Bombings in Manchester - Page 15 - Politics | PoFo

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Godstud wrote:Religion? This has nothing to do with religion. The big illusion is that people think it's about religion. Were there no religion, this would still be happening, because it has nothing to do with a God/Allah/Buddha, or whatever. It's got to do with invaders in their countries, people bombing them, people killing their families, foreigners tampering with their governments, etc.

The only illusion is your argument backing up this ridiculous statement.
By Buzz62
OK I'm sorry but this is mostly horse kaka...
B0ycey wrote:This attack would not have been stopped were there not a refugee crisis today. Why? Because the attacker was born and grew up in Manchester. What has caused this terrorist attack (and the refugee crisis actually) was an illegal war in Iraq, ignorance in not realising that IS was not a moderate rebel when toppling Saddam and Islamic phobia since 9/11. As I mentioned earlier, the attacker would have been a weak minded individual who has no purpose in life and fell for IS propaganda. And to feel some purpose in life he would have resorted to becoming a martyr. Only problem he didn't contemplate, he'll now be burning in hell for killing children, a no-no in all religions.

OK that I would agree with.

B0ycey wrote:However, let's be frank here. Were we against Christianity when a white male shot and killed children in Dumblane? Or when Columbine occured? When you look at the whole picture you realise the only reason for extreme outrage from this attack rather than sympathy to the victims is that now people can justify tighter border controls (rather than saying the same thing when the other two attacks occured) because the attacker happened to be Muslim. But he was still British nonetheless. So this request is actually moot at preventing simular attacks in the future and as a result has no justification.

Errr...ok reality check.
Perhaps you've noticed that Christianity has been marginalized to a great degree over the last few decades? Do you not think the utter stupidity of acts like the that in Dublin contributed to that?
And WTF did the Columbine tragedy have to do with Christianity?

Have you been asleep for the last few years?
Do you have any idea the problems caused by the open EU boarders and the massive influx of Muslims (males for the most part)?
Allow me to enlighten you, oh thou of pretty, white precipitation...
When a person immigrates to another country with a completely different culture and society (NOTE: I do not bring GAWD into this crap), said person is expected to adopt the culture and society of their new home. Thus, when said person becomes a CITIZEN, he or she swears allegiance to their new home. They "become" British or Canuck or Yankee or...and so on. Just as, if I were to migrate to Saudi Arabia and desire to become a CITIZEN, I would be required to swear similar allegiance and to live by the rules and norms of the Saudi culture and society.
I would propose that this ass who bombed and killed all those kids, was not parented very well. He was not taught to BE BRITISH. And it is quite evident that few, if any of these Muslim migrants have any intention of adopting the culture of the countries they've "imposed" themselves on. And because I want my kids to be able to attend social gatherings without the worry of such violent acts against the culture and society of Canuckland...or any land for that matter...I now have no problem, either morally or otherwise, stating that IMO these "people" should be rounded up and sent packing.

Now...should you wish to continue to attempt to make this a religious matter...bring it on.
Because I'll tell you something.
NO GAWD worth the space it occupies, encourages the sort of behavior this single Hebrew deity seems to crave. And in the end, should this Hebrew deity actually exist...I will gladly introduce it to the nastiest streetfight it's ever experienced.
Godstud wrote:Religion? This has nothing to do with religion. The big illusion is that people think it's about religion. Were there no religion, this would still be happening, because it has nothing to do with a God/Allah/Buddha, or whatever. It's got to do with invaders in their countries, people bombing them, people killing their families, foreigners tampering with their governments, etc.

Finfinder wrote:The only illusion is your argument backing up this ridiculous statement.

The amusing thing for me is that Godstud himself is implicitly revealing he knows it is about religion when he says:

"It's got to do with invaders in their countries, people killing their families.." etc.

The bloke who blew up those teenagers in Manchester was a British Muslim of Pakistani heritage, that is three distinct identities: two national and one religious. So for him where is "his country" that is being invaded? Who are "his family" being killed? Britain and the British? Pakistan and the Pakistanis? or Islam and the muslims?

Clearly for the bloke who blew up those teenagers it is neither Britain nor Pakistan but is Islam.
Last edited by SolarCross on 24 May 2017 15:24, edited 1 time in total.
If ISIS are not motivated by religion than explain this
Here is a sampling of the Quranic passages that Islamists fluently quote :

5:33 - The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.

