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Negotiator wrote:Irrelevant.

No NDA gives you the right to conceil crimes.

Not of your own and not of others.

NSA and CIA are regularly commiting crimes abroad and probably even on US mainland. That is what they are supposed to be to protect the US.
Andrew Wilkie and George Christensen in London to visit Julian Assange, as Jeremy Corbyn says UK view on extradition is shifting

British Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn says he is surprised over what he sees as a shift in the British Government's position on Julian Assange and the UK's "unbalanced" extradition relationship with the United States.

Read more in the attached link...
The Lancet publishes letter from doctors: “End torture and medical neglect of Julian Assange”

This week’s edition of the Lancet—the world’s pre-eminent peer reviewed medical journal—carries a letter from 117 medical doctors in 18 countries, renewing their call for urgent action to save the life of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. Their letter appears less than one week before the start of the US extradition hearing in London that may decide Assange’s fate...
The Armoured Glass Box is an Instrument of Torture, by: Craig Murray

In Thursday’s separate hearing on allowing Assange out of the armoured box to sit with his legal team, I witnessed directly that Baraitser’s ruling against Assange was brought by her into court BEFORE she heard defence counsel put the arguments, and delivered by her entirely unchanged.

Read more in the above link.
Julian Assange was put in jail for telling the general public the truth about how our leaders lie to get what they want from other people who have no say.

Our commercial media couldn't care less, and have not explored this atrocity at all. They don't seem to care at all about the proliferation of truth - our commercial media. In fact, our commercial media has been parrotting the lies of the rich and powerful throughout my lifetime, but especially since 911 and all those poisoned anthrax envelopes some of our media received.

Now, our commercial media is telling us we're all going to die if we don't stay in our homes and stop congregating with other people. Whatver you do, don't organize!

This media has already made it clear that it doesn't care about the truth getting out there to the masses of people.
Why are the masses of people supposed to believe anything that commercial media puts out there?

(tldr: Our information sources have lost their credibility at the exact time that humans require accurate information about the human condition. Uh-oh)
Online panel event: April 19th The Prosecution of Julian Assange and the Fight for Free Speech


Join us for a panel discussion of leading attorneys, human rights defenders and social justice activists as the London trial of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is underway.

Sponsors: Bay Area Julian Assange Defense Committee • National Lawyers Guild Bay Area • Courage Foundation • United National Antiwar Coalition
Seriously, Assange being able to father two children during his suffering, shows the West actually treat their challengers way more humanely than countries like, say, China.

Compare Assange with Liu Xiaobo.

I can't help but feel that some kind of hypocrisy is around.
Patrickov wrote:Seriously, Assange being able to father two children during his suffering, shows the West actually treat their challengers way more humanely than countries like, say, China.

Compare Assange with Liu Xiaobo.

I can't help but feel that some kind of hypocrisy is around.

That is besides the point. Assange is a dissident of ours. He shouldn't need to be one. He didn't violate any laws since he is a publisher technically. He should be freed. The hypocrisy of this is if you want to put Assange in jail then you will need to put BBC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, DER SPIEGEL, THE GUARDIAN etc in jail also. Why are they getting a pass and he doesn't?

Against Manning, there is a valid case because he violated his oaths and NDAs while he was in the military. Assange didn't have any of those. He just published.
JohnRawls wrote:That is besides the point. Assange is a dissident of ours. He shouldn't need to be one. He didn't violate any laws since he is a publisher technically. He should be freed. The hypocrisy of this is if you want to put Assange in jail then you will need to put BBC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, DER SPIEGEL, THE GUARDIAN etc in jail also. Why are they getting a pass and he doesn't?

Against Manning, there is a valid case because he violated his oaths and NDAs while he was in the military. Assange didn't have any of those. He just published.

I think this is right...

It was the CIA papers that pioneered this in the early 1970s. This opinion was released by the Supreme Court after they ruled that the publication of the CIA papers was valid:

The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The Government's power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform the people. Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell. ... [W]e are asked to hold that ... the Executive Branch, the Congress, and the Judiciary can make laws ... abridging freedom of the press in the name of 'national security.' ... To find that the President has 'inherent power' to halt the publication of news ... would wipe out the First Amendment and destroy the fundamental liberty and security of the very people the Government hopes to make 'secure.' ... The word 'security' is a broad, vague generality whose contours should not be invoked to abrogate the fundamental law embodied in the First Amendment. The guarding of military and diplomatic secrets at the expense of informed representative government provides no real security... . The Framers of the First Amendment, fully aware of both the need to defend a new nation and the abuses of the English and Colonial governments, sought to give this new society strength and security by providing that freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly should not be abridged.

New York Times Co. v United States (Wikipedia)

I can imagine that a similar conclusion could be made regarding Assange, but I also would not be surprised to see that there is a vast array of charges that aren't directly pertinent to his leaking of information.

We should also remember that Assange is a dual citizen of Australia and Ecuador. This may complicate things.
Patrickov wrote:Seriously, Assange being able to father two children during his suffering, shows the West actually treat their challengers way more humanely than countries like, say, China.

Compare Assange with Liu Xiaobo.

I can't help but feel that some kind of hypocrisy is around.

He was in the Ecuadoran Embassy, he didn't father children through conjugal visits.
QatzelOk wrote:Julian Assange was put in jail for telling the general public the truth about how our leaders lie to get what they want from other people who have no say.

Our commercial media couldn't care less, and have not explored this atrocity at all. They don't seem to care at all about the proliferation of truth - our commercial media. In fact, our commercial media has been parrotting the lies of the rich and powerful throughout my lifetime, but especially since 911 and all those poisoned anthrax envelopes some of our media received.

Now, our commercial media is telling us we're all going to die if we don't stay in our homes and stop congregating with other people. Whatver you do, don't organize!

This media has already made it clear that it doesn't care about the truth getting out there to the masses of people.
Why are the masses of people supposed to believe anything that commercial media puts out there?

(tldr: Our information sources have lost their credibility at the exact time that humans require accurate information about the human condition. Uh-oh)

Q, I think this is succinct and accurate.
I studied journalism as a young woman in my undergrad years. I think I was two classes from a major in journalism. I refused to make it my profession exactly because of what you replied here. It is an instrument of capitalist for profit servile manipulations and violates the public's trust.

Only cynical people who in someway believe in the US system and accept capitalism being part of the press's agenda work in those outlets. Some of them like Fox News in that movie with Megyn Kelly and the other women who literally gave oral sex to Roger Ailes in order to keep their positions? Says it all about those journalists.

I think the press is being angered by how many people are questioning them and reviling them publicly.

Independent media has a place. It is not a place for getting rich or being instrumental in the halls of power.

I rather like this medium Q. Just being in the mix with other people who have differing points of view.

i prefer international discussions. If you got to the many websites where it is strictly national politics the views tend to be more conformist.

I met you here? That is all I need to know I made the right decision to join up. :)
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