African-American Asphyxiated by Police in Minneapolis - Page 19 - Politics | PoFo

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noemon wrote:It is new in many ways and not new in others. What is clearly very new, is the new racist normal established by the Trump administration and his racist base. That is new. And the level of racism tolerated everywhere, that is new too. And all these new things have a direct effect on the extent of these racist offences, from killing several black guys for no reason, to making fake coroner reports, to letting these nazi murderers roam free with impunity, to arresting a Black reporter, to distracting from the cold and naked truth, and so on and forth....

Most of these are empirical questions and need some data to support the assertions, e.g. Are more black guys killed for no reason now than in the past? Is the coroner's report or the time it took to press charges unusual?

I came across this today:
Star Tribune wrote:He is the first white officer in Minnesota to be criminally prosecuted in the death of a black civilian.

So the fact that the police officer was charged at all is actually an improvement (although I don't make any attribution).
SpecialOlympian wrote:Nobody is suffering now more than the president. Not because of his incredible capacity for empathy, but because his dumb feud with the moderators of Twitter has now been knocked out of the news cycle.

Just imagine how much our president is suffering right now. Nobody is paying attention to him, and black Americans will never thank him for making June African American Music Appreciation Month.

This ain’t even hyperbolic, for most of his term, this is the shit people be posting:
“Please stop for a minute to look at this picture. Can you imagine the weight he must be feeling. I know when he signed up for this role, without pay, he was willing to take on whatever, but the magnitude of what we’re experiencing has got to be paralyzing. And to some, nothing he does is ever right ...
I wonder how he must be dealing with it all. When his head finally hits the pillow at night after press conferences and meetings, Constantly trying to defend himself and protect our country... does he cry? Is he scared?
Is he even able to sleep?
Can he shut his mind off?
Or does he lay there and talk to God all night?
Whether he’s making you proud or not, I’m urging you to look at this photo and ask the Lord to soften your heart and lift him up in prayer. He needs them. He’s carrying the weight of our world on his shoulders and I don’t think anybody could/would be doing any better. Can I have a prayer and an Amen?”

Its wild.
The only valid criticism of these protests is that they don't go far enough. People need to take a hint from the anti-lockdown protestors and show up armed to the teeth downtown where all the corporate buildings are.

If that were to happen, the system would instantly drop its mask of civility, I guarantee it.
Last edited by Saeko on 30 May 2020 11:03, edited 1 time in total.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:Most of these are empirical questions and need some data to support the assertions, e.g. Are more black guys killed for no reason now than in the past? Is the coroner's report or the time it took to press charges unusual?

So you are saying that the coroner's report is fine and not unusual at all? You 're saying that the Black man getting arrested live on television is not new at all?
Right...what is certainly not unusual is these subtle little defences and distractions, the attention to so many little details when it comes to Black folk while choosing consciously to ignore the bigger picture that has ballooned out of control. No dear Kaiser, this is not fooling anybody anymore.
Wellsy wrote:This ain’t even hyperbolic, for most of his term, this is the shit people be posting:

Its wild.

Trump is truly history's most tragic hero. The smartest and most caring individual to ever ascend to the office, and yet he is constantly laid low by cataclysmic events beyond even the powers of the POTUS while simultaneously being under constant assault by his own incompetent advisors and the media.

His inability to execute policies that benefit his base are not a mark of incompetency or impotence. The fact that he is even standing is an accomplishment. Nobody but Trump could have hoped to stem the tidal wave of history crashing down upon him.

Only future historians will be able to look at the events happening around us now and put this together. The living will fault Trump for his perceived failures, but only historians with the blessing of perfect hindsight will ever understand that his preservation of the status quo was the best we could have hoped for. He is literally the kind of historical figure Harry Seldon predicted; a man whose hand was forced into choosing the only viable option available.
noemon wrote:So you are saying that the coroner's report is fine and not unusual at all? You 're saying that the Black man getting arrested live on television is not new at all?

What I'm saying is that we can't judge whether these things are unusual compared with similar cases in the past without some empirical support.

noemon wrote:Right...what is certainly not unusual is these subtle little defences and distractions, the attention to so many little details when it comes to Black folk while choosing consciously to ignore the bigger picture that has ballooned out of control. No dear Kaiser, this is not fooling anybody anymore.

OK, it looks like we are back to mind reading and imputing sinister motives.

