African-American Asphyxiated by Police in Minneapolis - Page 36 - Politics | PoFo

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Zionist Nationalist wrote:That was a stupid thing to say its not that racist but Trump should know better not to provide empty threats
"hot sauce" and "you're not black" are worse

Bullshit. The racist will think "Yes, that's right, shoot those looting n******". That's the response Trump wants to trigger.
It appears /pol/ really is trying to stir the pot and the allegation of white supremacist subversion from Gov. Walz wasn't just a throw-away comment.

AlterNet wrote:Ex-FBI official slams Bill Barr for ignoring the right-wing ‘Boogaloo Bois’ infiltrating protests

Bob Brigham/Raw Story
May 31, 2020

Attorney General Bill Barr was slammed by the former assistant director for counterintelligence at the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Saturday for misleading Americans about the source of violence at the protests over the killing of George Floyd while in police custody.

“There’s evidence developing, Brian, that the organization we’re seeing of the most violent protesters is coming from a couple of disturbing places,” both, by the way, there’s disparate in terms in being from the right or the left. here’s what those who monitor these groups and sites are seeing.

“We’re seeing a far-right group, one group for example known as the Boogaloo Bois, who on their private Facebook page and social media outlets are calling for violence, calling for people to show up,” Frank Figliuzzi told MSNBC’s Brian Williams.

“We’re seeing evidence in the protests that right-wing dangerous militia groups are there. We’ve seen flags and symbols that come from both Boogaloo Bois and dangerous militia groups,” he warned. “On the far-left, we’re seeing some evidence developing of global anarchists showing up.”

“So we’re seeing a strange alignment occurring by some groups who are anti-government on the right and therefore anti-police because they think the police are too oppressive to them, aligning themselves with people like Black Lives Matter and saying, ‘hey, we’re one because we both don’t like the police,’ but I’m here to tell you they are not one, their intention is to destroy government and the system of justice, as opposed to calling for justice within the system.”

“What do we do about it?” Williams asked.

“Well, ordinarily we’d rely on our system and mechanisms and rule of law, but here’s two things significant that happened today that caused me to be deeply troubled about the summer ahead. The attorney general, William Barr held a press conference where he chose selectively just the intelligence that indicates there’s far-left agitators within the protest groups,” Figliuzzi noted.

“He politicized intelligence. We shouldn’t be surprised by it, but we should be disturbed that the whole truth is not getting out about all the groups that pose a threat because that goes toward whether or not law enforcement will take effective action against all groups that are violent and be allowed to take such action,” he explained.

“And then the second thing that should disturb us today is within the last hour, the president of the United States has tweeted he wants to use the unlimited power of the military with regard to these protests. Well, let me remind our viewers that we have laws in the United States that prevent the military from turning into law enforcement on the streets of America,” he reminded.

“Yet we see a direction of where this is headed: politicizing the intelligence so that only the far-left becomes the bad folks here, and then a president who seems inclined to use the military on our streets,” Figliuzzi warned.

“It’s scary stuff,” Williams said.
There is a whole roster of former FBI agents on the payroll of the MSM channels that are constantly saying what the MSM channels want them to say. No one takes these hacks, seriously. We've got three years of 'Russian collusion' palaver to sideline these people permanently. Also, lol@alertnet taking the word of establishment figures when it strategically benefits them.
Rugoz wrote:Trump's racist dog-whistling is ok because he has a black friend? It doesn't get any dumber than that. :lol:

Trump has passed prison reform legislation taken up on his own initiative that largely helped black people. It doesn't get any more substantive than that.

ness31 wrote:I’m sure I can. But even when I do, it won’t help much because there isn’t an honest discussion being had, surrounding the extent to which tech is being used in the police force :hmm:

I see. I've never thought of facial scans as biometric. I usually think of fingerprints or retinal scans, which are pretty accurate and DNA which is even more accurate.

Pants-of-dog wrote:I am referring to the violent tactics used by police against peaceful protesters, bystanders, press, and medical staff.

I oppose such actions, and I think the Democrat mayors need to stop trying to crush working class people and their legitimate grievances.

Donna wrote:It appears /pol/ really is trying to stir the pot and the allegation of white supremacist subversion from Gov. Walz wasn't just a throw-away comment.

Well, they should identify these people if they can and arrest them. Anybody willing to fight under a nom de guerre like the "Boogaloo Bois" should probably be incarcerated for poor taste alone. :roll: You have to be at the end of your rope to sign up with the "Boogaloo Bois" anyway.
The Sabbaticus wrote:There is a whole roster of former FBI agents on the payroll of the MSM channels that are constantly saying what the MSM channels want them to say. No one takes these hacks, seriously. We've got three years of 'Russian collusion' palaver to sideline these people permanently. Also, lol@alertnet taking the word of establishment figures when it strategically benefits them.

