Britain's 'worst ever' child grooming scandal exposed - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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The interview is from seven years ago and already Chav Saint talks about "7th century brabric form of Islam", that is before the foundation of ISIS and widespread beheadings that brought the images of brabarism to every home. One chav can see the events better than all the expensive Oxbridge educated wanna be toffs.
Wow, that was from seven years ago? Back then if you just mentioned Islam or immigrant in a bad context you were labeled as a racist and spat on. The host definitely looks like he is middle class toff that grew up in 68 and has no clue what is happening in modernity. He is still listening to John Lennon's Imagine and hoping for rainbow society.

These days though, they are pissed, now they are trying to put poor Robby in jail. Because he is ruining their utopian dream, not reality.
noir wrote:The interview is from seven years ago and already Chav Saint talks about "7th century brabric form of Islam", that is before the foundation of ISIS and widespread beheadings that brought the images of brabarism to every home. One chav can see the events better than all the expensive Oxbridge educated wanna be toffs.

British toffs tend to be insulated from the harshness of reality by their expensive private education and their gated communities in leafy suburbs. This means that even the intelligent ones can hold the most absurdly naive beliefs about things. It's almost charming, in its own way. Unfortunately, these childlike naifs rule the country and constitute most of our 'opinion formers'. :hmm:

But they are not going to change their views even today. Lord Pearson in this interview tells how on the one hand, his peers in House of Lords are all Islamophiles (and it goes hand in hand with pro EU stand), and how on the other hand, they beg him to stop to question about Islam otherwise the house will be target for Islamists. It's unique European phenomenon, they support something and give them a moral whitewash while on the same time they are afraid of them and know what they are capable.

Britain has long history of Islamophilia and Arabophilia. In the 30's it went hand in hand with pro Nazi Germany stand. Lord Haw Haw who was executed as Nazi collaborator after the war was at that time a member of British Arab solidarity groups. All of that was sustainably diminished after the war, after all they were the main non European allies of Nazism and Fascism. But then, the Soviets successfully coutred them to their camp and from the Soviet influencing of New Left discourses, their cause and image was elevated that we see today in British chattering classes. John Pilger, Robert Fisk, George Galloway were the main principles who did this revolution.
Albert wrote:It appears there are truly cowards in government these days. Churchill with disdain at the pathetic sight would have thrown his cigar at them.

They are under constant German (the EUphiles) propaganda that destroyed their trust on themselves.

This is the originator



Peter McLoughlin, author of ‘Easy Meat’

"That the Left have sacrificed so many schoolgirls to rapists demonstrates that the Left have no principle but the acquisition of power by any means necessary. When a victim group are no longer useful to the Left, that victim group is abandoned."

"Political correctness puts white people at the bottom of any hierarchy of suffering.  The white working class in Britain are now the most despised group in their own country, thanks to decades of denigration of the British in general and of the working class in particular.  The bourgeois Left have never forgiven the working class for supporting Margaret Thatcher in preference to a Bolshevik revolution. The middle class applaud themselves as Brits by thinking they are at least cosmopolitan and internationalist, unlike the working class whom they both fear and despise.

On top of that, the desire by the middle class to appear “non-racist” and politically correct would mean that these agents of the state would always give preferential treatment to a non-white immigrant than to a member of the white working class. "

Spoiler: show
Raped under the watchful eye of Her Majesty’s finest
By Shazia - March 21, 2018 ... ys-finest/

I came across Peter McLoughlin, author of ‘Easy Meat’ and one of the authors of ‘Mohammed’s Koran – Why Muslims kill for Islam,’ on Twitter. His Twitter feed, to my knowledge, never ‘incited hate’ yet Twitter suspended him permanently as did Facebook for telling the truth about the Muslim rape gangs.

Why do you think the full extent of the situation in Telford wasn’t identified earlier?

