UK condemns Trump’s racist tweets in unprecedented attack against US congresswomen - Page 25 - Politics | PoFo

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Godstud wrote:@Hindsite :roll: Get serious. I can go and find terrible American cities run by Republicans. You're simply cherry-picking.

The best cities are also run by Democrats, you Republican shill.

New York City, Los Angeles, Boston, Austin, Dallas, San Francisco, San Jose, etc. Oh, they also happen to be the richest cities in the USA... :D

I doubt if a Canadian knows the difference.
Hindsite wrote:I doubt if a Canadian knows the difference.
I doubt a "Georgian" knows more than a foreigner about his own country, given the poor education in the USA. :D Prove I'm wrong, or shut your pie-hole.

It was a nice try anyways, and not an argument. in fact, it only shows that you have no argument. I guess, considering who you live with, that might pass as an argument where you're from. :knife:
Godstud wrote:@blackjack21 I am pointing out the utter and complete stupidity of Hindsite's argument. That you side with him does you no favours. :lol:

Yes, but you are doing a crappy job of it, because you are not in the United States and do not see its problems first hand. You rely on news to tell you what's happening, and they often tell lies. You are better off looking at citizen recorded video uploaded to the internet unedited.

This is what people deal with when they commute to SF everyday.

This is the station that services city hall.

I can vouch for all of the above. I know what it's like.

Here's Los Angeles, where I used to work. Skid Row is walking distance from the sky scrapers.

What a great police officer, but look what he's dealing with every day.
Blackjack21 wrote:Yes, but you are doing a crappy job of it, because you are not in the United States and do not see its problems first hand. You rely on news to tell you what's happening, and they often tell lies. You are better off looking at citizen recorded video uploaded to the internet unedited.
That's a completely useless argument and you know it. You live in California, so beyond the local community you live, in you rely on the exactly same news and media as I do, so the nonsense you spout also applies to YOU. You are just applying the same stupid logical fallacy that you always seem to fall back on, when you lack a real argument.

Blackjack21 wrote:I can vouch for all of the above. I know what it's like.
No you don't. You're relying on some videos off of youtube. Beyond the city you might live in, you have the same knowledge base as I do about the USA, which I've lived in, I might add.

Blackjack21 wrote:What a great police officer, but look what he's dealing with every day.
Irrelevant and off-topic.
blackjack21 wrote:It is a federated republic. It would take 3/4s of the states to ratify a constitutional amendment; yet, only a few states would want something like this--California, New York, Illinois, Texas, and Florida. Most other states would be better off with the electoral college. It's not that big a deal to win a few more states. Just don't run a lazy ass like Hillary Clinton.

You and I agree the establishment Democrats are foolish and arrogant a-holes. I agree. Lol. But, a few more states are not easy to win. I think this nation is divided deeply and the liberals almost all live in high population states. Gerrymandering and other underhanded tricks are also undermining it. I don't think it is all that easy to fix. People in this country don't get an education on civics anymore. Though the younger generations are interestingly its majority. That is the future. Left-leaning Americans and mostly not white Blackjack. I think you should try to get more white young couples to have ten kids a piece a la Mormon style to save the racist purity fascists who want an all-white America. It is looking bleak for that. Or if you take your IQ arguments to its ultimate conclusions Blackjack? Replace the white people with Asians with the higher IQ and make sure they replace the defective system with some Chinese and Indian style caste systems where the white trash people never get to vote.

Admin Edit: Rule 16 That way you can get back to your quote bomb ways and nationalistic class conscious normal writing. Hee hee. I will be back to give you a reply. I have to run. I don't have any more time. Will be back in the afternoon. ;)
Godstud wrote:That's a completely useless argument and you know it. You live in California, so beyond the local community you live, in you rely on the exactly same news and media as I do, so the nonsense you spout also applies to YOU.

No Godstud. I have seen it first hand. I am a witness to it. I do not need news media to tell me what's happening in the general sense, because I have witnessed it with my own eyes, heard it with my own ears, and even more troublingly, smelled it with my own nose.

Godstud wrote:No you don't. You're relying on some videos off of youtube.

