Israeli troops kill dozens of Palestinians in protests as US embassy opens in Jerusalem – live updat - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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One Degree wrote:Thousands charging the fence is a real threat that only lunatics would deny. It does not matter if you think Israel is in the wrong, no sensible person would allow anyone near the fence with the threat of so many going through a breach. Accusing your enemy of using common sense is a weak argument.

It’s my opinion that the Palestinians are in fact a lethargic and cowardly people. Every man woman and child in the Gaza Strip and West Bank should be charging at the Israeli border with whatever sharp tool or blunt instrument they have at hand.
jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:It’s my opinion that the Palestinians are in fact a lethargic and cowardly people. Every man woman and child in the Gaza Strip and West Bank should be charging at the Israeli border with whatever sharp tool or blunt instrument they have at hand.

That's easy to say from behind a computer screen. You're talking about (mainly) children trying to battle it out with the Middle East's most powerful army. It is obvious who will win and despite the zionist propaganda, Palestinians are not part of a death cult that enjoy death or whatever; they're normal humans like we all are - sans zionists - who have an instinct to survive, despite the 7-decade-long genocide upon them.
jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:It’s my opinion that the Palestinians are in fact a lethargic and cowardly people. Every man woman and child in the Gaza Strip and West Bank should be charging at the Israeli border with whatever sharp tool or blunt instrument they have at hand.

a few Apaches in the air and they are all gone within seconds :lol:
They won't be gone anywhere, they'll be killed, just like they are killed every few years in Gaza in large-scale massacres, since they have nowhere to go.

Amnesty International wrote:US Embassy Move to Jerusalem Rewards Israel’s Illegal annexation and Settlement Policy says Amnesty International
“Today, on the eve of Palestinians’ commemoration of the Nakba, the displacement and dispossession of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians 70 years ago from their homes and towns, the United States has chosen to reward the illegal annexation of occupied territory by moving its embassy and recognizing unified Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

“The Trump administration may portray this action as simply hauling desks from one building to another. But in reality this move intentionally undermines Palestinian rights and in effect condones decades of violations by Israel, including the creation of illegal settlements, which constitute war crimes.

“This U.S. action comes in the midst of a brutal crackdown by the Israeli government against Palestinians in Gaza who have been protesting, in the vicinity of the Israel-Gaza fence, against their unbearable living conditions and calling for the right to return. Israeli soldiers have used weapons — some made in the U.S. and designed to cause maximum harm — against individuals who were not posing an imminent threat to them, injuring thousands, and killing 37, including some in what appear to have been willful killings.

“As Israel’s main supplier of military equipment and technology, the U.S. must finally realize that it is fueling serious human rights abuses and consistently allowing Israeli authorities to remain unaccountable for their actions.

“Rather than showing contempt for international law yet again, the U.S. must take concrete steps to stop the delivery of arms and military equipment to Israel, and demand independent, impartial investigations into reports of violations.”

Responding to reports that dozens of Palestinians have already been killed and hundreds injured by the Israeli military, Philip Luther, Research and Advocacy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International, said:

“This is another horrific example of the Israeli military using excessive force and live ammunition in a totally deplorable way. This is a violation of international standards, in some instances committing what appear to be wilful killings constituting war crimes.

“Today’s footage from Gaza is extremely troubling, and as violence continues to spiral out of control, the Israeli authorities must immediately rein in the military to prevent the further loss of life and serious injuries.

“Only last month, Amnesty International called on the international community to stop the delivery of arms and military equipment to Israel. The rising toll of deaths and injuries today only serves to highlight the urgent need for an arms embargo.

“While some protestors may have engaged in some form of violence, this still does not justify the use of live ammunition.

“Under international law, firearms can only be used to protect against an imminent threat of death or serious injury.”

Early medical reports from Gaza today indicate that dozens of people have been shot in the head or chest. Amnesty International last month documented research from the Gaza Strip that showed the Israeli military were killing and maiming demonstrators who pose no imminent threat to them. ... rnational/
South Africa withdraws ambassador to Israel following Gaza Strip attack
The South African government has withdrawn its ambassador to Israel following a deadly attack in the Gaza Strip in which more than four dozen civilians were killed.

“The South African government condemns in the strongest terms possible the latest act of violent aggression carried out by Israeli armed forces along the Gaza border‚ which has led to the deaths of over 40 civilians‚” the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco) said in a statement on Monday night.

Dirco said the victims were taking part in a peaceful protest against the provocative inauguration of the US embassy in Jerusalem.

“Given the indiscriminate and grave manner of the latest Israeli attack‚ the South African government has taken a decision to recall Ambassador Sisa Ngombane with immediate effect until further notice‚” the Dirco statement said.

The department said it maintained its stance that the Israeli Defence Force should “withdraw from the Gaza Strip and bring to an end the violent and destructive incursions into Palestinian territories”.

“South Africa maintains further that the violence in the Gaza Strip will stand in the way of rebuilding Palestinian institutions and infrastructure. The routine actions of the Israeli armed forces present yet another obstacle to a permanent resolution to the conflict‚ which must come in the form of two states‚ Palestine and Israel‚ existing side-by-side and in peace‚” said Dirco.

It said the government also joined the chorus of United Nations’ member states calling for an independent inquiry into the killings‚ with a view to holding to account those who were responsible. ... ip-attack/
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