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Ter wrote:I have no idea who the person you mentioned is, never heard or read his name and I am definitely not going to look it up.
My life revolves around stuff very much removed from the Middle East and I intend to keep it that way.

Frank Luntz created a report on how to sell zionism, you probably don't know exactly where the hasbara you regurgitate comes from, but there is a source (the aforementioned report), which is used by zio politicians that zionists repeat and repeat in an attempt to make it a reality.

The report is talked about in the documentary I posted a page or two back, the one made by the Pink Floyd guy. I also printed a copy of the report and will read it soon. :D

In related news:
Does the term 'apartheid' fit Israel? Of course it does.
Ter wrote:How can I regurgitate something I didn't know about ?

How can you regurgitate something you didn't know about? Well Ter, if you read my last post properly you would've seen the part where I said something along the lines of "you probably don't know exactly where the hasbara you regurgitate comes from"...

My life revolves around stuff very much removed from the Middle East and I intend to keep it that way.

Well gtfo of here then, I'm only responding to you. :lol:
This apologists for the apartheid state of Israel are brainwashed by Zionist propaganda. End of story.

Israel and the apartheid analogy compares Israel's treatment of Palestinians to South Africa's treatment of non-whites during its apartheid era within the context of the crime of apartheid, as expressed by the Israeli concept of hafrad

The analogy has been used by some scholars, United Nations investigators [2], human rights groups critical of Israeli policy and those supporting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. Critics of Israeli policy say that "a system of control" in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, including the ID system, Israeli settlements, separate roads for Israeli and Palestinian citizens around many of these settlements, military checkpoints, marriage law, the West Bank barrier, use of Palestinians as cheaper labour, Palestinian West Bank exclaves, inequities in infrastructure, legal rights, and access to land and resources between Palestinians and Israeli residents in the Israeli-occupied territories, resembles some aspects of the South African apartheid regime, and that elements of Israel's occupation constitute forms of colonialism and of apartheid, contrary to international law. Some commentators extend the analogy to include treatment of Arab citizens of Israel, describing their citizenship status as second-class.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_ ... id_analogy

Lately I've been reading of a group called Jews Against Zionism. It's a fascinating subject reading about.

Then there is interesting stuff I'm reading about like how the first settlers of Israel were very communist and got most of their munitions from Czechoslovakia at the time. They were so bent on violence in the beginning first Jewish settlements of Palestine that besides shooting at Palestinians the eastern European Jewish invaders would even shoot at ethnic Middle Eastern Jews that resided in Palestine for hundreds of years. Shooting at people that embrace the same religious beliefs as you do? Well, that's certainly just bizarre.

The Zionists on this site never ever apportion any faults to the Israelis. It's always hundred percent the Arabs fault..

Jay Bernstein's letter advocating that Israel "maintain exclusive sovereignty" over Jerusalem ignores the fact that Jerusalem today is under an illegal Israeli military occupation, which is universally condemned by the international community of nations ("U.S. should view Jerusalem as Israel's," June 15).

It is not suffering Palestinians but the state of Israel that is conducting a campaign of illegal displacement of an indigenous population in Jerusalem. Indeed, throughout Israeli-controlled Palestine, including Jerusalem, Israel is attempting to introduce a nonresident population which destroys and then builds ethnically exclusive "settlements" where once stood native homes, villages, farms and orchards.

Israel's behavior in Palestine is the very definition of apartheid and has been roundly condemned by the UN Security Council in five resolutions.

http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinio ... story.html
What's even more interesting is all the Zionist Christian Evangelicals that support Israel from the United States never having set foot over there understanding the full extent of the conflict. I just don't understand how this can go on for many years and get so little publicity here in the west.
anarchist23 wrote:This apologists for the apartheid state of Israel are brainwashed by Zionist propaganda. End of story.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_ ... id_analogy


Truly a shameful illustration influenced by the worst sort of bigotry.

The BIG difference is the blacks in South Africa had no interest or desire in exterminating the white people. That situation was really all about political and economic opportunity.

The Israel-Palestinian situation is all about potential genocide. If the Palestinians ever defeated Israel and took over the land, they would attempt to exterminate every Jewish man, woman and child...and every despicable bigot against Israel knows it.

A proposal by so-called “left-wing” Israeli politicians to build a fence across Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem, cutting off 200,000 Palestinians, has been compared to South African apartheid.
Former Israeli MP Haim Ramon is leading the media campaign for “annexation” - and his proposal to construct a new wall through the heart of Jerusalem has been condemned by human rights activists.

The occupied West Bank is already blocked off with a barrier reaching up to 8 meters (24ft) in height in some parts, severely restricting the movement of Palestinians.
Writing in the New York Times, Israeli journalist Isabel Kershner said the move undermined any attempts for peace and would simply “aim to satisfy a majority of Israeli Jews”.

“Kicked off with advertisements under the heading ‘Saving Jewish Jerusalem,’ the campaign’s almost jingoistic tone seems intended to appeal to the broadest Jewish constituency. Instead it has been rejected at both ends of the political spectrum as well as by Palestinian leaders,” she wrote.

Isaac Herzog, leader of the Israeli opposition, formally adopted the plan to separate dozens of Palestinian neighborhoods and said he wanted to save Jewish lives with the wall, referring to the recent hike in stabbing attacks against Israelis.