In the 2014 edition of Easy Meat Telford was already discussed. But in 2014 no-one had any real evidence of the scale of the grooming phenomenon in Telford or elsewhere, and that was because none of the professional organisations had bothered to keep any data. I noted how books by academics as late as 2009 managed to artfully describe the grooming gang phenomenon whilst avoiding any mention of the fact that the victims were almost always white working class girls and the perpetrators were almost always Asian or African Muslims. From 2009 to 2011 when the marches of the English Defence League put the grooming gangs on the agenda (just as those marches once again put the problem of FGM on the agenda), professional police agencies and NGOs scrambled to claim they had never before heard of this grooming phenomenon. In Easy Meat I set about proving that this was a tissue of lies, a fabrication which any journalist could easily pick apart should they so wish. But for decades the entire news industry was equally complicit and chose to abandon those working class girls to this fate.

As I pointed out in 2014, the police organisations had clearly known about the grooming phenomenon for many years. By 2007 part of the Serious Organised Crime Agency had already commissioned a short educational film to be shown in schools. The obvious aim of that video was to cut off the supply of victims to the gangs by teaching schoolgirls to understand the traps set by the gangs. Of course, that educational video was never shown in schools nor on TV, thus ensuring that the gangs could continue to prey on victims across the entire country. The key question people should be asking themselves is this: which organisations had the power to ensure that schoolgirls never got to see that video designed to protect them from the gangs. The same organisations who had the power to stop that video from being viewed are the same organisations who fund antifa in the UK. That the Left have sacrificed so many schoolgirls to rapists demonstrates that the Left have no principle but the acquisition of power by any means necessary. When a victim group are no longer useful to the Left, that victim group is abandoned.

We can be confident that however large the problem is in Rochdale or Rotherham or Oxford or Newcastle or Telford, the problem is far greater in areas with a higher density of Muslims. In those areas there will be Muslims related to the rapists who are in powerful positions in local or national politics, or who are major donors to political parties, or who work for the police or CPS or NGOs. Their domination in such towns and cities is so great that the grooming scandal in those areas will probably never be revealed to any extent. Bradford and Birmingham were among the first places where the evidence publicly surfaced, but to this day Muslims and their allies in those areas are able to suppress any investigations, as Colin Cramphorn and so-called antifa did in Bradford in 2004. That police in the Birmingham area pursued a TV company for a documentary revealing the insurrection being planned in mosques rather than pursue the Muslim grooming gangs in their area should tell us all we need to know about the priorities of the police in Muslim-dominated enclaves.

2. A variety of police forces have released the findings of their investigations into why these young girls were failed, the most famous of these is perhaps the Bullfinch report that came out of Oxford. Police stated that a break in the communication chain between themselves, schools, nurses, social services, parents etc all led to young girls being groomed and raped. They have since initiated, and apparently implemented, a strategy to ensure better overall communication between everyone responsible for the safe-guarding of children in order to ensure children are better protected. Did police in other areas of the UK pick up on Bullfinch and attempt to implement it in their areas?

This is window-dressing. After the furore created by the alliance between antifa and West Yorkshire police over the 2004 Channel 4 documentary on Muslim grooming gangs in Bradford, that particular police force closed down their investigative unit, claiming there was no evidence that there were any grooming gangs! To this day mothers in that area are demanding an inquiry about the failures of the police and the government, and these mothers are getting no support from anyone.

For decades now there has been a determination by the agents of the state that they will not see what is going on. That the Serious Organised Crime Agency was able to commission My Dangerous Loverboy by 2007 is ample proof that the police knew what was going on (the first version of the video was ready by July 2008). The single largest chapter of Easy Meat documents in forensic detail how from the early 1990s onwards all these different state-funded agencies knew about the grooming gang phenomenon. But after 2009 they all pretended they hadn’t known. In the four years since Easy Meat was first published, there has not been one attempt to refute the evidence contained in the book. In the run-up to the BBC’s recent drama and documentary about the grooming gangs, I was repeatedly approached by the BBC for input, but due to family circumstances I was unable to do more than provide them with free copies of Easy Meat. Naturally, my book has received no credit.