Have you ever seen somebody take a shit on the BART train? I have. And smelled it too. I have seen a 10-car train very quickly morph into a 9-car train while moving. I've saw a black guy pissing between BART cars while moving, get into a fight with BART personnel, get thrown off the train at a station, go up to the BART driver, spit in her face, and finally get arrested by the BART police (who are often useless). I've seen people physically throw disruptive passengers off of trains because they have simply had enough of it. How about you? What have you personally seen on BART in the San Francisco Bay Area? Have you ever walked through Civic Center station's common area past people shooting up heroin? I have. It's disgusting. They have even permanently closed the entrance on the South West side of the station. It was a chronic site of degenerates with a long tunnel to the turnstiles. When the lack of maintenance finally caused both escalators to stop working and they closed the entrance, BART seized the opportunity to permanently close that entrance and the one on the other side of the street and use the real estate for a power substation.

Godstud wrote:Irrelevant and off-topic.

What's happening in Skid Row and in other rat infested areas of inner cities run by Democrats is precisely why Democrats are calling Trump racist. Democrats are unaccustomed to a Republican heads of state calling out the conditions in their Congressional districts--often run and represented by blacks--for their crime, drugs, homelessness, poor infrastructure, and poor hygiene. They like to talk of those issues in a very general sense and then blame those problems on Republicans where Republicans have virtually no political power to address such situations. They've gotten away with it for a long time.
blackjack21 wrote:Yes, but you are doing a crappy job of it, because you are not in the United States and do not see its problems first hand. You rely on news to tell you what's happening, and they often tell lies. You are better off looking at citizen recorded video uploaded to the internet unedited.

This is what people deal with when they commute to SF everyday.

This is the station that services city hall.

I can vouch for all of the above. I know what it's like.

Here's Los Angeles, where I used to work. Skid Row is walking distance from the sky scrapers.

What a great police officer, but look what he's dealing with every day.

But but Blackjack, didn't you say that the USA is the best nation on Earth and doesn't have any issues? Or are you going to say the liberals made the feces happen under the stairs at the BART station?

San Francisco is the most expensive rent in the USA. It could be part of the problem? And maybe the issue with drug addiction which so far Trump hasn't really done much about? Part of the problem? Empty emotional lives and they need drugs from Mexico and South America and Central America because Americans aint happy with their emotionally empty existences and they self-medicate to forget their troubles? But, but Tainari....those Americans are not really human beings with human problems just like the other billions in the world....they are SPECIAL....and if they are White Americans they are PROBLEM FREE human beings right? Right...right.

Fascist nationalists got to face the facts. Human beings are human beings. The liberals are not the cause of that problem all by themselves. That is something the collective society has to take responsibility for. Same as corruption in the lobbyist scene, etc etc. Take responsibility for shit that happens. You live in an independent nation that fought a revolution long ago Blackjack. You are not under some powerless colonial screwed up pass the buck scene. You live in that cesspool. You want to end homelessness? Get involved and do something about it. Don't blame it on the liberals. Capitalism in San Francisco makes that the city with the highest rental rates out of all fifty states. Suck it up. High rents=Homelessness and crime. You can be a college graduate and not a drug addict and work full time and you won't be able to live on your own in much of the Bay Area. You got to get a roommate. It is expensive as hell in that city. Liberals love charging high rents or is it market driven Blackjack? If it is market driven? And the conservatives and liberals both back that economic system even if it drives large numbers of marginally employed, and unemployed, and mentally ill people out into the streets? Will you keep thinking that system is working and well for the good of the collective? I don't think it does. Housing and having a place to poop is essential for hygiene in public places. But if you got too many people fighting for a place to crap all day? You got the problem.

But, it bothers you? Do something about it. I was a social worker and worked with the homeless for a while. People think most homeless people are some ex veterans and some ex prisoners. Not anymore. They are mostly single and married parents with kids who had a car break down and they were short on rent money and never got caught up. My training classes for that population was about (the average family only needs about $450 to $1000 dollars in emergency funds to avoid being homeless or becoming homeless) and once they are homeless? it takes a lot of money to get them housed again. It makes sense to pay people enough so they can at least save that extra cash. But the way wages have stayed flat for decades? it is not looking good. Let us say you got a wife in San Francisco making $15 an hour for 40 hours a week. Husband the same? Both together before taxes? About $4800 a month. That salary is fine in a city like Birmingham Alabama. But it is SHIT in San Francisco. Your rent is going to be at least $2500 for a two bedroom one bath. Plus a big deposit. You pay rent, electricity, and public transportation BART MUNI passes for two working adults and a kid or two? Plus food, renter's insurance. Etc. Taxes after the gross is almost the same as rent and the passes for transportation. Which means food banks, and food stamps. Etc. The wages SUCK. They need to deal with flat wages. And that salary is for high school grads with no health issues.