4:89 - They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks.

9:29 - Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

and before you say that there are similar quotes in the bible well i dont see Christians taking the bible so literally as many Muslims do with the qoran
and the christian society is very secular unlike the Islamic conservative society
By noir
Frollein wrote:Low quality, Godstud. When have you become a raving Muslim lover? Or do you belong to the club yourself now? I mean, the contrast to your earlier understanding of Islamic ideology is quite extraordinary. It approaches convert levels.

Petrodollars Arab propaganda in North American campuses.
Buzz62 wrote:Have you been asleep for the last few years?
Do you have any idea the problems caused by the open EU boarders and the massive influx of Muslims (males for the most part)?

Not many problems, really.
Allow me to enlighten you, oh thou of pretty, white precipitation...
When a person immigrates to another country with a completely different culture and society (NOTE: I do not bring GAWD into this crap), said person is expected to adopt the culture and society of their new home. Thus, when said person becomes a CITIZEN, he or she swears allegiance to their new home. They "become" British or Canuck or Yankee or...and so on. Just as, if I were to migrate to Saudi Arabia and desire to become a CITIZEN, I would be required to swear similar allegiance and to live by the rules and norms of the Saudi culture and society.
I would propose that this ass who bombed and killed all those kids, was not parented very well. He was not taught to BE BRITISH. And it is quite evident that few, if any of these Muslim migrants have any intention of adopting the culture of the countries they've "imposed" themselves on. And because I want my kids to be able to attend social gatherings without the worry of such violent acts against the culture and society of Canuckland...or any land for that matter...I now have no problem, either morally or otherwise, stating that IMO these "people" should be rounded up and sent packing.

The ironic thing is that you call other people 'snowflakes', when it's you screaming that you have been horribly hurt by the existence of immigrants in you country who don't behave exactly like you do. Yes, the people who resort to bombs are awful; but to go from there to 'few, if any of these Muslim migrants have any intention of adopting the culture of the countries they've "imposed" themselves on' is ridiculous. The vast majority of Muslim immigrants do follow all laws, and support democracy, freedom etc. Most also take part in huge parts of British culture that it needn't be compulsory to do so, but it's nice to have in common - watch the same things on TV, follow football, and so on. But saying that "these Muslim migrants" will never integrate may be the best way of alienating more of them, and making them hate you. You don't make a friend by saying "you're antisocial, you'll never like me". People don't join groups because they've been told they'll never fit in them.
SolarCross wrote:The bloke who blew up those teenagers in Manchester was a British Muslim of Pakistani heritage

No, Libyan heritage. His family fled Gaddafi in the 1990s.
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By Godstud
1. I am not a college student, unlike some of you. I don't react without thinking.
2. I am not the one buying into the hate-speech, fear-mongering, and propaganda. Islamophobia that is the trend at the moment.
3. I can Cherry-pick quotes from the Bible that are as damning. Don't be obtuse.
4. We all know that ISIS calls themselves Islamic(they're no more Islamic, than I am Christian), and yet most of the Muslims in the West are not supporting them, but condemning them. That says a lot, but you don't care about reality, when you are on a hate-spewing rant, that ISIS is expecting. ISIS is counting on that.

Their goal is to destabilize the West and they are playing you like a fiddle. It strengthens their support, as it encourages extremism, whether from Muslims or Christians.

No, Libyan heritage. His family fled Gaddafi in the 1990s.
So a non-religious reason to be a terrorist. Go figure. :roll:
Godstud wrote:4. We all know that ISIS calls themselves Islamic(they're no more Islamic, than I am Christian), and yet most of the Muslims in the West are not supporting them, but condemning them. That says a lot, but you don't care about reality, when you are on a hate-spewing rant, that ISIS is expecting. ISIS is counting on that.

Their goal is to destabilize the West and they are playing you like a fiddle. It strengthens their support, as it encourages extremism, whether from Muslims or Christians.

I have no idea what your residual Christianity may or may not be by now, but ISIS are Islamic. Their stated aims are to have Islam control the world; they recruit from the more gullible or psychopathic Muslims from around the world, rather than from the general population, and they kill people for not being their kind of Muslim. Trying to deny this is like denying the IRA were Irish. Yes, ISIS want to destabilize the West, but that's because they are a bunch of religious maniacs. I agree we need to pay attention to the majority of Muslims condemning and rejecting them, but you shouldn't just assume they're a bunch of criminals out to make a quick buck, or just rape the women they capture (though they do that too). They believe this shit.