Lol you're mentally ill in a country where you can talk to a psychologist for free.
The Sabbaticus wrote:There is a whole roster of former FBI agents on the payroll of the MSM channels that are constantly saying what the MSM channels want them to say. No one takes these hacks, seriously. We've got three years of 'Russian collusion' palaver to sideline these people permanently. Also, lol@alertnet taking the word of establishment figures when it strategically benefits them.

Genetic fallacy. Go away, Sab.
I'm really appreciating how Donna and Saeko have done real heel turns and demonstrated that they are pretty decent people with deep pools of empathy for others in recent days. Good for you.

Also lol @ blackjack being a total boomer who just quotes a bunch of folks 12 hours later in his desperate bid for relevance and attention.
blackjack21 wrote:That was in New Zealand, and the shooter was apparently radicalized in Europe, and made donations to identitarian groups in Austria and France. You guys are grasping at straws to blame New Zealand shootings on Trump too. In that case, it was an anti-Muslim attack, not a race-based attack. Islam is a religion, not a race.

Trump is not the direct cause of everything but he is without a doubt making racial/xenophobic tensions escalate in the US and even the world. He is as much a symptom of the problem as well as a multiplier of said problem.
It seems that Floyd had a stress response that triggered an asthma attack followed by cardiac arrest.

And the stress response was caused by what?
Look, this is the issue with you guys trying to make up excuses. Even if he had not died, the way that he was treated alone is criminal. If the guy were still alive with his family this was still criminal. If he had sued the police and gotten 400000 billion dollars, this was still criminal. And of course, lets not even mention the countless other times that shit like this happens, many of which have been caught on video and still takes ages for the victims to get any sort of justice/closure and let's not even talk about the ones that are not caught on video, audio or some sort of witness, those go largely ignored.
Now to the other point, I think it is highly unlikely that a 41 year old, despite any other health condition that he might have, that his death is not directly related to the treatment that he received. Just suggesting that seems kind of oblivious to what is going on right now and why this has escalated this much, this quickly.
Maybe there is a minuscule, almost lightning striking twice in the same place kind of event, that he would have died anyway from a health condition that day, and maybe if he was treated with a pinch of decency this would not have happened.
One thing is sure now, the officers involved are NOT going to get any sort of fair treatment. At this point, it is impossible to have an unbiased jury or judge from them. Any sort of punishment will appear "too little" for the mob and any sort of leniency will be seen as racism and obstruction of justice.
If you really think that the death was not directly related to the way that George was treated, if you really thought that, you would be as outraged by the way that the police department conducted themselves as everyone else is. Because of these officers were arrested right away, all of them due to probable cause (which there was plenty), and then the investigation revealed that he died of other shit maybe... maybe there wouldn't have been this much outrage and the 4 idiots would have gotten away with minor charges, firing and/or fines. Instead, by covering with excuses and inaction they have virtually guaranteed that no punishment (even if adequate/reasonable) will satisfy the mob... Nobody will get justice after this.

To choke him, Chauvin would have to be pressing the trachea against the esophagus such that epiglottis blocks airflow. That's likely not the case here. It's more likely that the stress of the situation induced an asthma attack, which cascaded into myocardial infarction followed by cardiac arrest. It's important to get the facts right if you don't want the cop to get away with it. Jumping to hasty conclusions is always a bad idea in legal cases.

You seem to be trying to make a lot of emphasis on this. If I hang you, and you die by lack of circulation to the brain is it any different that if you die by breaking your neck, or if the rope is too long and the fall too high if you die by decapitation? The end result is the same, I killed you...
So unless an independent pathologist somehow comes to say, hey... this guy died from a bomb that he swallowed 3 days prior and happen to go off at the same time, it will be highly unlikely that any decent medical-legal witness will not be able to directly link it to the way that he was treated. And again, even if he had not died, or there is definite proof that he died of something else, it still would not clear these cops of the way they criminally treated him.
So stop with the nonsense.

The Flynn Effect is well understood. So is IQ variation within a race, even within the same family. Murray was saying that there is a central tendency that shows that there remains an IQ difference between racial groups (that is, individuals within the group, not the entire group) even when controlling for socio-economic factors.

Go ahead, don't even bother trying to hide racism.
IQ testing is extremely unreliable and heavily influenced by culture because of the way we think is heavily influenced by the way we were raised.

By the way, counterfeiting money is a felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

Why so many deflections? Are you suggesting that because he was a criminal, or alleged criminal anyways, it changes anything? Are you suggesting that if this guy had stolen money, counterfit money, sold drugs, bought drugs, assaulted, killed or raped someone he should have been treated in this way and it would have been fine? Since when does the police have the authority to conduct judgment, sentencing and execution (quite literally execution in this case)?
The deflections do nothing else but expose you. If you really think this was unacceptable, say so and shut up. We can also agree violent protests, property destruction, etc is unacceptable. It is not hard for me to hold both thoughts simultaneously... why do you find it so hard? And since this is about politics... why is it so hard for your dear idol Trump to condemn racists and instead weasels out by saying "very fine people on both sides" when white nationalists are involved in violent protests but has no trouble threatening the current protesters with shooting them by quoting a bully cop... that was an intentional reference and that must of come from one of the many racist ideologues that he has surrounded himself because not even for a second do I believe this potato head has any awareness of history.
Who is cheering them on? Almost everyone has said Chavin performed the mother of all dick moves.

