Terrorist opens fire at a country music festival in Las Vegas - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The reality is that an American is at least twice as likely to be shot dead by a toddler than killed by a terrorist. In 2014 88 Americans were shot dead, on average, every day: 58 killed themselves while 30 were murdered. In that same year 18 Americans were killed by terrorist attacks in the US. Put more starkly: more Americans were killed by firearms roughly every five hours than were killed by terrorists in an entire year
skinster wrote:
On a serious note though, I guess the same dumb back and forths re: gun ownership will happen but things will remain the same until the next thread of a mass shooting in the Americas, and so on.

Everyone must now give up their automatic rifles, because people say they heard a machine gun at the shooting event where a white supremacist ISIS sympathizer killed 58 people in injured OVER 400.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/che ... f89d7cac4f

While much is unknown about the specific weapons gunman Stephen Paddock fired from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, killing at least 58 people and injuring potentially hundreds from gunfire, Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said more than 10 “rifles” were found at the scene.

The sound on videos recorded from the beginning of the massacre indicate at least one of them was an automatic weapon, a type of firearm that is highly regulated in the United States, but is not uncommon to find at gun shows and firing ranges, including one near Las Vegas that allows customers to shoot military-grade weapons. It was unclear how Paddock would have acquired an automatic weapon, if he did use one.

It is important to note the distinction between a semi-automatic rifle and a fully automatic weapon. Semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 patterned rifle, owned by millions of Americans and found on the scene after mass killings at San Bernardino, Aurora and Newtown, is the civilian variant of the military’s M-16 and M-4 rifles.
noir wrote:Gun control or not gun control. The blame is on those who constantly inciting against Trump and those who elected him


Crackers all look the same to me, but that's not even the right guy noir. Good job.

He's got a stereotypical honkey name: Stevie Craig Paddock lol fucking stupid name if you ask me.
Last edited by SpecialOlympian on 02 Oct 2017 17:49, edited 1 time in total.
noir wrote:@Buzz62
Peronally I think he's probably anarchist. But the Islamists have great impact on their way of thinking.

I get that noir, but the fact is, as of now, all anybody has is a claim by ISIS that this was their doing.
You discredit yourself when you jump to these conclusions.
Wait...and let's see what comes of it all.
Either way...and no matter who actually killed him...I'm glad he's dead.
Buzz62 wrote:How do you figure maz?
We don't even know why he did this yet.
Could be Ismaic Terrorism...could be a poor gambler...who knows?

Or it could be because he is a white guy from the US.

Considering how often these guys shoot other people, we have to assume that there is something about being white, make, and from the Us that is inherently violent. Perhaps we should see about eradicating these people from the face of the Earth, or at least North America, for our safety.
Well, let's be clear about the so called culture of violence in the US. Even with this, homocides
skinster wrote:AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!

This happens because there's always the chance of new gun restrictions after tragedies like this. This stuff fuels people to buy more guns so that they can get grandfathered in if new restrictions are made. Investors have noticed this pattern and thus buy gun stocks when shit like this happens. It's just another case of trading the news.

It's not really different than say, people buying up cars with V8 engines when the EPA considers new environmental restrictions. Used car dealers make bank when shit like this happens.
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