So a non-religious reason to be a terrorist. Go figure. :roll:

Except that's not a 'reason'. The family were taken in by the UK. He didn't attack something Gaddafi-related. The last thing the UK did with Gaddafi was get rid of him.
By Buzz62
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Not many problems, really. that a fact...
Germany and RAPE of women by Muslim Migrants
Gee...I sure hope you don't have a daughter in Germany...
France 1
France 2
France 3
London July 7
Ya and this too...
That's without any real research. So please...enough snow blindness...

Prosthetic Conscience wrote:The ironic thing is that you call other people 'snowflakes', when it's you screaming that you have been horribly hurt by the existence of immigrants in you country who don't behave exactly like you do. Yes, the people who resort to bombs are awful; but to go from there to 'few, if any of these Muslim migrants have any intention of adopting the culture of the countries they've "imposed" themselves on' is ridiculous. The vast majority of Muslim immigrants do follow all laws, and support democracy, freedom etc. Most also take part in huge parts of British culture that it needn't be compulsory to do so, but it's nice to have in common - watch the same things on TV, follow football, and so on. But saying that "these Muslim migrants" will never integrate may be the best way of alienating more of them, and making them hate you. You don't make a friend by saying "you're antisocial, you'll never like me". People don't join groups because they've been told they'll never fit in them.

Perhaps this "vast majority of Muslim immigrants" should hunt down these Muslim Terrorists, and deal with them by turning them in...en masse! Oh wait...that doesn't seem to happen...does it...
Instead we get a steady diet of ice-cold, flakey excuses by the likes of you.

Tell ya what...if you're so convinced that this is not a problem brought forth by Muslim immigrants and their general refusal to adopt the culture and society of the nation that's been generous enough to allow them entry, maybe you should packup yourself and any females in your family...maybe a grand daughter...and go help these poor, unfortunate souls...
Enjoy that... :knife:

An after thought...
This is becoming an outright assault on western civilization.
A war.
Does it really take the rape and murder of your own family, to get you to realize that?
Again, @Buzz62, you're calling other people 'snowflakes' for saying "stop freaking out about a few nutters". If you can't handle a demonstration by some idiots holding up placards, you're no good to anyone. Get some backbone. Just to take your first French example, the Charlie Hebdo killers were born in France., from families from France's North African colonies. Stop blaming things on the EU, when that's a complete anachronism.
By Buzz62
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Again, @Buzz62, you're calling other people 'snowflakes' for saying "stop freaking out about a few nutters". If you can't handle a demonstration by some idiots holding up placards, you're no good to anyone. Get some backbone. Just to take your first French example, the Charlie Hebdo killers were born in France., from families from France's North African colonies. Stop blaming things on the EU, when that's a complete anachronism.

A. It's more than just "a few nutters".
B. What I can't handle is cowards who will make excuses for cold blooded murderers just so they don't have to get dirty in a real fight. IMO...flakes like that are as destructive as the perpetrators of the murders. They insult the lives lost and invite more violence upon their societies. But long as they can stick their heads in the sand and claim to see no real problem...all's good, right?
C. Why don't you put your daughters where your mouth is? No? "Get some backbone".
Buzz62 wrote:A. It's more than just "a few nutters".

Yet again, you're the one playing the part of the snowflake here.
B. What I can't handle is cowards who will make excuses for cold blooded murderers just so they don't have to get dirty in a real fight. IMO...flakes like that are as destructive as the perpetrators of the murders. They insult the lives lost and invite more violence upon their societies. But long as they can stick their heads in the sand and claim to see no real problem...all's good, right?

Just as well no one no one is making excuses for the murderers, then. Odd to see you saying the murderers are no worse than someone with a different political position to you, though. You're minimising the serious of the murders by doing that.
C. Why don't you put your daughters where your mouth is? No? "Get some backbone".

I live in Britain, the country this thread is about, and as far as I can tell from the 'Canuckland' remark, you live in Canada. But it's you who wants Muslim migrants rounded up and deported from my country. Talk about delicate ...
By B0ycey
Buzz62 wrote:OK I'm sorry but this is mostly horse kaka...

Why? Because it's an opposite opinion.

