Harry and Megan's break-up with Her Majesty..... - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Heisenberg wrote: The media coverage of Meghan Markle has been riddled with spite and a lot of racist dog whistling. If you want a few examples, check out the following Twitter thread.

That is fabricated nonsense. All newcomers into the Royal family have been treated with scorn. That is how the Brits welcome newcomers. There is even a saying about that but I'm forgetting it now.

See this here:

How Royal wives have been ridiculed in the press

Waitey Katy takes the cake for sure and her topless pictures were in the news for months.

I find the comments about people not caring but still posting in here quite disingenuous and frankly ridiculous. If it is not racism, then it is faux indifference.

Whether you agree with the Royal institution or not it is also irrelevant, the fact is that the behaviour of Meghan and Harry is bad. They are proactively setting up the Royals to screw them, they have a plan and they have financing and PR companies guiding their every move. Being the cynic that I am I would not even be surprised if there were American political interests behind the whole thing to undermine the British Monarchy.
@noemon said:

That is fabricated nonsense. All newcomers into the Royal family have been treated with scorn. That is how the Brits welcome newcomers. There is even a saying about that but I'm forgetting it now.

See this here:

How Royal wives have been ridiculed in the press

That is how the British welcome newcomers with scorn? It is not racist then it is just being mean? Lol.

You are really ridiculing British culture strongly Noemon. Scorning guests to your nation in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, etc is seen as incredibly bad and rude behavior. It is incredibly censured to be that way!

Why would British people like being cold and excluding to newcomers? For what purpose? I am sincerely curious about this cultural behavior you say is normal Noemon. Can you elaborate on that?
There is a saying in the UK that goes something along the lines, "you 're not a real friend unless we have taken the piss out of you" And it's true and this is not a racist thing, it goes for everyone even other english people. And it is quite normal because it is only people that are really close to you that you can seriously make fun of in British culture where everyone is so politically correct. People get real only when they get close to you. But even that is besides the point, people claim that Meghan has been treated badly by the press because she's half-Black. That is simply not true. Katy has been treated equally the same without any difference between the 2 and so have many others. When you marry into there you get prepped for exactly this sort of thing, but this lady she is a fake. She has staged all this for maximum effect, she is being guided by others to fuck the Royal institution and whether you agree with that or not, the fact is that it's bad...mmmmkay.
noemon wrote:There is a saying in the UK that goes something along the lines, "you 're not a real friend unless we taken the piss out of you" And it's true and this is not a racist thing, it goes for everyone even other english people. It would be racist however if you thought that British cultural peculiarities are somehow wrong. But even that is besides the point, people claim that Meghan has been treated badly by the press because she's half-Black. That is simply not true. Katy has been treated equally the same without any difference between the 2 and so have many others. When you marry into there you get prepped for exactly this sort of thing, but this lady she is a fake.

Interesting? So you have to prepare yourself to be panned and ridiculed and be hounded by the press and be good about the entire thing?

I would not want to live in a fish bowl under the magnifying glass of the press and papparazzi and not have any kind of real privacy. I don't know why people sign up for lives they can't really understand til they are in deep shit to their crowns first.

Que horrible!
Noone forced her to marry into it and no-one is actually forcing these people to stay. They can abdicate their titles and go do whatever it is they feel like doing. There is a perfectly reasonable process for them to quit and keep their dignity without any drama or bullshit. But that is not what they want, now is it? This argument is sufficient enough to expose them as fakes.
She's also an American Divorcee that's older than him so they're definitely giving her the Wallis Simpson treatment, while Kate has been called Diana: The Next Generation from the very beginning.

https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/01/0 ... s-simpson/

Conservatives are definitely calling her that. This one calls he a "Woke Wallis Simpson".

Brits just don't like non-British Royals. As an Australian Monarchist, I agree with them. The Royal family should be as British as possible. With the German ancestry I guess.
colliric wrote:She's also an American Divorcee that's older than him so they're definitely giving her the Wallis Simpson treatment, while Kate has been called Diana: The Next Generation from the very beginning.

https://www.spiked-online.com/2020/01/0 ... s-simpson/

Conservatives are definitely calling her that. This one calls he a "Woke Wallis Simpson".