Homelessness can happen to anyone out there that either has a physical illness, a financial setback that was unplanned. Has a child or can't find child care that is affordable, has too much student loan or loan debts, etc. It can happen to the mentally ill, the single, the married, the fully employed or the unemployed. The problem mainly is that affordable housing in these expensive cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Miami and others? Is not enough to go around. Seniors need it, family with kids, etc. But they are not being built because the 'market warriors' don't want to invest in it.

San Francisco tops the first two spots on many lists of the most expensive cities in the United States to live in. NYC and SF. Top two on every list of housing and rents you can find online. NYC is number nine in the world of expensive cities. The top three most expensive cities in the world to live in are all in Asia. Tokyo, Singapore and another Asian city. The Asians are busting moves for the power seat and the USA if it keeps up its bootlicking ways to the bankers are going to wind up losing power. Those are the breaks.
Tainari88 wrote:But but Blackjack, didn't you say that the USA is the best nation on Earth and doesn't have any issues?

That would only occur in your imagination. I'm sure I've never said that.

Tainari88 wrote:Or are you going to say the liberals made the feces happen under the stairs at the BART station?

People defecating in the BART escalators aren't doing so due to high rent costs. They are drug addicted and mentally ill people for the most part.

Tainari88 wrote:And maybe the issue with drug addiction which so far Trump hasn't really done much about? Part of the problem?

He has been working particularly on the heroin problem; however, 90 percent of it comes to the United States over the Mexican border--another reason why border security is such an important issue. I'm of the opinion that Democrats and Republicans opposed to border security are probably taking bribes from drug cartels.

Tainari88 wrote:they are SPECIAL....and if they are White Americans they are PROBLEM FREE human beings right? Right...right.

Again, this is a figment of your vivid imagination. I've never said anything of the kind.

Tainari88 wrote:Liberals love charging high rents or is it market driven Blackjack?

What's the difference? There is nothing liberals love more than getting as much of someone else's money as they can and by whatever means necessary.

Tainari88 wrote:Will you keep thinking that system is working and well for the good of the collective?

San Francisco is run by Democrats and has been since time immemorial. The last Republican mayor left office in 1964, before I was born. San Francisco has rent control too.

Tainari88 wrote:It makes sense to pay people enough so they can at least save that extra cash. But the way wages have stayed flat for decades?

It makes sense until you sign a free trade deal with China. That has put a lid on wages for 30 years. I'm kicking ass right now, but my last big run was during the dotcom boom. After that, I was just an average $100k a year guy.

Tainari88 wrote:Let us say you got a wife in San Francisco making $15 an hour for 40 hours a week. Husband the same? Both together before taxes? About $4800 a month. That salary is fine in a city like Birmingham Alabama. But it is SHIT in San Francisco.

Yes, but you don't have to live in San Francisco to work there. That's why one of the big complaints is homeless people on BART. The government does not enforce turnstile jumping, and we end up with homeless people shitting on the trains. That's why I pointed out that we don't take BART unless we have to.

Tech Workers Escape BART Strike Woes

Tainari88 wrote:But they are not being built because the 'market warriors' don't want to invest in it.

Of course they do, but regulations make it very difficult to do that.
blackjack21 wrote:That would only occur in your imagination. I'm sure I've never said that.

So we agree then? The USA has some issues in a big way? Ay Señor Blackjack, cuando tendras un sentido del humor? When are you going to get a sense of humor? Couldn't you tell I was teasing you? No?

People defecating in the BART escalators aren't doing so due to high rent costs. They are drug addicted and mentally ill people for the most part.

