broad spectrum of voters.

You are right about Pelosi types. She will hold her nose and vote for Trump. Because at the core of all this bad corruption are the liberals who worry more about being wealthy and being high in status than any true commitment to the working classes. They are the poison in the Dem party.

But? I see this with the long view JR. It will create pressure. One being the issue of not having corporate donors being enough to push through a candidate anymore. Grassroots small donation campaigns are the future with social media growing. The youth are not white wealthy home owning millenials. They are kids with not much money. AOC is one of them. Many are like her maybe not in ideology but in circumstances of working two jobs and having a mattress on the floor and struggling for a while. Life is more powerful than rhetoric JR. With time the conditions dictate how politics will go.....

I do think the DNC will be incredbily obvious and cheat on Bernie like in 2016. If they do? they will guarantee a Trump win. I would not vote for Bloomberg. I would stay home. I think many people would do that same. But many people in the next election cycle after four more years of Trump will be so PISSED at the DNC that it will dissolve any semblance of cheap liberalism. The 'radicals' will take over and the liberals will be burned out of that party. They will have no one to blame but themselves.

Pelosi voting for Trump is a reality check on how bankrupt that liberal shit is in the world.
This looks like the Bernie thread for now so I moved my post from "election 2020":

You can harangue Bernie and his supporters all you want but he speaks for a large part of the population and it’s been too long since they had a spokesperson. That’s why he’s ahead in the polls. Plain and simple.

I am starting to feel bad for those who don't see that Bernie is going to win and that Bernie will beat Trump. The mainstream media is out of touch with reality because it is commercial news and so it must avoid that which would alienate its sponsors. But as America moves away from the full embrace of a corporate state, those who know of no other kind of world find it frightening and confusing. We have to give them time to catch up with the turning tide. So glad to see all those who care about the environment , the future and the marginalized populations finally having a winning champion.

Let's say Bernie gets the nod. Fast forward to the presidential debate with Donald pulling the same cheap shot that he pulled with Clinton: pacing back and forth and glaring behind Bernie as he speaks. I suspect that, rather than pretending Fatso was not out of order as Clinton did, Bernie will turn around and tell the Fat Man to get back behind his lectern where he belongs :lol: .
jimjam wrote:
This looks like the Bernie thread for now so I moved my post from "election 2020":

You can harangue Bernie and his supporters all you want but he speaks for a large part of the population and it’s been too long since they had a spokesperson. That’s why he’s ahead in the polls. Plain and simple.

I am starting to feel bad for those who don't see that Bernie is going to win and that Bernie will beat Trump. The mainstream media is out of touch with reality because it is commercial news and so it must avoid that which would alienate its sponsors. But as America moves away from the full embrace of a corporate state, those who know of no other kind of world find it frightening and confusing. We have to give them time to catch up with the turning tide. So glad to see all those who care about the environment , the future and the marginalized populations finally having a winning champion.

Let's say Bernie gets the nod. Fast forward to the presidential debate with Donald pulling the same cheap shot that he pulled with Clinton: pacing back and forth and glaring behind Bernie as he speaks. I suspect that, rather than pretending Fatso was not out of order as Clinton did, Bernie will turn around and tell the Fat Man to get back behind his lectern where he belongs

Good post.

Yeah, Trump will try to intimidate Sanders. But I have a feeling he will regret it.

Without Bernie Sanders in the presidential race, living wage, student debt relief, Medicare for all, the Green New Deal, big Pharma, fracking, etc. none of these would even be mentioned. He is the only candidate constantly bringing the US voter into the conversation. All the other candidates are saying, "vote for me, I will do what is right, you can trust me, so you can all go back to sleep." Bill Clinton and Barack Obama used their words to put the public back to sleep.

Bernie is saying, "Look what other countries have, we can have that too. Look what FDR accomplished in this country, we can restore it and build on it. But I will need your help. Wake up and join me. If I am elected I will need your support, I cannot do this alone, we all have a long way to go."

Bernie Foes say, "His proposals are unworkable, he does not have the congressional support to get anything passed."

Bernie says, "Again, I will need you all to wake up and participate. I know that no other candidate in your lifetime has ever asked this of you. The big money that backs both political parties wants you to go back to sleep. That is why I say this is a movement, the beginning of a revolution, this is not about me, it is about us."

Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd and all the MSNBC troll looking opinion leaders and pundits are being paid to say, "Go back to sleep, do not listen to what Bernie says, do not join Bernie, he is lying to you, he is communists, he is a socialist, and his followers are fascists."

But Bernie supporters are awake, and the people who thought they supported other candidates are waking up too. Warren supporters, Biden supporters, Bloomberg supports and Buttigeig supporters can be woken up. They think they just care about personalities, but then they all of a sudden see that their candidate is just telling them, vote for me and you can go back to sleep. They realize that Bernie is the only one talking to them, engaging them. Bernie is the only one telling them not to go back to sleep.

Bernie is the only candidate who says he needs US. The rest just want us to vote for them and then go away.

Rancid wrote:I need to offshore some of my money...

gold is easier ………...
Beren wrote:Is this your wet fantasy of Nancy Pelosi or what? :lol:

I'm afraid that this is what I've been reduced to. :lol: Call it what it is: schadenfreude.

John Rawls wrote:Lumping the left as somebody who lives with mommy and daddy is a pretty big hyperbole. To be fair here, the problem is present with both left and right. It is just a general problem of millenials so to speak due to low wages and high rents.

I'm not saying the left is someone who lives with mommy and daddy, but rather that their current surge is due to that demographic that hasn't made it out of the house yet. A lot have finished college, but have worthless degrees and a lot of debt. Basically, STEM degrees pay. If you're talented and go to the right schools, law and MBAs pay too. It's pretty hard to get a good paying job in your field of study if you majored in sociology or art history or women's studies.

John Rawls wrote:Alt-right and Left from the millenial generation don't live like that because they have a choice or because they are lazy. You yourself understand this.

I draw a distinction between someone from a working class background (or any background for that matter) getting a STEM degree, and some entitled middle class kid or some working class proto-socialist who decides s/he wants to major in Parks & Recreation, Leisure Studies, Work and Family studies or something and then goes on to complain about the lack of jobs and affordability of rent. There are a lot of very entitled people who simply won't put finger to keyboard and start figuring out a linux command line. Yet, there are people without degrees making six figure incomes that do just that.

I'm having a very lazy day, but will be dicking around with a VM in a bit in preparation for work tomorrow. It's just part of the gig. If you don't know what you're doing, figure it out. If you're on the leading edge, there are no books. You're the one writing them. It's just how it goes. You'd be surprised how many people asked me how I got into what I was doing and how I studied for it, somehow thinking I had a good career counselor or chose the right academic path. Far from it. A lot of it is just work ethic.

JohnRawls wrote:It is pretty much as bad as Romney had it vs Obama. 2nd term Obama was really solid.

I think Obama was beatable both times. Both McCain and Romney were simply terrible candidates. They were far too removed from the lives of ordinary people. Reagan, Clinton and Obama could relate much better. Bush wasn't terrible, as he had his own entrepreneurial experience and knew how tough it could be. Obama also had the then unrealized blessing of running against a very shrill and arrogant Hillary Clinton, and he was very sharp or had some very sharp people around him to run a red state race within the Democratic party primaries. Trump simply likes the working class folks better than the upper class folks--who really don't like him at all.

Beren wrote:They could switch to Mitt Romney perhaps, but not Trump.

They won't switch parties by any stretch of the imagination, but in a race between Trump and Sanders, a lot more people who would vote Democrat and hate Trump will end up voting for Trump. I ended up voting for Romney, but even I couldn't vote for McCain or Obama. So I sat 2008 out. I'm sure a lot of people will sit it out too.

jimjam wrote:Bernie is saying, "Look what other countries have, we can have that too. Look what FDR accomplished in this country, we can restore it and build on it. But I will need your help. Wake up and join me. If I am elected I will need your support, I cannot do this alone, we all have a long way to go."

What other countries? Cuba? Venezuela? China? FDR inherited overproduction from the first wave of mass production. That was alleviated by the destruction of Europe and Japan. World Wars aren't really the nicest way of dealing with persistent deflation.

jimjam wrote:Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd and all the MSNBC troll looking opinion leaders and pundits are being paid to say, "Go back to sleep, do not listen to what Bernie says, do not join Bernie, he is lying to you, he is communists, he is a socialist, and his followers are fascists."