Rather than now try and bring all these disparate groups together, introducing more bureaucracy and more opportunities for passing the buck, the simple solution to the problem – instructing potential victims about how the gangs operate – was quietly shelved. Muslims and their allies will not allow anything to tarnish the image of Islam and its followers. Which organisation is now overseeing the pursuit of grooming gangs in the UK? The National Crime Agency. And what is the National Crime Agency? It is just a re-brand of the Serious Organised Crime Agency, the very organisation who produced that instructional video a decade ago. This re-brand is just another slight of hand by the establishment. They had to re-brand SOCA as NCA to conceal that over a decade ago SOCA was fully aware of the Muslim grooming gangs. Back then SOCA did no data collection, no press conferences. They didn’t even make a fuss when their (taxpayer-funded) warning video went unseen. They knew what the problem was, they knew that the potential victims were being kept in the dark. And SOCA remained silent. Is it accidental that the very Parliamentary Bill which created SOCA in the first place was also one of the Bills which attempted to criminalise those who criticised Islam? Instead of pursuing the disclosure of reality all leadership in Britain is dedicated to misleading the public.

3. Are there other plans similar to Bullfinch that you know of?

After permitting Muslim gangs to trap and rape non-Muslim schoolgirls for the best part of 5 decades, with far less than 1% of the perpetrators going to prison, I am certain that the agents of the state are not going to behave significantly differently. They can’t be bothered to bring prosecutions for FGM where the evidence is tangible and where specific laws against this mutilation have existed for over 4 decades. These multi-decade scandals are now too large to be exposed and the abuses of the legal process we have seen for decades are only going to continue. The grooming gang scandal was not addressed when the Muslim population had 1/10th of the power they have now, so there is no reason to expect any change in direction. That the “independent inquiry” into this scandal lost leader after leader (with one leader leaving allegedly saying that the problem came down to the UK having too many Asians) shows that the problems of Islamisation will only continue and only get worse. All the evidence is that this independent inquiry is going to be a whitewash, with the grooming gang scandal submerged by as many other forms of child abuse as possible.

The hot air around Bullfinch is just that. As I pointed out in the second edition of Easy Meat, before the 2015 General Election PM David Cameron promised legislation that would lead to the imprisonment of police and social workers who did not act on information about grooming. This promise by Cameron was only reported in an interview by the BBC (which might as well be considered a branch of the state), with Cameron saying the grooming gang problem was as serious as terrorism. Have you since seen any sign of this proposed legislation? Have you seen anyone other than me point out Cameron’s hollow promises on this matter? Instead of the Muslim grooming gangs being treated as terrorists, it is Tommy Robinson who is slandered by the state and the media as a terrorist. Robinson’s EDL should be credited with forcing Times’ journalist Andrew Norfolk out of his years of silence, when by Norfolk’s own admission he was repeatedly hearing about Muslim grooming gangs between 2004 and 2009. And what was one of the major actions in the state slandering Tommy Robinson? The 2018 Colin Cramphorn memorial lecture, given by the police officer in charge of counter-terrorism on whose watch Islamic terrorism had expanded beyond all imagination. Remember who Cramphorn was? The Chief Constable who in 2004 worked with Leftists to ensure that the first TV documentary to discuss the Muslim grooming gangs should be branded as racist, and that it should not be seen until after elections (when elections are the very point at which a true democracy would have used the appropriate mechanism to address this political problem). If any single individual can be blamed for the cover-up and the continuation of the grooming gang scandal, it is Cramphorn – a man who was showered with gongs for his service to the state. There should be no doubt that the police force are an extension of the political parties and both police and political parties work hand-in-hand with so-called antifa.

With Telford now in the news we are told that hundreds of referrals were ignored. We still have a former socialist Home Secretary (the man who first used the phrase “easy meat” a decade ago) appearing on national TV tip-toeing around what the possible cultural factors could be which unite so many Muslim men to group together to rape white working-class schoolgirls. What has come out recently about Telford sounds like a re-run of stories from Bradford twenty years ago. Nothing can change because the ruling elite are never going to allow their Muslim allies to be seen in an accurate but negative light. As I show in Easy Meat, the Labour government spent the best part of a decade trying to introduce laws to criminalise anyone who pointed out that the grooming gangs were predominantly Muslim. The destruction of freedom of speech and the cover-up of the rape of schoolgirls are directly connected.