Who are the ones responsible for making sure drug addicted people and mentally ill people have a toilet to crap in and a place to sleep in and something productive to do during working hours? The society. Why isn't the society doing that? You tell me. I want to hear how you are enjoying the smell of the mentally ill and the drug addicted not being cared for as you go to work or home in a commuter train etc?

He has been working particularly on the heroin problem; however, 90 percent of it comes to the United States over the Mexican border--another reason why border security is such an important issue. I'm of the opinion that Democrats and Republicans opposed to border security are probably taking bribes from drug cartels.

Didn't you see that movie Traffic? While there is money and profit to be had and people place that above as a value system above human life and the good of human society and put some efforts and time and work on dealing with the causes of drug addiction and how to cure it and help manage it with intelligence none of it is going away Señor Blackjack. Most of the ones dying now like flies from opioids and other drugs are from small towns like Springfield Ohio, etc. Small town America, big cities, everywhere. Effective prevention and management programs need funding. And people to get involved.

Again, this is a figment of your vivid imagination. I've never said anything of the kind.

Blackjack, you don't get how I am 'jodiendo contigo? I never thought you were this como se dice stiff and uptight. You make me smile now Señor. You are sitting there reading my teasing stuff to get you to protest and you say..."I've never said anything of the kind." I am thinking, no, you are definitely not a Latin man at all Blackjack. Hee hee. Figment of my vivid imagination? It is Blackjack. What might I be trying to say to you if you know it is fictional? I am embedding a message to you with that. Do you think you might know what I am saying?

What's the difference? There is nothing liberals love more than getting as much of someone else's money as they can and by whatever means necessary.

So you won't throw money at the homeless problem? So you rather put up with the unsavory images you see there on the screen?

San Francisco is run by Democrats and has been since time immemorial. The last Republican mayor left office in 1964, before I was born. San Francisco has rent control too.

How many of the rent controlled dwellers in San Fran are taking a dump under the BART stairs?

It makes sense until you sign a free trade deal with China. That has put a lid on wages for 30 years. I'm kicking ass right now, but my last big run was during the dotcom boom. After that, I was just an average $100k a year guy.

We are not talking about you Señor Blackjack who was born Anglo and from some famous American lineage and a father with an education and a middle class background and access to many things. We are talking about some people with blue collar parents who never had that exact set of circumstances BJ. Who make do on about 30k a year or less. How can you live on that BJ? In a San Francisco cost of living? I used to live in an affordable city. The city changed. Now it is much more expensive and there are a lot more homeless in the streets. Affordable housing being hard to find and low wages and unstable housing situations are very common in many cities. Mine included.

Yes, but you don't have to live in San Francisco to work there. That's why one of the big complaints is homeless people on BART. The government does not enforce turnstile jumping, and we end up with homeless people shitting on the trains. That's why I pointed out that we don't take BART unless we have to.

Tech Workers Escape BART Strike Woes

Blackjack, Señor you are living in California with a lot of people who essentially disagree with your political point of view. What do you plan on doing about it? Over your lifetime? Join some organizations? You have limited time Señor Blackjack. We all do. If it bothers you that much do something productive to deal with homelessness in San Francisco. I plan on having people who need some housing find some in my house. In my guest room. I am staying with a woman who stayed in my house for free twenty years ago and now is doing well. Help someone and they will help in turn other people. But hanging around complaining when you are privileged and others are mentally ill and can't work or are deeply involved in heavy drug use and are out of their heads with that? And won't be productive and might die wastefully someday? And not want to help? It is hard. Get involved.

Of course they do, but regulations make it very difficult to do that.

Regulations respond to pressure from citizens organizing and discussing things that they want to change with the ones in charge of overseeing these issues. You either get a group to pressure for change or you help make it happen. Get a bunch of people together to protest massively. For change. If you don't? Things won't be changing.
Tainari88 wrote:Who are the ones responsible for making sure drug addicted people and mentally ill people have a toilet to crap in and a place to sleep in and something productive to do during working hours? The society. Why isn't the society doing that? You tell me.

