Venezuela opposition banned from running in 2018 election - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Sivad wrote:I'm not concerned. To be honest I don't really give a shit what happens to Venezuela, but I am keenly interested in history, politics, economics so I do follow it pretty closely.

I do care about Venezuela. Got a lot of Venezuelans I like. Here and when I used to live in PR and in Mexico.

There is chaos. There are lines for basic needs. I understand that because Puerto Rico is going through similar crisis. It is not good in the long run. Venezuela needs to fix some issues. I don't have any illusions about if the USA and its cronies are the new leaders that Venezuela will do well. No, it won't. The USA has bad intentions and always will. The USA is not a helper. It is hindrance.

If you are not giving a damn about Venezuela then please be honest. Most people who are against any change it is usually defending their political viewpoints.

I am sick and tired of condescending people with some form of "We are superior to the Venezuelans on the brain" giving opinions.

You either come up with a solution that is about fairness or you are thrown in with the 'People who don't give a shit about others and just want to pontificate on their self righteous selfish opinions."

I never liked those.
How the Frei corps dealt with the Bavarian Soviet Republic is an excellent template for restoring democracy to Venezuela. The full might of the US's conventional forces should be used, but all policing, judicial matters should be left to reliable "democratic", "anti-terrorist" Venezuelan forces. The current regime should feel the full force of justice.
Tainari88 wrote:I am sick and tired of condescending people with some form of "We are superior to the Venezuelans on the brain" giving opinions.

I suppose that is targeted at me since I called (a part of) Venezuelans "brainless".

Well sorry to rattle your cage, but it's obvious that people who follow a rabble-rouser like Chavez aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. The economic malaise today is the consequence of Chavez' disastrous economic policies and Maduro's power grab is only possible because Chavez concentrated power in the presidency. All that was predictable by the way, it followed a well-established pattern.
What is a well established is the US has been meddling with the Venezuelan economy and funded the opposition in the tune of millions, in an attempt to get people in power who would support US interests rather than Venezuelan interests, and they failed.

The opposition refused to take part in the election because they knew they would lose.

Maduro got 67% of the vote.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:Economic pressure is the answer

Here, let's help Venezuelans escape the brutality of Maduro (lol) by imposing more sanctions/violence on the country.
Last edited by skinster on 22 May 2018 16:54, edited 1 time in total.
Rugoz wrote:I suppose that is targeted at me since I called (a part of) Venezuelans "brainless".

Well sorry to rattle your cage, but it's obvious that people who follow a rabble-rouser like Chavez aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. The economic malaise today is the consequence of Chavez' disastrous economic policies and Maduro's power grab is only possible because Chavez concentrated power in the presidency. All that was predictable by the way, it followed a well-established pattern.

Do you speak Spanish and read huge and thick books by Spanish journalists from Spain on Hugo Chavez? Yes or no? How do you know Chavez was not the sharpest tool in the shed? By what criteria?

I speak Spanish and read at least three books specifically on Chavez that are numbering in about 2,000 pages of content by recognized biographers. One of them is by Ignacio Ramonet sold at Barnes and Noble. It is a very large book. I read it with my full attention. I took notes and asked questions and did research.

What do you know about Chavez' background Rugoz? Be honest. Lol. No, you are basing your opinions on your opposition to socialism. Most probably a visceral response to being anti-socialist. Like most people who hate the concept of nationalizing private industry and who believe in capitalist models.

If the capitalism and the private industry scenarios had worked well in Venezuela no need to change. No pressure to change and no masses of poor hitting the street and electing socialists in government. No need for that. It is all working. But it is not. Poor people with the pro capitalist models with private industry don't share the wealth with the poor. The conditions get so bad? That eventually there is civil unrest.

Who is Chavez? Was he a rich dude from the Caracan elite? No. He was a paratrooper for the Venezuelan air force etc and wanted Venezuela to have something change for the poor of Venezuela. If that happens? You got the Fox News people talking shit and saying you need to be assassinated. Chavez was well liked by most governments in South America. Something hard for you Rugoz to comprehend.

