U.S. to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital - Page 49 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The Only Democracy in the Middle East at work:
Israel demolishes Palestinian home in Jerusalem
Israeli occupation bulldozers yesterday demolished a Palestinian home in the neighbourhood of Silwan, in Jerusalem’s Old City, Quds Press reported.

Palestinian citizen Mahmoud Ali Toma, from Jerusalem, said that the Israeli bulldozers demolished the house of his son, claiming it had no building licence.

He said that the house was 110 square metres and was home to his son and his family of six.

Toma also said that his son had paid a sum of 100,000 shekels ($29,000) in fines to avoid the demolition.

The Israeli municipality in Jerusalem rarely issues the necessary building licences to Palestinians living in “Area C” of the occupied West Bank.
https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20180 ... IA.twitter
Rich wrote:I don't think the Israelis ever wanted to see Assad completely overthrown. A unitary Sunni Arab regime in Syria would be far more dangerous to Israel in the long term, than the (perceived as) illegitimate Assad regime. However without the rise of ISIS and their deliberate provocations to force the West to intervene against them, I'm not sure that even Zionist manipulation could have kept him in power.

What kept Assad in power is RUSSIA. Obama didn't calculate the Russian intervention well enough.
As to Israeli interest, its the big question- I agree with you that Sunnis: Saudia Arabia/ Isis - are big enemies. In fact, the inherent hatred for Jews is comming from them, whereas in Iran there is less racism. However in the tactic game in here- Iran (and Assad as their tool) is the current expanding empire, and in this cold war, Israel is always in one side. I must admit I am not fully into the reasons for why Israel (and the US) have such allys as the Saudis, its like holding two edge sword!
The United States said on Friday it will open its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem in May — in time for Israel’s 70th anniversary

https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-to-mov ... claration/

Personally don't care where the Americans put their embassies, but if Trump descion will improve the economic situation in Jerusalem so be it.

An Isreali organization has issued a half-shekel coin to commemorate President Donald Trump’s historic decision to recognize Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel.

The coin features profiles of President Trump and Cyrus the Great, King of Persia, who commissioned the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem between 516 BCE and 70 CE.

Pre Islamic Persian history


The Hebrew Bible states that Cyrus issued the decree of liberation to the Jews.[4] Cyrus's edict for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem marked a great epoch in the history of the Jewish people. According to Ezra 4:1-6 "the enemies of Judah and Benjamin" asked to help build the temple, and when this was denied hired counselors to frustrate the people of Judah from completing the rebuilding throughout the reign of Cyrus, Xerxes ('Ahasuerus'), and Artaxerxes, until the reign of Darius II. The work recommenced under the exhortations of the prophets, and when the authorities asked the Jews what right they had to build a temple, they referred to the decree of Cyrus. Darius II, who was then reigning, caused a search for this alleged decree to be made, and it was found in the archives at Ecbatana,[5] whereupon Darius reaffirmed the decree and the work proceeded to its triumphant close.
Oxymandias wrote:@noir

Now the Palestinians need their own Cyrus the Great. Interesting how the roles are reversed.

What do you mean? There is no such thing as "Palestinians", they are part of the Sunni world, appropriated the name "Palestinians" only on the last few decades by Nasser's order. Before that they saw themselves as "South Syrians". The "Palestinian" problem should be solved by absorbing them into the wide Islamic Sunni world, the way the other similiar conlicts in the world were solved, like the Sudeten Germans.
First I'd like to clarify that your post is disorganized and reads like a word salad. Please organize your thoughts before you write. Furthermore please never use term "Sunni world" ever again. It's so cringeworthy it hurts as a person who is well-versed in MidEast politics.

Regarding your question I was simply stating that the Palestinians now need their own hero to free them from tyranny.

The concept of "Palestine" has existed from Roman to late Ottoman Empire and those living on its lands were known as Palestinians. A quick Google search will corroborate claims if you're brave enough.

Nasser neither had the influence nor power to make all Arabs in the entire world dismiss a "supposedly" ancient name for a new one. Nasser couldn't even keep a union between only one country from breaking apart. What you are claiming is literally impossible. I find it hilarious that some hardcore Zionist Israelis think that Nasser is this big power boogeyman when, in reality, he wasn't that much of a threat.

