African-American Asphyxiated by Police in Minneapolis - Page 47 - Politics | PoFo

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You are the murderous terrorists killing innocent people on a whim and defending their murderers shamelesly and with no remorse. Your time is up. Consider yourselves lucky that weak Incels like your selves even made it centre-stage for a brief historical moment.
noemon wrote:I am calling you racist bitches because that is exactly what you are. Everyone in here has been walking on fucking eggshells just so we do not hurt your feelings, but at the end of the day you are just sad people with no girlfriends or a life that are sitting here defending murder in broad daylight. So if you do not care about the feelings of the deceased, or about justice or about that man-child you call a President,. why should I give a fuck about your Incel feelings?

You dont know me, Im not an incel.
Im not sad Im laughing at all of you fools
When you will realize that you are being played around its gonna be too late
@Zionist Nationalist

I disagree with noemon on a lot of things but he isn't calling me a racist bitch. I advocated to suppress the riots with the national guard at the start of this topic but the difference is between me and you or maz is that i do not try to defend the police who are clearly in the wrong. The officer needs to have a fair trial and the outcome of which will probably be a long and nasty jail sentence. Also there needs to be some kind of reform that comes out of this. The reform part is probably the most important. The trail part and suppressing the riots is ultimately damage control which Trump failed at already.
@Zionist Nationalist I can tell you're not a hoot either, you either already are an Incel in denial, like the rest of the racists in here or on your way to be. Only sad Incels take time out of their day to defend unjust murder just for the fun of it.

Those of you who think you 're subtle like the major antisemite @colliric and the Judeo-Zionist supremacist Sabbaticus, both gynophobic Incels at arms, just bring it on. Tell us more about the "media", your feelings, the libs that own you, the SJW's. We 're all ears and this time we will tell you what we think of you using exactly the same language you use for the libs and SJW's.
I have never said I disagree with the fact that Cop was an asshole who should get the death penalty or life imprisonment at least. What a fucking asshole he was, I'm glad they arrested him, and I hope they arrest his asshole mates who clearly bashed that man in the cop car in that subsequent video.

And I just posted a video showing how shitty the Pig-cops are acting in the USA right now. They're making things even worse. Fuck the pigs.

I didn't say I disagreed with the protestors cause. I just remember how the Rodney King riots changed nothing.

Also I'm shocked people are wondering why "Trump is hiding". We all know the Secret Service is forcing him to hide.

I am allowed to agree with the protestors, and no doubt the situation is being made worse due to happening at the same as the virus, yet also I understand why Donald Trump is in the damn bunker.

The bunker is designed for all Whitehouse emergency situations. It is after all a War-room Bunker, a Nuclear Bomb bunker, a Terrorism Threat Bunker, and a bunker for when the President receives other credible serious death threats whilst at the Whitehouse(how it's being used now). Trump doesn't get to decide if he goes to the bunker or not, that's the Secret Service decision.

Lincoln copped it even worse than him, half the country hated his guts and took him and his Yankee friends to war. In fact he was literally shot dead.

I don't even disagree with @noemon , lol. I mean I literally just posted a video about asshole racist cops attacking the protestors and making shit way worse.
noemon wrote:@Zionist Nationalist I can tell you're not a hoot either, you either already are an Incel in denial, like the rest of the racists in here or on your way to be. Only sad Incels take time out of their day to defend unjust murder just for the fun of it.

I didn't defended the murder of Floyd.
all I said that those riots should not have happened they dont have any benefit for the regular folks
Those riots are being financed by powerful elites and you are part of their game

lm generally fine with Black people but I dont view them the same way I view whites or Asians yes Im racist and I have every right to be one and I dont care what you think about this
Last edited by Zionist Nationalist on 01 Jun 2020 13:58, edited 1 time in total.
JohnRawls wrote:@Zionist Nationalist

I disagree with noemon on a lot of things but he isn't calling me a racist bitch. I advocated to suppress the riots with the national guard at the start of this topic but the difference is between me and you or maz is that i do not try to defend the police who are clearly in the wrong.

I have never defended the police on this or any other incident on this forum. I have always been very critical of our nation's police force.
I am content with your backtracking and have locked your posts so you can no longer edit them. Hopefully, this will be a lesson learned. Take note that all gloves are off and you will be told exactly the truth, naked and cold from the streets. You will be told exactly what I think of you just like you use this forum to tell us everyday what you think about others. There will be no pussyfooting with your racist kind any more.
XogGyux wrote:Quite frankly this is surreal. The kind of things that you read about Marie Antoinette. Leaders completely detached from reality and quite frankly a bit cuckoo.

Well, Trump has a monarch-like character and he's always been detached from everyday realities of common people because he's never been one of them, even though he can successfully manipulate and con many of them. His presidency never seemed to have solid foundations anyway, it's rather been a drift, and now it appears to be falling apart and collapsing like the Ancien Régime was under Louis XVI. And like the fall of Louis XVI wasn't just the fall of a king, Trump's fall is not just the fall of a president, it's rather the end of the post-Cold War era, which was dominated by the US, and the beginning of a new one.
wat0n wrote:I would hardly describe that speech as sissy, @SpecialOlympian. He's just pretty much announced he will violate the Posse Comitatus Act if Governors don't act on their own accord.

If he delivers, it's a coup.

Are you seriously suggesting the President of the United States of America, the biggest bitch to ever walk the earth, is actually going to do something? Lmfao.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Are you seriously suggesting the President of the United States of America, the biggest bitch to ever walk the earth, is actually going to do something? Lmfao.

Well, if he doesn't deliver and bitches out, then his administration is over. So the moment of truth is approaching, he's banking on being the law and order guy so either this stops or he's unelectable.

I wonder if his secretaries couldn't just end this charade and do the 25th. If he wanted to play this game, he just needed to wait until the Governors themselves would have no option but to toughen up and request Federal help on their own. Yet if one of them refuses and this doesn't stop, we will either have private citizens solving this on their own or he'll have to deliver.

Would the US military obey a clearly illegal order?
wat0n wrote:Well, if he doesn't deliver and bitches out, then his administration is over. So the moment of truth is approaching, he's banking on being the law and order guy so either this stops or he's unelectable.

His administration is over and he's unelectable anyway, the GOP should only focus on Congressional elections.
Beren wrote:His administration is over and he's unelectable anyway, the GOP should only focus on Congressional elections.

I don't know, is Biden electable when Democrats are the ones who have to deal with the protests? I would believe so if the Republicans had to. But they don't.

The Democratic Party is imploding right now. Its two factions seem to be irreconcilable at this point
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