Britain's 'worst ever' child grooming scandal exposed - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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This is a separate issue from immigration or communal issues. It's a law and order issue. The ethnicity of the perpetrators is irrelavent. Right wingers should avoid resorting to communalism and racism in order to promote their cause. This has nothing to do with immigration but rather the ineffectiveness of law and order as well as the failure of the authorities to act. A sex predator and gangster is dangerous irrespective of his background. I think the right does itself a disservice when it tries to capitalise on these types of issues.
Political Interest wrote: This has nothing to do with immigration but rather the ineffectiveness of law and order as well as the failure of the authorities to act.

They failed to act because they were afraid to be called "racists" by the hostile MSM.
It's more to do with funding and staffing. The Tory government are cutting all services down to the bone, including police. There was a police detective on the radio yesterday angry about the lack of staff and funds going into child sex abuse teams.

If you don't fund and staff your police properly, it's easier for criminals, quite simple.
ArtAllm wrote:They failed to act because they were afraid to be called "racists" by the hostile MSM.

That is a political issue more than anything.

It had nothing to do with the wider communities from which these criminals came.

As per usual it's political correctness and the ideology of the liberal middle class which is to blame, nothing else.
It's a class issue more than anything.

If prince George (for example) has been raped then the police would have investigated it properly, if Richard Branston or Allan Sugar's offspring has suffered the same the police also would have properly investigated it. However when poor people's kids are violated the police sit there and do nothing (or they even help the criminals cover their tracks by accusing the kids of being prostitutes).

In a capitalist country the police exist only to defend the rich and their property. If anyone else has any problems then you are on your own.
Decky wrote:It's a class issue more than anything.

If prince George (for example) has been raped then the police would have investigated it properly, if Richard Branston or Allan Sugar's offspring has suffered the same the police also would have properly investigated it. However when poor people's kids are violated the police sit there and do nothing (or they even help the criminals cover their tracks by accusing the kids of being prostitutes).

In a capitalist country the police exist only to defend the rich and their property. If anyone else has any problems then you are on your own.

The working class are looked down upon with contempt by wealthy liberals. This issue was ignored because it was a problem for working class communities outside the South East. The middle class liberals and establishment didn't want to contend with it because they would lose their social status by appearing racist, and afterall, it was only working class northerners.
Political Interest wrote:As per usual it's political correctness and the ideology of the liberal middle class which is to blame, nothing else.

Of course you have to blame the people that opened the door and who hate the white population of GB!

The migrants are only useful puppets in the hands of puppeteers, who are globalists and do not care a rat's ass about native Brits.
^ it's the same process in Germany too. Britain capitulated to globalist agenda only after 1973 when she joined the EC, which was founded by Germany and France . Till then, this agenda (solidarity with the Arab Islamic interests) was foreign to Britain who fought this camp during the war. They were your side's allies and at first Britain was very reluctant about their dubious cause.
Add, it's very simplistic to say Britain anti fascist record is implacable because she fought them, in the end. During the 30's the elites were very pro German (as they were pro Arab), it was after all one of the reasons given by Kim Philby why he betrayed Britain. And Lord Haw Haw, who was exacuted after the war as Nazi collaborator, was also member of British Arab solidarity group before he become the Nazi propagandist in Radio Berlin.

Till joining the EC, Britain worldview on ME was just like the American one, but then the EC/EU demanded standartization and steadily she drifted to German worlview.
Lightman wrote:About 90% of the British rapist population is white, which is about what you would expect from a country that is 87% white. Asian men are not disproportionately engaged in child rape. The only crime of child abuse that Asian men seem to be disproportionately engaged in is the sex ring, which is relatively rare, though of course deeply grotesque and awful. The narrative that Asian men are greater threats to British children than white men simply does not align with reality.

It's likely that child abuse remains largely unreported in more "patriarchial communities".

Decky wrote:Surprise surprise. If you import more people from the most right wing parts of the world you will get more right wing behavior. Who knew?

That is so right-wing of you.
The good side, the British finally realize they lost the narrative during the years of EU's state religion, "Multiculturalism". The uncovering of the deceived BBC, the globalist elite mouthpiece, is as important as to ask justice for the victims. Most of the people take their believes from established narratives provided to them by MSM. The globalist elites helped to create this problem by assimilating any critisim on minorities behaviour to "racism".

The BBC reluctently covering the story, with lots of euphomism and not as lead story. It's too much to ask.

White working class girls traded for sex, says Telford MP
13 March 2018 Shropshire

Vulnerable white working class girls are being traded for sex in a "routine way" an MP has told ministers.

