President Trump Pardoned Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Pants-of-dog wrote:Not in Arpaio's prison.

That was because of Obama's policy of allowing so many illegal immigrants to come across from Mexico and not giving Arpaio help in moving some of the prisoners to other Jails. Obama just wanted to release them so they could commit more crimes. Arpaio wanted to enforce the law.
Yea, Arizona was a real hell hole. Thank god someone ignored the Constitution and did something about it. Turned things around 100%.

You seem to like to ignore the Constitution, due process, presumed innocence, and other pillars of our state protecting people against big government when it is convenient for you.
Zagadka wrote:Yea, Arizona was a real hell hole. Thank god someone ignored the Constitution and did something about it. Turned things around 100%.

You seem to like to ignore the Constitution, due process, presumed innocence, and other pillars of our state protecting people against big government when it is convenient for you.

Not at all. But that was exactly what Obama and his left-wing Democrats were doing. They were ignoring the Constitution in not enforcing the laws passed by the Congress under the Constitution. Obama knew his executive order was unconstitutional, and got away with it until it hit the U.S. Supreme Court.
Hindsite wrote:That was because of Obama's policy of allowing so many illegal immigrants to come across from Mexico and not giving Arpaio help in moving some of the prisoners to other Jails. Obama just wanted to release them so they could commit more crimes. Arpaio wanted to enforce the law.

So you agree with me that Arpaio's prison was not up to standards and that this could easily have allowed Arpaio to torture or kill prisoners.

And now you are changing your argument to agree with me, but somehow blame Obama. Since I do not care about Obama, I am simply going to ignore the Obama issue.
Pants-of-dog wrote:So you agree with me that Arpaio's prison was not up to standards and that this could easily have allowed Arpaio to torture or kill prisoners.

And now you are changing your argument to agree with me, but somehow blame Obama. Since I do not care about Obama, I am simply going to ignore the Obama issue.

You left-wing liberals always ignore things that don't fit your world view. Arpaio was never legally charged with the torture and killing of prisoners, because it did not happen. That was propaganda from the left to get prisoners released and to cover up the fact that Obama was not enforcing law, but instead, was violating the law and the U.S Constitution. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Obama, but nothing has happened to Obama for that.
You seem to like to ignore the Constitution, due process, presumed innocence, and other pillars of our state protecting people against big government when it is convenient for you.

This is typical of the right these days. They ignore the constitution endlessly. They ignore "a well ordered militia....." . They believe that their personal problems are caused by those darned liberals.

Not a one of them is smart enough to understand that the republicans, a party sold out to business interests, does not want to deport illegals. It has nothing to do with Sheriff Joe. (I live in Arizona and resent Hindsite lecturing me about my state by the way.)

IF IF IF. Pay attention Hindsite. Pay attention. IF IF IF the republicans wanted to get rid of illegal aliens they could have done it easily anytime they wanted to, using existing laws, when they had the presidency. When Bush one and two were president LITERALLY ALL THEY HAD TO DO.....ALL THEY HAD TO DO.....ALL THEY HAD TO DO HINDSITE is order workplace enforcement of existing laws. They did not. WHY DIDN'T THEY HINDSITE? Send immigration into businesses and start arresting the owners of the businesses who hired illegal aliens. There are severe penalties for hiring illegals. Why didn't they do that? If they had, the illegals would have been self deporting for decades. Why didn't conservative George W. Bush do that? Care to tell us that sport?

Fucking conservatives are beyond hypocritical about this issue. Their opinions (like Trump's wall) expressed to the voters is in complete opposition to their actions. They want to deport dreamers? Not really. All they had to do is send their immigration agents into the schools and these kids would have left long ago.

Oh you way. The liberals won't let them. Bullshit. Are you telling me that "the liberals" are running the show in Arizona, Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Georgia, Mississippi and West Virginia? They did not even fucking try. Obama formally deported more people than Bush. Not just kicked them back across the border but formally deported them making it a felony for them to return and making application for citizenship from overseas virtually impossible.