San Francisco provides them with methodone and needles. That's what they do with tax payer dollars when they aren't destroying taxpayer funded art in schools with taxpayer dollars that could be spent to get better quality school teachers. Look at Democrat councilman in the Seattle area: Seattle-Area Councilman: Hosing Poop-Covered Sidewalks Might Be Racially Insensitive. Tell me Tainari88, do you like the smell of feces? Do you think it would be racially insensitive if an area smelled like feces and I wanted to clean it up? The Democrats in America think you might feel offended by cleaning up feces and power washing away the smell of urine and feces, because minorities are probably just a-okay with the smell of feces. Would you consider that a microagression since the Democrats think you like that sort of smell?

Meanwhile, Senator Wyden of Oregon has criminally engaged in human trafficking and aiding and abetting illegal border crossings and remains uncharged. We shall see whether Donald Trump and Bob Barr will get off their fat asses and charge Senator Wyden with a federal crime.

According to the Times, Councilmember Larry Gossett “said he didn’t like the idea of power-washing the sidewalks because it brought back images of the use of hoses against civil-rights activists.”

Just as I say, many Republicans are just a bunch of spineless, lily-livered losers, the Democrats are just plain fucking crazy. Destroying the establishment should be a political objective of any decent American.

Tainari88 wrote:Help someone and they will help in turn other people.

I have a woman and her daughter living with me now. I do plenty.
blackjack21 wrote:San Francisco provides them with methodone and needles. That's what they do with tax payer dollars when they aren't destroying taxpayer funded art in schools with taxpayer dollars that could be spent to get better quality school teachers. Look at Democrat councilman in the Seattle area: Seattle-Area Councilman: Hosing Poop-Covered Sidewalks Might Be Racially Insensitive. Tell me Tainari88, do you like the smell of feces? Do you think it would be racially insensitive if an area smelled like feces and I wanted to clean it up? The Democrats in America think you might feel offended by cleaning up feces and power washing away the smell of urine and feces, because minorities are probably just a-okay with the smell of feces. Would you consider that a microagression since the Democrats think you like that sort of smell?

If you expect me to defend some racist liberals that I detest you are mistaken. Poop and urine is not exclusive to 'minorities' it is produced by all humans with a need to defecate (which is all of us). The issue becomes why are they doing it on the sidewalk or in prison cells? And why are people doing that? Identify the reasons. Mental illness. Do they need some lithium, etc drugs for their mental illness? Do they have medicare or medicaid or medical? To pay for it? Are there enough supervised apartments for the mentally ill staffed by case managers who can case manage because they don't have 500 people on their caseload and have reasonable hours and loads so they can do decent follow up and life plans for these people. You know SOLUTIONS. Not bullshit.

Same for the drug addicts. They need to be supervised by qualified people. Nurses, counselors certified in drug treatment, they need to be housed in places that are encouraging of mental health and routines that encourage kicking drugs out of their lives. It means detox, nutrition counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, exercise trainers, educators on helping them get back into school, or a vocation, etc. They need MASSIVE support. It is expensive. I don't deny that. But I would rather spend on saving one decent human being who fell into that pit of mental illness or drug use and can be cured or managed well into a reasonable lifestyle rather than waste in on bombing cities in the Middle East killing children and old people in collateral damage, buying obsolete weapons that wind up stockpiled in some army yard rusting in some Nevadan desert sun. I prioritize HUMAN NEEDS over everything else. Everything else for me is less important than saving human lives and healing destroyed families devastated by drug addicted sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, and etc. Or mentally ills human beings who dream of having regular jobs and being a real husband or wife to someone who may never love them because they got light forms of mental illness and they don't know how to manage the problem. Spend money on those people. That is why all of the mentally healthy ones like you and I Blackjack work and pay our taxes. So a decent government can take care of people in real need. Educate, clothe, house and help find appropriate employment for everyone in need of that. Make sure kids have their health issues taken care of. Prisoners are in prison make sure they get something of rehabilitation and a second chance at working for a living. Something decent. Not wasting it on a bunch of incompetent fools with crap and sellout agendas which is what we got now.

My society Puerto Rico has enough problems. But I am proud of them. They came out and protested corruption and as far as I can tell? They are on the march for change. FINALLY. They realized that keeping things the same is not a solution. Got to move your ass and get involved.