That's BS and I have reason to believe that you made that up. First of all, there exists no mention of the term "South Syrian", translated or otherwise, in any primary historical documents from 135 B.C. to 1922 A.C. which means that there is no such thing as an ethnic group called a "South Syrian" at all in any certifiable records. Second, no Middle Eastern or Arab ethnicity or tribe would name itself something as English, as Western, as bland, as "South Syrian" especially a very ancient one.

Middle Eastern ethnicities have names based on where they lived, their values, their religion, distinct practices, etc. (for example, the name "Arab" translates to "nomad"), they don't name themselves after their exact location because they don't know their exact location at all. Maps didn't exist at the time and usually anything goes. This is why "South Syrian" is just a term you made up on the spot to support your answer. It's a shame that your willing to believe your own lies.

That is a remarkably bad solution which is ignorant of the suffering taking place. Noir, admit the fact that Palestinians exist, and then come back to me.
Oxymandias wrote:That is a remarkably bad solution which is ignorant of the suffering taking place.

I disagree with the "ignorant" word. This implies the person in question has conscience towards the people in concern but only failed to see the problem. From his posts, I fail to see any such kind of conscience. He actually believes suffering of those people is right.

I can at least point out why I am extremely distrustful of the Chinese and eager to see their downfall, but this guy don't seem like to have himself or his loved ones harmed by Arab freedom-fighters, terrorists, etc.

IMHO asking him to volunteer on future military adventures in the Holy Land is the only argument that could make any difference.
@Zionist Nationalist

Are you claiming that the Romans, Greeks, Persians, and Turks all were unable to pronounce the letter "P"? Regardless, all the names are translations of the same idea, the idea of Palestine.


I think your criticism is well meaningful and understandable. I thank you for the insight.

I hope not to offend, but why do you hold such negative opinions of the Chinese?
Oxymandias wrote:I hope not to offend, but why do you hold such negative opinions of the Chinese?

A more accurate description is that I have very negative view on Chinese officials and their representatives or collaborators (e.g. DAB) in Hong Kong, although a considerable number of ordinary Chinese people also have potential to be one of those.

They are very corrupt and power-hungry, and generally place freedom and human rights inferior to nationalism, which usually do more harm than good.

More importantly, they have been forcing their way to Hong Kong, where I was born, grew up, and currently living.

And I see no resolution other than someone give them a good spanking...
Are you claiming that the Romans, Greeks, Persians, and Turks all were unable to pronounce the letter "P"? Regardless, all the names are translations of the same idea, the idea of Palestine.

There is no idea of Palestine

Palestine is just a name of a region given by the Romans after the Jewish rebellion. the "Palestinians" dont really have a unique culture traditions or even language they are just Arabs not very different from other Arabs in the Levant

if they really wanted an independance why didnt they tried to gain it from Egypt and Jordan? (before 67)
^ no they didn't. Southern Syria, also known as Badiat Al-sham is northern Jordan, more specifically the mountain side of Jordan. And it didn't include the Golan since that was a different state.
Palestine was refered to as Palestine, or Felestine in Arabic. And it was called that since the times of the Greeks, not Romans @Zionist Nationalist :p

I feel disappointed that I didn't know that. :*(

@Zionist Nationalist

They wanted to and people have shown you several times evidence of this fact. By 67 they didn't possess enough to political influence to do so.

Btw, Zionist, you know absolutely nothing about Arab culture at all. How can you say that they're all the same if you don't know anything about them?


Don't blame the Chinese, blame the propaganda brainwashing them, blame the circumstances which resulted in China's present situation, blame the government, but don't blame innocents.
It depends on which angle you're looking at it from.
Pre-Islamic Persia had powers separated between religious and political figures, though religion indeed played a role, it wasn't a deciding factor for most parts.
Even in Imperial days, there was still a separation of powers, and by separation I mean that religion only had a say when the Imperial authorities decided to allow it to have a say.
Most of the new generations in Iran wont leave Islam and a good portion are, to a certain extent, religious; However they nevertheless agree that it was better when religion was out of politics.

For Syria, indeed it is, history books do constantly speak about Badiat al-Sham and when refering to the ruins and castles in it, they're all in northern Jordan.
Now you have a point in some aspects, that is the Syrian nationalists (i.e Baathists) did refer to the whole levant as greater Syria and both Palestine and Jordan were by default southern Syria. However those were in Syria and not in Palestine.
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