Why is Trump not sending immigration agents into businesses? He could with an executive order. Why is everify not required in Texas, Georgia and Florida? All bright red states.

The controversy over so-called sanctuary cities is based upon two things. The first is ignorance of people like Hindsite who do not really know what it means. The second is a pure deception of the people. So let's review.

Reagan gave illegals amnesty.

Bush One formally deported few people.

Bush two formally deported far fewer than Obama did.

The take away. Neither party wants to enforce immigration laws that were passed by congress. The republicans worse about it than the democrats. It is just as simple as that.

So tell us Hindsite. Why is Arizona one of the few states to mandate eVerify? And then why does the Trump administration not help ARIZONA enforce its own laws? Why is that Hindsite?

Watch folks. He will not answer. That is because he is simply trolling.
A man who was treating assholes like assholes, and was putting them in "harsh" conditions. OMG, this men must go to jail. :knife:

@Drlee A lot of people realize that Republicans and Democrats are all pretty much the same. It is just really a matter of Kool Aid colour difference between them. That is why so many people voted for Trump because he is an outsider. Aka not part of the establishment.

Republicans or Democrats, all sold out America down the tubes in recent decades. One for money, they other for ideological reasons and money. And now they left a big fucking mess to clean up.
Hindsite wrote:You left-wing liberals always ignore things that don't fit your world view. Arpaio was never legally charged with the torture and killing of prisoners, because it did not happen.

I have never legally been charged with jaywalking. Does this mean I have never done it?

Anyway, I never argued that he did it. I argued that he could have, given the number of deaths and the lack of oversight.

That was propaganda from the left to get prisoners released and to cover up the fact that Obama was not enforcing law, but instead, was violating the law and the U.S Constitution. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Obama, but nothing has happened to Obama for that.

Please see my previous comments about Obama. Thanks.
That is why so many people voted for Trump because he is an outsider. Aka not part of the establishment.

Abject stupidity in this regard. Whether or not one supports Trump's so-called agenda one thing is certain. He is absolutely part of the establishment. He is billionaire real estate developer. He is white bread American. His agenda was absolutely establishment.
Drlee wrote:Abject stupidity in this regard. Whether or not one supports Trump's so-called agenda one thing is certain. He is absolutely part of the establishment. He is billionaire real estate developer. He is white bread American. His agenda was absolutely establishment.

You seem to forget Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan, and many others were campaigning against Trump. And they were saying anybody but Trump. They were called "Never Trumpers" in the news, even the FAKE News Networks like CNN an MSNBC. Those were all Republican establishment. Trump had to beat 17 Republican candidates and, with the exception of a few, they were all part of the crooked establishment, just like crooked Hillary on the Democrat side.

The establishment Republicans deliberately sabotaged the bill to appeal and replace Obamacare, because some of them are RINOs.

Yes, we know that the Republican party is almost as corrupt as the Democrat Party. That is why we wanted someone like Trump, because we thought he would drain the swamp and build a wall to stop illegal immigration and protect this country against Islamic terrorism. We believed it was possible to stop the corruption in government and Make America Great Again, Greater Than Ever Before. HalleluYah.
Hindsite wrote:Yes, we know that the Republican party is almost as corrupt as the Democrat Party. That is why we wanted someone like Trump, because we thought he would drain the swamp and build a wall to stop illegal immigration and protect this country against Islamic terrorism. We believed it was possible to stop the corruption in government and Make America Great Again, Greater Than Ever Before. HalleluYah.

Among many mistakes made was anyone naive enough to believe a rich, corrupt businessman representing one of the two corrupt political parties could or wants to eliminate corruption in America.
Bulaba Jones wrote:Among many mistakes made was anyone naive enough to believe a rich, corrupt businessman representing one of the two corrupt political parties could or wants to eliminate corruption in America.

Maybe, it was just his name and the fact he was sounding warnings and hope to the people, like the TRUMP of GOD. Praise the Lord. HalleluYah.

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