4. We rarely hear about the forgotten victims who are the boys. In your experience of researching how probable is this?

Once again, there is a dearth of information, so we can only speculate about the proportion of schoolboys raped by grooming gangs. We taxpayers fund a veritable army of state employees to look after children and to bring wrong-doing to the attention of the judicial system. And with very rare exceptions this army of state agents ensure they see nothing and ensure they collect no data about this outrage, even though there are a variety of documents that prove this scandal goes back to the 1980s and the 1970s. It seems our modern Corporatist state has learned from the actions of the National Socialists, and the army of state agents keep no records of events that they are told to keep hidden. Those few whistleblowers were sacked and silenced.

However, it would seem unlikely to me that the grooming of boys was happening at a higher rate than the grooming of girls. From the 1970s until recent years police would have been far more concerned with homosexuality than with underage (non-consensual) sex between a Muslim man and schoolgirl. For instance, as recently as the late 1980s Greater Manchester Police and the courts sent adult homosexuals to prison for lengthy sentences simply for having consensual sado-masochistic sex. The lawyers for the gay men argued that the violence between these consenting adults was far less than the violence inflicted by one man upon another in a boxing match, but the judge ruled that the violence was not comparable because boxing was “a manly pursuit”. Even appeals as high as the European Court of Human Rights in the 1990s did not recognise that these adult men had the right to consent to acts inducing pain. Yet we are told by the English courts that schoolgirls (for whom giving consent was a legal impossibility) were consenting to rape, torture and degradation at the hands of Muslim grooming gangs.

If a white schoolboy was to claim that he’d been raped repeatedly (something that would probably be quite clear from an examination of his anus), the police would probably take it more seriously than if a white girl reported that she’d been forced to have sex against her will. Moreover, given the near universal hatred of Muslims for homosexuality; it seems unlikely to me that some groomer would be considered admirable by his Muslim peers for seducing a schoolboy, and it is also unlikely that there would be a queue of other Muslims who would pay to rape this boy. I have seen no evidence to make me question these expectations. There may well be schoolboy victims, but I expect they would be very much the exception. For every forgotten victim who was a schoolboy I would expect perhaps hundreds of forgotten victims who were schoolgirls. If data eventually proves me wrong on the proportion of schoolboy victims, then I would say that was further evidence that the Muslim grooming gangs were seeing the rape of these children as acts of war, where normal values are superseded by a different moral order.

5. Do you believe if this was affecting mostly middle class or Muslim children it would be have been dealt with swiftly? Is there a class issue in play here?

The Conservative MP for Telford is on record as saying that the gangs are targeting white working-class schoolgirls, echoing the Labour MP for Blackburn who had already said 10 years ago that Pakistani gangs saw white schoolgirls as “easy meat”. Political correctness puts white people at the bottom of any hierarchy of suffering. The white working class in Britain are now the most despised group in their own country, thanks to decades of denigration of the British in general and of the working class in particular. The bourgeois Left have never forgiven the working class for supporting Margaret Thatcher in preference to a Bolshevik revolution. The middle class applaud themselves as Brits by thinking they are at least cosmopolitan and internationalist, unlike the working class whom they both fear and despise.

There are undoubtedly some middle class girls who have fallen into the clutches of the gangs. But on the whole the Muslim gangs live cheek-by-jowl with the white working class (and to some extent with working class blacks and Sikhs), and so the white working class are most ready to hand and most numerous. The working class are already despised by the salaried agents of the state, so these schoolgirls are not believed when they go to complain. On top of that, the desire by the middle class to appear “non-racist” and politically correct would mean that these agents of the state would always give preferential treatment to a non-white immigrant than to a member of the white working class. The chattering classes’ idea of diversity is to have any number of immigrants and foreigners appear on TV debates and even TV adverts, when it is vanishingly rare to see a representative of the working class be allowed to air an opinion in the media, even though the working class are by far the biggest demographic in the country.