It is interesting there is a transcript available in Spanish of the entire conversations between Chavez, his men, and other Latin American leaders during an attempt on his assassination. Did you read it? Answer me? Oh, you probably don't read in Spanish. You just assume he is not a sharp knife in the drawer. You are foolish to take second hand information as truth.

I can tell you that Trump is a dull knife with all confidence. Chavez? Not by a long shot. Very intelligent. And he studied all the time. Day and night. Trying to look for solutions.

The problem is that the people who compose the Venezuelan opposition want to go back to the same tired, pro capitalist, big group of poverty stricken people, and tiny elite living well model that got them in hot water in the first place. That is not a solution Rugoz.

Solve problems or get out of the way.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:I dont think the US should intervene by force
Economic pressure is the answer

sooner or later the people will overthrow the socialist regime.

What I do think will be quite effective is to arm the opposition as right now almost all arms are at the hands of maduro and his thugs

I can take your logic and if the USA gets into a situation of unrest and doubts about elections? Just arm the opposition and put on economic pressure and screw the USA over when it is weak. What a fine philosophy that is for solving problems.

Thank you for your empathetic and humane solutions. Then people wonder why the world is in the state it is in?

Because people who think like you think the solution is to take advantage of disorder and suffering and be pigs in ethics. Thank you.
skinster wrote:I wouldn't bother with Rugoz, Tainari, he's usually completely clueless about what he's talking about.

Skinster, the issue with the people who hate Chavez is that they only deal with bad propaganda from the USA corporate media.

Do they even know Chavez went on TV in the Middle East dealing with oil issues and discussed it on air? And this is the reaction he got from the Middle Eastern OPEC nations:

Does it sound like a dummy talking and his followers? No. He is appealing to the vast majority of people in many, many nations who are not seeing the 'wealth' that any of the profits from petrol generates? Why aren't they?

None of these people here discussing Venezuelan political situations care about that issue. And that is why they will fail to understand why there is instability, suffering and civil unrest, and distress in nations--who are trying to break out of the no money for the vast majority model, and all money for the elitists and the bankers.

You got to have some logic. Why do the socialists emerge? There has to be a reason. Find it! Venezuela had Perez and they weren't satisfied. Most people in a nation are not wealthy. Not in the USA, not in Australia, not in Europe and not in Africa or Asia or anywhere, so what triggers revolutionary actions and what doesn't? And figure it out. Figure out why socialism might be attractive to a vast majority of poor people and working class people. Then be smart about it. If that is the reason your pro capitalist models are discarded for supposedly brain dead socialism.....then what is the alternative to the same issue that got you kicked in the ass politically the last time?
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Skinsters obsessesiin with human rights and at the same time support for brutal dictators that dont give a shit about their own people and their rights is just hailarious :lol:

She doesn't give a shit human rights, actual outcomes, reality, she's just a political sectarian.
Sivad wrote::lol: with a 40% turn out.

And the USA got a prez that did not win the popular vote and he is making decisions and is being investigated by the FBI for possible collusion with a foreign power....and has bank accounts to pay off people and has a fixer.

The USA is losing all credibility in the world if not has lost all credibility by now---to be dictating 'democracy' to other states around the world. They have Citizens United SCOTUS decision that makes it legal to bribe politicians and have them favor you over your constituents.

Where is the moral high ground to deal with the Venezuelan issues with Maduro? No where.

The USA is not doing itself any favors favoring bankers and hedge fund managers and selling off political influence over the world by blackmailing governments like Qatar to bail out Jared Kushner's father's 666 big money pit building out there in NYC. Do you think the Arab states, Venezuela, South America and Mercosur and every other organization out there is not observing that crap on television and not thinking how the USA gov't and the Trump administration are some GIGANTIC hypocrites?
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