Meanwhile, Senator Wyden of Oregon has criminally engaged in human trafficking and aiding and abetting illegal border crossings and remains uncharged. We shall see whether Donald Trump and Bob Barr will get off their fat asses and charge Senator Wyden with a federal crime.

I am going to be living for the rest of my life in Mexico. So far any Mexican who has told me that they want to go up North to work and go without any authorization? I discourage. Why? Because the USA is not the place for thinking the streets are paved with gold and everything is easy to obtain. It is not. Also they would do well watching your videos on here to understand the USA has serious social and economic challenges and they are not friendly to Latin American working class or country rural farmers and etc. They are with illusions of stupidity about what Mexicans are about. The Mexicans have no understanding of American Anglo paradigms of life, religion, economics, etc. It is a different paradigm based on Protestant ethics and Capitalism that has nothing to do with Latin America and our cultures. But they don't understand it because they don't live with Anglos at all and never have. That is the reality. And it is not a good path for them to be on.

Just as I say, many Republicans are just a bunch of spineless, lily-livered losers, the Democrats are just plain fucking crazy. Destroying the establishment should be a political objective of any decent American.

I agree. But Blackjack, I am Puerto Rican. Not you. My priority is Latin America. Not the USA. It is your society Senor. Not mine. You got the responsibility. Act on it.

I have a woman and her daughter living with me now. I do plenty.

I don't think they are undocumented. Lol. I am glad you are doing something. I am fighting with my friend to let me buy her groceries. She is doing very well for herself and wants me to eat for free for a month. I will buy the groceries anyway. I helped her when she needed it. She arrived without any permission from Mexico. Now she is a legal permanent resident. Worked hard and long for many years honestly for a restaurant here. She has tremendously strong work ethic and is generous and good. She contributes for any society she lives in. I met a lot of Mexicans like that. So for me? All that bullshit Trump spouts about Mexicans? I just laugh. He lies. For me he is a lying piece of crap president whipping up racist fears to manipulate voters.

But if the white people who never liked Mexicans to start with? Or think Mexicans are supposed to follow the immigration rules that favor rich people with property that has nothing to do with poverty in Mexico are going to obey those laws? Then you don't understand Blackjack, human beings the Homo Sapiens never obeyed a damn law that takes precedence over survival.

My friend (Let us call her Maria), has a picture on the wall that says in Spanish [and it is a big elephant with a baby elephant] it says: With fear you can survive, but without fear you live.

What does that mean? You survive with fear....and that is what she lived through when she was without permanent residency status. But now she lives without fear and she lives and thrives. She can contribute more, is happier and helps others who were in her same position 24 years ago. That is what she is talking about.

I care about human beings Blackjack. Not their immigration status or if they are black, or white, or inferior or superior or if they are mentally ill or physically ill or this or that. It is just the way it is. Help humans. When they need it.

I am going back to Mexico for good. The Mexican immigration officer told me, "Once you are there. You can't leave for a long time. You must find a job, you must pay your taxes and you must make sure to establish relationships with other Mexicans who will vouch for you when you go to Mexico City and apply for Mexican citizenship in four years time. Once you do? Your son will become a citizen. You can own your property outright. You also will have obligations. To vote, to speak and to organize for your community. You are an asset to any nation you are a part of Tainari. Welcome to Mexico."

I am glad. Because unfortunately Blackjack if I go back to Puerto Rico? I got second class status and can't vote for the nation putting all the damn rules on our people. We are in limbo and it is awful. Holding us back from progressing. That is no way to live. As a famous movie says, "You either get busy living or get busy dying." No way should anyone live their lives in limbo. It is not a way to live Blackjack. And all of the ones who are refugees and who are non citizens and who are fleeing war, famine and destitution? Are in limbo.

Good luck with your house guests Senor. ;)
Elijah Cummings calling his Baltimore community 'drug infested,' likening residents to 'zombies' in 1999

Now Elijah Cummings' community in Baltimore is even worse. It is also rat and rodent infested and crime infested.

Baltimore City Rat Problem
Nov 20, 2013

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Dec 3, 2015

Workers Protest Rats In Baltimore's Subway
Jun 2, 2016

Baltimore is corrupt
Jul 29, 2019

Mike Huckabee reacts to Trump's Baltimore comments
Jul 29, 2019
SolarCross wrote:Sure but where we are from isn't just a particular place where we are born it is also the heritage we bring with us from before that through our parents and the life experiences we have after birth.