What brings out the contrast most is to imagine the swiftness of the violent consequences if thousands of non-Muslim men in Britain had systematically raped and pimped thousands of Muslim schoolgirls. Muslims would not have stood for this, as we have seen with the variety of forms of terrorism Muslims have employed for far less serious issues – riots, execution squads and suicide bombings over things as trivial as cartoons by non-Muslims. But it appears that for 5 decades British men and women have just stood by and watched as the political elite and the agents of the state facilitated the industrial rape of schoolgirls. The traditional institutions of the working class have been eviscerated (trade unions, churches, social clubs) by deliberate policies from the ruling elite and by technological change, resulting in the destruction of communal bonds and the fragmentation of a once homogeneous society. With the destruction of these working class communities the media (and now social media) became the ways by which many understood what was going on in their own society. The ruling elite are determined to bolster community bonds among immigrant populations whilst destroying the same bonds among the indigenous population – mosques which preach hatred of non-Muslims get state funding and charitable status, whilst pubs which welcome anyone are taxed on their sales and on their profits. Pubs go out of business, often replaced by mosques. Muslims have the infrastructure and the ideological framework to organise violent responses at the drop of a hat. The indigenous population have been weakened, fractured and betrayed by those who are in the position of leadership. There are literally thousands of state-funded proponents of Islam. By contrast there are literally zero state-funded critics of Islam. That imbalance should leave people in no doubt where the state is heading.

If these indigenous communities and their organisations had not been so weakened since the 1960s, then we may have seen a violent response by the white working class to the rape of the girls of their community. Since we now have proof that the Muslim rape gangs were operating back in the 1970s, it could well be that the so-called “Pakistani bashing” phenomenon of the 1970s was itself a response to the organised rape of schoolgirls by immigrants. Our institutions (controlled by the middle class) have done nothing other than systematically deceive the public over the last 5 decades. To most people’s astonishment, there is considerable evidence to show that the indigenous population are disproportionately the victims of racist violence, with the grooming gangs being, in the single largest instance, the instigators of such racist violence.
In the UK Asian means someone Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi and since Pakistanis here far outnumber the other two it almost always means that. It is not a euphemism. You just don't have a decent enough command of the English language to properly understand sources from the UK.
The British state owned propaganda channel is propaganda? Surely not! You have uncovered a real hidden plot there! Next you will be telling be that Pravda usally reported in a pro Soviet way? Maybe you have noticed a slight bias in Russia today's coverege too?
Deafening silence from the "Time's Up" feminists in the UK who are seemingly more outraged about somebody looking at their cleavage which they so proudly show off.

Albert wrote:How about for starters allowing people who have no criminal record. And have valid proof from their home countries that they are upright people. Not just allowing anyone to hop on the boat and swim to European shorelines.

That would require us to abandon Blank Slatism as the basis of our policies and ideology. Don't hold your breath.
For a time being only the alternative media dares to raise the qusetion

Is the "anti-racism" Industry a smoke screen for Islamic supremacists?

Last summer Islamic terrorists launched a murderous avalanche of attacks against the innocent, against our wives and our daughters. They targeted little girls at pop concerts and women out to dinner with friends. In response to these attacks several street protest movements were formed, VAT, DFLA, FLA, UKFM, MATE and Standing for Britain to name but a few.

Most of us had never been on a demo or been involved in politics, many had never even voted! This was a genuine awakening of the British working class, a cry out from men and women who sense there is a very real threat to our country and way of life, some had a firm grasp of the threat we faced many were just crying out for action against the Islamic terror gangs that seemed to be able to slaughter at will.

Almost immediately the movement was pounced on by a fearful far left and Islamist cabal, the front groups for this unholy alliance UAF and SUTR immediately started searching for a smoking far right gun, there wasn't one, I have got to know all the leaders of the various groups. The leaders have never been involved in politics and were certainly not racist or far right, the leadership is made up of people of Irish, English, Welsh, Scottish, Pakistani Muslim, Jewish, Indian Sikh, and West Indian heritage. Sorry if this breaks the stereo typical mold that the far left inspired media want to force us into but these are just the facts.

In the groups I am currently involved in the VAT, DFLA, UKFM, MATE and Standing for Britain many different political and religious ideas are being discussed, some of us see the theology and ideology of Islam as a threat to our civilization others don't. We are not a monolithic group that speak in unison on every issue, We believe in free speech and respect each others views and forcefully debate with each other on the issues we are facing and a way forward for our country.

Sadly this cannot be said for those who have chosen to oppose us, they have acted as judge, jury and no doubt executioner, without debate or discussion. Who are these groups that are constantly agitating against us, without speaking to us, we have tried to engage in dialogue with them they have always declined our offers.

"Stand up to racism" and "unite against fascism" are the main groups that oppose our demos.