Anyway, here is some trend data from the Mapping Police Violence website:

All people killed by police:
Black people killed by police:
Black unarmed people killed by police:
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:What I'm saying is that we can't judge whether these things are unusual compared with similar cases in the past without some empirical support.

OK, it looks like we are back to mind reading and imputing sinister motives.

You can pretend that arresting Black journalists live on TV is not a "new thing" and that such an empirical observation calling it "new" lacks scientific backing, but we both(well actually all of us in here) know why you are doing it and why you are pretending not to see the obvious and very cold reality. I am letting you know that you are not fooling anybody and that the more you shall insist the more transparent you shall become.

You can pretend that the racism we are experiencing online, in PoFo and in our lives is not 'new" compared to 5 years ago, but that is simply not true. Calling it empirical and hiding behind of fig leaf of statistics(while calling it "science") does not make you look smart, it just makes you look obtuse and sinister.

And it's not just a matter of looks, it is substantially sinister what you are doing because you are effectively defending the racist status quo, you are saying, "no need to panic, no need to change anything, that is all nothing new, just move along". And that is both sinister and malicious and especially given the circumstances.
noemon wrote:You can pretend that arresting Black journalists live on TV is not a "new thing" and that such an empirical observation calling it "new" lacks scientific backing, but we both(well actually all of us in here) know why you are doing it and why you are pretending not to see the obvious and very cold reality. I am letting you know that you are not fooling anybody and that the more you shall insist the more transparent you shall become.

Why don't you show it if it is so easy to come by? And I mean all of your empirical assertions.

Until then, I consider this unproductive conversation to be over.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:Why don't you show it if it is so easy to come by? And I mean all of your empirical assertions.

Until then, I consider this unproductive conversation to be over.

You have successfully convinced me that you are a shameless & sinister racist and the discussion is over indeed. If you want to convince me that you are not a malicious racist, try changing your sinister behaviour and ways, until then I cannot permit you in good conscience to moderate this forum because that would be fooling myself most of all.

Outing racists is not unproductive but the very height of productivity especially in this thread, subtle racists like yourself are the most dangerous kind.

You have no point other than normalising this racism and pretending that there is nothing to see here.

There is and it starts with you.

People not just in America, but everywhere should take all these opportunities to change their lives, for the better. To stop even thinking the term "monkey" when they see Black people on the street and on television, to stop defending arguments that seek to reduce the value of other people's lives. To pause and think before they open their mouths in service of something sinister.

No shit Sherlock, this has been happening in America forever. But that does not mean that the past 5 years it has not got worse, a lot worse, it does not mean that Trump was not elected because of a white supremacy base that wanted to denormalise Obama(a Black in office). This was the point of electing Trump, to denormalise Black people, to put them back in their place at the back of the bus.

Do show us when was the last time a Black reporter was arrested live on television for no reason whatsoever? When? in the 1960's? :knife:

5 years ago in this forum, you would not have dared to argue what you just did. And if you, the smart one who knows how to navigate these waters can be more bold, can you even imagine the troglodytes out there?
How much more bold are they? And this is precisely both the point and the issue. It is about what is "normal". It's normal faking coroner reports to protect nazi scum, normal to choke them like animals in broad daylight, and normal for you to sit here arguing that "there is nothing to see here". It is normal but it shouldn't be.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:What I'm saying is that we can't judge whether these things are unusual compared with similar cases in the past without some empirical support.

Yes, we need to evaluate the video of a man having his neck crushed under a cop's knee for 8 and a half minutes against similar cases.

I also would like to ask everyone to please leave your biases at the door. Please only refer to it as an "Officer Involved Asphyxiation of a Black Man" until the full coroner's report comes in.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:Why don't you show it if it is so easy to come by? And I mean all of your empirical assertions.

Until then, I consider this unproductive conversation to be over.

I don’t think any evidence would convince him or his comrades. From now on everyone must accept the designated political beliefs without question.

The thing is, 5 years ago people like Rei and Far Right Sage frequented the board. They were both card carrying facists and frequently did argue the case for racialist politics. So there were a lot of arguments about race. @noemon is trying to claim a change has happened. Well, it has, and due to Trump. The change is that the status quo has been challenged by popularism. It is not that people are arguing any more or any less about race politics.

The fact of the matter is that the progressives and the hard left have become more intolerant as their position of dominance has being undermined. That is what Noemon is really responding to. It is also why the other supposed anti-racists are harassing people so virulently. They want to reassert their dominance.