Conservative politician Lucy Allan addressed fellow politicians in the wake of reports claiming up to 1,000 children could have been targeted in her Telford constituency.

Ms Allan said the cases would not have happened had the victims been from different backgrounds.

Calls are growing for a fresh inquiry into sex abuse in the Shropshire town.

Speaking at a Westminster Hall debate, Ms Allan said the girls had "multiple vulnerabilities".

Victims 'miscast'

Telford has found itself in the spotlight after the Sunday Mirror published a report about "groups of mainly Asian men" targeting vulnerable white teenagers in the town since the 1980s.

A lawyer who led prosecutions against one child sex abuse ring in Telford has said those cases were the "tip of the iceberg".

Ms Allan said the girls were targeted because of their backgrounds.

"It is also why so often they are miscast as bringing it on themselves, they are miscast as indulging in risky behaviour, as being promiscuous, as somehow being to blame for what is happening to them," she said.

"In their own minds, so often they also internalise that sense that they are somehow at fault."

Ms Allan said she was concerned difficult family backgrounds led authorities to see victims as "troublemakers" who were "too difficult" to deal with.

"Maybe that's why these crimes were not identified for quite so long," she said.

"Had those girls been from a different background, had they been able to articulate more clearly what it was that was happening to them, had they been able to identify that it was a crime then I think perhaps we would not have the cases that we're seeing in Telford, in Rotherham, in Oxford.

"How did it happen that our young girls are being traded for sex in what is becoming a routine way?

"Whether it's from takeaways or taxis or betting shops, it's happening in our streets."

The working class activists are fighting for their unheard cause but it's not enough. Tommy Robinson (who first took the grooming cause to public then years ago, met Lord Pearson, who was booed in parliament yesterday for asking 'Can we talk about Islam without being accused of hate crime".

BBC Defends Missed Telford Coverage After 'Hundreds of Complaints'

It blames “busy news period” why the story was forced down their agenda.

The BBC’s news editor has defended their lack of coverage of the Telford of grooming gang revelations, insisting the corporation is doing the “right thing” in relation to grooming gangs generally.

On the BBC’s NewsWatch programme, presenter Samira Ahmed also revealed they had received “hundreds” of complaints about a perceived initial reluctance to cover the allegations.

Responding to the BBC’s own Ms. Ahmed, James Stephenson, News Editor of BBC News and Current Affairs, admitted that on Monday, after the story broke over the weekend, they did not feature the story on their front-page, and covered it only briefly in their paper review the day before.

BBC News coverage of the Telford abuse allegations under discussion at 19.45 News Channel, tomorrow at 07.45 on BBC1 or watch on iplayer

— NewsWatch (@newswatchbbc) March 16, 2018

He also argued that because of a “busy news period”, including the Russian spy poisoning and the death of Stephen Hawkins, the story was forced down their agenda.

“So, there was a story on the website on Monday,” Mr. Stephenson said when questioned.

“That was on the England index. There were various developments in the story as the week has gone on. I’m sure you’ve seen and the viewers have seen how the story has developed.

“So, the initial suggestion was that possibly 1,000 victims, and that was based not on hard information, but on an extrapolation based on work with an academic.

“So, we pursued it. And we weighted the story.

“And it’s probably worth saying, to address your point directly, that we’re in the middle of this huge spy drama and scandal, the poisoning scandal in Salisbury, and that’s consumed a huge amount of our airtime, as has the death of Ken Dodd, and then later in the week Stephen Hawking.”

not only is the Telford story not on the BBC news front page, its not mentioned in the England news page and not even on the Shropshire page. bizarre

— Ed West (@edwest) March 12, 2018

Following their lack of initial coverage, a Tory MP accused the BBC of not “standing up for [the] white working class”. And when the BBC started reporting from Telford on Wednesday, they chose to focus on the comments of one officer who claimed reports were “sensationalised”.

Asked about the criticism of the BBC’s coverage of Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs in general, after claims they are politically correct because of the abuser’s background, Mr. Stephenson insisted no “rethink” was needed.

“No, I think we are doing the right thing, and I think we are very determined to get to these terrible and dark and difficult stories, not just this one, but across the whole range,” he said. ... omplaints/
One of the first who talked about it was the"chav saint", as @Igor Antunov calls him. Here with Jeremy Paxman in Newsnight, sneering to him, "haven't you seen white gangs who are doing the same things?" As if the "grooming gangs" just happened to be Pakistani men, and the victims, just happened to white girls. They refuse to see the racist nature of the attack because such stories spoil – perhaps more than any other – the pleasant, transient, but for the time-being dominant narrative which a whole generation of people in authority have come to believe in, or at least preach.

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