A dick move is cutting someone off while driving. A dick move is filling a car with shaving cream. A dick move is putting feces in someone's mail box. A dick move is blasting music with 1000w speakers at 3 in the morning. A dick move is walking your dog and let it poop on your neightboor's yard and not pick it up. A dick move is having 50 cats in your house.
This is not a dick move. This is brutality and murder.
I think everyone understands angry but peaceful protests over what Chauvin did. When they start seeing white Antifa types setting buildings on fire and walking out of liquor stores with cases of Seagrams, then the sympathy melts away with remarkable speed.

Are you this eloquent when condemning the extreme right? Just wondering.

Yeah, well they have to get passed asking Amy Klobuchar why she chose not to prosecute Chauvin; otherwise, Biden is going to have to pick a black woman as his VP, rendering the establishment's plan to use him as a puppet completely moot.

The chances of Stacy Abrams just shoot off the charts. I am not a particular fan of hers but I cannot deny that it looks like it will be politically advantageous for him. And while I am not a fan of people doing shit for political expediency rather than to actually have a positive impact in the world, in this case, I am all for it because we need to maximize the chances of taking the orange potato out of the white house.
Tell me if you think sincerely that the US is in the right path today to becoming "great again".

That's been the case for a long time. They even had video evidence with the Rodney King beating. Charge Chauvin with what is indisputable--manslaughter. If you want to hang him and go for first degree murder, you lose the case because the evidence doesn't match your emotional outrage. Even third-degree murder is much harder to prove.

That might very well be the case and this is one of the many reasons why this is so painful. The 4 criminal policemen might end up facing charges or punishments that might end up being harsher than what they would otherwise receive had everything been done correctly from start. I don't think they will get "impartial" jury anymore. There is also the stigma and prejudice that will follow the police for decades to come, the ones in minesota, the ones in new york, LA, chicago, Miami, etc...
This is why it is important to do things properly from start. This is why it is important for leaders in the community, city, state and country to acknowledge the pain sincerely (or at least give the best possible act to appear sincere) and try to de-escalate the situation. This is why tweeting shooting comes after looting is definitely not wise.
You see? everything is interconected. We have a very delicate balance. Media (traditional and social) amplifies everything, everyone needs to be very careful with what they say or do. If they cannot do that, if they are not responsible, then they shouldn't be using those tools. I don't keep a social media account. Never had, and no plans to ever have one. Whatever you say can and at some point might be used against you. The semi-racist innocent joke you said with other friends that find it funny and not inapropriate might very well cost you the job even if you didn't mean it in a derogatory way and you are an otherwise non-racist great person. Some things are painful to others and we live in a society and we have to be mindful of others. If a moron in chief cannot realize this, maybe he should just be moron former-president instead.

If he swallowed a bag of meth and his heart exploded, that would be another matter. However, we don't have evidence of that at this point.

If he has swallowed a bag of meth, the police had not put a knee to his head, and he had been taken to the hospital the moment that any symptom became evident or the guy said anything that he was feeling bad and/or that he swallowed something... THEN and only then maybe you had a point. But all of this only happened in a parallel universe.
Donna wrote:Genetic fallacy. Go away, Sab.

You obviously did not see the exchange between one of these former FBI/CIA hacks and a black conservative pundit from a couple of years ago. The end result was that the black pundit had his media career torpedoed for calling out the ridiculous nonsense of the FBI/CIA hack.
The Sabbaticus wrote:You obviously did not see the exchange between one of these former FBI/CIA hacks and a black conservative pundit from a couple of years ago. The end result was that the black pundit had his media career torpedoed for calling out the ridiculous nonsense of the FBI/CIA hack.

GENETIC FALLACY. Go back to Gorkiy Park where you belong. You're the celebrity and pop culture correspondent, you will be notified when you are needed.
So yesterday I was thinking about the current national issues as I was driving from visiting my family. I thought to myself that at some point we might see police people actually joining the protest, at least the non-violent ones. After all, this is something that affect us all, including police. Today I find this. ... index.html
You see? Not everything is shooting and looting. The vast majority of us, the vast majority of police are generally well-intentioned people.

This is the real silent majority. The one that rose around the whole country when they felt the pain.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Leave my poor boy Sabb he is innocent

I agree that he is a special boy, and as such he needs help. An internet forum can not give Sabb the help he needs and I don't think we should be enabling him to post hateful and angry shit.

Delete the SJW/Sabb Containment Zone thread and tell Sabb to make use of the national healthcare system provided for him in the country in which he resides.

Also, de-mod Kaiserscheisse, because he has a history of making transphobic comments in said thread.
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