It's pure joy for me to watch Democratic primary voters waking up to the corrupt media.
Rancid wrote:In the end, business interests get to pick who are the nominees, it's doubtful Bernie will get enough delegates and thus the super delegates can get in a business friendly candidate.

USA! USA! USA! $$$$$


Amen, praise be

I have my doubts about it. But Mexico has Morena. The PRI was incredibly difficult to get out of office. It took AMLO three tries to get the win. Fraud, smear campaigns, lies, money pumped against him, etc. In the end? Mexicans got tired of the rich not doing anything for them. They lost.

It is a good lesson for other nations. But the USA is notorious for not being good at dealing with the problem with identifying who is benefiting from a rigged system. They need some waking up for sure.

Tell the truth @blackjack21 you love la Nancy Pelosi.

I never trusted liberals and their claims of being not racist. Most of them lie to themselves.

@blackjack21 the reality is that being a nationalist will not cure the ills in the states. It won't.

No, you got a bunch of advantages you aren't even aware you have Relampaguito. I might tell you what they are someday. But I don't want to have to be the bringer of news like? Your cultural capital gave you some big advantages...because I got my own private opinion on how great or not great a particular culture turns out to be for someone.

Some people are born with nothing but they have the internal strength to fight it out till the end.

Struggle and the spirit of struggle and hard work and having a sense of service and a lot of limbic love and logic gets you very far in life.

I was successful in life with three events in this world. The first was being born to my parents. The second was having great taste in men and finding love. And the third was getting pregnant in my late forties and having my gorgeous son and raising my older one when everyone said it was a lost cause and that neither endeavors woud be successful.

Miracles for sure.

Everything else going well is icing n the cake.

Bernie meetings for raising more Latino backers I did for a while. It included having some reporter for the Economist follow my husband and I around all day as we went door to door. One gets an education on what works for Latinos. My husband and I both have organizer experience. It works!
It is hard to judge bleeding edge and standard work at times. It is just bleeding edge if something comes out of it. If nothing realistic comes out of it then it is some additional knowledge at best or wasted time at worst. But that is besides the point. The argument here is that ON AVERAGE working class is getting less while needing to pay more. It is irrelevant of STEM or not STEM education. I would argue that STEM brag to much about their "STEM" education. I am part of the problem with this or at least was to a degree.

Anyways, the "useless" degrees have always existed and nobody had a problem with them back in the day. People still got good wages for degrees. Now it is a lot more problematic. The problem is perhaps not the degrees but the general system of what is happening. The system in general is designed to go slim with fat margins instead of wide with lower margins so to speak. While for a financier it is not a problem but for a average joe perspective it is a fucking problem. This can't go on forever. So all the discussions that we have about immigration or global labour market pool or any other shit is secondary to this. Also this causes the problem of actual real life positive output. ( If you double your manpool and product pool then you can produce a lot more positive value for the world while at the same time producing same value from a finance standpoint. Of course the financier will not allow this. It is much simpler to have a smaller more efficient manpool with a limit product stack and get the same value although you don't really produce as much of real world value. )
jimjam wrote:I am starting to feel bad for those who don't see that Bernie is going to win and that Bernie will beat Trump.

I still think you're dreaming, because I don't think Trump supporters--a lot of those Democrats and independents--aren't going to go for Sanders. We'll see. If it's Trump vs. Sanders, the establishment loses. That's my primary wish. Before the Great Depression, the rich used to dress differently. It's not unusual to see a billionaire dressed like an ordinary guy. Ask Bill Gates of his favorite meal and he will tell you it's a hamburger. After this election cycle, billionaires are going to go on a soul searching expedition and try to better understand the American electorate, because they are coming to realize that they are totally out of their depths whereas they used to feel like masters of the universe.

late wrote:Yeah, Trump will try to intimidate Sanders. But I have a feeling he will regret it.

Trump won't have to do that. The media is already doing it. The DNC will be doing it too. Trump just has to point out Bernie's policies and make fun of his total failure as a lifelong politician getting next to nothing accomplished.

Rancid wrote:In the end, business interests get to pick who are the nominees, it's doubtful Bernie will get enough delegates and thus the super delegates can get in a business friendly candidate.

USA! USA! USA! $$$$$


Amen, praise be

That's likely a win for Trump too, because many Sanders voters won't rally around the nominee if that's the case.