Brits just don't like non-British Royals. As an Australian Monarchist, I agree with them. The Royal family should be as British as possible. With the German ancestry I guess.
Neither the Late Queen Mother nor Prince Philip are proper British Royals.

Meghan is, ultimately, differentiated from Kate by the apparent unpredictability in her deeds (very much like Trump, unfortunately). I do not agree that she should be blamed as she has been, but I do think we should take things into perspective.
Patrickov wrote:Neither the Late Queen Mother nor Prince Philip are proper British Royals.
What...they're not the result of royal inbreeding? ;)

I think @noemon hit the nail on the head when he said that it's HOW they are doing it, that is the biggest issue. There's a proper way to do it, and they're not taking that avenue, but the less civilized one.
late wrote:Royalty belongs to an era long gone. Bit like having a horse as your daily commuter. The Queen has done an admirable job at saving the institution, but look at your history. What I will describe as an awkward fit in a modern era will likely become more awkward, as culture drifts away from the values and conditions that gave life to a hereditary class.
That's the long version, my initial reaction to your post was: Holy crap.

Hereditary classes rule the world this very moment and they do it without any transparency, morality or any decency of any kind. The British Monarchy is a beacon of light in a wildly confused post-modern society. They do not rule anything, not even themselves, they take their orders from the British people through the UK's parliament. The British monarchy gave this world its first parliament and the first democracy in the modern world. This fact and the way the relationship between the Royal Family and the Parliament of the UK has evolved through time has turned the King/Queen into an office that to survive it you actually need to be the best that you can be. Mediocre people need not apply. The grooming that takes place to actually ascend into the office ensures that the individual sitting there is actually the finest the nation has to offer or at least strives to be and that is good enough as well. Compare that with petty republican systems and you get people like Trump & Berlusconi representing the finest their nations have to offer to the world. The fit is actually not awkward at all but the only real organic democratic political evolution in continuity. The rest are the ones who are awkward having shoe-horned democratic concepts that their public do not understand and consequently do not even require as a smoke-show so that very few actually manage it all, and the rest are the ones who have historically strived to be awkward. From driving to the wrong side of the road, to abandoning perfectly reasonable metric units for fake ones. How stupid does a nation need to be to change the way people go about in the road and have been going about for millennia? For some reason the rest of the world embarked on changing signs and roads just to spite the British? Wtf? How mentally retarded does a nation need to be to abandon its organic metric system for a fake one? And now the crazies want the last man standing to turn crazy too for the sake of their crazy orthodoxy!!!
I don't think the ex-Royals doing anything in Canada will cause problems. There is no constitutional conflict, as Harry and Megan have no authority in Canada, in any way, shape, or form.
Godstud wrote:I don't think the ex-Royals doing anything in Canada will cause problems. There is no constitutional conflict, as Harry and Megan have no authority in Canada, in any way, shape, or form.

They won't be ex-royals though, Prince Harry is still going to be a prince. He just won't be living off the British taxpayer in exchange for cutting ribbons. The 6th in line to become the Sovereign of Canada is going to be living in the country and doing reality television and political activism and so on. I can see the attention it will bring in the Canadian media becoming gradually problematic, especially if the Queen dies and Charles becomes King in the middle of this career foray. And especially if Harry starts poking his nose into Canadian issues like oil and gas pipelines.
Godstud wrote:I don't think the ex-Royals doing anything in Canada will cause problems. There is no constitutional conflict, as Harry and Megan have no authority in Canada, in any way, shape, or form.

https://www.theaustralian.com.au/world/ ... 1d002902d9

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... neral.html

Are you willing to go all in on that?
I wouldn't believe an informal online "snap" poll done by the Daily Mail, any day of the week, and I cannot see the other article. It's pretty laughable, actually to imply that any Canadian wants Harry as the Gov. Gen. :lol: :lol:
Godstud wrote:I wouldn't believe an informal online "snap" poll done by the Daily Mail, any day of the week, and I cannot see the other article. It's pretty laughable, actually to imply that any Canadian wants Harry as the Gov. Gen. :lol: :lol:

Edward was appointed Governor of the Bahamas....

