Israeli troops kill dozens of Palestinians in protests as US embassy opens in Jerusalem – live updat - Page 39 - Politics | PoFo

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Suntzu wrote:Probably not a good idea to let Hamas launch rockets from your back yard. :roll:

Shout Hamas until you're blue in the face but it's clear to people who is doing the shooting and who is doing the dying. zionists always say opposite of what is happening, through deception they make war, as zionist assassins like to say.

The power lies with the Israeli regime, the only Apartheid state in the world. For now.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:The IDF does not target civilians on porpoise unfortunately

But they do. They said themselves they know exactly where the bullet goes. But that tweet was deleted because the psychopaths probably realized it's probably not a good thing to admit to killing children and nurses and journalists.

Shout Hamas until you're blue in the face but it's clear to people who is doing the shooting and who is doing the dying. zionists always say opposite of what is happening, through deception they make war, as zionist assassins like to say.


What a lousy response, seriously. Are you this desperate to deceive others?

Are you seriously saying that Hamas and other Palestinian factions are incapable of deception? You really give no credit to Palestinians, ever.

Any sort of building, no matter its official designation or name, can double as a military stronghold and demonstrably have been in Gaza. This is just smart tactics on Hamas' part, and it also increases confusion and error on the enemy side. In the international arena, the Palestinians benefit more from their own deaths, than Israel.

You are solid proof.
Firstly, your opinion proves nothing. You zionists really need to start posting evidence to back up your shit opinions. I mean obviously you're full of shit and that's the real reason why all you do is spout off your predictable hasbara, but really, spare me your sanctimony since you're...zionists.

To answer you, no, I was making it clear Hamas have no real power since their a guerilla organization mainly imprisoned in Gaza too. The Israeli regime can annihilate them and all the people in Gaza in a day if they wished. Stop pretending they're a real threat to Israel because dumb zionists like Nethanyahu shill that shit. They say this shit to justify their murder, imprisonment, ethnic-cleansing, genocide etc. of the Palestinian people and only an actual moron believes Hamas is responsible for the murder of 170 Palestinian prisoners inside of Gaza since March. We have pictures of the Israeli snipers shooting at the protesters and Israel is being condemned worldwide for these crimes. Lying about it doesn't change the reality of the situation, as much as ye try. It's about the same as saying Jews in Nazi Germany were the terrorists for resisting against their oppressors, something obviously false. Reality appears not to be your friend, which is a shame (for you).

edit: the Mossad motto is actually By Way of Deception, Make War
skinster wrote:No, I was making it clear Hamas have no real power since their a guerilla organization mainly imprisoned in Gaza too.

:eh: Well, your clarification failed because it's just illogical and not factual. You simply can't disprove reality, really. Hamas has plenty of power in Palestinian society because they are an enormous part of it and with their ruthless rule have demonstrated the ill effects it has had on the small enclave. It is quite amazing how little credit you give to Palestinians. If I believed you, I'd think Palestinians are a nation of incompetent retards who can't do practically anything.

Seriously, if Hamas has no power, why would they be summoned for truce talks? Parties who have no power, are not summoned for truce talks.


The Israeli regime can annihilate them and all the people in Gaza in a day if they wished. Stop pretending they're a real threat to Israel because dumb zionists like Nethanyahu shill that shit.

I'm really doubting if you understand politics and power. Israel could kill everyone, indeed, in one night, if it wished and probably many do - but it can't, can it? See, your logic is flawed. Even if Israel technically had the power to decimate all Palestinians, it cannot do so as it would lose all the power because the international community would turn against it immediately, and probably destroy it. If you knew and recognized this, and probably do, you'd avoid even mentioning anything so vapid. And if you do, sad.

Secondly, Hamas is a threat and thus a "real", not a "fake" threat. You cannot dismiss them as a problem even though they are incapable of inflicting any major physical damage to Israel. They use whatever power they have to attempt to attack Israelis, but fortunately they have not been very successful as far as body counts go. Ultimately they are terrorists, and their most effective weapon is fear and manipulation. Even the smallest threat is a "real" threat. The potential by these people to hurt even hair on an Israelis' hair is a threat.

However, I'm quite sure by "real" you meant "existential" because even that might be too high level for you... :P

Indeed, they certainly are not an "existential" threat if that's what you mean by a "real threat" but I don't think that's the argument anyone made, or is it? If it isn't you're just creating straw men here.