Both these groups have names that we could all support, who isn't against racism and fascism? We are all against fascists and racists!

Sadly when you dig a little deeper into these groups you discover that they are both connected with Islamic fascism and supremacism!

SUTR is heavily infiltrated by Islamic fascists and Islamic supremacists, the Muslim council of Britain is represented at the highest level in SUTR, this groups is not the moderate voice of British Islam it claims to be this excerpt is taken from the Guardian newspaper in 2005 "Far from representing the more progressive or spiritual traditions within Islam, the leadership of the Muslim Council of Britain and some of its affiliates sympathise with and have links to conservative Islamist movements in the Muslim world and in particular Pakistan's Jamaat-i-Islami, a radical party committed to the establishment of an Islamic state in Pakistan ruled by sharia law." the article goes on "The strain of Islamic ideology favoured by the MCB leadership and many of its affiliate organisations is inspired by Maulana Maududi, a 20th-century Islamic scholar little known in the West but hugely significant as a thinker across the Muslim world. His writings, which call for a global Islamic revival, influenced Sayyid Qutb, usually credited as the founding father of modern Islamic radicalism and one of the inspirations for al-Qaeda." 1.

You may think the MCB has changed in the last 13 years sadly this does not seem to be the case, they have just moved the deckchairs on the Titanic!

In 2016 a Muslim from a small sect of Islam complained of the sectarian nature of the MCB in an article in the independent, "I’ve always called myself a Muslim, but recently the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) made a statement about me, saying the beliefs I follow mean I “cannot be eligible for affiliation with the Muslim Council”.What’s my offence - am I neglecting my prayers, or not eating halal meat? No: I’m a member of the Ahmadiyya community." 2

You maybe asking what is the relevance of the bigotry and intolerance of the MCB to this piece?

The vice chair of SUTR Talha Ahmad is also the treasurer of the MCB, he is also one of their most articulate and persuasive speakers. 3&4 according to the website standing for peace. "Talha Ahmad is a senior official in the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), a Jamaat-e-Islami/Muslim Brotherhood organisation whose former Deputy Secretary-General signed the Istanbul Declaration, which called for terrorist attacks on British troops and Jewish communities around the world. The MCB has also boycotted Holocaust Memorial Day on a number of occasions."5.

The other nasty little gaggle with a nice name is the UAF, Unite against Fascism which boasts anti-Semites and Islamic supremacists in its number Andrew Gilligan reported on the Islamist vice chair in 2014 “One reason why UAF will not campaign against Islamist extremists is that one of its own vice-chairmen, Azad Ali, is one. As well as his UAF role, which he took up last year, Mr Ali is community affairs coordinator of the Islamic Forum of Europe, a Muslim supremacist group dedicated to changing “the very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order and its creed from ignorance to Islam. Mr Ali has written on his blog of his “love” for Anwar al-Awlaki, the al-Qaeda cleric closely linked to many terrorist plots, including the September 11 attacks, and used to attend talks by Abu Qatada, the extremist cleric whom Britain is seeking to deport. He has described al-Qaeda as a “myth” and denied that the Mumbai attacks were terrorism. On his blog, he also advocated the killing of British troops in Iraq. He sued a newspaper for reporting that he had said this, and lost.” 6

It is tragic how the anti-racist movement has been hijacked by dangerous Islamists. Far from representing the more progressive or spiritual traditions within Islam, the leadership of the Muslim Council of Britain and some of its affiliates sympathise with and have links to conservative Islamist movements in the Muslim world and in particular Pakistan's Jamaat-i-Islami, a radical party committed to the establishment of an Islamic state in Pakistan ruled by sharia law and the Muslim Brotherhood a group committed to establishing a global Caliphate. UAF and SUTR regularly invite speakers from Islamic extremist groups and others who have been detained for Islamic terror activities, little wonder these groups are attacking us the only people with the courage to stand against Islamic terror gangs and Muslim rape gangs. Let us stand up for our children while SUTR stand for terror and rape!





5. ... t-uaf-conf…/


In Germany readers describe how they are learning anew how to read their daily newspapers. When the news says that ‘A person was killed by another person’ for instance, and no names or other identifying characteristics are given, people guess – correctly – that the culprit is probably of migrant background.

