UK court approves extradition of Julian Assange to US - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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ingliz wrote:If it comes to trial.

I read somewhere, given the tardiness of US justice, and the pre-trial appeals process, he could be locked in total isolation in a brightly lit stainless steel box (tortured, in other words) for up to three years, by which time he wouldn't be fit to face trial.


Ironical, isn't it?

Hillary Clinton has an internet facing server in her personal residence with classified government information on it (some of it Top Secret/SCI). Think about that; a server holding classified information connected to the internet. Bill Clinton walks on to a DOJ plane and has an ex-parte off-the-record conversation with Loretta Lynch, the head of the DOJ, while his wife is being investigated by the DOJ for violations of 18USC793. He later says he didn't know that was wrong. FACEPALM - that's like the first day of law school. :lol:

Meanwhile, there are "no go" zones for what FBI agents can ask Hillary and her staff about the incidents of criminality. Meanwhile, she and her staff destroy phones, media, documents and federal records during an ongoing federal investigation of her actions (AKA destruction of evidence).

A couple of million clearance holders that deal with classified information on a regular basis could never get away with that. Ayup. Your deep state gubmint (the DNC) at work.

Not to worry, Assange is in the safest of hands! :lol:
Rugoz wrote:Piss off

According to Who Can I Sue,

Between the arrest, pre-trial, trial, and sentencing, there will be a lot of waiting around while decisions are being made and cases are being built.

Some criminal cases can take years from start to finish.

I don't know how the phrase 'pre-trial appeals process' found its way into my last post - the post before last if you are being picky - but this is how it should read...

"... given the tardiness of US justice and the pre-trial process."

pugsville wrote:How is he subject to US law outside the US?

How? Because an obsequious, most servile sycophant - the UK - signed an extradition treaty with the US that threw out due process.

ingliz wrote:How? Because an obsequious, most servile sycophant - the UK - signed an extradition treaty with the US that threw out due process.

If due process is thrown out this wouldn't have dragged for more than a decade.

I agree with BlutoSays, although his argument is not relevant to the point so I am not going to take it in.

If anything, I very much hope the United States can invest such energy in ridding the world of the likes of Putin / Xi Jinping / Khamenei / Erdogan / the Sauds, etc., as well as their supporters.

The UK judiciary has disregarded any due process violations arguing the treaty.

more than a decade

It dragged on because Assange's lawyers were arguing the Torture Convention and the ECtHR and he was outside UK jurisdiction for 7 years holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy.

ingliz wrote:It dragged on because Assange's lawyers were arguing the Torture Convention and the ECtHR and he was outside UK jurisdiction for 7 years holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy.

It takes two to play the game. British court accepting the drag already means they respect due process.

Count your blessings, Mr. Anti-West dictatorship apologist.
BlutoSays wrote:So he leaked classified info and lots of it IIRC.

Ah, newsflash: he's not American, nor was he employed by the US government. He therefore had no obligation whatsoever not to "leak" classified information that came his way. The US government, absurdly and outrageously, and in clear violation of international law, is trying to enforce its laws on non-American journalists in other countries for actions taken outside US legal jurisdiction. It's despicable that a British court is going along with this atrocious charade.
Lucky he didn't try that in Russia.

He wasn't IN the USA at the time. The USA is simply trying to exercise extraterritoriality, in violation of international law.

We all know you would be singing a very different tune if Assange had published classified Russian documents, and Russia was now trying to punish him, using a British court to extradite him to Russia. See how that works?
They'd drag his ass to the basement of Lubyanka and put a bullet in him if lucky, or throw him into a furnace alive if unlucky.

Yeah, but even Russia is not evil enough to GO TO ANOTHER COUNTRY and try to imprison or assassinate a journalist who isn't even Russian. They are not evil enough to try to get a non-Russian journalist in another country who was not even in Russia at the time he published the information in question. See the difference?
Man, have things changed.

Britain was dragging this out, which is real easy to do. Now they can't seem to dump him fast enough.

I'm agnostic on the rest of it. If I was guessing, I'd say we're pissed because he was playing footsy with the Russians.
late wrote:Man, have things changed.

Britain was dragging this out, which is real easy to do. Now they can't seem to dump him fast enough.

I'm agnostic on the rest of it. If I was guessing, I'd say we're pissed because he was playing footsy with the Russians.

The Russian angle is just a post-crimea retcon, further amplified in 2016 when the establishment tried to justify their loss to Trump. Assange dished out dirt on the west and now the west is after him. They're going to use every vilification and justification under the sun.
Assange is in jail and sadistically tortured to life threatening degrees because he revealed the wrongdoings of our elites. Like the war crimes in Iraq.

Thats called journalism. His "crime" is journalism. Thats what good journalists do. Not that there are many left.

Its completely irrelevant that he revealed secret stuff because he wasnt even a secret keeper in the first place. And even if he was he would be a whistleblower - those secrets are of interest to the public and should have been revealed.

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