Also appointing Harry as Governor General would save Canadian taxpayers from two security detail bills. Because it's certain the Canadian Government will be paying for his family's security detail.
I doubt that'll happen. Edward hasn't stepped back from his royal duties, as Harry has done.

Harry and Meghan want a private life in Canada, so that is that.

There's already problems with who will be paying for security.

The Queen has played a blinder. Her official statement was superb, completely taking the wind out of their sails while promising them nothing.

She has very good advisors.

The problem isn't that they want out of doing any work - it's the way they went about it. Blaming everyone except themselves in a very public way, while at the same time complaining about press intrusion.

They've pissed off a lot of people and caused Harry's family a lot of grief.

Not nice. A bit like family members airing their personal business on facebook.

Two of my sister-in-laws were wont to do that.
Katniss Everdean wrote:We are not star crossed lovers.

Haymitch Abernathy wrote:Its a television show!

The British press faces an enormous challenge. They need to create and intensify a drama. You have to remember the British Royal Family is competing with some big budget television dramas. Also when you've produced such a hit as the Charles and Diana story there's always the challenge of living up to expectations, a bit like the problem faced by D & D after their third series of Game of Thrones. People seem to forget this, that the British Royal is first and foremost a television show and all long term soap operas, Coronation Street, East Enders, Friends face these challenges. Hence you had sort of fashion Hunger Games between Megan And Kate. "There can only be one winner right?"

So their needs to be drama, but also the newspapers must defer to the prejudices of their respective readers. Readers of the Independent and the Guardian want to hear a tale of sexism, racism and white guilt. The readers of the Mail, the Express and the Sun will all have their own sets of prejudices.

But thirdly at least for the right wing press, they need to preserve the institution of the monarchy. They must take the monarchy to the point of breaking, in order to sell papers, but they must always, turn face and save the monarchy at the last minute, even if that means throwing individual members of the Royal Family under the bus. In a way this story was always scripted right from the start. They bigged Megan up. But in the end she had to be brought down, because at the end of the day Megan will have to curtsey to Massa Will and Missy Kate.
noemon wrote:
Hereditary classes rule the world this very moment and they do it without any transparency, morality or any decency of any kind. The British Monarchy is a beacon of light in a wildly confused post-modern society. They do not rule anything, not even themselves, they take their orders from the British people through the UK's parliament. The British monarchy gave this world its first parliament and the first democracy in the modern world. This fact and the way the relationship between the Royal Family and the Parliament of the UK has evolved through time has turned the King/Queen into an office that to survive it you actually need to be the best that you can be. Mediocre people need not apply. The grooming that takes place to actually ascend into the office ensures that the individual sitting there is actually the finest the nation has to offer or at least strives to be and that is good enough as well. Compare that with petty republican systems and you get people like Trump & Berlusconi representing the finest their nations have to offer to the world. The fit is actually not awkward at all but the only real organic democratic political evolution in continuity. The rest are the ones who are awkward having shoe-horned democratic concepts that their public do not understand and consequently do not even require as a smoke-show so that very few actually manage it all, and the rest are the ones who have historically strived to be awkward. From driving to the wrong side of the road, to abandoning perfectly reasonable metric units for fake ones. How stupid does a nation need to be to change the way people go about in the road and have been going about for millennia? For some reason the rest of the world embarked on changing signs and roads just to spite the British? Wtf? How mentally retarded does a nation need to be to abandon its organic metric system for a fake one? And now the crazies want the last man standing to turn crazy too for the sake of their crazy orthodoxy!!!

As you have likely noticed, the news on this side of the pond is grim. Condolences about Boris, btw.

So thanks for the smile.

I could mount a counterargument, but you've put me in a good mood.

But I would point out that we've had our measurement system a long time, and we like it. We'll have to go metric at some point, but there's no rush, all that metric business could just be a fad. It wouldn't surprise me a but if suddenly a new system showed up based on quantum effects.

I was a big fan of the old Top Gear, and I loved watching Jezzer bang on about the wrong side of the road. It's so wonderfully British.
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