Israeli troops kill dozens of Palestinians in protests as US embassy opens in Jerusalem – live updat - Page 36 - Politics | PoFo

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I guess the same way the Jews "provoked" the NAZIs ha ?

Its quite funny how people still don't understand after many centuries that the reason why they should use whatever power they have carefully is because power don't last, and whatever you do with it to others as you have it will happen to you once you lose it.
Sure it is.

As I stated a number of times before, there is no need to go through these pointless discussions any more.
In the end, just like every single powerful nation to ever exist, its power and safety is not permanent. And likewise neither the weakness of a nation is permanent. All go in a cycle.
And the same applies for Israel.
When the Arabs inevitably gather up their strength again and Israel hit its weakest point. Your victims will come for revenge and you'll learn the hard way what you could've learned easily from reading history.
When the Arabs inevitably gather up their strength again and Israel hit its weakest point. Your victims will come for revenge and you'll learn the hard way what you could've learned easily from reading history.

for this reason Israel have nukes pointed at every major city in the middle east

Egypt for example is an easy target one nuke enough to drown them with water (aswan dam)

Arabs are only going to get weaker when the world wont need their oil and gas anymore and when the weather will be so hot they wont be able to grow anything and wont have any water

Arabs peak of power was during the 60s since than everything is going against them
Last edited by Zionist Nationalist on 09 Aug 2018 18:57, edited 1 time in total.
anasawad wrote:And ?
You can nuke every major city in the Arab world, in one hand, the Arabs will simply rebuild and reproduce. And on the other, a nuke dropped on Israel's neighbor will hit Israel it self so you'll be committing suicide.

I dont think we will get to that its just an option in case things go terribly wrong

as I said arabs are only getting weaker they wont be able to threaten Israel and eventually they will abandon the Palestinians this processes has already begun
@Zionist Nationalist
Most of the Arab populations care about the Palestinians so the leaders will pretend to care.
But nevertheless, its irrelevant.
The middle east right now is going through a filteration process if so to say. All the weaker factions are getting kicked off and the stronger ones remain.
Soon powers that be in the middle east will be significantly if not massively stronger than the previous ones as the region has more than enough resources to prop up a major power.
And sooner than you think, you'll find Israel to be "in the way" of many ambitious factions, as 'm sure you're already starting to notice right now.

And since all Israel's protectors in the west are in decline and fracturing, the results are obvious.

Your options are simple and pretty much the same as those of most other small groups in the region.
You either make peace and join a bigger power within the region, or you start packing.
And you'll probably want to stop with the violence against the Palestinians to keep the attention away from you for a significant while, unless you want the anger to just keep growing.
The only nation in the middle east that is going to dominate the region is Turkey and they wont fight with Israel.

Iranian regime will fall eventually and hopefully in the future Iran will have a secular democratic government

Egypt Saudi Arabia and all others are irrelevant they are weak and getting weaker

you either make peace and join a bigger power within the region, or you start packing.

never gonna happen Israel will never be part of the Arab league or the regional countries we will always be outsiders and thats part of the doctrine.
@Zionist Nationalist
Turkey is going to grow back into an empire if it made the right decisions, and considering the decline in relations with the west, it's most likely going to be an enemy of the west and by default, Israel.

The Islamic republic in Iran will be falling soon, but the two other replacement factions are, generally speaking, more aggressive, more powerful, and more hostile to the US, Israel and the Saudis.

Saudi Arabia will most likely fall apart in the upcoming years, by that I mean the house of Saud, and the direct replacement will be the hashemites to take over from Mekka, and since those are considered the legitimate rulers of the Arabian peninsula, they'll be far more powerful than the house of Saud as they can, unlike the Sauds, employ the wealth and manpower of everyone in the peninsula instead of just a handful of Najdi tribes like the Sauds do.
Noting that if you watched local news in Saudi Arabia, you can already start seeing the rising voices of the Hashemites and their allies, so if MBS kept the string of failures going, and the disputes within the Saud tribe kept growing, they'll be removed sooner than latter.