He also wants the annexed area to be placed under civil control of the West Bank’s governing body, the Palestinian Authority, stripping Arab residents of their benefits and freedom of movement within Israel, if it goes ahead.

Herzog said, in his own piece for the NY Times, the divide would create a “unified capital”.

“Twenty-eight Arab villages to the north and east of Jerusalem must be physically and politically separated from the city’s municipal boundaries, leaving a unified, strengthened capital,” he wrote. “This would also mitigate the spate of Palestinian knife attacks that have originated in no-man’s-land neighborhoods and are facilitated by free access into the city.”

Israel has long faced criticism for its “Apartheid" segregation policies.

In May 2015, Palestinians commuting from the West Bank to work in Israel were temporarily banned from sharing buses with Israeli settlers. The scheme was revoked by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after a public outcry.

Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat branded the recent fence plan “racist” and said thousands of Palestinians would be separated from hospitals, religious sites, and their schools.

“This plan clearly shows that even members of the so-called progressive Israeli camp are falling into the same policies of the Israeli right,” he said, according to the NY Times.

The Al Aqsa Mosque, also known as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City, has been at the center of clashes in recent months after constantly being stormed by Israeli settlers.

Some Palestinians continue to demand East Jerusalem as their future independent capital as part of a two-state solution, a move not recognized by Israel.

https://www.rt.com/news/335020-israel-a ... alem-wall/
Zionist Nationalist wrote:anarchist your posts are just pathetic propaganda.

if you scream apartheid every time it wont help and looks very desperate.

And your posts are just your opinion. Your name somes up your posts, a Zionist Nationalist. What a pathetic name and a pathetic doctrine. lol
Zionist Nationalist wrote:despised by who?

Most people (in the world) dont care at all about the Israeli Palestinian conflict and they wont even be able to find it on the map.

I suggest you google...Why is Israel hated worldwide? or words to that effect. It will take sometime for you to digest the informatio as there are hundreds of entries. Here is a taster, from an Israeli who puts a positive gloss on the hatred of Israel. lol

Why do most of the world and the UN hate Israel.
Uri Shtand
Uri Shtand, studied at Tel Aviv University

Let's break it down. Shallow impressions can be deceiving.

Arab World:

Many Arab countries don't really "hate" Israel, but they need to keep the pretense that they are against Israel (and partly they really are), due to several reasons.

Historically - Partly because of Anti-semitism, Partly because of the Palestinians, and Partly because of Religion, many Arab citizens hate Israel and won't accept it's existence.

The governments of the Arab nations need to adhere to that hate - up to a point. Some Arab countries ignored the "street" level feelings and made official or unofficial peace with Israel (Jordan, Egypt are cases of official peace agreements, Qatar and many others sometimes have unofficial peace with Israel).


Iran before the revolution had great partnership with Israel. Humeini was Anti American and Anti Israeli from the get-go, and when he got the power after the revolution he steered the country in the Anti Israeli direction.


Here it's the opposite of the case with the Arab world. Israel had great relationship with Turkey until Arduan got the power .

Arduan is Anti Israeli - but most of the Turkish people aren't. So on the official level, there is a lot of tension and distrust, but much less on the "street" level.


There is so must hate in Europe, that Israel is practically almost part of the european union. It is part of many EU initiatives and there is a LOT of trade between Europe and Israel. There is a small but very loud and noisy anti Israeli crowd (BDS for example) but most of the time it's not that important.

Russia and the balkan states:

Great relationships here - at least today. Who knows what happens tomorrow. Russia (and prior to that, the USSR) had changed it's attitudes toward Israel so many times that it's almost comic. Israel has good relationships with many of the EX-USSR countries Moldova, Belarus, ,

USA and Canada:

I don't think I need to say anything...

China, Japan, India, Korea and the other eastern Asia countries

Israel has good relationships with China, Japan and Korea. It also has good relationships with Thailand and India.

Israel and Pakistan are not on speaking terms, partly because Israel is aligned with India (weapon shipments as an example) and partly because Pakistan is a Muslim country that tries to have an effect in the Arab world, although it's not part of it.

Malasya and Israel is a complicated issue.

Israel–Malaysia relations

Basically - there is a "ban" of trade and relationship with Israel due to the Palestinian issue, but in effect this "ban" is a very soft one. There is estimated to be trade of about 800M dollar between Israel and Malasya (Indirect - there is a "ban").

Also, in 1994 Israel and Malasya almost had formal relations. The Malasyan people by the way don't hate Israel - as far as I know. They are mostly unaware of it.


Complicated. Partly because it's short living regimes, with constant civil wars, partly because of ethnic wars that sweep the region all the time and partly because many Africans are Muslim.

So the state of affairs with Israel can change dramatically from day to day.


Here the answer is simple and others have explained it well enough. In the UN there are voting blocks and various other political mechanisms in play. Those mechanisms work very well when a group of countries try to create issues for another country. Most of the countries know that to vote against Israel would have no repercussions but to vote for Israel might have repercussions. So the Arab league uses this to pull ridiculous statements in the UN against Israel.

However, please remember that it is the same UN in which Taiwan was representing China until the 70s. And in which Taiwan is still unrecognized as a country.

Just to recap - a country which officially doesn't exist represented another country, with which it is in a state of cease fire (China would very much like to conquer back Taiwan).

https://www.quora.com/Why-do-most-of-th ... ate-Israel
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