Japan to reform child porn law - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I believe we're collectively having another Rei moment. If you want to ban visual depictions of black penises, you have to bring back the Comstock laws and the old morality. Postmodern licentiousness and racism isn't just incompatible, it's a complete joke.

With that being said, black penis has hues of purple.
KlassWar wrote:What's your specific problem with black people, Rei?

I fail to see why white-asian relationships are OK and black-other relationships are to be condemned. Long story short, I don't see your logic here: Can't be some racialist ethnic purity bullshit, because Asian-white couples are as disruptive to pure ethnic communities as black-other relationships are. So it gotta be some specific beef against blacks.

Actually, a prejudicial view of Africans is not uncommon throughout east Asia. Blacks are regarded as inferior. Europeans are not treated the same way as their culture is wealthier, technologically advanced and generally successful. So whites are perceived to be more civilized and thus more respectable than blacks. Another way to put it, east Asians don't mind comparing themselves with Europeans but find nothing they would want to identify with about Africans. Were it the case that western society degenerated to the level of Africa, then east Asians would regard whites in the same negative light as they regards blacks.

Of course westerners advocate multiculturalism, which is based on the concept of cultural relativism, and thus westerners would not dream of judging other cultures by western standards. Therefore it is inappropriate to judge the attitude of east Asians toward Africans, right?

In regard to expanding porn censorship to anime/manga, we need to recognize that the more conservative, generally older, sections of Japanese society aren't all that keen on Japanese popular culture. So this action can be seen as older social conservatives taking a swipe at younger people's culture, which conservatives perceive as deviant .

The term otaku might be a useful one to research for anyone generally interested in this issue.
Two observations here:

1. The only reason anyone is interested in black porn is because it's taboo. Trying to censor only black porn would only make certain people want to watch it more.

Admin edit- Remove for Rule 3 violation.
Rainbow Crow wrote:Her usual position though in polyamory threads is that the two are completely severable

It's possible to promote métissage, and that's precisely what I am against. I think I've made a reasonable and mostly respectful argument to that end.

Rainbow Crow wrote:looking like she is defending child porn

Consider yourself reported. I knew that someone might be craven enough to try that, but it is against the rules for you to accuse anyone of such a thing. Not for spite, and not even as a joke.
Right, and no one in North America likes those things, either, right?

If I remember correctly, German porn is known for some pretty nasty stuff, that might make tentacle porn seem blase.
Cartoon porn is just that, animated porn depicting fantasy characters and scenarios. No matter what it depicts, it can only ever be a hand or computer generated work that is imagination of artist put to paper or screen. If it is not specific slander directed at anybody or any ethnic group, it is not in any way, shape or form capable of harming anyone or anything.

As for german porn, germans are generally disgusting. Tentacle rape is one thing but cannibalistic sex is something esle entirely.
Igor Antunov wrote:Cartoon porn is just that, animated porn depicting fantasy characters and scenarios. No matter what it depicts, it can only ever be a hand or computer generated work that is imagination of artist put to paper or screen. If it is not specific slander directed at anybody or any ethnic group, it is not in any way, shape or form capable of harming anyone or anything.

Censoring cartoons would bring us very close to thought censorship.
What is next ? Literary erotica ? Blogs ? Hand-written diaries ?
I, like the vast majority of the public which is not aroused by the thought of child pornography or the few misguided types who support coddling those with that disorder support banning child pornography, but attempting to step into the realm of animated fantasy by regulating cartoons in that manner may be a bit too over the top.

In fairness, I cannot say I have seen the cartoons in question which are...questionable to some in order to perhaps judge properly, but what can be so bad about a cartoon in which the ages of fictional characters isn't elaborated on?

How seedy can these cartoons be to prompt such a visceral reaction? It seems trivial if we are not discussing actual children who are being horribly abused and mistreated (as is the case in the production of child pornography in any form) and a bit odd to compare that to cartoon characters with no stated age.

I however enjoy the direction Rei has taken this in.

Buzz62 wrote:You know what they say...once you try black...

God forbid.

Fortunately if one could say it of anyone, one could say it of Rei - I sincerely doubt she would ever contemplate stooping to such a thing.
Last edited by Far-Right Sage on 31 Jul 2013 09:34, edited 1 time in total.
Ter wrote:Censoring cartoons would bring us very close to thought censorship.
What is next ? Literary erotica ? Blogs ? Hand-written diaries ?

If any of them endorse child pornography then why not censor them? This happens in other countries already Japan just seem to be behind in the times when it comes to protecting their youth.
jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:If any of them endorse child pornography then why not censor them? This happens in other countries already Japan just seem to be behind in the times when it comes to protecting their youth.

I mentioned censoring in general, and when it comes to cartoons or animations there will be lots of reasons some people would like to censor them : e.g. blasphemy, racism, sexism, violence and so on. Where does it start and where does it end ?
Here is an example of where it can and will lead to :
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... e-1.135628
Rei Murasame wrote:Well, if it's successful, I think they ought to ban all the interracial porn next. So this will be a proving ground, for sure. I hadn't actually thought about any positive mission-creep effects, but perhaps if it later expands in that direction, I wouldn't even complain.

What about home made porn by interracial couples?
Plus you'd have to deprive people of all these hilarious Archer clips (NSFW).

If any of them endorse child pornography then why not censor them?

Because rapists and child molesters do not act upon endorsement. They act upon personal inclinations. If anything such things probably serve to dissuade them from engaging in actual acitivities of such nature because they have an alternative for release.

Well, if it's successful, I think they ought to ban all the interracial porn next. So this will be a proving ground

Your position is unrealistic.
Rainbow Crow wrote:It's a weird issue for Japan because children in Japanese comics are often drawn naked, they are not supposed to be sexualized by this, the idea seems to be that the authors think it makes them look innocent or that it's funny. For example, and I am spoilering this because some people might be offended, this is taken from an extremely popular comedy manga and anime series that comments on raising children:
Spoiler: show

I think anyone could see how this is not child pornography, but it would probably not fly in the west.

I think that they can draw a line just fine though, between things like this, and less savory things that are often done in the Japanese media.

I agree. Remember Bart Simpson's penis in in The Simpson's movie 5 years ago? It's just funny. But then, judging the huge success of cartoon, I am a bit on the fence about this. Human sexuality is so complex.

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