This caught my attention SolarCross because the simple reason is that you are thinking about the UK or English history. Not the United States of America's. The USA's history is not about some continuity in cultural identity. It is about SHEDDING your ethnic origins and adopting a new one in a new land based on something very loose in the USA. Assimilation. The USA has a tradition of replacing old languages, old cultures from the Old World, Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Asia with an American identity that is largely made up and not historically rooted SolarCross. Immigrant based nations don't want to preserve the past if it impedes socioeconomic ambitions. It is the same for many immigrant communities. They preserve their traditions out of the need to be surrounded the known and the familiar. But the reason for coming to a new country is to also make a break with the past. A usually painful and traumatic one. Most immigrants don't leave nations they did well in. Almost none come with a great experience with plenty of good stuff only. Lol.

The USA is a country cobbled together culturally by economic interests, production, a large varied land base, and a mostly Judeo Christian (mainly Protestant cultural tradition), English language speaking and Anglo rooted values. Everything else is pretty much anything goes.

If they followed that to its ultimate consequences as long as an American spoke American English well, adopted Anglo values, and were rooted in Protestant cultural tradition, approved of Capitalism as an economic system and believed in the Bill of Rights? They were of American roots. The history of their past ancestors? Irrelevant for the American identity and experience.

You come from an old culture SolarCross and you don't understand how amnesia prone Americans are about their own histories and their intolerance for non assimilation. It is interesting.

AOC was born in the Bronx. That is true. Her mother was not. Her father was a New Yorker. But all Puerto Ricans either on the island or in New York are USA citizens. The differences are these SolarCross---the ones who are born in NYC are constintutionally guaranteed USA citizens who in order to depose them of their USA citizenship have to go to an immigration court, and prove that the person renounced it, and they have a right to battle it out in court. The ones BORN on the island of Puerto Rico? Are statutory USA citizens, (via statute) and don't have the right to keep the USA citizenship of the USA is the USA's congress decided to strip all island born Puerto Ricans of USA citizenship. It is a unilateral citizenship. Congress decides only the Puerto Ricans do not decide. Period. The courts decided that Puerto Rico is a territory that is unincorporated and as such is a not a state but the land belongs to the USA government and the people who are born on the land that belongs to the USA government are not fully integrated citizens. Only provisional ones subject to the will of congress and only via ONE way. They can't fight the citizenship status in immigration court if the USA congress says to repeal it. It is based on a weird legal thing called belonging to the USA but being of foreign origin due to 'race' and culture. Every legal mind agrees it is bizarre and racist legal language from the turn of the 20th century. But it is still valid and held up as valid legal precedence.

So AOC is a constitutional citizen. Her mother is not. But is a USA citizen. Just a statutory one. If her mother went back to Puerto Rico can't vote at all in USA direct presidential elections. But if she remains in New York. Yes, she can. It is about location.

The USA did that with Native American people and reservations for years and years to limit their political influence due to controversial illegal land grab claims from the past. It is to cover the way the USA acquired new land over time. Had to come up with a way of excluding people who have stronger land right claims than the ones who came afterwards.

It is about stealing land that is not really legal to do internationally or nationally. Got to justify it somehow. It is interesting.

Now you know. USA is not UK. Got two different historical dynamics at work.
Tainari88 wrote:But but Blackjack, didn't you say that the USA is the best nation on Earth and doesn't have any issues? Or are you going to say the liberals made the feces happen under the stairs at the BART station?

Yes, the liberal governments caused it.

Tainari88 wrote:San Francisco is the most expensive rent in the USA. It could be part of the problem?

And the liberal government in San Francisco caused that too.

By the way, liberal democrat Elijah Cummings is now dead.
And the liberal government in San Francisco caused that too.

:lol: :roll:

Yea. All those liberal billionaires right? There are so many liberal billionaires it is hard to tell them apart. Make no mistake Hindsite, in matters of money San Francisco is far from you understand "liberal" to be.
Drlee wrote::lol: :roll:

Yea. All those liberal billionaires right? There are so many liberal billionaires it is hard to tell them apart. Make no mistake Hindsite, in matters of money San Francisco is far from you understand "liberal" to be.