For countries like Egypt, Jordan, the Sunni parts of Syria and Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, etc once Turkey and the Hashemites are back up, they'll line up behind them.
So basically the region will go back to being made of major powers and coalitions of smaller factions and kingdoms lined up behind each one.
Needless to say, Israel will be the only one outside those coalitions yet right in between all of them.

See, here is the funny thing and its one of the things that shows how much of a retard Netanyahu is and the rest of the Israeli administration.
Almost every expert on the middle east can already see where the region is going, and to be exact, its going back to form a similar balance of powers to that of which kept it holding up for centuries, being in the cross road of every major power and continent, the balance of powers between the various factions always tend to form in this way.
The past century was a mess due to the collapse of the 2 major empires in the region, but both are rapidly going back up to their former positions.
And anyone in Israel who managed to hold a book on the history of the region and tried to read it for once, will know that Israel is not exactly a welcomed entity among the Sunni parts of the region and so should join the non-Sunni factions. Like the ones in Lebanon and Iran and the Syrian coast for example ( They're the only ones so not many other examples really).
But it doesn't, its actively hostile to these factions all while consistently enraging and provoking the Sunni factions. And so the Israeli command is putting itself in a place where it'll be left alone surrounded by much larger and growing powers, with the western powers protecting it declining, in effect making it that a single mistake Israel does will have catastrophic consequences that will get bigger and bigger as time goes by. I believe George Friedman was one of the people to point this out about the future of Israel.

Not really bright of the people who claim to be the smartest in the world, don't you think ?
Israel have no choice thats why in recent years its surrounded itself with walls and built defence systems like Iron dome.

peace is unlikely because both sides dont want it (yes I believe both sides dont really want peace)

Israels strategy is to stand its ground at all cost thats why having an arsenal of WMDs not only nukes but also chemical biological and EMPs
is essential to survival and deterrence
anasawad wrote:@Zionist Nationalist
That situation is of the making of your leaders.

party yes but thats also due to the fact that there is no indication of that the other suide want to have a peace

after all those years they still refuse to drop the "right of return" this is a huge obstacle to any possible peace agreement
anasawad wrote:@Zionist Nationalist
Why is it an obstacle ?
Why do you have the right of return but they don't ?

because the right of return is simply a death sentence to Israel it will never be accepted.

also they lost they have no rights they should move on and integrate within the countries they are located now its going to happen sooner or later anyway there is no point in dragging it and keeping them living in miserable conditions (in their host countries mainly Syria,Lebanon,Jordan)
Why is it a death sentence ?
If they returned to the west bank and the Israelis remained in Israel, thats a death sentence ?

And if they lost the right to return because they lost the first few battles of the war, doesn't that mean Jews also lost the right to the land long ago and so they also have no right to return ?
And by extension, does this mean that if Israelis lost a war and lost land, they automatically lose the right to return to their homes ? Because if so, the minute you lose, you're out of the middle east for good. right ?

And no, they wont integrate and become citizens in those countries. None of these countries will accept them.
The ethnic, religious, and ideological structures are barely in balance in them and integrating them will cause massive imbalance and thus generally, civil unrest and potentially civil conflicts.
It wont happen.
Lebanon wont accept the Sunnis to become a majority.
Syria is trying to reduce the Sunni population to balance out with the Alawites, Shias, and Christians.
And Jordanians are made of several tribes whom will not anyone but their own to claim ownership of the lands.
Last edited by anasawad on 09 Aug 2018 20:46, edited 1 time in total.
Why is it a death sentence ?
If they returned to the west bank and the Israelis remained in Israel, thats a death sentence ?

there is no problem for them returning to the west bank but its unrealistic and will result in an economic disaster for the new Palestinian state and their demands for now was a return into Israel and not west bank

does this mean that if Israelis lost a war and lost land, they automatically lose the right to return to their homes ? Because if so, the minute you lose, you're out of the middle east for good. right ?

Thats right and its something very obvious

Israel does not count on the mercy of others because we know that the world wont help us in such a scenario
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