African-American Asphyxiated by Police in Minneapolis - Page 195 - Politics | PoFo

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blackjack21 wrote:Look at your reply to @Hindsite, and mine. You simply call Hindsite a racist, and I suggest another possible interpretation: peritraumatic dissociation.

What I've learned so far is that the black guy assaulted the police. That's considered a felony, and the police respond to make a felony arrest. That's why their guns are drawn.

Others have a different take on this latest racial kerfuffle.

Good video. I suspected something like that, but in today's world to suspect the obvious is deemed racist. :lol:
Godstud wrote:You are talking about "Whataboutisms", to distract from the actual topic, which is about systemic racism in the justice system.

Since some believe in Racism, (Racists) Racism to you is what you believe it is. Racism in America is what Hollywood pushes down your throat as you swallow it hook, line, and sinker.. Racism is a Political Red Herring used by Democrats and Communists to create a racial division(Systemic) Racism is dead to most of America's citizens. If you continue to use it as a crutch or cry wolf about it you are inviting a real racist oppressor to the party. Systemic racism is a lie created to cover for the fentanyl kings and Queens that live in HUD Ghettos, receive the maximum amount of WIC, get all of the abortions for free, and collect a check for every child they claim to be raising that is assigned a social security number as they vote for the Party that provides all of the social Programs that keep the feeders full every election cycle. Black, white, red, green, or yellow law abiding tax paying legal American citizens that desire to work for a living can rise to any level in America that their talent, skill, or education will take them as long as their dedication to working hard is not impeded. If Racism existed in America, at any level that would threaten any of America's law abiding tax paying legal citizens, it would be eliminated as quickly as the N-Word was dropped by everyone that isn't Black. Let's all keep on kicking a dead mule (Racism is the dead mule) as the Democrats continue to allow looting and riots that actually create stumbling blocks for America's impoverished citizens. Let's all create sanctuary cities for illegals. Democrats generate Chaos and crime on the taxpayers dime instead of keeping our borders secure and funding the worst areas of America. Drug use is a big problem in America. Democrats do not want to eliminate crime and hardships for the poor and the oppressed. America is a great Country. Democrats only desire a voter block that allows them control of the taxpayer's money. Never vote for an Antifa Loving, BLM Supporting, Police Defunding, Leftist, Communist Democrat this Century.
^ The clowns are in town, defending police brutality that's resulted in 8 holes in Jacob Blake's body and paralysis from the waist down, according to his father.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Reactionary ideology is just a feeling stemming from a severe personality disorder where the only imaginable use of political power is to crush people who deviate in even the smallest way from your preferred social and haplogroups.

Your post reminded me of this article. We, The Spiteful

blackjack21 wrote:Look at your reply to @Hindsite, and mine. You simply call Hindsite a racist, and I suggest another possible interpretation: peritraumatic dissociation. Why is it that the black guy will not obey the police when their guns are drawn? What do you think was going on in his mind? What do you think was going on in the police officer's minds? "Let's kill ourselves a black man! Woo hoo!"? I rather doubt it, but the media likes to frame it this way, and it's frankly quite dishonest. I would say that they know better, but frankly I'm not too impressed with most "journalists" these days.

What I've learned so far is that the black guy assaulted the police. That's considered a felony, and the police respond to make a felony arrest. That's why their guns are drawn. The governor and the media notwithstanding, what the police did--within the full context of what actually happened--is how the government trains the police to respond. This is not their judgement or discretion. It's what they were trained to do.

Others have a different take on this latest racial kerfuffle.

Isn't the guy from the first video some kind of honest-to-goodness Satanist? ''Styxhexenhammer''?
annatar1914 wrote:Isn't the guy from the first video some kind of honest-to-goodness Satanist? ''Styxhexenhammer''?

He was. He still likes occult stuff, but apparently isn't a satanist any more. :lol:
How can any Democrat believe that the Democrat party is the nice, good, kind, thoughtful party of thinkers after watching Brain Dead (Stroke Victim) Biden and his doper VP call the rioters and looters Peaceful Protesters? (Calling those that throw feces filled condoms and urine filled water bottles at officers of the law that are doing their jobs as they are told to do by the Democrat mayors and Governors) Peaceful Protesters? Landslide victory Predicted for President Trump and his agenda to close the borders to illegals and to hold the Democrat Politicians accountable for the destruction America has witnessed from Antifa, BLM and other Democrat funded anarchist groups. Political criminals like DeBlasio must be held accountable for limiting the Police from doing their jobs correctly. Round up all of the looters and throw away the key. Use snipers to Shoot the hands off of those that would throw anything at a cop or shine a laser into a cops eyes. Democrats are the Communist that want to destroy America.
^ There are no communists under your bed in America and none that will ever get anywhere close to power. Your beef ought to be with your government which is just one government pretending to have two sides to it, but the reality is they serve the same ends, ultimately. Two wings of the same bird, two cheeks of the same arse, etc.

Back on topic:

From at least one video, it looks like the "peaceful protesters" attacked the guy with the gun, even knocking him to the ground before he opened fire. People are just nuts to be fighting someone carrying a firearm. What were they thinking?

skinster wrote:From your clip a protester is heard saying "What did he do?" and another responded "He shot someone".

Discretion is the better part of valor. Photograph the person and send the photograph to the police. Trying to tackle someone who has a gun is frankly nuts.

Minnesota v. Derek Chauvin et al: The Prosecution’s Dirty Little Secret
In other news, the toxicology report is available now and it appears that George Floyd may have died from an overdose. Floyd apparently suffered from pulmonary edema as a result of fentanyl use--his lungs being 2-3x what should be their normal weight during his autopsy.
skinster wrote:Anything to say about the white supremacist murderer who was running around shooting at people demonstrating against very recent police brutality?

I don't know much about him. His name is known now. However, the person he shot in the video seems justifiable. The preceding shooting I have not seen. So it is unclear if it was justifiable or not. Since, he is not a government official, I am pretty sure the Democrats will make an example of him. At any rate, he crossed state lines, so he wasn't just someone from the neighborhood trying to defend businesses. Although, a lot of the other "protesters" are professional shit disturbers too.

Why do you think he was a white supremacist? At least one of the people he shot was white.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Apparently, we need to clarify that cops cannot shoot people for not obeying.

So telling black people that they need to obey cops in order to not get shot is basically saying that black people do not get the rights that come with US law.

That would mean anarchy and is simply nuts. :lol:
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