Errr...ok reality check.
Perhaps you've noticed that Christianity has been marginalized to a great degree over the last few decades? Do you not think the utter stupidity of acts like the that in Dublin contributed to that?
And WTF did the Columbine tragedy have to do with Christianity?

True. Nothing really I guess. But the culprits were white youths from a Christian background. Perhaps I could say the same thing to you about the Manchester bombing. Do you think IS supports every Muslim group? Yet he was a IS fighter. Not a Muslim fighter. So now we have clarified this, why are posters bringing up Islam in this thread if we agree to your lines of thinking?

Have you been asleep for the last few years?
Do you have any idea the problems caused by the open EU boarders and the massive influx of Muslims (males for the most part)?
Allow me to enlighten you, oh thou of pretty, white precipitation...
When a person immigrates to another country with a completely different culture and society (NOTE: I do not bring GAWD into this crap), said person is expected to adopt the culture and society of their new home. Thus, when said person becomes a CITIZEN, he or she swears allegiance to their new home. They "become" British or Canuck or Yankee or...and so on. Just as, if I were to migrate to Saudi Arabia and desire to become a CITIZEN, I would be required to swear similar allegiance and to live by the rules and norms of the Saudi culture and society.

Well I agree. But why tarish every single Muslim with an idiot who blew himself up? Would you welcome a Muslim doctor or surgeon to remove your appendix if it was about to explode? Many would. And the NHS relies on migrants to run. And FYI most Muslims do live by western values and are against the latest attack. But a VERY tiny minority do support IS and I won't deny this. So what is the answer? Remove all Muslims from our shores to ruin the UK NHS, economy and human rights record to stop someone from executing a terrorist attack or invest more time and money in intelligence to catch them before the cause a terrorist attack? I know which one I support.

I would propose that this ass who bombed and killed all those kids, was not parented very well. He was not taught to BE BRITISH. And it is quite evident that few, if any of these Muslim migrants have any intention of adopting the culture of the countries they've "imposed" themselves on. And because I want my kids to be able to attend social gatherings without the worry of such violent acts against the culture and society of Canuckland...or any land for that matter...I now have no problem, either morally or otherwise, stating that IMO these "people" should be rounded up and sent packing.

Now...should you wish to continue to attempt to make this a religious matter...bring it on.
Because I'll tell you something.
NO GAWD worth the space it occupies, encourages the sort of behavior this single Hebrew deity seems to crave. And in the end, should this Hebrew deity actually exist...I will gladly introduce it to the nastiest streetfight it's ever experienced.

There is a lot of paranoid fear here? Are you so fearful for your children when driving? Because I know which one they have a greater chance of them dying prematurely from. Nonetheless I agree that migrants should adopt the cultures they reside in. But doesn't western values accept freedom of religion? Shame you can't accept your own countries values. As for religion, I was making a point that every religion creates terrorists, not a point that I was against Christianity.
We must look at this issue realistically. The fact is, Islam does not condone these actions. The number of Muslims involved in such activities is a tiny percentage of any part of their population, both in Europe and outside it. The vast majority are law abiding and good citizens.

However, it is important to recognise that there does exist a problem of radicalisation among some Muslims. It is also important to understand that if Europe keeps allowing mass settlement from the Islamic world, gradually Europe will become more Muslim. This is not an opinion but a fact. It will be necessary for Europe to make a choice about whether it wants this to happen, without hysteria and childish arguments. In France and the Netherlands there are Islamist parties. Now Europeans must make a choice about whether they want a future in which such parties are electable.
Last edited by Political Interest on 24 May 2017 18:11, edited 2 times in total.
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By Drlee
So let me get this straight Godstud.

You want to go back over 3000 years to a time that bears little resemblance to today, refer to the old testament not new, and try to somehow paint Christians with that brush. I thought you were smarter than that.
This board has demonstrated to me what kind of fifth columnist filth we have in our societies. You People who apologize for these animals attacking our children need to be ashamed, and if it were up to me.....
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By Seeker8
Speaking of traitors:
Manchester Attack: Home Secretary Amber Rudd condemns US for leaks of shared British intelligence

Confidential details appeared in the US media apparently leaked by US intelligence

More British lives put at risk by the U.S.A stupidity.
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By Scamp
Seeker8 wrote:Speaking of traitors:

More British lives put at risk by the U.S.A stupidity.

The "US Intellegence" that spread the news was social media and cell phones by civilians. :lol:
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