The Devil is a Liberal. Hindsite knows.

Yeah those liberals who got young interns getting rug burn in the Oval Office and then Trump comes along and he gets paid prostitutes to be threatened to not tell and pays them $130k to stay silent....but the liberal one is the Satanic one....rug burn versus the prostitute getting some dough for doing her civic duty with the Trumpeteer and according to her he was not the best of the best....was a limp one or something. It is sad...the state of double standards in the followers of Trumpeteers of SATAN followers Drlee!

Here you go Hindsite:
Tainari88 wrote:Yeah those liberals who got young interns getting rug burn in the Oval Office and then Trump comes along and he gets paid prostitutes to be threatened to not tell and pays them $130k to stay silent....but the liberal one is the Satanic one....rug burn versus the prostitute getting some dough for doing her civic duty with the Trumpeteer and according to her he was not the best of the best....was a limp one or something. It is sad...the state of double standards in the followers of Trumpeteers of SATAN followers Drlee!

Well, let's be a little more specific about it:

1. Clinton's party during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings proffered charges that could not be corroborated against Thomas in order to sully his reputation and undermine his nomination to the US Supreme Court.
2. They failed to accomplish their goal, but in the process created a tort for "sexual harassment".
3. While governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton allegedly propositioned Paula Corbin Jones for sex and was declined (among many other serious charges of sexual misconduct by Clinton).
4. As payback for investigations against Republican presidents, Republicans hounded Clinton for Whitewater, and Clinton appointed an independent counsel to investigate.
5. In the process of the investigation, the Paula Corbin Jones suit came to the fore as she sought to get Clinton to testify in the case of Jones v. Clinton.
6. Clinton was unsuccessful in quashing the requirement to testify in a countersuit, Clinton v. Jones.
7. Monica Lewinsky was an intern to the White House.
8. Lewinsky sought a sexual relationship with president Clinton, and the president enjoined her.
9. When Clinton was compelled to testify, simultaneously it became public knowledge that Clinton had a sexual relationship with Lewinsky.
10. During his testimony, Clinton lied under oath about having sexual relations.
11. Clinton was charged with a felony. He was found in contempt of court, and disbarred from the practice of law.
12. The independent counsel referred the fact of that felonious conduct to the House of Representatives, where Clinton was impeached, but not removed from office.
13. Clinton finally had to settle his suit with Jones, paying out $600k or thereabouts.
14. Trump allegedly had consensual sex with Stormy Daniels.
15. When Trump ran for president, Daniels secured counsel to avoid a blackmail charge and extracted $130k from Trump.
16. Stormy Daniels attorney, Michael Avenatti, and Trump attorney, Michael Cohen, were both criminally charged. Cohen is in prison and trying to get out by manufacturing stories about Trump and his organization and Avenatti is on trial and certainly guilty and likely to head to prison himself.
17. Stormy Daniels is free and making money on Trump; Trump never committed a crime so was never charged; Monica Lewinsky and Paula Corbin Jones suffered greatly from the smearing they took, led by Hillary Clinton herself--supposedly some sort of champion of feminism.

So yes, the left-leaning one is the Satanic one without question.
Tainari88 wrote:The Devil is a Liberal. Hindsite knows.

Yeah those liberals who got young interns getting rug burn in the Oval Office and then Trump comes along and he gets paid prostitutes to be threatened to not tell and pays them $130k to stay silent....but the liberal one is the Satanic one....rug burn versus the prostitute getting some dough for doing her civic duty with the Trumpeteer and according to her he was not the best of the best....was a limp one or something. It is sad...the state of double standards in the followers of Trumpeteers of SATAN followers Drlee!

Here you go Hindsite:

You tell stories like that lying Adam "Shifty" Schiff. :lol:
Hindsite wrote:You tell stories like that lying Adam "Shifty" Schiff. :lol:

And you are a man who is working hard on that place in the Hellfire...earn that eternal damnation Hindsite.

Hindsite, you will have only one excuse that might save you from eternal damnation.

You are going to have to invoke it to save yourself once you die...Lol.
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