What they seem to be incapable of understanding is that people voted for Trump exactly because of this hard left/progressive totalitarianism. So if they keep it up, then Trump will likely see a second term.

BTW, notice most of those protesters in Minneapolis are white. Those are the Burnie Bros. They said they would burn Minneapolis if Sanders didn’t get selected as Presidential candidate. Looks like they made good on their promise.

Anyway, I’m leaving this forum. I am not going to participate in mindlessly conforming to the opinions of the few. I always appreciated your well structured posts and supporting evidence. Take care @Kaiserschmarrn . Also @Patrickov , best of luck mate. I will continue to support the HK people elsewhere.
Saeko wrote:The only valid criticism of these protests is that they don't go far enough. People need to take a hint from the anti-lockdown protestors and show up armed to the teeth downtown where all the corporate buildings are.

Or they should learn from their brothers and sisters in Los Angeles, who'd been making real world news for a while, although Rodney King survived police brutality. It was some brutal beating only, wasn't it? Minneapolis must be a calm city indeed. :lol:
#15095473 ... ation-cop/

George Floyd's autopsy said that he didn't die of asphyxiation/strangulation but that it was a combination of heart disease and potential intoxicants in his system that were exacerbated by his forceful arrest.

With a state autopsy on his side, we can assume that the cop is likely to be acquitted, which will lead to even more rage and riots because at this point, why would anyone admit that they were wrong? Much easier to blame the Russians or whatever and get some more free shit.
:lol: The autopsy is a fraud. The evidence of the way he was killed is obvious and saying it was due to heart disease or intoxication is simply ridiculous, and only a fool would believe that kind of malarky.

Next thing cops will be shooting black men and saying it was a pre-existing condition that killed them.

Murdering racist apologists. That's all you guys are, @Wulfschilde.
noemon wrote:You have successfully convinced me that you are a shameless & sinister racist and the discussion is over indeed. If you want to convince me that you are not a malicious racist, try changing your sinister behaviour and ways, until then I cannot permit you in good conscience to moderate this forum because that would be fooling myself most of all.

Outing racists is not unproductive but the very height of productivity especially in this thread, subtle racists like yourself are the most dangerous kind.

You have no point other than normalising this racism and pretending that there is nothing to see here.

There is and it starts with you.

People not just in America, but everywhere should take all these opportunities to change their lives, for the better. To stop even thinking the term "monkey" when they see Black people on the street and on television, to stop defending arguments that seek to reduce the value of other people's lives. To pause and think before they open their mouths in service of something sinister.

No shit Sherlock, this has been happening in America forever. But that does not mean that the past 5 years it has not got worse, a lot worse, it does not mean that Trump was not elected because of a white supremacy base that wanted to denormalise Obama(a Black in office). This was the point of electing Trump, to denormalise Black people, to put them back in their place at the back of the bus.

Do show us when was the last time a Black reporter was arrested live on television for no reason whatsoever? When? in the 1960's? :knife:

5 years ago in this forum, you would not have dared to argue what you just did. And if you, the smart one who knows how to navigate these waters can be more bold, can you even imagine the troglodytes out there?
How much more bold are they? And this is precisely both the point and the issue. It is about what is "normal". It's normal faking coroner reports to protect nazi scum, normal to choke them like animals in broad daylight, and normal for you to sit here arguing that "there is nothing to see here". It is normal but it shouldn't be.

What we have in America is an underground movement to bring down the establishment. It is not the bourgeoisie mercilessly exploited the proletariat. This has been switched to black oppressed by white. The media and black leaders have preached massive racism 24/7 for decades. Growing up black in America and hearing and watching all this stuff leads to nihilism. I read a few tweets and this confirms my suspicion; there is massive racial PTSD in America and it is group PTSD rather than just one person.

Black Glass
Replying to
As I walked into a store an older white man said hello to me as he exited, I had the hardest time parting my mouth. When I did, nothing came out. This is not who I am, but I am angry and tired.

Replying to
I feel this. Add being an introvert on top of it. I at least used to be able to fake small talk etc. Now everything is transactional, stone faced, waiting to see if my spidey senses tingle about any encounter w/ a random white person, few as they are now w/ limited outings.

Bubba Bexley
May 27
Replying to
I stopped speaking to them, awhile back. I have to know you.

Sadly, Democrats and Republicans have made this worst.
foxdemon wrote:I don’t think any evidence would convince him or his comrades. From now on everyone must accept the designated political beliefs without question.