Why can’t we speak plainly about migrant crime?
Douglas Murray

Earlier this year, the former founder of the English Defence League, Tommy Robinson, was suspended from Twitter for tweeting a statistic about rape-gangs – something that has been much in the news of late. Indeed if we are not merely going to pass around cat photos on social media, discussion of the mass-rape of the nation’s children might seem to be a legitimate activity. Just this week another such gang has been convicted – this time once again in Oxford. Saying ‘rape-gang’ or ‘grooming gang’ is of course itself a get-out. As is the dishonest and deliberately misinforming term ‘Asian rape-gangs’. But it is hard to know what one can say these days. ‘Muslim rape gang’ or ‘Pakistani rape gang’ may be accurate, but it will also bring forth a world of problems – including flaggings on social media. In recent days readers have shown me how they have been suspended from Facebook just for posting my recent Spectator article on ‘Rowleyism’. ‘Rape-gangs’ is certainly a flagged term.

And so it is that anyone interested in anything other than just feeling sad about the latest cache of rape-victims, and who, for instance, wonders about the characteristics of the latest Oxford gang (whether it is, for instance, an average Inspector Morse don-on-don style mystery) must work it out for themselves. They might be lucky and see the photo accompanying the BBC’s report of the story here. Or they may not. And more and more one gets the sense – in France, the UK and elsewhere – that there is a hope that we don’t work it out. Certainly an ever-decreasing number of people appear to be allowed to help us.

As it happens, Tommy Robinson’s stats were those put out by the admirable Muslim-run think-tank Quilliam. Their landmark report from December found that:

‘84 per cent of ‘grooming gang’ offenders were (South) Asian, while they only make up seven per cent of total UK population and that the majority of these offenders are of Pakistani origin with Muslim heritage.’

So the suspension of Tommy Robinson from Twitter for saying this raises a fascinating modern conundrum. Is it possible that there are facts which one person is allowed to say, but another is not? Can it be the case that, because of certain racial or religious characteristics, one person’s statement of facts is another person’s demonstration of prejudice? It is a question which Twitter, among others, has clearly made a judgement on. And that is in the affirmative.

As of Wednesday, Robinson (who had almost half a million followers on the platform) has been suspended from Twitter for good, without explanation. Of course Twitter is a private corporation and can do what it likes, though many users may be surprised at the extent to which it is no longer either a free or apolitical platform. But here is the problem. And it is one I encounter everywhere across our continent.

In Germany friends and readers describe to me how they are learning anew how to read their daily newspapers. When the news says that ‘A person was killed by another person’ for instance, and no names or other identifying characteristics are given, people guess – correctly – that the culprit is probably of migrant background. For the time-being serious crimes are still reported, but the decision has been taken that the public should not really be informed about them. Of course if you were to report them, or mull on them on social media then you would now risk losing that platform. So the media isn’t much use. And social media isn’t either.

In this situation how are we to deal with issues like that of grooming gangs? The communities from which the culprits come don’t seem to want to address the issue. Mainstream society and politics has shown itself repeatedly unwilling and unable to do more than commission further, endless inquiries into these issues. And passing around what facts are known appears to have become difficult (and perhaps in the near future wholly impossible). The social media platforms will say that the facts are passed around in a hateful manner. But it is hard to see how exactly one might frame the mass gang-rape of children in an un-abashedly upbeat fashion.

As it is with rape-gangs, so it is with the nameless, perpetrator-less crimes in Germany. And so eventually it will be with the burning of a Holocaust survivor in her Paris flat. We are still allowed to notice the tragedy. We can observe the passing age. But we are losing the ability – and the right – to point to the pyre. Or to identify it. Even as it mounts. ... ant-crime/
Code: Select allIn Germany readers describe how they are learning anew how to read their daily newspapers. When the news says that ‘A person was killed by another person’ for instance, and no names or other identifying characteristics are given, people guess – correctly – that the culprit is probably of migrant background.

Yes, I heard about this.
skytree wrote:
Yes, I heard about this.

The cover up may explain the disorientation in Europe to grasp the situation.

layman wrote on another thread:

Having said that, I haven’t seen much concreate evidence of a Muslim crime wave since the migration crisis. Only a lot of anecdotes.

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