Prince Philip has died, age 99 - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Juin wrote:Harry should show up. He definitely should leave his Terrible Sussex behind. Out of respect for the departed Prince. The presence of the Terrible Sussex at the wedding will only be a distraction and unfair to the departed Prince. Did our Terrible Sussex ever had any affection for the departed Prince? Let her do everyone a favour and stay away.

I will rather see Piers Morgan at the funeral than the cringe worthy Sussex

If public opinion is that Meagan shouldn't go, she won't go due to respect. She even phoned the Queen to ask how Phillip was when he went into hospital the first time so yes she cared about him FYI. Nonethelwss don't think the Royal PR team don't want her there Juin. This is great damage limitation for Kensington Palace and I suspect Megan won't mind because it is important to Harry. The Oprah interview was mainly about how the British press was treating her and nobody telling her what to expect or act being a Royal. It wasn't really aimed at the Queen.
colliric wrote:I will watch the highlights of the funeral.

There's something about the concept of "funeral highlights" which really makes me chuckle. I remember the same thing when Ray Gravell (a Welsh rugby legend) died and BBC Wales produced a highlights package of the funeral, which was held at Llanelli's Stradey Park, for the evening news. :lol:
Meghan won’t go. She’s a coward. She just likes sniping from a safe distance.
Maybe even Harry won’t, because of covid and the fact no one likes him.
Ive liked Philip since I found out he told Tony Blair to fuck off .
Anyway, it’s very, very sad for the queen who fell for him when she was just 13 years old.
God bless, sir. Sleep peacefully.
Talking of the funeral, I just remembered we have a 30 people limit currently. I wonder if it is possible to be televised at all @colliric? I mean, you can't really have all the head of States from the Commonwealth, world leaders and close family whilst having TV crew attend as well according to BoJos rule book. If they make an exception for this I can assure you there will be an outcry especially from those during the real lockdown that couldn't even attend a love ones funeral. You're going to have to read about it in OK magazine I would say. :hmm:
snapdragon wrote:Meghan won’t go. She’s a coward. She just likes sniping from a safe distance.

She will go if she can. She is pregnant but I doubt that will stop her. That is unless she is unwelcome by the British public and she is concerned for her safety. I think people really don't understand the significance this funeral can make for the healing of both sides. Meghan may have wanted to booster her PR, but I doubt she wanted to take down the Queen. She and Harry even went out of the way to say that her and Prince Phillip always treated Meghan with respect and that neither of them were responsible for 'Archiegate' after the interview. That doesn't sound vindictive to me. That sounds to me someone who is trying to limit the shitfest they caused.
I doubt there will be any exceptions made, especially as it’s known he didn’t want a fuss. There were no exceptions made for the wedding of princess Beatrice, so I suspect it will just be close family attending. It won’t be televised as such, except for maybe his last journey to the chapel. No doubt we’ll find out soon.

It does seem now that he requested to leave hospital so he could see out his last days at home. Possibly there was no more treatment available for him, or maybe he’d just had enough. I don’t think his death was a shock to his family. I saw the pic of prince Charles leaving the hospital after visiting him last month and he seemed to have been crying.
Meghan exonerated the Queen and her consort and the racist remark was made by younger royals, who routinely poke fun at each other. William once made a ginger joke about his younger brother. I remember him as Chancellor of Cambridge University and he made Cambridge great for over 30 years. The Duke of Edinburgh was Chancellor of the University between 1977 and 2011 and was also an honorary fellow of Trinity College. His post should have been taken over by Prince Charles. There was an American lecturer who detested the system run by the royals and went back to the United States.

Last edited by ThirdTerm on 09 Apr 2021 21:32, edited 1 time in total.
The key thing here is to point out the loathsome hypocrisy of the British establishment. Demanding us to obey the Cultural Marxist agenda, but allowing themselves to totally ignore it whenever they want. Why did Philip die a Prince not a King? Note how they're allowed to use gendered pronouns when it suits them. I'm presuming that although Philip couldn't become King, he could have become Queen, if he'd wished to change his gender identity.
Scamp wrote:The vast majority of Americans think royalty is just silly.

LOL! Ah yes, the temporary faux monarchy invented by Americans where some semi-literate oil baron or property tycoon gets to be an absolute and partisan dictator - command the allegiance of the armed forces, and gets to stack the highest court in the land - is so much more sensible. :eh:
Scamp wrote:The vast majority of Americans think royalty is just silly.

The vast majority of Australians think the US Presidency is equally as silly.
Of course we can never have 100% certainty in these things, but there does seem to be a strong possibility that Philip was killed by the vaccine. My guess is that he weakened by the first dose and finished off by the second. What does seem certain to me is that the young Philip would never in a million years have supported the lockdown. The lockdown, itself built upon many years of expansion of the pharmaceutical-sickness industrial complex and the ever increasing dominance of health and safety fanaticism, goes against everything Philip stood for in his life.
Rich wrote:Of course we can never have 100% certainty in these things, but there does seem to be a strong possibility that Philip was killed by the vaccine. My guess is that he weakened by the first dose and finished off by the second.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

WTF! Only you can make any topic about Covid Rich. I would say heart surgery and old age is perhaps a bigger factor. He was 99 after all.

What does seem certain to me is that the young Philip would never in a million years have supported the lockdown. The lockdown, itself built upon many years of expansion of the pharmaceutical-sickness industrial complex and the ever increasing dominance of health and safety fanaticism, goes against everything Philip stood for in his life.

It seems strange for me to defend lockdown considering I have never believed they have been worth the mass borrowing when we should have shielded the vulnerable instead, but Prince Phillip was part of the establishment and the establishment have invested in them so basically he would have waved the narrative flag. A young Phillip knew his duty. Lockdown rebels tend to be people who have been affected financially by lockdowns, conspiracy nuts, the young or freedom fighters. Not established Royals who will get their monthly British taxpayer payment whatever the economic condition of the UK.
As do the layabouts living near me. What does that have to say to anything?
It didn’t stop them from ignoring covid restrictions.
Meghan won’t come because of “doctors advice”. Though, as she will have to isolate her sorry arse for the entire time she’s over here and not actually face the people she’s maligned, then I suppose there’s a chance.
Harry will probably come for the funeral, then bugger off again, which suits most people.
Covid has its benefits.
I had a Prince Phillips Greatest Hits Day today (INR of course). I mustered up the courage to invoke some of his most un-PC gaffes, in his memory. It’s like people were scared to smile...

I’ll keep tryin :)
Paddy14 wrote:LOL! Ah yes, the temporary faux monarchy invented by Americans where some semi-literate oil baron or property tycoon gets to be an absolute and partisan dictator - command the allegiance of the armed forces, and gets to stack the highest court in the land - is so much more sensible. :eh:

It actually is, but if it works for the UK...
wat0n wrote:It actually is, but if it works for the UK...

All human political systems are dysfunctional shit; always have been, always will be. Except Stalinism, of course, which is the closest thing to Utopia which humanity has ever been able to devise. :)

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