Tainari88 wrote:Tell the truth @blackjack21 you love la Nancy Pelosi.

I loved it when people were saying that Pelosi was going to school Trump. It hasn't worked out that way at all. She has to be in a panic-stricken depression at this point.

JohnRawls wrote:It is irrelevant of STEM or not STEM education. I would argue that STEM brag to much about their "STEM" education. I am part of the problem with this or at least was to a degree.

Well, we didn't discuss trade much. I think that is an even bigger factor for working class people. Tucker Carlson did a great monologue trashing today's establishment for wrecking an inheritance of a national fortune they did not build.

I think he's over the target on that point. The establishment is to blame for much of this, and that is why I oppose them at every turn--even cheering on Bernie Sanders or AOC. As in the Tim Pool video above, the look on the faces of people like Chris Matthews is awesome, because they have nowhere else to go. I think Christopher Hitchens wrote a book about the Clintons entitled, No One Left to Lie To. I think that is the state of the entire establishment now. Between Trump and Sanders, the establishment is losing power and they finally realize it. They still do not seem to understand or care why they are so hated.

John Rawls wrote:The system in general is designed to go slim with fat margins instead of wide with lower margins so to speak. While for a financier it is not a problem but for a average joe perspective it is a fucking problem. This can't go on forever.

There are some problems in the gig economy. It's always interesting talking to Uber drivers, because they are usually either between jobs, working part time, or retired and doing something for extra change. They have seen companies like Uber cutting pay. I think one of the food delivery ones--maybe DoorDash--was confiscating employee tips and got nailed for it. The flexibility of a gig economy is great, but there does need to be some protection for workers too, or techies will just create a reverse auction for work and hire the lowest bidder.
I call myself far centre, because I prefer to choose what to believe on the issues and because people often seem as keen to censor my views as the far right. However when it comes to health care, I'm an unapologetic socialist like Boris Johnson, who seems firmly committed to the NHS. As a moderate eugenacist I proudly support state funded abortion. In fact you could say I'm a Communist fellow traveller on heath care as I support the expansion of Britain's free health care to eye sight and dental care. I also want to see an end to all tax breaks for private health care, as incidently I'd like to see the end of all tax breaks to fee charging schools.

As a health care socialist I was of course intransigently opposed to Obamacare. The Republicans have betrayed their voters by not abolishing the health mandate for employers. I say all this, because its going to be interesting to see how Sanders campaign play out. As a non American he seems to be making a good pitch. Obviously its not me he is going to win over, but my hunch is that Sanders is going to be surprisingly popular. As a non American my biggest interest is his foreign policy.

If I were American, my big concerns would be his recent embrace of open borders and the trans agenda. As I understand it these policies have been forced him on him by Hilary Warren and the other Corporate Marxist low life within the Democratic party. If and when he wins the nomination, it will be interesting to see if he pivots away from Cultural Marxist dogma on these issues. If he does then I think he could be a real threat to Trump.
Rich wrote:I call myself far centre, because I prefer to choose what to believe on the issues and because people often seem as keen to censor my views as the far right. However when it comes to health care, I'm an unapologetic socialist like Boris Johnson, who seems firmly committed to the NHS. As a moderate eugenacist I proudly support state funded abortion. In fact you could say I'm a Communist fellow traveller on heath care as I support the expansion of Britain's free health care to eye sight and dental care. I also want to see an end to all tax breaks for private health care, as incidently I'd like to see the end of all tax breaks to fee charging schools.

As a health care socialist I was of course intransigently opposed to Obamacare. The Republicans have betrayed their voters by not abolishing the health mandate for employers. I say all this, because its going to be interesting to see how Sanders campaign play out. As a non American he seems to be making a good pitch. Obviously its not me he is going to win over, but my hunch is that Sanders is going to be surprisingly popular. As a non American my biggest interest is his foreign policy.

If I were American, my big concerns would be his recent embrace of open borders and the trans agenda. As I understand it these policies have been forced him on him by Hilary Warren and the other Corporate Marxist low life within the Democratic party. If and when he wins the nomination, it will be interesting to see if he pivots away from Cultural Marxist dogma on these issues. If he does then I think he could be a real threat to Trump.

We get it, you want to help the working class by putting Jews into camps. We've all heard this song before.
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