The thing is, 5 years ago people like Rei and Far Right Sage frequented the board. They were both card carrying facists and frequently did argue the case for racialist politics. So there were a lot of arguments about race. @noemon is trying to claim a change has happened. Well, it has, and due to Trump. The change is that the status quo has been challenged by popularism. It is not that people are arguing any more or any less about race politics.

I know subtle racists like yourself and Kaiser because my entire family are the same ethno-religious conservatives and I used to be like you. But not anymore dear racist individual, I am drawing a line in the sand because your subtle racism is killing people. You are no longer just an avatar posting nonsense but an aggregator for murder. And you should be ashamed of yourself. As should Kaiser because you are above average intelligence rather than troglodytes and that is worse. There is always time for redemption however. Though I highly doubt it in your case. You are a Jewish supremacist who wants Trump in charge just so Israel can go on unhindered murdering Palestinians with impunity. You have no other interest in this life and you are willing to walk over dead American(European or whatever) bodies to achieve your goals for an extra inch of promised land. Your pathetic crocodile tears about the left are ridiculous and not fooling anybody. 100 times better having Hillary and transgender frigging toilets than having that racist buffoon and white pigs on steroids going around killing people on a whim. It was a huge mistake of mine sitting on the sidelines and trashing Hillary.

Alt-right racist apologetics are not welcome in here. And subtle racists like yourself are going to be outed. This is the new normal.

Your behaviour in here speaks for itself, you are in here not out of a concern that this Black person has been murdered, not to speak out against his murder, not to trash the coroners for that pathetic report but to cry that you are the victim of the left. How pathetic & small-minded and what a give-away. Among all this you consider yourself the victim. :lol: :knife:

It's beyond pathetic.
noemon wrote:I know subtle racists like yourself and Kaiser because my entire family are the same ethno-religious conservatives and I used to be like you. But not anymore dear racist individual, I am drawing a line in the sand because your subtle racism is killing people. You are no longer just an avatar posting nonsense but an aggregator for murder. And you should be ashamed of yourself. As should Kaiser b ecause you are above average intelligence rather than troglodytes and that is worse. There is always time for redemption however. Though I highly doubt it in your case. You are a Jewish supremacist who wants Trump in charge just so Israel can go on unhindered murdering Palestinians with impunity. You have no other interest in this life and you are willing to walk over dead American(European or whatever) bodies to achieve your goals for an extra inch of promised land. Your pathetic crocodile tears about the left are ridiculous and not fooling anybody. 100 times better having Hillary and transgender frigging toilets than having that racist buffoon and white pigs on steroids going around killing people on a whim. It was a huge mistake of mine sitting on the sidelines and trashing Hillary.

Alt-right racist apologetics are not welcome in here. And subtle racists like yourself are going to be outed. This is the new normal.

Noemon the subtle racists are a very large number of people. Most of them make excuses and don't categorize themselves as racists per se. Because they think racists are the ones who are violent, burn crosses and do the violent racist acts against defined minorities like Jews or African Americans.

But for me the subtle racists are incredibly damaging. They are in positions of power, are managers, and teachers, and doctors and professionals. Yet in their heads they hold on to beliefs about others who are not like them in ethnic composition or class positions as inferior in some way...less human. And they don't really get how bad that stuff is.

Eradicating attitudes, thoughts taught from the cradle on are terrible things. But that is the reality of human beings and their erroneous and embedded false thoughts. But they usually only have to do the work on themselves by their own voluntary will. it won't happen being told by the society that they need to change. If they really believed Noemon that a Black person and a Latino person or an immigrant or a poor person from the working class truly were their equal? They would not be who they are politically. At all.

I still think the only real way in changing that is by enough people uniting and democratically choosing to end discrimination and to spend a lot of money on truly democratic and equity-based institutions. until then? The overt racists and the subtle racists hold on to their beliefs and think falsely they are the real victims.

Over the years i have gotten so many consistent replies from the subtle or overt racists and they all end with "You are discriminating against me because I am white. Reverse racism." Or, "why can't your people do what the rest of the immigrants did. Work hard, get an education and be law abiding?" or the classic, "the IQ says your group is overall not as intelligent and the money follows the IQ." Lol.

It all boils down to not wanting to share power, not wanting to change a system that favors their interests and making excuses to justify not wanting any social equity or economic equity with the 'interiors'. End of the story there Noemon.
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