Mentioning that the destruction of Israel is Hamas' stated goal is just used to demonstrate the motives of these organizations and why they are dangerous and why their threats and actions shouldn't be taken lightly. Hamas doesn't. Why do you?
As I said, your opinion is boring and I'm not here to entertain it. Prove anything I say is incorrect or feel free to talk to yourself.

You are not interesting danholo. You're merely another hasbara troll whose got vocal in recent months because you see how much more Israel is being criticized for its everyday killings; something that's happening because more and more people are waking up to the crimes of the Israeli regime, those endless crimes that are surfacing easily in the age of social media.

On a thread about the (ongoing) murder of Palestinian prisoners protesting their living conditions in concentration camp, Gaza, you want to blame Hamas but most of us know who is doing the killing of children, journalists, paramedics, nurses etc. Keep trying to work that line, it's fun watching you squirm in your defence of modern day fascists.

its you who always talk about "hasbara" and all this bullcrap all the time while you is the one who is posting non stop propoganda all over pofo
its more likely that your are the one who is working for some propoganda agency rather than us the "hasbara trolls"
its probably a second job because you cant really live off working in mcdonalds or selling coffee at a gas station :lol:

you seem to support losers like yourself which is understandable since I bet you have serious complex issues
skinster wrote:As I said, your opinion is boring and I'm not here to entertain it. Prove anything I say is incorrect or feel free to talk to yourself.

How can I disprove something you have failed to prove yourself?

On a thread about the (ongoing) murder of Palestinian prisoners protesting their living conditions in concentration camp, Gaza, you want to blame Hamas but most of us know who is doing the killing of children, journalists, paramedics, nurses etc. Keep trying to work that line, it's fun watching you squirm in your defence of modern day fascists.

Everyone knows who is doing most of the killing here. I think we can all agree on that but just disagree whether it's justified or not. I find it completely justified. Israel being potentially fascist or not has nothing to do with it.

But I, and many others, can see why this force is being used; and why it's necessary and why it's not perfect.

Also, undoubtedly, my messages are well thought out, articulated and mostly respectful. That's quite the opposite of squirming. Again, you grasp at straws.
Last edited by danholo on 14 Aug 2018 21:59, edited 1 time in total.
skinster wrote:I don't think you understand what a prison camp means. Since you don't, I will explain; Palestinians can't leave Gaza because they are in imprisoned. I hope you understand.

I think that YOU are the one that doesn't understand, let me put it this way, HAMAS are 'TERRORIST', I see you now call them a 'guerrilla organisation' , it's amazing to see the descriptions you apply to TERRORIST, I suppose you will call them 'martyr's' or 'angels' next?

Anyway, as I say, they ARE terrorist, behaving as wolves amongst the sheep( innocent women, children & men).

As the saying goes, "People who live in glass houses should NOT throw stones"(at their neighbours).

The 'prison' (glasshouse)that you refer to, is constructed by HAMAS alone, that's why they should not throw 'stones'(MISSILES)at their neighbours, IT'S WHY THE PALESTINIANS OF GAZA WILL NEVER HAVE A 'STATE' OF THEIR OWN.
They alone are the architects of their own situation, it's called, REALITY.
skinster wrote:I guess you don't understand the concept of collective punishment, something that is a war crime also. Again, not surprising.

I'm merely doubting the veracity of that sensationalist article about a news piece she probably doesn't even understand. She might have even just used Google Translate to peruse it.

Israel attacked Hamas targets that exist in residential neighborhoods. This is generally done when Hamas escalates its attacks. Israel attacks most Hamas targets its intelligence is aware of, Hamas backs off, gets something in return and the status quo continues as normal.
What proof do you need beyond the fact that almost 2 million people in concentration camp Gaza are imprisoned and punished? I mean, when some of you guys lie, you sure do lie bigly. :lol:

skinster wrote:On a thread about the (ongoing) murder of Palestinian prisoners protesting their living conditions in concentration camp, Gaza, you want to blame Hamas but most of us know who is doing the killing of children, journalists, paramedics, nurses etc. Keep trying to work that line, it's fun watching you squirm in your defence of modern day fascists.

But thanks for giving me the opportunity to repeatedly post news on the prison camp. :up:
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